I -·-----·-:--::--:--------- 1 678 1 CHAP. 5· Of (hri;1ian Oeconomie. ' _____, ---~--------------------------- ! t- ,. : . I and 11fter each to o~hcr. Tile rcalon hereof is, IA ccrt~i~'~'l· that rhcre iJ Forn 1 cati(m t!n - - -- ! ,_u.\l~nuyb . h ·c.\ ' I . I ' . fh I I d ' . Jo."1g pmI : ~~.1.> illir~ u<) ccau(c t c V\'ILC 1~ l.01( ~n_ m, a_...\: a .part o er a;; fuch Fornic~trion, M is 1101 onc~1,.:med ,:mor ' .1• ltc~r • ews j husband, and dH:rcforc d ~fHnmc hmdcrs 111ar- ! the Gentiles thd:t 0 ; 1 c foodJ l,,,., /, · F. 1 1 g I ht c .:on•:•g•~ 1 • • • • • • • • I , ·· ·· • i.S il .1(/J I r lie,~ l uagc 'NHh 0\l.~,of.. th_c lll:ltf.IC(,i CO~!p}.l.cs, H ~1111lVife. 1 h ! dr_cch :1.s well1n the hl'c cafe !i-t. rclp<: ... l,m:~nagc Fourthly, Na~urc it fclfc byprope.r j 11 Jlintls : I wnh the other. . . . :lbho_rr~t_h fl•ch l\1nd ofconiuud ions, :md chc ( And th~s 1.nuch tonc_lnng ~he <~dbncc of proht?,mons of them, haue fuflici<-nt gronPd, j blo~d, ":h1~h m the c_h~ll"C: ot per!om fit for ~ucn from her prirlciplcs. For ro this purpofe it ~nan:tgcJts moH n~cdhn1y ~o be obferucd.For ts, th:Lt not onely the laws of the Romanc .Emm the t 8. ch~E· oJ ~(JtiricuJ there: arc fixtccnC pcrours, but ai!O the ciuill C::nons, anQ conHifcuc:all forts_ ofr,erf~ns \\'ith whom mariage is ~utions of men,vcry skilful! in th:lt kind, h:tuc rorbtddcn.ll~c hrH IS the ~nothcr. The fccond Jn all agt'S exprd1y been made: againHfucb perIS the flep-mothcr. The th1rd,,the liner by the fons,as hauc offended in thofc fodcties forbidfame father and mother, Th~ foutth, the halfeden by the Law ofM ofo!, fif!er, by one ofthe parents_oncly. The fifth," Ftft!y, the Lord himfc!fc hath denounced • the ncccc by the fonne-. The fixth,thc ncecc by many and great punifhmt:ts to be: infliCted vp- ! the daughter. The feu cmh the fathers fifler. B on the breach of the fame !awes. Leuir. 2 o.t 1 ·I T~c8. the v.ndes, tbac is , the fathers brothers The »Nm t!JIIt li(th with hi& Ft?thtr wife> becauft , w1fe. The 111n_ch, the mothers fiHcr.!hc tenth, he hath 'VIIcouered hi& fathers Jhame, tht] {baO l th·e daughter tn l:lwe, or. fonncs \'\'lfe. Thee6oth die, their blood/hall6evponthem, vcrf. 1 2 • lc~cnth, the brothers wt_fe. Tbe twelfth, the Them~tnthAtlyethwllhhisdaughter ;n fawe,rbey wtucs mother. The tlHrtccnth, the Hcppe6oth jhatldie tbedettth: they h 11 ue "IP'Y'QUuht abhoda~ghtcr, Qrthc wiucs dauglucr byan other minatiotJ; their 6/oodfha/1 be?/pon rher;: vcr. I 4 • h~sband, o~ hnsb:m~s daughter by 3 former Hee that takp a wife 1111d hennother, commit- )vtfe. The foumemh,tS thdlcp-fonncs daughwhwicktdne!fe; the; jhallbHrne him ar.4 them ;cr., thatis, hts daughter who was !he wiues w~tbfir(, verf. 16. The man that tak!rhhis[:ftcr, fonl)C by anotl?cr husband. The fittecmh the h~& [.1[hcrs daughur, or hU mothcr.r..daughrer, fiep~daughccrs daughter. rhe GKteemh, is the: and {eethl;(rp, tme, a, d[bcfoeJh his fhm 11 -e, it is.. wiucs filler, f.nd )lOt oncly tltefe, but all other vill.mh: thmfor. th'lfha/1be cut offin th•hht ~nfwcrablc to them, either in~ t,hc fame or like: of th:ir.pe,p!e: vcr. 20. The m4n that lirtiJ w_irh degrce, ,arc by cquall proponLon forbiddden hiJ FatherJbrother~wife, tmdvpco~ter(th.hU v;-;- te be had in marriage. " : C clerfoam!, they jhttl!bearetheir ir.iq~ti(ic)4ttdfha!l ~t is altca_dge_d,that the ptoh.ibitions mentiodiechildlcj{e,Dcu.z ~·~•.Ahaffa1·djbaUnotenter l!ed in that chapter, arc n~eer_ly Mofaicall, that i11t~ thecongregation of ih• Lord, e11cn to hisumh i~, Ccrcmoniall,:md therefore _d·~c not bindvs gemration.Deu. 17. 