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Dc ciuit.dei lib.,s.c.i6. or Houjeholdgouernement. CHH 5 I 6 / "i A find ccrtaltll!C: ofcruth,yet rh1s rs out oj. :J~,;bt, ~~-- - - • that god rn rho re dJycs toler~tuln,:my thrng~) whrch notv\tthfbndlllg he thd not alwgcd,cr approouc. Obtdl. -~. 2 S:m. 1 3. I 3. Tham.v fares to hn 1 Thare brother .Ammon; Speak$fpr"-J'heetotheKir.t 1 ,-- -A---, m:dhee willnot dmic me vmorhec. ./h1{w. The I In this litle. lookc how many degrees fhc panic in que!lion is remooued from the cotn~ mon Hocke,by fo many twice told, is he rcmo– ucd from his kinfman in qucflion. Put·thc ca(e bet~t\'eene BethJJcl and Iflu!c, as in this example, .Abraha~N~tchor (peach of Thamaris not limply robe r:=~kcn ::~s if f j !he defirctl that y.•hich tl1c faid, <ll' as if it were ! !faac. Bethue! lawfull to be done, ·which fl1ee wif11cd him to J Here B,thue/bc::eing two degrees rerrioolled doe; but onely that !hcc fought to pur him ofl, i fromTharc,is foure degrees dillam from lfaac. by giuing him this counfcll, m rcipcCt of her I Now he that is in the fCcond degree of this ownc dcliucrancc from char prcfcat daunger I line, comes neere to the kinrcd ofhis flclh;and wherein fhe was. O r at leafl it may be ~·lid, rh:n · for that caufe rhe mariagcs of brethren and fi... Chcerroneoufly fi1ppofcd it \·Vas la\\ full for the fiers arc vnlawfull, and forbidden, B King to gram1r fiJCh a fui~e, if' it h:;d been mat.ic But againfl chis,fundcy things arc alleadgcd, Vnto himby her brother AmmoH,\\!hC"thcr W:l)' 06ie£f. I, The fonncs of Ad(lm, who were focucr thisfpec( h be taken, there can no fuch the firll brethren in the world, married thcil" fithingbe gathered thence as is prctC'ndcd. !ters; marriages therefore i11 thi$ degree may Now out ofrhe fecond degree ofthe cqu~ll fecmc tO be la.wfull. Anfw. The cafe of thofc collarcrall linc,it fhould fccmc that thcfc \\".ho pcrfons in thofe times, was a cafe ofnecefTi{y, arcioyncd one to another in marriage, do riot which could not be auoiJcd, anti thereupem touch the kinred of rhcir fldh; and thcr, forc was w~rranted by diuincdifpenfanon.For God the !awe of Cod forbidderh nor confobrincs had giuen them his owne cxprcffe comm:mdcor coufin-german~, that is, brothers and fi!lers 1 mcnc in this hehalfe; Beare ftuiteand multiplie, children to marrie. Gen. 1. 28. Befides that, there were then no YC3 if example~be offorce for this purrofc. otherwomcninthcworld,by whOthcy mfght the Scripture approouC'th fuch mariagcs. For hauc iffue and po!teritie, but oncly by their fiit is written,rhat lacQb marled Ra/u/rhe daughfiers. Whereupon it is manifcA-,tharGedswill tcr ofLttban, his mothers brother, Gen.28. z. was,to permit them eo take cuen their fifiers to Againc, that Mahf,zb, Ti1·Z.a!J_; and 1/oglah, their wiues. But now out of this fpcciall dif. Mi/cah, 4ndNoah the danghte·nuf Zelophehad, Penfation from God J fuch matching is vucrly c" were married vnto their fatBc:_~i brothers fonncJ, vhlawfuU,being an apparenr.breach ofanother Nun1b. 36. I r. And Otlmielt'he fonnc ofKcnaz, expreffc commandcment giucn aftcrwar8 by thecouji,J of Caleb, took,p KirintJ:.