------------- or Houfeholdgoite{n'e'!Jen_·t.j ~Jt~.J.'15· / 6-:7.-9.! · - -- - ~-,-,--oo ,--= ! of~h~QI_!~i:s.tl~dc::.n:gt:,.1i\}lq ~nh~r- gf.fl!ll n~c~ l;fs t.bcd Co_.nvo\ ~~Jt100, tli.Ql ~~~m~b.~ t!;~_hH,P./ j thC)j1<\J.'UPJ:g<\P>of;tu;JJ ~gc;;OI.tgijt,~~Jj.UJ~: ano bun.do!.tW~·\nuc.s;bct.:';\ulq sre:ij)qufal}.t} ttbo; q:<~ sb~:tiJll~;wbf;r,s-j~) the Jfluc,.Qf_t\l~(;fp<;>\1I bond ot her p.J:um~fcr to -J.{lfJ:\l-\:}11 ,.~bq~p~)llll I t3Jls formerly made, may be m:mifdtcd. ·1\n._d I ~·.:ifb;ami-dlbmafl,bj! th~ 9-.sfl}:<j .· -n>J)Jli5 plon!}fc / I ~hC1 v,l)ij,cr,.o::!gtQ m:Jy ~Jf)),j brt>akc ~~<PI)fcnt,<'J: t.o thowott:lQ,b~comc's;mjl'~l.:{-jn.J. D~uq(".z!• '/ thc.tt!>;<:fnr~,,tlr w h OJl Jh.c;y.be cQJr~-tg,~perrcd:: ~3.z4~ ".J' J'>,·; ,: · .lffl,,,,1·.>:-.•.._·,ct~~'u:~! ycal'es-, PPt 1Jlf4.il reil i~J .cxpctl:att01-t·@f. the a'~ 1-~Aga·intl,i:t..brJ~'aJ\ bd .. HnP. fiJrf~v~a~ip,g,~~~d, "C..QJ~)Jf.hi\~~n"pf ~t~~<:qBtratt lt'·Pcn hc~oh0!~ , c.Onfcqul::tJv}r~ro·m':m;i~ tt't~ (u'<h~:9PC, ~s ; I ·llul~j)J1R~.t<of,t\K('IJJliJ1o>ili<. ,,<' ,w 1 .. i..• ·~ ; . ~il:hocloo~h,HrltJJ~tu.oc"'d >)~Jloi!I-J~Ji;lii.Jrjr;~.H 'I • ! 1 Ttlgtfqltrt}j 1 c!feJtPtlt1>lgn,e; ISeR fo.und and . ~ufe,or ha.h"\'JIQPghi:U~&lrs.~~c-n@p4 r.~J~lW·; 1 . h~nithf~lli~<•ll\litutipkl:9f b.odjr ~~~&lfrom difcl. aJ'~"~'Il":":Ue \•.tkf• ~·l(<>i<J;i:;p!uppf~flj~PI'l. / ~afe.s uH:}tr))t>l.y C.Qt1tp.lJIW,'lS)J ,,,,} ~ . , S.auJotu"Choll r'lM3t1tb.• 1-<;,~._,~~{"'1. V~£Pri~r. · l ,,,Wh~.reupUtl i.t ~HPI\wtlJ;tha~rtr-p;~~mtfe.:ofl· '. lhr.t, rifo?foi'ilt""t.jba!lprual~b;s. '9-?i[t:, e:\CfO~".iit,l tn~rri.ag{: tn"i~c~t""<s~J,l.CsJhof~,-\)h~~;~bt'}l.:: C'liJC ) !lt4fr# wbprc&mr(atzd:w·1•-~'1J00'1otkcr, ([l{;zmzit..._ lmhd dti~!fc.fq lpathfo/ii;Asdm ;1/)l ~thrr vp- B t<'b nduiCAI>d., ,h•d· ~hefoq•q mq.;-rif!!iJdQ.>; on1 ~q4•§1!pund din~t poi1ibly ondu;~.famili1l!hicb is diuot'ctd, c,omJ71ittctbad#lterN-. }\rl;dJi 6 !: pr fogiqttcn"!lAI:lo•~l'lt>i!•~itb, 1\~'i' '"~~9ugh i1 P..,ltJI, '·Cor: 7· 4t·,·BHf 4rd:J! Jk«,rf•P."f.o,.f" i .doc.09t'}'JhQUy_,.hiodcrri~oN(e of>t.h~.~adic, is her remltili~·e.'lnf_nrrit:,dJ o1Jte\Yff.01~fle~f/!~4f1! j' V<tetlyl-!u~lwfull. ,,.;n;•, , 101 '', hUJb.md, a•rJ.),, no?,•h• bf4.1'.~4Mt •!!'.'!!! !u• ,' . Of thlSJi)rt l:; thc1g.pto{ic,thof}1~9~h po¥c.. rrift'. o. ~t:t•y!