68z, l C.HAP.6. Of[hrijlian Oeconomie> I , -1 . . . . l! \panic ro whorn he \\"JS cfpoufed,by the former I A with tntcrmtffion. --- contraCt: and thc:cforc, vpon their mutua)laIf tt be pcrperuall, the cafe is cl cere, that ; grccr;Jrnt afterward, f11c ~\tO bccat,lC his wife. whct.hcr one of the parties only, or both be ! So fJith theholyGholt, veri: z7· F;dfill fo(men franttckc, the contraCt: made bctweencthcm p :aret rl)r hcr,and n•c wrll .dfo .JJ:le thee Rachel is altogether vnprofitable and vait1C. For fuel: for th)'feru:ce, c:!rc.Y. :8. 'Then laacobdidfo, and know uot whac they doe whcn 'thcy make a L:dJtw g t!t1c him RacJJ£1 his dtlugMer to be his promifc,and the confe.nt which pa!fct~ betwixt JVife. them cannot be free, full and perfeCt, but mufi Error of the abilitic or cllate is, when one needs be hindred and prciudiccd by the heade of the p:mic:; to whom confcnt was giuen by and violence of their difcafc. I the other, being ukcn for rich and wcalthie,in Now although perpetuall madndfe be aiuft the iffuc prooucs to haue beene very poorc:, & impediment of mariagc:, and afufficient cauf: not fi1tlicicnt to maintainC chat £late of life. to ditfolue a comr:~.a, yet it is mcete that there Touching this c:rror, it is w be confidcrcd, be a conucnient fpace of time agreed vpon, whether the c6tra8 was m:1Je :1bfolute ,for the wherein all mcancs may be vfed for the curing time prcf..::nt,& fo fOr euer aften,·ard,or cOdidof this difcafe, to the.end that Gods will touonal for time to come only.If it wer.-c abfolutc, B ching their amendment may be the more euithat is,concciued in tcrmcs ofthe prefcnt time, dcntly known;and both the parties themfelues then though the deceit be very ofrcnfiue eo the and their freinds may .giuc tcf'H:nony to the panic deluded, & vpon his complaint ought in world, that they haue had acareful! rcfpcet of ~;~~!:~0f~~c~~~i~~~k~Yt:;:cc~:t~~~~b~~=~i: thc::~~~:~~~fb~en1:t3~~ntinua11, but by • fit!, ~n~;!~~f~ the abilitie of either or both p~rtics belongs fo as ,hey haue fome good daies, and quiet in.. not eo the cffcncc of marri:age. But if it were termiffion, the nfe is othcrw1fC. For thC con~ for time to come and condition:ue, ehen he or traCt {hall be ratified, and fland in force:pioui.. the that made promifc vpon this condition, is ded, that it was manifellly knoy.·ne, that the free and not bound in con(cience to fulfill the faid parties wcr both in their right wits,hcfore prom\(e;vnldfc the condition cxprc!lCd afore... they plight their troth each to othcr;and themhand be kept, and.performed. {clues be willing afterwards to confirme their Error of the Gu~litie of the perron is, when promife formerly made, by renuing their confhe v..hich was in the cfpoufals taken to bc'a fc:nt. virgin, is afterward found to be with child by Confent of th'c Parents, is that aCt whereby another, before thc:y come togecher.Bythis erthey giue their word and promife, to bc!l01.\' lrour the Coucnant tsmade void, and becomes C t their children in mariage, & in rc~ard ofright, a mcere nullitic; for as the man C<W1110t be com- \do indeed prcfently beHow the a~. pdlcd, vpon true & certain knO\•"-'ledge thereTherefore priuacc comraCts, that aremade of,to marry the woman;but mly renounce her, ~ithout free and lawful confent ofparents, are vnletfc both parties come to a new agreement, not only vnprofit:~bla and vnlawfull, but euen or hauc ptiuatcly known each other vpon mu... by the law of Gud mcere nullities. Re3fons.I. mall confcnt. For fitfr, God cl id in exprc{fe Thev are comraric to the t.:xprdfe will& corn... tearmesconm1:1nd the Iewes, that fuch a wo.... matldemencof God:Exod.zo. H~Jncur rhy Faman fhould be !l:oncd to death : Deut. 12. 10. ther JZn4 thy mother. I I.-They :lfc Hat repugnant If the maid ( thllt wMgiucn to wife)_he notfoun~ to naturall cquitic: which teachcth, thac bee a virgin, verf. 21. then Jhnil theJ hn11g thematd who hath not power, nor rir:,ht oucr himfelfc, to rhedoore of herfatherJ houfo, and the men of cannot bind himfelfc by ·promife to another. her citie fhall fiw;e herwith jlofftS to de~tth, heNow childrC hauc not power oucr themfrlucs, Ga1.f.t. ca 11 fefoee h.uhwrought follie in lfraell, hy fla;ing bm are v~rlcr the g_ouernmem, and at the dtfthelvhorrin haf~rtherJ hou[e. Therefore lt w.:1s poJition of their Par,cnts; therefore the couenot the will of God, that fhc ihould be rctai... D natus which rhcy make, arc not maCe and apned as a wife,but vttcrly reieClcd and forfakcn . pointed of God,and thofe which God makcth Againe, this· was £0 vfuall a praCHfe in Ifrad not,a.rc indced,and truth none at all. vpon Gods comt'llaundc!ncnr, that godly and right(':OUS men,<-pon the difcoucry of:this error would not in confcicncc be pcrfwaded, to ma– l ry ch~m to ,..Jhomchey hld beetle ~ctrothed, Matth. I.r8.lofophherJJiu6.:lll'd(haumgfound, befotc Marie and hee came rogether, chat fl1c was '-''Hh chtld) hl'eingaiuft m&n, andnot willing tomak_$hcrapubli/:;!cxample, WM minded topllt her tHVIIY focrctly. If I. CAfe. Wl>at !hall we thirikc of the cf. . 1 poufals offi.Jch,3s are furiom, and franucl<c? An[. VVe murt '~1flingui01 ofthe dife:~ff's. For Madncs is,eirhcr pcrpemall,orby fitsoncly CHAP. 7· , 0f'R!ieEJion;or ~efufoll of theContraCl. COntrary to the complerc and lawfull con– traCt is Reirtl:ion, ~hereby the.Comratl is <lHfolucd, or broken.off. A lawful! Contra& i• then di!folucd, when ' · fomc