Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

•Jn(.auore Matrimonij, or Houjehold gouernmerlt. ------- , ' hcc Choulcl :lfte~rw:trd chanf<C hi5 pmpofe, the A the lmttgc m:d glo~·ie of God, buttJJr ~rt,.mnn iS 1 ConlrJCl:cxprcffcd in tt:arr~s fOr umc ;o come, i 1 tlu_glon~ :~f r/;emmt. l •. T im. 1. I 2. I p~r~i_u:of : rhoqgh it \'-'Crc formerly made, and confirmed th: JPom.1n toroch, n~Hiur -:.tfurpc antbtm:t~ cbyoth,muCtnotv.-ith!la:ldinggiucplacctothc ! u~? tl~! '":'"'• bHt to bu in fil:nir. Byrhis ciiConu.:~Ct m:1dc for dn1c orcfcm. HmCbonu condcnincd, tklt vnn:~tur:lil :md 6'"'1 /) Thofe rfpouf1ls, \vhi~h arc m::tdc vpon cont~1on!l:ous (i~mc ofvnclcaaclTc bct\\'t("nc p.ndition,\\·hich is hondl,po!lib!c,,nd bclon~ing ti~S of thcJ~nnc fcxc,commonly rearmed Sodal~o'l'l, ~- :.-. to Marrbg~,,~loc c:cafc or dcpc_ndJo f•rrcfo rth mtc; as :tllo the c~nfufion o~the •k..J.nd.• · ofcrc~-· J, ~~~i~~~·~·_- :JS ;.he condmon annexed ccakth or dc-p<:dcth. tures,when one kutd conm.msfilthincs,& abo- n. ~5 • For example; Ifthe one partyp:-omifeth to m:1rminatio~1 with ~nothcr. I ric the otherVp6n conditiO,that his"or her kinf-· The lecond J1gnc, is, the iu!1 and Ion.,·full di:. man will yccld confcm to thcm:uch; or vpon fhn_cC Of blood. . I ·condition ofadowric that fhc fhall bl'ingvmo DJ!bncc Of blood is then infl: and l::!wfi11J, him, fiaablc to her education, and the familic when neither ofthe perfons th:~.~ arc to be marwhcreoflllc comn1cth: there conditiom being ricd, doe- come ncare r.o the kindred of their ll I kept or not kept. the promifc doth lik'e\\•ifc . flefl1, or to the flcl11 at their R.el11, fbr fo the !land ,or hot tbnd._. . . . B j Scnpture fpe::lk:th, Lcuir. 18. 6. ~o m.mjl:~tdl , But thofe condwons v.'IHch <'Ire peccffanly 1com~ »~•rroo ~>11) of the foP:~ of hu flcfo.: or to / vndcrfiood, or which may certainly be kept & · the ,. .k.:"ndcr~d of bU fofl; , VVheiC it is robe oh- ,. Ebr. Sheer come to pane, doe neither hinder nor rufjH.:nd fcrucd~ th:lt by a in_tim flo/b, ij rileam that filbI Bcbro. Mari:1ge.As this: l promifo rheema•·i~;ge,iff lit!e; Hanee which is of himfclfc, or whereof him- I or,!promifttomarric thee, iftbe S11mze rifeto fc!fc conft{lcth. And by thejlc{l>af hz;._fl~'h,tlm 1 1 morrowc. wh1ch next :111d unmedJately 11Tucd1 our offhat Againe,condici6s that arc either impofliblc, Acll'l whereofhe confiHc:h. VVhcreup..')n it fol- I or difhoncfl,arc not to be accounted as,promilow.cth,that tl~e touching or comming neare of\ fes annexed·• in way ofMariage.Ofwhj,h fore flc01 to flcl11, IS not f}ofz!n ofJ!r,anger~ bLJt ,of are thcfc, !willbe thy wife, if thor~ )rrilr t.l~vnto tbofo only chat ::tre ofkindred. · .' .j theewingt andfoe, or If rhl)u wilt bring an vnK"1,ndrcd is of two forts, .confannuinitic 0 1 '· timely liirrh. affinitk. '. v , Furthermorc,ifthcpardcs bcrrothcd>do lie .