Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

r- -------- --- -------·---------~----- -·--- ---- 1 671. CHAP•4· Of[hr-ijlian Occonomie> 1 \ 1 ----- 1 c:-;~rd~~:~ry cxc;;J·I~th~rcot: v. h1ch was toyi\ ought t~b;fome a;tame f~ac~; J~fh1 ~c of ; ~--- f 1 ned \\'Hh ta!bng & ab!bncncc 111 common dan- ~ umc. The rcllons whcrcofn .ay be thd C. , j 1 l gcrs and Cll:l~t~mc:s. . . _Fait, 3 butindlC of fo great Importance as ! r I Ob.?.. x.Cor.7. ~ 2,1-!ctbtft u V'lmArn~d Ctl- 1 thiS is, would not be rafh!y or vn;: dui jCdiy at- r I rah fot· rb.: thi••g1of r/;e~:rrd, hJ:vh:r-n.l) p!e.1fo . ~cmprcd, ~)Ut ~oi.Jld r~uhcr be dom· bydcr.rc 1 s th~ Lord: bm tbc mllYIIC~ perfon c.~rcth for tbc \ 111 pr:>edlc of tunc, acrording 10 that bymg~ I tlu11gJ ofthcworl.l• ..An[. 1_ he place _1$ not g_cncnot loauncicnt :lS truc, • 1 U,onJ ofwc~(bt berally to be vndcdlood! oi all, but wddinJtely for~ refolurirm, recptire m11111re delib::lttf!Qn. Seof tho(c married pe~lons r.hat ~re earnall :1nd condly, th:u during till:h a !p.,cc inquiric may ~dl1ly. And .he tll:lt.IS marncd,1s tobe fo car(:.. be made wlH:thcr the: I cbe any it1H c:lufc,..,,·hich t tull for the: d11ngs ot the world):ts he ought,&. 1 may hinder the confitmm:aion of Maniaoe : j may hauc: alfo a_t"peci2ll r~ga~d of thofc things ] confide~ing th:a before the pani~s come ~1 d Ithat c~nccrnc l.J~d 2nd lus kmgdomc. . I con1~Cr1c tog~thcr, whac ~s :~mific may be reI Oh:c£1. 3· t.Tun.5.1 J. TluyoHnge;·w,dowa medu:d and amended, whiCh eo doe afu.·rward (f"l1th the Apcl1:le,) lvillmarrie,ha,iin,gdamnariw~ll be too late, Thirdly,ln thcfCcafc::s,pcrfons 1 M!uct~H-[e rbcy hmuhrak,pr theJir-ft fewh. Anf. !iJ . B cfpouCcd mufl hauc rcg3rd ofhond1ic 1 a~ well I rh~ fi)ft faith, Pau/vndcrfhndeth th2t promtfc I :~.s of necc!Iitic;nor prcfcm1y vpon thecomr:ltl- ~·~nd VO\\'C whi~h they m:1dc vmo Chrilt, '':hen ~eking to fnisfie thc~r owne fidhly defircs,~f1 rhcy·wer~; :md they are thc:~c: foud to tcr the m2tmer ofbnur bca!ls, bur proceeding beginnetoJV.t.,·ewtmtotJaga_inft Chrifl_, by denytherein vpon mature: deliberation. I ing or rcnounLing that faith, :md not o~herThe Contract is a memion or mumal promife wile. of future marr!ogc, before fit and competent I Ohi•£1.4. He thardothcorndtlpnd from Iudgcs ondWandfcs, his he:~rt , crauc the gifc of comine!lcic 1 God The belt manner of giuing this promife, is will giuc it him, ond t-herefore hee nccdcnot to m:~kc it"" in words touching the prefont time, :;~;~c,n"u· manic. and flmply without any exception or conditi- &pur~ .AJtfiv. The gifls of God arc oftwo fans, on exprcffed orconceiucd. For by this means fomc are gcncrall, fome Proper. Gcnerall it comes to paffe,that the bond is made the fugifts 3re fuch as God giucth gencraUy EO illl,& rer,3nd the ground or foundation offuture mathCfe may be: obt:tincd, ifthey be askcd accorriagc the bener bid. And hence :~lone it is, that ding to Gods word) lawfUlly, I:tm. J ·5. If an; the pcrfons betrothed in Scriptureare rearmed ofyoulack.!wifodomc:lethimMk.!ifofGod,whO C man:tnd wife. f4ctJb £peaking of Rnhe!, \\ho giuerh to Allmm lihcral!y,andrtproachtthr.oma_n was oncly betrothed vnto him, faid toLa6nn, andit jh~tllbegimn hirJJver.6,Bur ltt htmMk_ttn GtuememJwife, Gen. 29. 