1.o.J;ur[edbe he( that liet/1 now in the new Tclhmcnt. with his fathers wife. ; : ·... _ -An[w. It is aflat Vturuth; ~s.fhall•pptare by The third c(fcmiall Signc of a perfon mariat_hcfc,reafons. geable, is abilitie and fimcffc for pro~r'puion. :·~Firll, the Can:mites long before thcfc13.\\'eS And thts in :m holyand modefi fort .is i\Jwajcs ~-~~e giucn by A£ofes t9 the Hi-adites, were fuppof~4 to be: in the par.\ie cootra~ed:,vnle!fe gr~~oui1y affiit.led for the breach and conthe COQtrarif bemanifcflJy kno\\'t)c,:mcl-Pifccr-. !~!P£t. of the fame,as may be.gathered by that nod by fome apporcqti!>fjrtuitic ip \h~ gedy.-, which is written in the falllc ch:tpter pf l.cuir. Hcflce I gather, .tJm.t it is vnlawfuHJQ;n;akc, ~;rf. 3· According to th( work,!s· ofthe Landof a comraCb1dth fuch 3 pc_rfon,-as i~ vll(lc,(or the C4naan,)'ee fhall not doe, neitf:e! W!flkf in th;ir vfe of M.arria-ge,cithcr 1 bY. naturall cqt]Hitu~ion 1rdinances. And vcrf. 24. To11 fha!lnot defile of bodi~,cor by ?Ccid~ntf :fo~ example;; .in reyour folu<! inan; of thcfo thi•.{!; for in allthe/e gord of.fic~enctfe,or'of frigiditie,o.,~fthe palthen,afiQns4rtdefi!ed, which /will Clff! out /Jefie vnc~r2blc,orla£ll~of.thc.dcpri;.tati91) o(thc: fore rou. vetf. 25. And thcland.j! defihl; thm, D parts belonging to g~'IS?tion. Th~fg •l)d f~ch Jore/ will viftrethe wick!dn4fc thereofvpoN it,& like impcdinaers arc ~f?t;cc:,though acontratl: t.he landfhallvomttoHt herhtha6itantJ. . ,. ihould alrcadie be madc,yct to make it ap1ecre \ ..,Secondly, the Prophets thcmfelucs after nullitie, confidcring c;h~t Qod make~h.kno\~11 Mofes, arc wont to account thefc prohibitions his wil in them,that he P:.fWr90JJeth nqM;>ffuch 11~t Ccrcmoniall, but Morall, Ezcch. 12.10,. cfpoufals,bucwould honJC them to bcdi.lfolued. In thee hau: thq difotJHered th(ir fathers fhame; Againe, that whifh iii made bey\~~~)~ two irJ tiJee halletht] VC).:ed h(r, that 'P!'" polluted;n perfons that :arc '"vqder ~gc, is to l,:n:;·~oldc:n .YmpL!beher,Jlowers• .AmOs 2. 7· A mAa,lsnd hit Father 3nd 3ccounrcd 3S vnlawfi1li. And though it m. wiUvoe iu to a maid, to prophane thename of m; !hould bc.Jpncby confqnt,or comm:mdcmcnt lu,ft~effi. ,, ofParcn~s,yec it is ofpo moment,T-his alw:~ies ThirclJy,thc fame Iawes arc alfovrgcd in t~e rc:mcmbrcd; c:<ccpt it b\ rat1fied by apc\~: conncwc Tefian1ent, v.'hercin Leg:~ll Ceremonies I (ent of t~c p:trties after _they be come ~o:a.gc;9r were dctermined,and had their endc. Mark. <?f that they mthe meane nmc haue had p.rluatc & J S. John [:~id to H(rod, It i5 not lawf'HIIfvr thee car_n<ll,l co'pulation one ~ith another. I l tohaJI( tkJ Grothernvifo, I. Co.r. 50 J .itMheArd Aga,ip, eunhc caf.e tWObe ef~oufc~l\:_.~crr1 I d -----~-------- --·- -- - --------------- ---