Of[hrijlian Oeconomie, I i 1 ofGqd, for the cdtlicat!On of ~11 the mcmbc;s ~ landjha//heJ!1,li~,J:.::_ri£ am.,:(,.#f!.a•t [(ram.L'f ~ --- thereof, to «ernail hfc.llic/~coiH\is; lnuoqi 4f1hc~W{y,'lfb,,oip• . ' J 1 ttot>ofthe name'pf(jod; WltR s,U',iJg ofthan)/} ' lh-.far;11/y'ff'rf~·llbufi I fgr bli Ucncfits ; be.. eh' thcfe a~c co'm11 cnded':_h\: -wltt?M~fztt l.! .... ., i ~~ \h<;.Smpwrcs. Dem.6.6. Tbe.fe 'w.,dr whi~~J.: ~" . lwtfet)l~~,th~ff~3liii~.,Wherin~Kkj'>'tl1 jce comma.uJ 1hee 1hu day, jl all·6ec m.rby heart. \i' • ~o1;f1to~~~iti>fi>ro!e~','l~·~as·lt· "')(.;,~~te 7, 'And t!Hmfhalt wbcr tbcm vftiJft rhy chJld}en :.'iJ_= 'ttlUi-dtrs:; j'ca l~ci11. tin<fc ~f'p~fa'aii'tvp·on \ talk§ ofthem when thou ta~·~ujf m rh]neh_ouje,and C:nth, And lor thJs purpoiC <;, Pau/..,\•riting to . 1 tH rhott lVtd!zfft b; thcWrf_} ,C::7 whe1: thotJ lrejl down, Phz.lemon,g·rccterh the Ctmrcb thm is in his hoH{e 1 aud when thou rif{fl· '%/· V:erl zo. When-thy Plu)<!m-v-. 2~'d ip lik!nttrh<~eth fonnefotdltU'•e the~1'im~toco;:n ,faying,wh falutlcidlls t he C rch :.Gollmh AI mcancth;JJI:jlimonuv:a"d"'eyccs.and /awe!' iq•iJ/;t ."Jii Pri ·1a -""'d rh Chur~ ,G.,., which the Lm·d our (lod bath comr.aundcdyou? 1 m fbe;rho;~c, I. Cor~6.1~ OiJ.ihScj:Uherfidc Verr.2r. Th;n,~o£s}!Jt.(rj:q;k;o~Sqn},'f.c€ ;{hfr~rh (huitpf ds ffJuif. is '{at vfed: were Pht!rP.ohs boudmen in Ji.grpt, ~rtt the Lord 1 1'!;,, C\ther orthe mo P''\' or a}toocthcr ne6rcughrvr oul •f.Egypt •vidJ amijhfir"ba;;d.Ve7-~.- :1 ~gletM1Ji ~n lu'ay~"a1lniDhoTe if~mdies no 24. The;·cforc the Lo?·d hath commaHnded~.r ltr4o ~ I ~cnc£ tl~£!1 {.!'mpanics of prophanc and grace– all thc[cordi;;~1nce.r,aud to fe~r~rbe. L'Ordour c:;J~ · leff~t'H~M\r; who as they dcnie God m their Pfal.t4.1. 7he f~o!eha~h j(od mhuheart , There hearts ,1o they arc knowne by this note, that 1 irwo GfTd;- v.4;-'l'heyc.td notvpun God:- thry-rionmrrallvpon"tb(..,..rm~of the Lif,·~. Th~ lil~tcs o~ rbis' fcru~cc-;arc .tt~.efe:: T.hb . 1 I4·4· Yea fuch ta~iljffsA.rMfilly co~11 ared tQ a morJJlllg, Ill whiCh the fa.mly·.=nJtO)Illg rogo.• I h~·~,offlvtq>, w~clvtb.al.\::iie\~ I li\o£9n ther,'m one pla.Cc, is eo call vpon the na~c:~ ! tire h15tle.Wirrl g;~~il't~gi, 1~tt·~tter oO'k~ vp the Lord, befor,o they ~egin the w<>rks dfitlioir_ to the hand ~~a~ffiiw;.t-1\. i'll~t'.; Qnor to the caHings. · :1' l:j · ' ~:·\'1r •: t,\t ~·Ao,'t~ ! , tree fromwlicncc itT:iTlct'h• . U'h.ecucningp.lfo is anothcr!r11iledo Q~~f.cid. I 1 .oT~e~ot~..duty;('biJJlcjflltlgrt in prai<', bceaule,thc family harh feen.'he blof~· I irs, Xh~.MQ<~If.!notrlbe~~l~bi!,f~,· · fing·o'fGod vpon rh•~·,JabourHh:o..day.b,ofo(O}\ 1 to the~r ablime,empl<>.ji.vbe1n~l 1 and now the tlti\C: ofrett.dra'.)Veth-o"n, in wbich j' ,JJefi,aO<kp).S'fifab¥buiioCffc , 1 cue11e one" to tGtnlnend lm b"odJt~nd.fo~litl' ,temp~r~lldilas~ 11ldlilio.