---~-----·- or HottfehvldgouertieJ11ent. CHAP·5· ' 6J7 ! -------~- ---------~--- confan!;uinil ic wid1 hi) brother Phi!ip;H~rodi- 1A hl'otb:rJ wife: fur ir U thJ bnuhrrs Jbam~. And I Ai his b1othcrs witC ism the firH degree of 01fii- j thl·y arc p<.·(tlli3rly diredtd to the JfrOJcJi·ts 1 tp.: . nide to him. on ljH·~bll ClufC; th.ac, ~-',hen t~e c!d~r lJt0thct I I I. Ru/t·, Coulin!>by m:~riagc within the detl!cd wuhour any fccdc, rbe munc cl the firfl.! grccs, borh of rhc rig.hrand collnccr31\ hnc,do borne mi£ht nOt be eXtintlj btft the familY come n~rc to the kmdrcd oftheir Adh, in the might be prcfcrucd in dl~t n:::ml<;.) by r~fing vp f.·unc nunncr that couftns by blood doe, in th::: of (cede vmo him, \\'hieh bccing a priuikrl~a f:HHC lines;andrhc like degrees in both :uCtor~ proper to tht Ifraelices, vpon chat lpcci::~JI t-on..: bidden. TherdOrc in the right line of :1ffinitic: fidcration,it muH not be enlarged to :1n'y othc:r it is as 1.-\'Cil vnlawfu\1 for the Father in l:lwc to fort of mcri \o\'h2tf(Jcuct. Neith€r is rhe t('Xt tb roarric the daughter in Jaw,or the fonue in law be;- vildcrHood of coufinS ri:mooU~d ppe~y, as to marric the: mother in Jaw, as it is for rhe fa fontetbinkc)bucaJfo ofthe neXt ofthe kindred thcr to mlrrie the daughter; or the fonne the by blood; as ::appe:ucd1 ~bindy by.rhe •hilloric I mother. Againe, in the collateralI, it is as vnof Rmh, ch:ip.: I . v. I I . in tl~efc words Nao.: l )Jwfull fo'r the vnclc by the mothers fide, ro mi to her d:1ughcers in !awe, Ti!.hu alai11e, mJ ~ marric the wife ofhis fillers fonne ,and fo in odaTJghtrrt'j forrP.hAt ct:uft will )tlUJOC wirhmu? I thcr degrees, as it is for him tomatch in rhc B Ar~ therrm:ymoffo11nes in 1111 n•ombe, tht~t theJ fame: degrees ofconlanguinitit". The realon is, m•t} btJuP.rhnfbands? Tnrnfag4ine, "'l dlfngh~ bcc2.ufc in thcCe 1inc~,as well ::\sin thofc ofcon~ urr,gof)u11rWtJ), fur l~tm tuoo/derohnnea hnff•nguinltic, fupcriours and inferiours,.fr·e each h.1nd, &c. . to other~ as parents and children. 11 I. Rrllf.Thc Vducskirifrfian by b!0od,isof From hence amongfl ~Hhcr things it m::~y b: affiniric: to hc:r husband oncly:but vmo his ki·n.. gathered, d1at it is in n.o fort la ....vfull fo.r 3 man, dred by blood,thc faid kinfmartllath no affinj.:. whcnhiswifcisdcad,romarrichcrl!Jl:er.Leu. ticaraJJ. So on 1bc conttaric it is trUe, that I 8. 16. ThM jb4lt not difi:oH(r the fh.unf ufthJ thouglnhc husb:mds kinfm;w by blood, be al.-. 6rotherswi.fe;for i.t is ti-!J brothcrsfoame.And Lcu. lied tohis wife, yet it hath nO :allj~n,cC to 'thof~ 20. 2. r. 1"he man that taktrh his brothrrs wife; that arc kinlfncn ·ofblood vmohcr.ihc rcafotf co~tm;i.tterhfi!thi~tes,bec,mfehe hath'l.lncoii(Yedhil is·,· bccau(c bnwecnc the kinrlrtd of blb6'doo' brothers fhame. · the m:ms fide,ancl'the kindred'-ofblood on tkc Ag~inH this doClrin it is obieCtc~;Firfl,that wom:tns fid~, there is no.:~ffini'tic~ For rhe pro· 6od commandcth not to take a wife wirh her hibition ofthe degrees of affiniri.e; hat~ fO'rcc fifler, during her life, Lcuit. 