Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

- 1 1-66~ ) I ~~~~~~ 1 I ~:6l!Z~~]I.~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I ·"·s:'H',o,!.Rr sv R- . I ,; · f " '\i ' , " .. \ . ' ~ ,J. · .VEY,-Of ,·THE RIGHT MAN- .nero.f.crecliogandord~ring aFamilie ~ accor - ·;;;: · . : "'·.. " -~ing totheSc'ripiures. ···· t•') ;.':)!..1 '.'11: 'f.Hb •.! c ~ . .. ·." CHA,P. I. OfCkri~ian·a(c.onoinie, ,and . ,.,.of the.'Ft~milie•. f~;·~.'~ ;, • Hriftian OeGonomie- 1 isado· chine ofthcrig!Jt ordring of aFamilie. .r A the.Loid touching Abraham) that he- will c•m" mttndhUfonnes.and hi&houjhold 'ifr~r him,that th~r i;_upe theway ofthe Lo,-d,rod.c righrwifiu'ff'· Ahdiudgement, that the Lord may hrii1g vpon .A'– !, t!Mtwhich he bath fP,;kJn to him, Gen. 1'8. 19. To the famcpurpolc fp<akcth lofoah; !fit fumreuilivmoyou, tofo.Yuethe Lord, choofo thi& tL:y whJmye will[erue, wbtthtr the Gods rphd iJOUY Fathers[er11cd (that"'""' 6ryondrhcflood) or the~odrofthe Amoritu in who[e landyedwtl· B11t l'a11dm:J houfo;wil/cruetheLord,lo!.z4·'5·Aild Canulim is hauc been ad~IIOIIt man 1 A1tdDnc rharfe~red God with •11hw boujbold..Af/, ·IO.o '2• The ondy rule ofordering thc1 Fai'nilie , is .chc-written word ofGod. By it•DAHidre– . folued to gouerne'hisHoufe, when hefaith, I wiOwa!Jr.! in thcvpright~tJ!i •f "'l heartin the middeft of"'l hoHfo , Pfil. 1 o 1, •·· AndS4lmtonaflirmeth, that throughwifodome 1tn hlit<fouln•ild.J.:.ndwith'!lndnjl~tndingit i.u- B fl~t6liflml, Prou.>.... J. A F311lily, is anaturalland timple Societie of certaine pcrfon!l, hauing mutuall relationone toanother, vndcrthepriuate t:;ouerncment of one. ,Thefelperfons m'u.£l be at the lull three; bccaufc'two cannot make afocieti'e.And abouc three vndcr the {;~me hcad,thercmay be athou.. fandin one familie,asit isin the houiboldof Princes and men of£latc in the world. .Thirdly. common reafonand cqnitic thew• eth it to be a nccclfaricduty; for the happic and profpcrous dbre ofthe family, which co.nfifi.. cth in the mutualloue & agreement ofthe M~m and Wife, in thedutifull obedience ofchildren to their pJrcnts., and in die fai thful! fcruke offcruants to th5'ir Mallcrs, ·whollydepcodeth Vpon the gra'ce and bldiingof God, and this bleffing is annexe~ to his ·worl11ip;for J .Tim.4. 8. God/incffi hath We promifuofrhis life, •ndrhe life to com?. Pfal. I 27.1 .E.t·c~pt the LordbHi/dthe houfe,thcylaPollr invaine th.A.t build; exc~pt the CH A•P. 1T. Lordk,ep~ theCitie, the k!eperwatchcrb in v4ine 4 Of the r:r.OU'_r;, e~ol' jfe. r"t'ce Verf. >. It io in vAineforJ'O" to rift earfJ , andto J:~( ~" Cl n lredonmelate,and to cate the Preadof forrow: f,ut . •[God, ·, C hewillforef;giuerej/rohwbelorttd. Ver. 1• Be~ , AFamilie, for the good e{bteof it fclfe ,is hold, childrnt are the inluritaHceof hhouah, 1 md bound to theperformance Of twodutic5; theftuit tJf the JPombe his rcw~rd. Pfal. r z 8. 'r ·1 one to God, the other to it fc!fe. Blej](d is.cHery one thatfeareth tlu Lord,andWiltThe dutyvnro·God, is the ptiuatc Worthip k.;th inhu W'!)'tf, Vcr.t.Whm tho.u~atcft the laand'Seruice ofGod, which mull be cflablilbed bourrofth; bands thou}halt be hlcffid, and-itjba/6 ! and Ceded in cucry familie. And the rea(ons bc»ell with tlm. Vcr.'· Tby wife fl,_/l hcr ,ua I hereofare thcfe. ' ftuirfitll vh1c vponrh~ fides o.f thy hoztfo, andthJ FirA:, bcc::lufe ehis dutic (bndeth by the ex-· cl;i/drenlik.§ 0/itt~pfa,!l!round ~tbout thy ta6l~.v. preffe commandemC'nc of God, whobyhis A6. r e4 , thou/halt (ee rkJ chitdrens cht!dreJJ , and polllc willcth men ttJpY4Y csuYJwh~rt!ifiingvp!e V,PMJ I [rat~. r .~:1m. r. 2 7· I pr~rcd (faith I pure hand!, without wrotth ordoHbting, 1. Tim. HAnJtab )forrhu ch,fdc, and the Lord lu!th giucn l z.8. me my dcftre which I .u~:.Edofhim, Againt, it is confirmed by the cufll)me and The houfchold fcruicc of God hath two I .1 I I EEti(e ofholy men ill: theirrimet,f~ow((3ith p~rts: the fidl is a conference vpon rhe word \ - ---------------------'R::.:'.:.'.:. ' _:':.__ _o[ i__..__