~r1 • •),1"11(nu:~L :J~ti'!! ~nd fuel> ·h~:e. F.or,[QC!.Pg th«~ "",\W' ·ba any '\\ Hitbc;to I h.~u< treatrd.a~.<ilf.q~;i>ll '11'l'i'f1 I m3triro<>t>l~ll yfc of'~~em' that ••w~iO<ed with which pcloug <<>.\h, Q.d~(•rg,Q(nw;i'~~.N~~ ~ · h• 1• ·~~ fuc.h~!*lt1t~glousdifMJCs,'.'\~it})Qllfci''1"paf€t da!Jcpme to thofc.J..hs'tt at;¥ "{Cc;:i$lQJ\'t3ll. ,,\ ,t\\\l".t.') ,~ gcr of.infcCHng ca~h Odlec~~nd.~_\tiJQJc ·aiJp; ~- An·accidcm~lLtnar.kc.Q~gfopJi~[G)\IT~~rr., J.\'hich lt~u~~ lucictic w.tth:_tl~c~; ap~\.~bcrs;yca ~·iage1 is thar, ,whiQj 4tl~ut,t!\d~A.t\t}?.-Jl\c;4:\~'?n , andb~i<lu•">l<lahcs,th~,tllu~ -~ <hWtRQ~tcs, ' mg, but t0 thc.'ft.Cll 1>f<>til~;li~%·(U.":I~Wipl;~ 1 gtowip1 gof a'":Jup_~c4pltdc:, arc ouch.bo~nc. nOffc:aJubpnritielofth'<lf,q~~!P:"'.f\::l.!ls>f' ~l:!i!i~'}n, to aperpctU~Il n,t(cr:J~~~~d.to grc;uhut~.&:tl.l~1-, cl:re.rc:.hc•th.tieC\I:bat.a'lt ~~<o}!r:tl"(~1pa-!L 'fl:'- "t1~: , 1 deranee of the Connnon.wcalth; die c.a{(::;,is 1 .,:The flrfbs>p.sMtic or ('(}~l~itjL', in r~fijl'd,tof. plait1~}tlt.1t,Hlch mar.ihgcs cahno~bt'l'lJJdcrt'a'~i: · .Ghrilli'ln rcHgion ;.F.or tokllljlr~i?g~, \\MriOi§ii" ' with g.oocl confcicoc<. : ., c !..,.;. ;, C fp;cciall ratdrp~·had·, :<~AA!J~cupr .bP.~fl::n ; • Now.i£rhc one pa.tic hauc a,di[<>~f~,\hough ' ~hrd with bclecucrf,aAll.Ch;;l\lj~·ns >yith.Q;sb ; 'not ~onu.gious, yne,uhcr_i~1curablc, 'or fo·l {li_:ms;not bclo@eny~ic.l~l. tl.fi.~tcJs,or Cal!H:lial~~ •T,.pi. ; .lotb!Dmo;as thc.ot~~~thJufl C3u{~ to abhor. 'I"Jth Pag3ns..F.<>r the fort,~>~rfonarc on<\}\~: ~his companie; for example, if hee be fickc: ~f a al\\'aic~ to b~· m,adc and k_cpt, aljd tJ'lc J~r,toj 'Lcthttgie,~f the fallinglickenc(fe,or ftith like he auoidcd,~b-.io.h).Qireci l>y pofiUuc Ja~-ililncl iQifcafos ; ...thco, though it•be lawfuJI,lQQlatch ,confiitut.ions 1 .rlJ$ breach whereof in fush,"'a.rwith 1\im',b.ocau!e fu~b a~ontracr is nqtcxprcffes is feucrcly tol>~ punin>ftfunTJ1s tJ<g\<;.4) ·<>~ 1iyfo&iddcn , .neirheris it apparently .hurtful! th'i.~•poim w;~>.<tn~ principoll caufc of th!rAAn 1t'o the common-wealt-h,yet is i~ O'?J.CXpcdienr, HruCHon ofthe old wol'll.); by rhc $ood. :Jbwi . ,bedufothc difcafc bei"'!lloochlo:n to the found 6JZ, The fomw of God !f!w,.the 4••g,hJfT{ of parti'e,the-tTiaria.g? a~fo .'A:i!l bcco_mc vnprotita~ mn-J , that thcJ wrrcJair~~;ti!J~'JkO~ 'Po%f(Qt~ blc, AD<hclrc pm« m 03ngcr of brcakmg tbc tvifles of 411 t-i!Jf~thfj lik,fd. ,.;jlfribam ~qf;rQeo commartclemcnt of the ,~orall lav\;.e, wh:;rcjn i-e in the !Uilil'i~ge of1-foac~i~.fopnC,an}IJm>l\1~- God forbiddcth to commit adultoemc. purpofc cooll:c ~n oath ef htS;f~~;u.:m~tt~~-Yr!