Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I C 1 676 I ~iAP.5. Of (hrijlian Oeconomie) \ l t~Jlt fi'einc!fhip andlowtwhicbisprocured h; affi~i- 'A ; twecnc pntic and pa.rricpropcrly 1 butm 3 ri 3 gc I---, tiC bt:t••ee,u men !hat arejfrangas, cannot hee m1after the conrr:JCt tin1fhcd and confumm:nc, ! ...f!.ed(md cnc;ret!fod, where mtngo not out of the Againc,th-: fame: alliance ccatetb and dcrcrEpilol.lib. S.cpiit. 66, a. eor.G. ~tmitJ, andt~rmes oftheirowne blood; Tea, there mineth~pon th,: death ofcit~lCr p:my cfpoufcd I u r..-llttra!!J 101 m:m a commendable meafi!re of or marned;yet lo as the prohibition ofconiun- ! fh•"m~fd}1nef{c rvhcrcbrvprmc.unfderarionofnec-teCl. ion remaincs :tncl lbnds i 11 force, for the prc- l nefJc m blood, Ju ack.!yon>/edgetb a due debt ofmofcru:aion of publikc honc!Hc. dcftier!r ho~'lom·tohi& nc.w kjnred,andconfeq·umt~ Now there is a kind ofrcfemblancc & proIJ rcjfrainnh himfelfc in regard ofthem from the portion bctwccnc kinred of blood, anJ kinoccajivn.r aud r~!Jions of concupifcmcc, whereur:!o redby madagc, nor oncly in regard of degrees beU inclint~ble in refpcCf ofuthcrl. Andhence it~~, and line,but 3lf0in rcfpcd: ofthe prohibition of that generally, thcmodcflie that cs~.Tht to bee in degrees. thofc which inrer.d marringc. auoidcrh M mt:ch4& Thofc that :neofalliancc,are commonly rem~t:J bee, thcfe and fucb lik$ &QifilfnCiiom. The duccd to thefe heads.I.The farher in law,or the fame is rhc iudgcmcnt of .Ambtofe in one ofl~is husbands or wiues father. The mother in lawe, Epi!l!cs to hisfriend Paurnm, wherein he d1f 4 B or the husbands or wiues mother. II. The mofwa~lcth him from marrying his fonne with his thers husband,or Clep father to them that come courin-gcnm.n, vpon the grounds before alby another ma.Thc fathers wifC or Hepmothcr lcadgcd b)' A'jguflin:, adding this withall, that to thofc that comeby another woman,Ill.The though it were in it fclfc Ia ....vfull, becing no wiucs fathers father, or grand-father, and the wh:cre forbidden by God, yet in fundrie rewiues mothers mother, or grandmothn;or the -fpeCls becing inexpedient, it ought not to btc grand-father and rgrand-mother of the Wife. d_one, according ro the faying of<hc ApoA!e, I V. The fonnc in law, or daughters husband, .A~_thinglarc lawful/form~, bmallthing1arcnot and the daughter in Iawe, or fonncs wife, V. c.\'f'edimt. The nceces hu~band, and the nephewes wife. But it ic; auonchcd to the contraric,that God V I. The fiep- fon!le, or fonne in lawe, that is, by expreffc !awe forbidderh marriage with rhc the fonnc ofa man by another wife,otofa wo .. aunt, the fathers fi(tcr, Leuit. IS. 11. and with man by :mother husband. The fiep-d~nghter the J1.10thcrs lifl:cr, verf. I 3. and with the faor daughtcr~in Iawe, that is, the daughter of a thers brothers wifc,which is a)(o the aunt,V.I4• man by another wife; or of1a \Voman by an o.. therefore by the law of proportion, he forbidther husband. V1I. Tbc flop-fotmcs fonnc,or deth matching with the children ofthcfepcr.. his (onnewho c.omcsofaman by:mothcrwofons. Fo: in ·nature it is aruled cafe:: Ifaman C man, or ofa woman by another man! And chc may not,marric: the mother, much ldfe may he fiep~daugh~ers daughtcr,orher daught~who marrie the d.1ughter. comes of a manby another woman, or~of the A n[. The argument is faulty ,ond concludes woman byonothrr husband. V 11 I. The huf. nOthing to the, purpofe. For the.rc is not the bands or wiues brother,& the husbands fifltr_, fame rcafon of both. In the right line of conor brothers '''i~c. IX.•Th·efifiers busba~?, ~nd (:mguinitic, tho(c which are fillers tc:> ~ the bro.rhcr~wJfr•.. ,•\ .J mother, !land in the place,Head ot paremg COnc,crnmg affinme,I P"f.opound there rules. and their ncphewcs :llld ncecesarc to them as_ I. Lookc in what degreea-nlan is of. Confanchildrcn·, thnetOre mariages among them can guinity to on"Cs·wifC,in the.fam'edegree ofafli• .hand. by no la;.v,.dthcr of God, of nature , er nitie he is-to.;he wiues·husband.And con'uari· by, ~he pot1tiue Ja.\\'CS ofi nat~ons. It is. not 1(? wife "' '.,: 1 ~-: • .; l' with coulin-gcrma.qs. For hauing no fuch re!a.. · fJaac I Samntl .,~. tion, there is not in tflr:ir mariages, Py the law r--· -A---, r-A~ of Mofo.!, any diic.o,qerie ,of .11Yat1le or breach E{a1:. laacob. lofrph. :Aarem. Eli, Leui. of ciuill honc!lic. The blcffing of God· vpon \ · I J . f · ' forrie ofthem mentioned in S.crip.tur.e, as vpon \ D lofoph--·---.-+-.......:..MitYia' ": · /eco6and Raht!, and fuch like, doe Cllidcnrly, . Here, if Mnrt~lofophsv::·ifc, be di!bm·from nlC\\IC that they were lawful in the.mfducs,~nd Efou lofopbi vnc~e by thef~t·hcr~ lid.e, tWO ~;e;; plcafing vnto him. And th~u.'~uch touchmg grees, tlien.:~lfo 1s }()~ph.'h.'m(eUe ~1Ha.nt fr?.?' kinred by blood or confangummc. .Aaron the Orothcr of Elt.hl~ mla~t,t~·~. Kinred in affinity is thar, whereby the terms degfees; IfM11.1·i~ the-\'"Jfebe'dJ!lant fio~n·~,er oftwo kinrcds, 2rc brought into the (ocictie of own fat_hcr,&/i one degrec_,·and .fromher~gr~rlone and the fame family .1 or whereby perfon-s father Samnelrwo; then alfo· 1s her·h~sbapd that :ne not ofblood,arcby mariage 31licd eel, di!lanr from~/lhis.f.· in Iawe, one de"gYc'e, to other. Hence it is termed :.lflinity, becaufc ic and from. Sumuelhts w1fes grand-father, t'wo. m;~.kcth ::m vniric of\crmcs in kinred,which beAnother example. ... :. ··· fore were di(bm. ]{crod,' AJfiniticoralliancegrowcrh bymh:tion or ~./\.~ .. p:~rticipation of blood, in the coupling ofman 1-lerod. Phthp,_whofcwifeu and ...vifc tog~thcr in Iawfdl mariage.For abare !Icro~uu, 0 and fi rr:pic .contrnCt, makcth not alliance beHere Hn-od beemg 111 the firfi dev~ce o~ cor.-