-------. . -;-----· \ ~ n~ncd ~·fons; th>< ,, of-on:~~~~e~:~~~~:::~;,:e~:·J~~Hd! wuHfd~,,:~;.:.:.:~;~! 6 7 ~ I . w0 ,11311 1 mu o nc Ocl11, Sow~s~hc firl! mfhw- ~ j OlllCJl1C, 1 1 ! Lion ofmariagc,Gcn. 2.2 t ,,·, hichi'> cxpomHicd .. T he m.!~ of marria?c is ~oun·r?ld. .. ·! I byour Sauiour Chrifl:, M:irth. 19. G. Th!rt>f<1re , The fir.H IS procrc:u.IOo at dH.Oren, ft1r the rhc; tti-.!nomorc nvo,/Jut Oflf'jiefh. And alfo by prop::: g:m(~ll:~nd conmm::inccofthc fccdcand r 1 Paul, Epi1cC 5. 3 I. For thiJ Cflllji: {IM!l ,, m~P1 pptlcn.dc of man vpyn dH' earth, Gt:n. r. 2~i 1 ~ rr,ono>.· 1 /e.mc f:uhcr .md moth~r, a~ui.PJd! ' de,,~c 1J~!o BriA~forrhfrHit, mH~Iiplie,ji/1:h Ctlrth, a;-:dfitb:- I >,,&~ ..'""'· his wift,('ls tWO bords :lrc JOitlcd to~e~htr \.\'J:h drt~ rr,Gcn.9. r. J .Tt~TI.). 1 4· , . j glew).11'Jd the~ w_IJi::hJr(rc twu, /JJa!! bc onejlcfb. Tl~c fccomi i~ rhe pro~r~ation ofan hol}' ~ccd, I Wherefore thiS IS an crcrn:dl b.w of m:J.nagc; wht rchy the Church ot God may be k cpt noly / I rhac t<.\'O, and no~thrcc or fou~c 1 ; l11all be one and_,h:~.lh·,and there m:-.y alw?ics bc.;;:.l}qly c6~ / 1 £1~. A1~d for rh1s onfc, _the tat_ncrs, "vho had P::':lY ofmen, th:u may worHnp :mtl feme God.~ I many \VJliCS and concnbJncs, It tnlj' bee: th::tt 1~1 .he Church fi·om age to agc•. Malac.'l .I).And I I through cu!lomc thry finned ofignorar-.ccJyet 1 I d~d noth~~ malz.cor.e? ye:lnd bc~btiH»drtnt'C ofjpi- { they ar: nor in?ny 1.\"i_!c ro ~c e~cii~C"d._ · B ! YJ!; m:dt'lh:rtfor, one? heCtmfo b:fo;:ght agodlJ 1 I Man:~ge ofHfclfc 1s :11 ch1!1g ~~1d1ff~rc_nr; and foed:• . . . . .. .. . . _ the kingdom ofGod fbnd sno ,_no_rc ~~ IC, t_hc_n I· 1 _1 he rhl_rd_,s, th_3t afccr thr fall ofm_o.nkllld,_lt I in m::atcs and drinkcs; and )'<'C tt IS a elate 111 tt 1 nught be a loncralgnc meancs ro auoalc form~ fclfc_, f:ure more exccllcnc, then rhc condition ~ 1cation, :md confcquently ro fubdue and Gakc of fingle life. For firll, ir was ordained byGod ! 1 the burn~ng luHs ofthe fldh, I. Cor.7· ;. N~- in Paradifc, abouc: and before all.other !late.; of I llerrhei~Jlc for/he a:ldidingofftJrnicarion,lcr flUlife ,in Adams innoccncie before the fall. Ag:tin riemanhaue hz'.s wife, and e01crie womau htutc her it waa iu£licutcd vpon a moH fcrious & folcmn hmbtmd, vcrf. 9. But if1hcy caflno! abj}.:tiru In confult~ti_o_n among the three pcrfons in t~c themmarr_i:;for it U6ett(rt.om:rrric the~ to burn~\ holy Tnnmc. G en. x. 26. Let vs ma~f' mm1 m And for th1s l.'aufc Come Sct10olcmcn doe erre, oterimagc, according to our /il'.!ncJ, andlet JIJcm who holdc that the fCcrct comming together ! rule ollct, &c. Gen.2. t 8.lehouah Elohim.frid, of man and ...yifc, callrtot bee without finQC, 1 . It it norgood that the mtm f/Jould be. J~imflt(eavnldfe it be done: for procreation of ch,_ild:-cn; 1 I IMe,/Willm~kshim auhtlpcmeet[tirh1m.Th1rd... Lombard the Mafi~roflhc Sentences fa1tl~ t•he I ly, the manner of this coniunelion \\'35 excel.. contr:uic, namely, thnr marriage before 1hefa!! Icm, for God ioyncd ourfirft parents Adam / WIU one'JIId,Jtit.J hut nowef'!c.e th~fallir ~$ ;::lfoa · and Euetog:cther imn1edi:aely. Fourthly, Gocl C remedie. .. r , ~~ • • • •• ~~--., • gauc a large bletling vnto the dl:ne ofmariage The fourth,cnde is, ~.;h·ar t-h~c par~ics rnarrjed fay ing, lncreafeMd m11/tip'.J a;,d Jilt the et~rrh. may therc.by pcrfoq11e,ihe du{ic,s of th.cir (al.. Lafily, marriage was made and appointed by lings in better and more comfcna~le.t.nan11cr, God himlelfe, to be the foumainc ~nd fcminaProu. 