}Jf.., ·T.hc fifth cffcndall Sigoc of a pcrflm!nlrigF- 'o ~·.-! willrmrk.! tlm fi<ear~ ,f;J..t~~ •Lord{'~pjf able, i,s.·frcddomc frontmal'i:lge; whereby ?oth h~atm;., mul..p!;d·fl[ the earJhii.t.,/ytt,<(hqt$~1JJt-?S the p.ardcs which cntCE.conuaCl,5rc:;. fo :lt ltbcrtrtk.!a lPif~ vnto my {:mncof the dfl«ghtcrs{lif th~ r~,thar tfe-itber the man hath in'prcfem'aiJpthcr CrrJ?tUJitb ai?Joqg- n.·home I dn,~l{.· 1\nQr in in;jtawife, or is promifcd m ariothcr;no~ t·he)-\.:Oillan CJ ticin of that boly 'Cxa~nple,. l{aac"a.lf.o, giuf-s~ hath ~ndther husband\ or is pronnfe~ tq :lllQ-:o ~harge voto /4&ob his:fonnc,~Jla~.hG,fhoul,<\_nRt thcr) "F!le"rt>afon is,bccaufc G_od hitnJflf~· dl<·f tak..; a wife .r1[1/>hc dattght<~T.icO/:(:an,.:utn, FFQ). mt"th that mariagc oneiy bwfull, Vt'htr&lll one 1-8. 1. Af£CJW<!.I.d there \:'=.~S.SI!exprc(f~M...Y of man is1ioined to one \\'O;nan, ~md thcy.both in~ God giuc:nbY /J;{Ofos.. ,tpJlclti9g..th~.~n~ilcs ' toone tl.\!fh; & confcqucmly indgrt~l ic v.nl.J.wthat Jiucd in that land. fus>Pnf4 ... ~5 .... :1li'!!~"l!rf ' full ,as.ftironc man to haue more \NitJcs; fo for tbat thou mak:p nor a e,ou;~tljt~~t.b th~ in/;'{6}:-: o'nc wplnon at the fame cimcto bauc: rnqrc hus- · tq.(11:!nf thdi1nd, &c. vert~ Ift•...A?Jdt~lzyof!h~ir b:mck ' · , .., ' d~tfl._t<.hterJ vnro th1 fonnu 1 -ami. thei! dat~'l,h.tmr I Hcnrdt fuJIOV\'CI:~,th:n ir is ~g:~inft. the Jaw goe a rvhori":,~l 4fter, t.~uir gods; e;;d }!4/zyJthy of G ot!·,':lnd thdirH infl-i nnion of M-aniagc, fimnrs go~a wlioring afrq.,t.fosir:-:golr. 'An~r,tP/ chat a·'c.onrr;act fhou!J bc·_n1?dc brrwcenc tueh ,l~mc b'"'e was v,r~cd by I¥.ff!:.t-~)C Prjcfl:.in)lis ,l !I p.crforis;Whcr.cof t~"lc one ISformerly betroth~~ -tune. Eu:1.·t o. I·t. Sep4~~~e yns;.r.feiJ!cs fx,Qf11 t,~e l ! I to :mother. r~or fo long. as the fidl promdc ·people of the.Lmtd, t?.i'{d ftW'll-iI·bc jh:ange·.Jp11!(.r. ' . i · 'Hand: in fo1:cc, the man on no more he bctroLaHI•.'.S. !at~!, exhorred[thetCorinth~"¥~\/ .;.: 1 t.- --- -----·--- -- -··• . --------- --~··-~-~-...--_....,.-.~-~-~-~.~·1 ______