Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

l ! ... ' 'I I - - ---- - --- ----------- -------,----- --- ---- . -·------·-· -"-------' orHoufeholdgouernment. CHAP.7• / t8 ) --- ! f~mc ~re at 3nd h:;i;·,ous G~1~ followc!h immc· 1 A tentmcnr, "d1i!e rhcy Co rc:n:1inc. I .di:uc1Yvp6 it-, in either ofthe panicsetpon lCd. Ypon this ;~duke giliC'n by their l:.:v. fi1ll ! And from hence ari(c diGcrs & fun dry ,a(o to ! Pallor, or 10me in his Head; ifrhty borh ycdd , t b.: fCr do\\'tW :!!ld rcfolucd. or one of them at the le::dt dchro:s •o be- .·this · I The firH is this.\Vh:IC is to be done, wbr fome own~ libenic,thc cfpouf.Jls arc fonhv. ith robe di(cafc befalls one of the parties immcd'Lltdy broken olf. But if neither vvi!l coo!"cn~ t U':l ftaf[cr the t:ontratl made? . p:r.r:ui6, bm rather proceed :ts they hau<::- begut_,, 1 A.•:[. Thofc clift:;'lfcs '""hi(h take away rhc v!C & in prob::bilitie: du: on<: lw.1c no iuHc:mfc eo I of the bodic, :md alrogcthcr difab!c,1hc p:mic hold the othC'1" i11 (utpition ,in re[peel: of conta~ I from the perform~mcc 0f the promife made in gion; they are oot to be- hindrcd ffom the con.; l l j rcfpcCl of nuriagc!=,aH' \'t:ry iufl impcdifum'llJtl()ll ofd1ctr manage. . mcnts ofmarriagc,ang confc,lucntly doe break • l·unhermorc-, though one of rhcmfh01lld I offthe ContraCt or which fort vncurablc I hauc a dtfc:..fc, which IS .. ·vl'i:tn~:~!l \.0, n bout 101 p.a:fics, frigldity,and fuch like, \\'hereof! haue , I tcrmillion.,and yet curablc,or :>nyother it~ con.:. tpokcu before. B t!C'nicncc 01ould bcfull t'ithcr of thC"tn, after the 1 Ncucnhcld(e 3 coucnant once: m~dc is not 'I furc-making '''hereby they becotrcbm",dc;;f 1 I fitddenlyt? be rcnounc.c<l for fcarc or dumbc, &c. yet this .is not a fi1ffi~·i~nt c::ntfe offence. And thcrforc tome longer rcfrut fs to I to mooue them tp renounce, and dJfloluc the be taken fr6 the time ofthe concratt, in IA'hich 1 conttaCt. I I they are torcH: in cxpcthdonof amendment, I A fcco.nd Cafe,'What if it fallcth our: th:!t I ! before .the faid difcnfcs be publikcly and fo1 afen the tini01ing of tlic com~aCl, one of rhe-;! jlemnly declared ro be incurable, :md confce_fpoufcd perfensbe long abfent frO rhe othtr,, 1 . ! qucnt!y that the coucnant made is become fo as the abfcncc be prciudicial to the tn:~riage;- \ void. .. t·h~t ~10uld cnfuc vpon the contraCt. · I / Now, if the difcafe doe 'not for the prefcnt • Anf.lnquiry mull be made,·whccher thisab.;. I take away the vfc of the bodic, and rime fence be: vohunarie, or againfi-thc \\ill of the·\ .. prooo.~sincurablr conragious):md fo lothfome panic_. . · . · i thac c(lc one may mfHy fcarc to kecpc and conIf H be volum3uc. For cxanJplc; 1f the maot,· ue.rfC with che other; as it fallcth out when one vpon an honcl1. and iuH caufc, the \.\'omaiJ oHO:I_ I is ta.inted with Icprofie;then the contract is Vt-: 1 beingpriuic·thcreilnto, fhall goe bcyond1Caj~/' tcrly to be di{folued, as ifGod himfelfc.fnould i C and bccing admoni01·cd of' his dm-ic befbTei haue commanded ic, though tlic prortl\fewas han·d,lholl notwithflanding Hay a whole yekre formcrly.madc,& the panics thcmfclncs l11ould or more, antl V\'ill not rerurnc,:b!Jt fi1r'ihcr v.