3r. 1 r. The heart ofher .hiuband_trsif/elh rie of all other fom 2nd kindcs of life, in the fur, andh,foal! haHe»oweedof i"ftqJ(e. Y<tf.'J). Common-wealth :~ond in the Church. Shee[eek,sth wall, a?Jdjl4:xe,and!a6oureth clleete.:. Now if mankind had continued in that vp.. fHI!ywifh herhmrds. . ·ol1" ,. rightncs& illtcgrity'A'hich he: had by creation, Mariage is free to all or~~rs 3nd ~orrs'ofm.~ri the flatc of finglc life had bin of no price &.ewithout exception, eucn to thofethat )lJIJC t]le fl:im:uion amongfl: mcn,ncithcr fhould it hatJc gift ofcominencic: but for them' whkh cannQt had any plocc in rh: world,without great conab(hin_e,ic is_by ch.ecxprdf~ comm~nd.e.mcri_t,of tempt ofGods ordm.ancc and blcffing. Gqd, nrcclfan~, Hcbr.r ~·4· frfar~ttge u honou. ~cuertbdclfe, fincc the fall, to fomc men · raG!edinongft 11// menaud rhe bedde vndefiled, I. who hauc the gift ofcomincncic, it is in many Cor.].9.Bm iftht;Cmmotabftaint let th('m ma"rr<;fp~~s farre better thenmarriagc,yct not fim- ~~ rie. .. ply, but only by accJdCt in rcgard.offundry ea- D By which _it appc2rech ro bt"e a. dc3rc cafe . Iamidc~ whichcame into the world .. Q.y fin. For, that the commandcmcnt ofthe Pope ofRome: l fir~ it frccth a man from many :md great c:ue,s whereby he forbiddcrh mariagc of cC"ncn per- ! of houfl1old affaires. Ag~inc, it,juaketh him fons, as nlmc!yofCleargk n1en, is mccrly Qj- l much m~rc fie :u_1d diFpo~ed to_mcdirn~ of h<'a- _abolir:all~ ~or fo wrircth the .Ap?lllc, I.lilin. 4 . : ucnly thmgs, wuhout difhaChon of mmd. Br~ 1. Thcfp,rtt. fptak,tthcStidmtly, lfJr.t in 1helarur I fidcs:~hat when dangers arc either .prcfcnt, or times fome [ball dep.:!J't.from the firith, and fbnll imminent, in ~H~ttcr~ belonging. to th.is lifc,the l ·~~t:e hude_7.mtoJPi.ri~~ ;.f en·or, a>:ddollrinesofde 7 ·1 fingl~pctfonJSinthlscafc ha£p1c,Qec.-.ufc.hcc ;ul/s.vcrt.~.fo,rb;~au;,{to_ma;-rie. . ' ,;· f and hts :1rc more fecurc and fafc, then Oih.crc; be , But :1g:u.nH rhts doClnnc f.undnc things are I· whoar~ in married fhltc. r. Cor.7.BPTIJ~refore alleadgcd, . . .'.' 1 I Ifal to rhc vnml!.rricdnndwidowcs , (t · t~ toedfot· , 0/ucEf. r.•Jhc ApofHe CQfmr;andcth 1hema~. thcm~fth~yabidtcuma~ I doe . vert: ~6.1Jitppof(' , r,iecl a,mong the Cminths, t'ff ;~6f!ai11e ~hh l'Ofl-! I then ~~u.f tobeg_ood for thcprcft~;t acc'ejfirie,l mean : h'l([ora timc~rbat rheymightgiuc thei7.{elffes to;: that ;r.. tJ goodfor a man fo to bc.vcr. 2S,BHt JflhoH , :ft!fling".;;dprazcr, r .Cor.7.) .I ::tnfvH't that Pttul · t:rk.£(1 tt t':lifCihollfm:ef/ not., and if(: '!'irginmaYry I fpc:l~t·s no~ id d~~t place of G:~ily and c.qn1mun 1 lfl;eJ!..'!netbn~J:_ J;er::rr':!.~fp,c!J Jl;::!t hatte troubl~ . fcnuccRoi_:Jq~l,_~~} pray::, bl)~-~~.,th_: ~o~~·mn~ \ 1 ---~~---c-·,---.:::..:.,r r:.:r 2 extra... ! • l. ~ '