Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I - I I I I . .L'--~----~--------------------- The Contems. ( An intention todwel!nomorewitbher. ' . . ~coUink· . 69;.<.>~----·-· ibid. Ohedimct, inhu I f. wh,tt iftludc[<rrionfa! out betrum mt!Tiagr. ibi<!. 6e/eeuer.r, 687.<.2 Rei:omper.ctof hi,· f:.,rhm cart.695·'·2 I Mt!litiOUJ 1 mdfpit~fu!lvfag~• 688.c.l T heportionofrhe firftborne. 696.c. I WIMt iJ td be dnne ; 11 of.: one of rhe p:~r:iacan 114Jether,it he !.rwfi:lt for the childe tomAk! a not abide with the otlur, ':flithortt hnmir.nrt 1.1owe religio;u or dui/withotft th~ Pnrent.J d::tn_ce~orbreachof conjctencc? 688. c.1, confmr. ibid. If f. what h·rhcwiferod.IJe in cafeof rh~ Hheih~r co»{cntofP::rtnubcrujltirctl in[e• perprta,/1a6f:nt'e of the IJiubandl tondmariagn, ibid. t SS.c.> CHAP. X. Ofthe communion ofmarried folkes, and of due bcneuolcnce. Ofthe Lawfu/1 v[< of!heM,tringe 6ed, 689, whether M ·<Triage m"Jbe dij[olued in c.fe ofBarrmn4fe! 69o.c,1 lf'hat If either 9ftluparties m:lrriedcommitf~JrniCOJtion )orau;greatfYJinne ofthiltk.Jnd:? ibid. Of ch~ri/bingone.cnothc,·. 69o.c.z Of rei'Jcmg <Ach with other, 69t.c't CHAP. XI. Of the Husband, Hwdntie. Tolouehwwifea;him[<!fe, 69I,c,1 To HonoHrhisrPife. 691.c.2 Whether the HHjband m•; corrcflhiswife. ibid. CHAP. XII. OftheWilo, Her dmie. To fu6mit h• .,.[<lfe toherH11jbnnd. Toohey him in allthingt CHAP. XIII. Ofthe Parenrs. 68z.c,, ibid. Parenrsdutie: In hringing vpofchildren. 69; . C, I Nurftng, 693.<.1 Melflt,drinl:!,;rr.dc!OtttiJing. 69 ;.c.:z. Futuremaintemmce. 693·'·1 06feruation of the Childesdiifoftrion to r. c./ling. ibid. EdtiCtttion ingodly life, Bejlowing oftbe Chiid in Mariage. CHAP. XIIII. Oftbc Sonnc. Jlisdr!tic. CHAP. XV. Of the Mafier. i!Md:ttie. Theg30dcboi[<Dfht< {<rllxnt; 696.c.z To cnioynehimla6our. . ibi~. To rtCompmce his paims~~4ililigence. iO. Jlk·dmie. CHAP. XVI. Of the Scruant. Tlujiw-[<nwit. 697·'·' I TheBond•Sernar.t. 69J.c.z \ Whether aChr!flian may 'J9.ith a f"fc con[c;rr.ce ha11eandv[<nman /U hisJlaue, lbid. ' CHAP. XVJI. Ofthe Maficr ofthe Famili<. HUilNtie. I. To tahrfortmanin God; worjl,;p. c.z 1. To bring hwfamifJ, to the congregation on rhrSr!bvarhdar. 699.c.t )• To prot~id:neCejf4rie1.for hi& Family, ibid. 4• To k!tpe ordi:T andd{'dplinc in his hou[< 699·'·' S. To g111e entn-tainement tojlrtmgers. 700., 1 Wluth<r rh• M.j/er he nec~l[<ri'J bQNHd to I doe rUth<[< in hu o1Pneptrfon. ibtd. l CHAP. XV!ll. Ot'thcMifhis ofthe Familic. Herdntie. Togotlerr.ethehoufe. 7oo.c.2 1 • ToJiHUh(pDrticmof fo,de to herhou{bold in d11nime. ibid. f2!.!!!1. wherhet may the G90dwifc of rhe Hog[< with!)Mf rheconfonrof rbe Goodmmv , be- ) ftowe the things belonging rorhe Fami!ie? ibid. I -·-- ·--..;..._------,-. ---- 1.--- ---- ---------- ~-----___..L...-...--------------·-