18. I 8. in which C in thole ondy '"'hich arc th.c: cnu'fC thc:rcof;apcf pbcc, he doth not limply tOrbid a m:an to margOcth no furtP~r. Now the caufe becing onely rie twofiftcrs oneafter another, but to 012rric in the m3rricdperfons thcmfelns,the ctfCCt rh2f them both togcther,and therfore after the wife not in rcaf6bcinlarged, to th'tm that are ofthCl is de2.d, a man may marric hc:r filler. :) fat1le blood with either of them. ..•: .Anfw. The place is ~ f\2< prohibition of the ·· From this rule it followeth, that the kin4red finne of PoiJgamie. For to take a wife to her fiofboth maried pcrlons by blood, may lawfullv fter in the Hebrewc phrale, is nothing c:Ife but match togeth~'r. The fonnc in law may match to take two wiues one to another. The: like: with the daughter of his Jnother in lawe. T}rt forme offpeach is vfed otherwhcrc by MofoJ, father and the fonncby another wifc,maym3'f .. as Exod..z6. 3. Fiu~cHrtlliffsfha/1hecoitplrdrogfric the mother and the daughter.Twobroth~fs thtr;tthe wo~11an to her 1fHlCr]that is,onc to anmay lawfi1llym:ttch with two fiflers. : ·•· · od1er; and thfothet· jiu~'curtainsftJP.!l becoupled 1V. Rule. ~indrcd qf :~ffinitie to the v/ift'{ [the woman to ller fi.ll:'et] thac is,the olie to the arc: :~Jfo kindred ofaffit~itic: to her husband:f;nft other. :Ez.~oh. 1.9. The foure beaftr were ioyho.,.,'_? nGtprO'pcrly, bucalfoafter a fore, 'atll.t Jtedwirh theirwings, r thewoman to~e·r fifler] as it were, Ofaffinitie. So on tfte"(Ontr:try.Kifl~ that is, rhe one to ihe other. Againe, Mofer .dred of alli:1ncc t'o the hu~band, arc as it wCf.f himlelfc there allcadg~th two realoos againll D ofa!liaoec to.llt~\vifc, For example.Thewl~tofl PoiJgamie: the one.-fS, ~ecaufc- the man is to my fathrr m la·~~·e,wh1ch ~s nol.my wwcs\o\\:n louc, chCrifP, and comfon his wife; .where2s if !11othcr,but her.Aep-mother,is, as it were; ?n'y he thouid cakcvmo him another be~des hcr,he mother in laW, for fhe is (:1s it were) of atfipi- !hould greatlyvexc his firll lawful \~ife.Thc 0tie tomc,bccauic lhe is indecdc of affinitic 'tuy ther,bc:caufcbythatmc::~!1CShcfhou1dvncouer wife_ ,.. ~ , ·, · thef'hamc·ofhis wife ; tl)at is;he fhould play a · Thole which -3re of affiniti~onc:ly :~ftcr a verie dilhone!l pare with her, to whom he was fort,cannot cohucnicmly matcb one ·with ahObefort lawfullv married. ("er. And thlrefor'ethc fonnc·inlat.v·c may Oot Obieil.c. T"hc Lord commanded'hy 3 fpedrnarrie ,_,,ith his \\•iues flap--mOther; bccau(c ~c'. all law, that thebroth~r, in cafe his brother diing ofaJ1initic t,o his wifc,{hc: is in fled ofaino..- cd wirhou·t iCftu~, il1ould take his \\'ife,~nd raifc therin law tdl\im. Neither may the {bughtcr vp l~cdvnrohim,Deur,.25. '\• ~. In lawe tn:lt,ch "'"'ith her husba'nds !lep~f3ttfcr~ Anfiv. The words of Mofes arc a1fpecia11 ex.- O'ec::~ufe he iS (as it were) a Hcp-fathcr to her. ccption of a gencrall-1?-w·propoundcd in Lcu. Ag::~incmy fifidshusband m:ly' not m:~rri'cmy 1 S. r6. Tbou /IJalr m;t·d~foouer the fh.ame of thy ~rothers wifci fort hey are afrcr'a lOn brother 'nd Bczacfe r~.. pudij1.8i,