Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

Of[hrijlian Omnomie> thcrs mother.OCthc third, is, the great grand- A f•rhcr,or the father of my gr:md-farher;and the great grid-mother, or thC' mother of my griid– f:uher.Of the founh,is the great grand-fathers father, :lnd the grc::a g:·:tnd-farbers, or grand– mothers mother. Of the fifth) is the great griid– fathcrs grand-father,& the great grand-fJthers or great grand-mothers grand-mother. Ofthe fixe, is rhc great great grand-fathers grand-fa– rher,4nd the great grcJt grand-fathers,or great great grand-111othcrs grand-mother. The right line ddi..cnding, is the rJce of a mans own pofl:criric.And that al!O hath fundry degrees. The firfl "' hcrcofis,thc fonnc and rhc daughrcr;rhe fCcond,the nephew,& the nccce; the third, the nephcwcs fonnc:, and the neeces daughter. The founh is the ncphc"''cs nephew, B or the fonnc in the fourth degree of lineall de– fccnt, and the neeces ncece, or the daughter in the fame dcsrcc of dcfccnr. The fifth is he and !hce that arc three lineall defcents from the childes child. And fo arc the reil in their or– der, by 'v\'hat names focutr they be called :md knowne. Now in this right line,whether afcending or derccnding, the pcrfon, of whom the cafC or quctlion is mooucd,commcth ne·ere to the kin– red of his fldh. And therefore mariages in this line arc prohibited'infi.nitdy,vvichout any limi– tation ;fo as if .Adamhimfclfe were now aliue, he could not maric by the Jaw of God,bcc3ufe he Jhould com nearc to the kindred ofhis own flefh, :u Mofu fpcakcth. 111c rcafon hcreofis, becaufe in the right line, fuperiours and inferi'-' C ours are to each other as parents and children; and che kindred between parents and children, beeing the firtl: and nearefl: of all other, their coniunCbon in mariage muftnecds be moH: vn.. cleanc, and repugnant vnto nature. The collateral or crooked line,is that,wh~~h wa!keth by the fides oftheright)ine, whethq afcending or the row ofthC ki9".: drcd. And it is either vncquall or equall. , The vncquall is that, whereby the pcrfo':lJn qucflion :md his kinfinan,are vncqually diflant from the common flockc, or head of d'lc kin– red. And in this line, looke lfow many degrees the kinfi-nan that is fmthefl off from the com- o· rnon Jlocke, iJ dillant from the fame, fo many is hec and his kin(man in qucfiion difiant one from the other. ny from him. Furthermore,kinfmcn in this Linearc ofcwo forts; fame arc fupcr~ours to the perfon in que– than, fame arc Infcnours to him. Supe:riours arc fuch., as 3l' kinne tohis fa. thcr, and mother, ofJomejid(; :md that either nearer, or further off. Thofc that are of ncare kinne to them, be thcfe. I. The vncle ofthe fathers ficle,or the f:t~ thers brother; the aunt ofthe fathers lide,or fa– ther' tiiler. The vnde of the mothers Gde or the mothers brother; the ant ofthe: mother; fide,or the mothers fifier.II.Thc great vnclc,or ~rand-fathers brothcr;the greataunt,or grand– fathers tiiler. The great vnclC',or grid-mothers brother&: the: great aunt, or grand-mothers fi_. llcr.lll.The grcatvncle by the fathers fide, or great grand-fachcrs brother;and the great aunt by the f:uhers lide, or great grand.fachers fi. ftcr .The great vnde by the mothers fide,or the great grand-mothers brother;& the great aunt by the mothers fide,or the great gr5.d-mothers filler.IV. The great grand-vncle by the fathers fide, or great grandfathers fathers brother:and the great grand-aum by the fame tide, or the great gram-fathers fathers (ifier•. The great grand-vnclc by the mothers fide, or the great grand-mothers mothers brother: and thC' great grad-aunt by the fame fide, or the great grand– mothers mothers !iller. Now thefc in regard oftheir inferiors,are in fiead ofparents, & therefore do comc.nearc to the kindred of their fldh. ' Tho(e fuperioun which are ofkinred to pa– rents on the one fide, af"rr~off,are thefe.I.The fonnc & dauglner ofthe great vnde oraumby the f:Jthcrs fide;or ofthe great vnde or aunt bv the mothers tide. I !.The nephew and neece df the great vncle or aunt by the fathers fidc,or of the great vn~le or aunt"by the mothers fide neu to I h~ co:~:..jn<f.ermaine. lllt<\.rh,fc as they !land in cornpari{on with their h#'criours, db not come nearc 1o\he kinred of their Ac01. ., 1 The cqu~ll collatcralllinc, is\ha~;whereby kinftn~n 3re equally difiant from their head. -· · ~.hft;qcn of thi~ linc.,'!rc, I. whole brothers, that Is,brothers bythe fame father& roother,or h~lf~,. thla,t is, brethren by;the fame fa– tlier,b'ut not by ~llc fame mother. Again,whole fillers bg the C1me father or mother; pr lialfe fi– ' ile~• by one of them ?!ld not by both. IT. The For example, brothers childrCor coulin germans; that is,the : Thare. vncfcs fo,nnes or d~ugiHers,or the aunts fonnes r----"'----'""" or daughters. Th~ fiflers children, or coufin- ..Ahraham---Ntecbor germans; that is, the aunts {o~mes or ·daugh- ~ ters, which arc the children of twO fifiers.UI. Bcthu~l ThCCoufin.germ:m,the fonn ofthe great vnde J by the fathers or mothers fide, and the coufin· Lahan. german the fonneoftl.!c great aunt, by the fa. Here L!tban beeing rcmoouec.l fimbcll off, thcrs or mothers fide. The coufin-gcrman th~ to wirJ three degree from rhc common fl.ockc daughrcr ofthe great vncle, by the fathers or rharc;is Iikev\·iCc three de~rccs dillant fromA mothers fide,& rhc coufin german, the d:mgh~ braham, his greatvnckle, ;nd'.Abraham fo matcr ofthe great aunt by the fame fides. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--.!~ Sobrinopro· pior.