. ---··----.---·---..!..--------=----~ f or Houjehold gouernment. C.Ha.P.r.6>. · 681 .! and LcLtiti~o:ali, and fo-G~;;fo~~~l abrog:uc; ycr A thcir_iudgct:l~m ~10uld l~.t~~n_d; &-in r~~:~rd i ----,~~j ! hauing in ft fome MoraJiclc, in as much as ;;he j of \.'\'tll, thctr chow;: flH>ud be fr.c:c. AnC. here i 1 1rcafon thereof(eo wic,be<.·auiC it iucprochfull ! fundric cafes arc to be rcfolucd. 1 ! j eo a Chrillian, but Cpcci:tlly eo a MiniHer) is ~~ I. Cafo.VVhcn the comr:1Ct flo.,.\'Cs not fro111 , ~~ fiill in force~ it isto be holden perpetual!. For rhc \-vill and good liking of the p:mics, but i3 f Chril1ian profcffion,and ~he Ecclefiallicall Miforced and compelled, wh:t[ i-s then to bee 1 nifiric :s principaUy to be rcfpcClcd, :md whatdone? 1 focncr m:~y prciudicc the dignidc and credit A ;rf. If the dpouf.1ls h:~u~ b::cne m:?cic ' thcrcof,.cobc auoidcd. through fOrce, orfearc; I mc~mc, fuch as 1~ay j OhicEf. i. Tc Prophet Hofiawas comman~ befall J con!lane, and rdOlure m::m, and \\'hlch .1 ded to take vnto him 4ll'Jf~ of fornic.rtiM, that hath beene vvrou~ht, vpon good kn!Jwlcc!gc; I is, an harlot, llofea. 1.2. Anfw. Hofea d1d 1t noc Jnd con!lderati6; then arc they ofno moment, : mdccd, but 111 type and rcfcmblancc. For God a:1d in truth nJccrc nullities; beeau le there :~ ! commanded him m lm prophccJc,to t3kc vpon V.'anting to thc:n rhc free & volunr::~ric :tccord, I him (as.it were) the pcrfon ofa fornic:uor,th:\t ::tnd aOCnc of both parties. Ncucrrhcld\C,if af.:. by this r.-~c:mes he might the more effectually B terw41r d they fl1:1ll grovv to a new confcnr, ot: j charge and conuincc the Irradites oftheir vn- 1 ' borh yeeld'.to an :~f(er~acccptad6 ofchat which clc:anc and vnchafi conucrfatiol'l. was fOrmerly made, the cfpouf.1ls !hail the11 f 0/JUEf. :. The ·Lord alfo forbiddeth the Hand in force; without further exception, ·or 1 PricH to marrie a.widov.;,Lcuit.l I. 14. it may contradiCl:iori. .I fcemetherforcvnexpcdient~or aminifi:rfoto . If. Cafe. B~th?wif confenr be p~ft,nnd f doe• .An[. The Jaw conccrnmg the manage of m proccffe of umc it appcares to the dpoufcd a virgin, and not a widow, was not cnioyned pcrfons, that they h~uc erred; either in choice; ~ eo all Priefts, but onely to the chicfc Pricll, ot<confem,or bothf ~,, ... Lcuit. 2r. ro. And hec alfo might marric a ~ An[. There is athreefold error in con{ent; I widow 1 but fuch a one onely, as h:nh beene the one of the pcrfon, theorher ofthe abilhio; I the widow ofaPridl, and not any other, Eor dlatc of the pcrfon, the third of the qualizcch.44·2t.NowthiS\·\·as commanded them tic. J vpon fpeciall conlider,:ttion. For the high Errour in rcfpcCt ofthe perfon,is, when one Pridl: was a type of Chri!l, and Chrifi \.\':ls in pcdOn is taken fer another, br \\hen the contime to come to call his Church, the eleC.t, atraCt is m:1dc bctwecnc two, whereof the one mong the Gentiles, and to marrie them as a was taken robe fuch :1 panic, as aftcnvards. he virgin efpoufed vmo himfelfe. Yea he was al- C prooucd not eo be. Now where thjs enour.is. (o to marrie his Church as a widow, but the ,. commitccd,it is a plaine cafc,thcrc was no co.n.;;o widow of aPrieft oncly,becaufe he was to g:1fcnt; and therefore the comra&, vpon ccrtller to himfcfer.he.rcmnat\ts of the Church of taine knowl~dge thereof, is_ q~ite frufh:ue.For;_ the Iewe:;; Howbett,not all ofthem, but fi1ch the knowledge of the parttc ts the ground of only as came of theholyFathers, and were Ifconfem,and belongs confcquently to the \'cry raclites, not according to the flc(h, but accorCiJbA?nce ofmarriage. ding to thepromirc. Neucrthelclfc, if, the crrour becino once IV. Thatitisnotmcctforam:mtoheconknov•.:nc, the panics hauc had fccrct focieric traacd to the Gficr ofher that is alrc<1dy affianone with another; :~nd haue cithcragainc..con.. ccd vmo him. fentcd; or grownc to :m :~ftcr-acccptation Of And [Qmuch of the firlt roinr, required eo 1 the confcm before.made, the contraCl-m:~y and the m3kingoiacontraCt,namc:ly, the Choice of l doth fiand in full force. For eXample; Iac~/J,by a perfon fit for mari3ge. the deceit ofLaban,had taken LMh for Rachcl, 'to his wife: fofliththercxt, U:hcnthc cucnh~t[_ WIU pmc, L~ban took! Leah hu daflghrcr, and CHAP. 6. O(Confentin the ContraEl. D hroughr h~r to him, &huwcntin vntoh~r, Gen. 29.~5. Butwhmtlumori7ingwa~ come, behold it wa.~ Lc.1h, 25. Now by the iudgcmcnt of the brfl Diuincs, lAcob might iuflly bauc rcnoun– c.cd Lelfh, if he v:ould, bccaufc Labttn had gi.. THe fecond th!ng required to the m::1.king ucn her vnto him for Racbe!, and fo dccCiucd I ofa contraCt, is the free and filll confc:nt of him; yet he would not vfc ex.tremitie) but kept the parties, which is .indeed the very f9u}c and her as his wife. life. ofthe contraCt. And. _this confenr flandcth I If it be f., id, there was an error in the perin the approbation,or(as we commonly cal it) fon, thcr::-fore no con{Cm, and fo L~a/1 was I the Surc-mal:p1gof the panics contratled. not his lawfull wife, but Rach~l: T anfwcr Confcnt in this cafe is twofold,cithcr of tl:c that lacob did rcnuc his confcnt afterward: I man :md the wom:m, orof their p3rc:nts. - I and tl~at renued confcnt follo-....·ing \'pon their \ Touching the fir!t; That a man and the woknow1ng one of nnorher, made her his wif~, t'tJanmay yeeld frc:c: confemeachto other, it is though in_cxtrcmiric, and _rigour fh cc was j n.:_ccffaric that, i11 rcfpcCt of vndcrHanding, not. Agam~, Racbel :!~ mdecdc__th~ par-\ ·------ ------- --- - - - - -'S-'f-'-f_f _ I -·--- _<}: _________