~F.cl\.e ,ibro the procec\ion.bfthe •Lord",' (or no man '19• {v •"Vif'{fle ojthj.fo'o•fhal l 'kpoweth what !hall befaiJ.hun bnforc herife-a:, 1 tllltkV~ti<'MI•I.,huarth, gathe, neuher Ju10werh any whorher cucr Hoe. ,takft{llt ~th.'uttarl}~ndlfpJr~jf fhn/l: rJJ"" ,;.._ {hall ni'c agat ne or not, tt ts thctefo1e a dcfp.e- t •C tttrne. 'J.i0d'r 1 "J. 2e.- L~~h;r mairurWeui'* ute boldndfe wl<hout pr>ymg to goc to rel!. fomev~<AttGJ'whmmheI~'M.IUffed. N.'l\v.if...,~ 1 Bcfidcs thts;thert=\b:c orhell mncs-alfo whcr~ -· one~n t?efatn~y fhrt~~Wide'?utofh.isl\.tliJ\gr ; in to pcrformc this Uutie , as bcfo'I<I! and afte-r'i ~nd mcncth another to td~a~rnet7b(-i~k1~fte:~•l , me:rlcs: For mcars~nd drinks arc.blcrffed torh~ ;uealed;iil~t1:~1':3l 6. ~ltd a;gltinc,, thcittii(c is ' rcceiucis, by the Word and pray11n 'f .Tim.4.4.l ! ~ v.er'y fea.rc:fulllliat:dec.p~bihgina:hdr h.tiufei:f 1 whatfoeuer Godbathcr(trt'ed u good' neithd•iJ If'- F>ut.go fin~J.y,and f.l.t:.C:Jd<tJDclly.fr.om,d~i:o!d'ay11 ny thing to beeufl<[cd, ifit be ti~il.with thankif-· Thi>is~b•I>N<,ke ~ni&erh•orhe·Sco!prLTe.f~t!l' · gi11ing ,forit u ftm8'ificd 6y thc·mrrd•ufGod, anfl vpon.~ho.tt•l\lglunol~j(L~Ikcr6. J•9:n:m.e"""1 ' prayer.. .r-•., r \~C ( . a•certat_ncl:t_th. mam;;wbic'hy-.41,c!oap!Jedun~tW- .. Now,thcfc times :•the word ·Of god,approo.~ 1 • plc~, 1Zndtji11! lihcn·•; tind.fr.r;_cd 'de!icio~1J!ne/lqyi'e uerll.\ .tDeut.6.6. <:J'hou.jba!t ta/kjriftb.em ;w/Jen., da;. . h (J!.' "t ~ :;;ff:o · ·"'" znn;!ti th•u li£(/,·downc, a>~dwhen tho" >ifoft vp. Pfal.5 5•. r8.E11ening andmorr.ing mtdarnooue, will/ py.nji , a;1d.ma/:.ga no;fo,a,ndh( n-i!!hcare-m;r7Joicc, Pfal: t~J•L ftiiinvain,.tori{eca"t-ly, andro!yedownl. D tare, {I!Jd eate the bread offorrowe, except rhi ~ Lor.c\ vouchfafc able!Iing,who Jvtlf:trelygme rejl. tohU bclo11cd. OH All'.IU.IJ. . 'FOthcfc may (omctimcs be~. added the cxer– ci[e of f:~fiing, 'Ov.hich is (as oCcafi?'" feructh) eo be vfed bOtHpublikclyand priuar-ely,ctpeci·~ ally when they ofthe f.1mily !Se thc:rCunro'. cal-' l<(d by fomc prcf:.~m or imminent caj:;)nirie;' , HtG.4. I 6. Go and affi:m6!callrbc lcJ'9U t!Jat ar~fottnd inShu[an, andfirfi)'c{o1· mec, andcate nOr..:; nlmdrin'k_r: in thrcet/;r)'n, day nrn· ttigh[:I a!fo and my·waldcs·willfuflll/,srPifo, A11d[o willigo imoth< \ Krng, JVIJich is r.or-accordmg ro theLawe; andi}l· I ~rrjb;lfpe;-;jb, Zac,J?.,l I. Andinthlltdd)/hal! 1 fh:_'::.be~grMl mom·ning in ler.nfidem., tmdth~.. : t .. . .~. ,\" ·.~ -..r , . (J Ofin'ar:ui(folv; · .A~ ~3~~.~a~=~~j~:g-,~a}~~1.inrof~~~1A. bination,)r.co.t'PJ«s..Jj;.pcrlfo S)~ o : -:or;~ I " A ~o.upl~!is<bq<-'!(·h<ir~~·opor\on! Ga<ling .in mutuall rc:l:ition to ea.tt• ,dtbCY;are combJhcd l •agcrhna~it.were in PllttJ\1t~.<>fdiefo~,\iohhe ' one is alwaics higher, -:md bc3refh~e-,tthc o..! I thcr is lo~ci;.anJ ytd~cth{ubicClion~ ,fm'l , Coup!G>dl'e ofnvo'for~s·;·puueipallro•1<ilo princi~~ll-."·.t. .,,. r. • · ;;.-,• ~if'hv ,, 1jhCJpfi!Jf-iti-aH;is.th~c:cmbin'ation bfniarkd tfo!ks, and wdc arc fo termed in rcfpcc1: ofmaJi?gc:~":''e.!'!l:!- •!"J"(" ,. )~. -: . M:ttiaf}~~~~lrtniMNfui.coniuo&ion ofthe r~·o 1 ma~ • ·---------------------------'---