·il"'· / be vnwilling. God hath ordained Matrimony fully abfcnc himfclfC ;-then m<"~y h be la\\ fttH! ! tohclpe,nottohun,either the perf6ns [hemto the \\'oman, to craue o~t·hc M~..; fclucs, or others. wh-ere therefore thefc·dif.. gitlr:ne a dilfolutiou of tiH:~t<Jtfcm:nn imli~V cafesbe,which may infc:Ct, hurt; or deflroy o-: ,, and confequC'n,ly marry another n;an, vtll(:fr~I thcrs,thcrcGodhath, as it wet·e,te!lificd from j the formC"r to -whotn fi1c .w-as comratlcdi · ht-" hcaucn, that the aCt done is not pleafing vnto 1 .heard of. If he be; theh· l11'all Ijtl b.C'Iawf1'Jlt·fcfr; him, and. that prcfcmly it ought to bc·fru- :hi' m to. plead for:himf~lfe. chd r'~ndrin ... ;.'}, ffifl'j /hate. ~- . ' I c•ufe of hisreftl•!i, he ll10ll be _forced by llfel . The"tontraCl:.being.•hus once diffolue~, the M·agHlrates autbOlitic to thnd to· hiS proih'trc 1 founder parcie iliall bee :!t his; or her liberty I . and take-the vrot\~::tn far his ~~ft:t.~nd-thc rrrJ@ to n~arric againe•.B.ut the di(c:.~ed is by .the' I or.dcr·f~ to be t:\l'<Cn i'n tb .... <! ,wJ.lftJl~abt~nc,£cftfiet Mag1tlrat.c-s authorme,to be forb1dden foctetv woman, :aftC'r fhc is contr~tlca; '. .,J!•:-t"C' · · d· 1!G' with any other in W3Y o£ marriage, and coni- , If ag3ine, the ma.n o\· ,_.;·Oii1:ln fli.all v~on:.;}p, mandcQ to lead his JifCI, where he rriay-i:·onlre- D I' euill thinde,~ 3!;d wi't~ plJr"~ofe t-d ddcrHl.te Cich r .niendy. from co.mpany,, Jor·.fe:ac of infeCtiOn.~ ., other., <~hfcnt therrl(clucs, ond ~kf~an{m·~~e~i And Wlthlll he 1s for h1s ownep:ur,ro fuc vmo ~~ mu(l-be vfcd ~ that"thcy 1110\' be~dmOrHllic-d~JF I <?od flith for the gift of c~_n;i'ncn- 1 1 : ~he~J",~dury. That ~r~n~ do·;,e,_~{;tJc::~n v~1d'~? '_1i c1e.~or certam 1t 1s, that he to w_homqod br? ;:rken,~nd ycr th'c parr!~ otf<•l:'ding ;,, 1;14--nofaP.~ l dcmcd the power of\'ling marnage wnhg-ood I pcare, 1f rhc othr-r that 1s-pr~ff!tfi>;irpon ·canii~ ! I c~nfcicncC;i-s t~1.ercby .e.uc-n 611ed to cOminen- *n6~·Icd~e. of his, ot hc'F \>t1,~h~ iri· ~;fpca.Jdf= l cte and fing!c l;tc. ( . . t commenc1e, !hall fuc td thc.J\oh~.iP.'rStC ; ·~fieF ! BuuC.tHc difcafe be norcont;rgious,.yct cipublikc and foi'en1i1C ndtice:~Ju~ti;tht-c'orl~tl t 1 thcrinctirablc, broken; .. ; l .~r.m ~ l~~ 1 ":01 'j" pou[ed ~~~th iult caUfc to ~c afr:1id ~fthe1o~hcrs Bm if ~n th~~~t~c.r' fide~~C?~tl'C!i'IO~ t-h~b'Cl eompame: then both arc to be adutfed, nor to abfcnt ag:unfl'tlfc.lf':wll;-:ml! l!lt·Cilt'fcCh' ,,o fi'aUtf f I claimc tluir right, but vvHiiUgly to furi1t'll~er ic ~r _d~cc,i.t, b1:t i.s v'i~!ctitly ·Jetiii~c-<!, by"' ~3p:;~ each to orher by mumall ·confcnt, that 't hry uunrc·, 1mpufo"fi::t1em ;-1ickpe"!r!!f ' fotcc, b:a .: I nlly be fr~e agai~1c, and nN bound by~~hy ~or- ~ nifi1f1te~t , rran{p?;t~tiotl at~fticlllike '; th~ ,, ;ncr prom1fe to l1uc man· and· ...,.1 1fc; t.he parueprtfent't>tem:z ·tkfirous 6f the con.: 1 1 ConGdcr.i:1g tb:u theyh~tl_c no hope mutu<~.lly':friag~, ought ehher to makO t ) ~~ to~ct:hcr, comfort anO .conmean'<'s_~~ro.h:~nd expeCt hi~~tur;i .or hau~· \ I Sf!f z ""---~~.i!_l_e_ ___ ~