· Kindred in1 confo.ngu.inj~fc;:ar('[hofe w~ich together bcforc.thc condition {though hondt 1ffi1c from out>.:Jn~ r~sfan;C, Con~mon blood or and appertain·ing to Marrbge) be performed; fl_ockc.And there b'c,Ccrtaine degrees,whereby ' then the contraCt: for ~he t_imc to come is, with C k1~1iuen ofthis fOrt are di~i'yg'uiJl1cd one fi·om out furcher controuedie,furc and ccrtainc.For anothC'r. · where there hath becnc a carn:~.ll vfc of eaell o- ' A degree is 3 generation or dcfcenc b~tween. thersbody,it is al,Naie~ prefup~o[cd,th<~t a mu- ~\''.bpcrfons thOle ~re ofthe fame blo?d.For one tu all confcnr,as touchu1g Manage, hath gone pcrfon cannot makeadcgrcc,vnlcflc he be eO-- before. · " fidcrcd rcl~tiuely i.n regardof gcner:aion. Now many degrees continued Or di:ri 4 cd fro inone 3!ld the fame head, doe m::~kc a Line· At~~ Ja~.ine is t~:ofold, the Rtght line, o1· th; CHAP. V. 0 f the choife~·. ofperfii}~ -.'~, : fit for AJarriage~ ·:..'.,: FOr themakingofacOnr.nfct, t.. wo~hii:J~~¥re rcquiGte: firll the ·ch_olfvnd ihen r\\c ~onr ,fcnc of the panics. , •: ;u. 1 ) - Choicc'i,·an cnquirie afccrpcrfons n\3tr\:~ge;1 able, ' · ·, · ' Q Perfons mari,geabl<, ore f(lch as be.~~ 'and able for the mar"ried !lace: :..,. ' ~ · This fimeffe or abilitic is-KnO\.\'Oe a'nddil~er-· ncd by certain figncs; which ar:_c cither'dfcriif– <~ll to the comr:tC~, or :tccidcntall. · An cffenrial figne is that,wichoui which' the i co1nr_aa in hand becomes atrlc-crc nullit}':And of th1s fort there arc principally fine. "' ." The firll isthc dif!inction ofrhe fcxc which i~ either male, or female. The male is n:an of 3 ruperiour fcxc, fit for proCi·cation. The female IS woman of an infcriour lcxe, fit to conceiuc and bcarc children. r. Cor. rt. 7· The man o!!_gbt tJO~n}!!!_ head ·~for tU much tU hee i-s (hfCi'th\\·arr, cc:;:miq10nly rcanned coll'<lterafl. · .!n-tlic Righr 'Linc, ~poke hoV:r ~il::tny Perfons t~Crc are,fo l~:my"d~grtcs,ther_~ be, that on~ly cxc~P,.tcd, wh1ch_vpon occafioi1 offered, is iLl qucllion,'& froni vl~hich we begin the accoum'. A6raham. !' lfoac. ( · laaco!J~ 1 r l o[cph. Here loftph is di(lant three degrees fromA6raham, lac_~btwo,lfttaconC',Or thc firft. . This Right line is either :&ending or dcfccn dmg. , . The right line afcending, is d1e r3CC of 3 !1 the anceHors; an? it harl! Ji.mdric clcgrccs.Of the firfl whereof 1s, the hnhcr,and the mother: of the ft:con,d, the grand~fathcr both by the fa– thcran4 mothers fide, chat is, the f:Jthcr of my father ,:Jnd the father ofmy morhcr;& the gr5d– mothcr, that is to fay, my fathers and mv mo- ---------------------=-:::-:.·.-~r r 3--------·-,h-ers .. ---·--..---