-feph?i; 4ndhec Gpd himfelfc, leu. 18. 9;n . To thispurpofe g•uehim Acf•hhiJdaugh"rtowif~ , lof.r5.•7. faith .AugH.ftin in way ofanfwer to the ex:1mple Howbeit in this cafe, the ful~,ofrhc Apo!He propounded; Thepra.Eltfo ofthofoftrft timeJ,thm is to be follbv\·cd; -That·nothing lu"liMe men in bAck!dby vrgent necejfiric;rhemoreancie»t it,VM~ thing$rhai: are otherwife l~wfUI',whcre"'amam the more damnable it prooued afteY"R'artl., when it brDther mayftum61e, or·6e ojf~nded,o'rmttdew~ak._f JVM rej/rained 6] GodJ commandemenr. Rom. 14. 2. I. Wherefol'e it is conuenicnr: thar ObieEt. was Abrtthttmsfilter, and yet fuch mariagcs lhou!d not be,bCcaufc fomcth 11 c Abraham tooke her to wife. Gc::, 2.0. 1 2.. Yet they may giuc offence in regar-d of the law~ 0 'f' in verie dcedcfhee i1m; fftcr ,forfoe.iJ. thcdaugh~ the Magi!lratc; and bec:uJfc they come fomcterofmyfi·tther, bttt not the dttHghterof my mQwhat neere to the bonds and rearmcs of blood ther ,an4fhee i1 my wife. Gen. I I .z9· Abraham and flocke, which God hlth fer downe in his and Nahonook$themwiJJcs, andrhenamcofA~ v.i'ord.-, Altguflim"in Ills J 5· booKe De ciuitau· ·brahams w~feJVIU Sllrah. Anfiv. Touching rhi$ !Dei, chap. I o; faith to thispurpQfc, E.\-pcrri .atlrin{bncc the"irarc fundrieopinions. Thelewcs D tcmfomm,'&c. thacis, Wehauefot~nd bJ expertdo~ grant thus much, that fhee \V3s called by a ence, that in regard of that nurenejJc pf blood, name common to all kinsfolke of that fexe , to 'cl;u/in-germans haue vnto the degrcn of brother! w,it, .aSjfler; yet indc!ede ihec was ..Abr.J.hams ll)'ld ftjlerJ, hdw rarely c11Pome harh admitted thofo neec,c-,thc fi(ler ofLot;and the daughter ofHamarUtgu, whiohwere wafrantnhle by !awes, 6e~ rmt, Abrahams bt·othc.r, which M ofn elf where caUfo·the 4twc of Gl}d hath ;tot for6idden them, callcch lt{cha, Gc:n:-11 .19. Others thinke that nor tU Jet thf !awe ~fman. Neuerrhefcjfo rhe prafhe was daughter.i'n Iawe t(> Tharc. , Abraha11JJ ftifelawfullin it felfe , waJ.forhorne the ,·ather, befather; bccaufe A6rdhAmhimfelfcJ:1ith , Shee is cdnfe it came 'llcare tothat which w.·u vn!t'lwftsll, the t/.aughter (Ifmy F11ther,6fftnot of-mj muther.O;. ttnd therefore marriage with the coufn-germt!n, thcrs are ofopinion that {he was }/arans daughfoemedin amanner tobemar-ringewitlutmans tlwn ter in law, and af{er his death was tranflatcd inUrothe;·or {ificr, &c. Howbeit, there is noquejlton to the family ofTer-Ah, her grand-father; '"''ho 6ut in-tbeft time.r it ht~th bcene luc!l promdcd Gy W;'J.S nlfo ill !lead of her father, becing dead, and /aJveJ,that[uchmarit1gNjhou!dnotbe vnderra'<!"· tht'ce fhc was tconmcd his daughtcr.Now how For tU themrdrtplication ofallianceUhind1·edtherl focu~r in this varictic ofiudgement it is hard to b],[o this incoitUmiencc a!fo J.YOWcth{rom them, l - ---'-------- ---------- --C:R.c..r_r_r__,_4_ ----·- --- -- rha!J__ ____