21. Deuter. :z.. "13, f~Iitb andrMHo-nor.Proper gif"is, thofe \\ hich If 4 maide b: bttrothed toa hujband, nnd a man j are g_iucn on~ly to fomc. Ccrta~ne mcn)ofwh~ch .findeherin rhe ttmme, andliewithhn-, rhenjha/J \ fort IS the g1fc of co"nuncncte 1 and fi1ch ltke ;eehring rhnnboth ol!tVnto thegatts of thecitit, \which though chCy be oft_cn& carndlly as-ked, and ]baiL flone them 111ith /fonn to d:ath, the I yet theyarc feldon1.or ncuer granu:dvnto fome maide, becaPfe {he criednot oHthuing in rhecirie, men; as appe:ucrh mPau/s example, who be- & themttn 6~ca11[ehe harhhHm6iuihisneighhortrJ ihg buffemd6y Siiia., faith ofhimfclfc. FoYihu w•f•. Motth,!, 20, not to tai:;;Mttry thing I v:[ought rhe Lo~d thrice,thttt it might de-: th.J wife. foomme; but' he [llid.v nto me, Nfygrace 11 Now if the promi(c·bevuercd iu words ,for "'Infuhlrant. fujfici'tnt for tbee, 1:Cor,1 1.8.g. ' .. time to come, lt doth not 'precii'cly bind~ :che panics tc;> perfOrmanc~.For exan1plc: If one .of CHAp, !Ill thrmf.,yto the other: N. !will tak§ rher; &c. 1 , ond notN.Idotrak§thu, &<.by thisfoim<of Of 1 c cz ' D1fpe~chthematchisnotmade,/mtonelyp,.t~•iJCd I ttJe ontract. ' I tobermdeaftcrward, Btu if on the other fide, ..... J ' it bee faid, N. I dt1e tttk.! thee, and nor, I Will MArriagch2th two d1flinel parts, the firA , tttk.! thu; by thcfe t~a1mcs, the m<~rria~c at 1. IS the begmnmg; the (ccbhO,thc accomthat 'fC't~ inHant ~s begun, th~ugh"" n~t 111 re-- ... N"ond(fa- \phfhmcnt or con!ltmmauon thereof. -goud offad, yet mregard ofnght and Intcrdl, eto,dc:iurc. [ The Beginning is the Comra8 or Elpoufals'; which the panics h:mc each in another indeed 1the End or accomphllmH~nt ts the folemne Maand in trutb, And this is the common opinion •nifcftation ofthe: Contra&, by that whiCh pro6frhe Ieanled. Yet norwithfh.nding.ifthc parI pcrly we call Mari::igc.Deut.20.7. whatmanH tiescomratling 01lll f3y toochcr, lwtll thcr~ th 4 r bath 6etrothrd a wife, andhatht~tkfn ta~erhee,&c. with intcnu6 to bind thcrnfdu~s her?Let himgoa 11 drcwrne lf.._~ainevnio hUhoHfr, :at the preltm; the bond i~ in confciencc prcci- • [eajl he die in hartcl!, 1111 d 1 w other man tak.~her. fly m:-~ de before God,& fo the Contract indeed *DcpreM.:mh. r.18. whmhiJ mother Moqiewafhetromade:· forrh~prtfent time before God. Trueir rhe 1 1ro lt"'l(cph,Pcfor~ tiJe; came together, She w.u 1 is, that hc ..,·hich fl5.deth tohis promifc maQc, found with child ofthe ho/1 <.ihoft, · as much asin him lieth dmb well: yet il the Bct._,._ccnc the ConuaCl and M:ariagc, there protnife h:.nh or c6cejueth fonJc iu_!l~~~c,v. by he ,