Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I ----- ---- -------- ---:-"-;:::-:-:;;:---::--- --------- l -68_o_ 1 CuAP. S· Of (h1ijlian Oeconomie~ I ; C?r.6•. 14. ~r ~tot vneq~allt )_llk!dw;~h the In. \ A caufc it was a great fault,wherv\'ith-~e .Apulti- .. ---- ,, ! fic:eJs. And Tnus 3.1o.Reu£f /~''!"that u an here- ~ 1 1 114 y.·as iullly charged, that bccing bu.t 3 ~crie I 1 tt~, afteronre or tWtceadmo111t:o1J, yong man, he ·was maricd to a wife Cio. ycarcs 1 l J But fuppofe it fal!cth out, thatt!lecfpoufals ofage. . " · . · . '1 i be paA ,& that both pantcs at the firfi were be-· S~condly, of condition and cfiate.· For this I . leuc:rs,or one ofthemonly;or that atfirtl both al(o IS anfwcrablc vnto the ApoA.lei rulciwho I were vnbcl"ccucrs, and yet afterward one of cxhoncth men to thinkc of and to dOe tho(e them is conucrtcd to the faith: or fu~th~r, adthings which are nue, iu.ft/com'!1endab}e .. /4Hdor mit that both were belceuers atthcconuaa; goodreport, Phi!. 4• 8. Thus itis'a fct!nei{an~ yet Wtthm fomc ~unc after, the one becomes> commendable praCHfc, that, tht Prince ; the an l?fide11, tha~ IS to fay, a le:", aTur~c,or an Noble man, the free-man, the gcnt:IC'ntah, the obfim~tcHcrc:ukc, that dcmcs the fatth, and ycoman,&c. !hould bt Joyned in v. ith rafc·th euen the very fOundation of Religion;in them, that are of the farhc or like condition this caiC what is to be done? Surely cuen with thcmfclucs, and norothcrwife. For thi3 efpoufals once made and ended, if there be no caufe are tht anc:icnt Romans greatly to bc.c6othCr impediments but thcfc, arc to £land and n'cntlerl, who (as we rtadc in their fiorics) continue finne &: vnchangcablc; fo l~ng as the ·B had fuch a careful! rtfpca of thcit,mariages in Vf!bclec:uing party doth willingly yelld & fubthis behalfe, that they madclawes and ron£li• mit him or her fcltC to the performance of m2tutions for the rcflraining of inequalitic of riagc duties,propcrly bdO~"ins to m:~.n &wife: worldlydlatc in fuch focicties,by [his me~nes My rufon is, the Cpecch ofPaul, who faith, If · prcucnting much confufion and diflurbance in 4JJ} /,rQther b1111e A JVi{e, thAt bdec:leth not, iffhe~ f:nnilics,and other orders of men. '\tYhercunto 6t e11ntmt todwelil¥ith hitu, let him 11ot forfoi{s. : agrees that of Tertulli:m, who f~ith, ThAt if a lur. Againe, Thew~manwhichhArlumhuJ6and Jreewoman•had ajfianctd her folft to him thAt n edib,,, thlfl /JelemctbnotJ if IJee be "mtent to dweO with lPtU A hond.m4n to anothtr, and/;umg thrice Adher, let her notforf~t~ hi,,r .Cor.7.1 2..1;. r tnoni/h~d thereof, by him th4t had4urhot-itieotur: bl: here alledged, that the finne'ofadulher, did notwithf/•nding perfume in "her pur.; terie diffolues the bond both of contract and pofe; foejhoHid, Mcordmg to thel•w,l•fe herfree• mariagc, and therefore much more doth Idoladome.· ' ,. uie or!nfidditie, which is a finne far more deThe third ·note is publike hondly 8C credit, teLlable rhen Idolatrit: 1 anfwtr,that the que';" whereby the contract made btcomcs a matte&: !lion is not, whether ofthefe is the greater fin, of good report, well thought and fpok<n ofaor more hainous in thefight ofGod:forlnfide- , broad. whatfoeHtr things are ofgood YtfOYtl litie in both refpetls farrc exrcedcrh the other; C thin<! M them, Philip. +· 8. From hence I g>- bUt·whethcrofthem is more repugnant to the thcr, . ·;:··. · nature and condition of wedlockc. Now the I. That it is :m vnfc~cmely thing for .aman finnc of adulterie is that alone, .which brcakc~ to make promifc of mariasc to fuch awOman, th'e bond,aud rendunccth the troth plighted in as bath bccne fotmerlyddlowred, or bath 3nd m.iriagc,and is the proper c:tufe ofa diuorcc,& is, or may be com1inccd of adulteric, and vn.. not Idolatric or lnfidclitic. clcanncs. Nay, I adde further, that a contraCt The fecond nott,is parity or cqualitie in remade with fuch aone, as himfelfc bath b~fore gard of age and cdndition, . , deflowred, is by the law of Cod vnl•wfuii.For Fir!! ofA"e; bccaufe though the mamge of the adulteter and the adultereffe,by dttnne law pcrfons,v.hdf~ y~a~es arc farr~ vnc~~all,is not {hould. b~p~t to d~ath, and be cut offfrom hu.. cxprtflyforbiddcn m the word;yet lt 1s <"~grceamane toc1cue, Lemt.zo. to. ble ro the rules ofexpcdiencic& dcccncic,that I is altogether inexpedient that awoman thc •god lhould ntatch with the aged,the yonlhould be married to fuch aman,as bath a congerwhh the yonger. ::.. cubine, vnlcffc he formerly rtnounce her, and Reafons are thcfc. Firll, bccau(c the corntcllific·thc fame by true and vnfaincd repcnfons ofthis focictie in likelihood will by this D tance. The reafon is plaine,Such a mariagccanmeanes alwaics be equal!, 3nd confcquemly 1lot he vndcrtaken in the Lord. And the panic br-ing the more ~ontentmcnt to citber panic. himfdfC",btcingbeforepoltutcd with his Con.. Secondly, rhcfc vncquall mariagcs :uc oftencubine, becoms nowby mariagcto anotl1cr,an times otfcnliuc to others. Thhdly,thcy c:~:nnot adulterer; and {he th:n is married vnto hi111,by but in fome cafes rroouc otfcnfiuc cucn to thCthis hc·r aCl ycclds confcnt vnto his 2dultcric. fehtes. For when a man of great yrarcs m:ltI I I. That no man profcfii,!lg Chrillian rcli-. cheth with a woma very yong, or ayong ltripgion, much leffe aMinillcrof the word, ought ling marrierh an aged wom:m; the elder party to take to hialfC"lfe in marriage a h3rl~t, a degrowingwe~ke and impotent, m~y the fooncr famed woman. or one that comes of •n.famou' come to be vnfic for marriage duues: and the parents, thou~h fhc be tt"pentam. LcuJt.11.7. yongcr bccing ofgrc:ucr flrength :md abilidc, The Pritft }ball not ta~~ to w~fe one .that U~ the more in ,l:mgcr ofbeing expofed to inconwhore, orprophancd, that~~. to fa~, .wh~eh hatn rinencic,and th:lt in the higHcfl degree, vnlcffc an euilnamc,or com.cs of1gnommJous pare~ts. he be rcHrained_.Py God fpcciall For tbi~_l Whi~h law, though 1t was Ill plrt Ccrcmon1all - ~-' ..r