Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

68+_i CHAP.8. Of[hrijlian Oeconomie~ i A alrcadic beflo~\'Cd_.-------:-- \---– taine notice C'Jf his death,bcfore {he promifc,or Ihaue to doe with any od1er in way of11Jariagc. A third Cafe. What if afrcr the eonrraCl, one ofthe parties becomes furious, or madde? . An[Ifthe diJ'eafe be cominuall,without in– termillion, in all cquitic and likelihood, the c– fpoufals arc robe diiTolucd,vnlcffc both p:)(ties after knowledge and c:xpcriencc.ofrhc difcaCc, hauc knownc one ~mother : yet in this, and all c:J.fcs,it is fit that goodmeans be tried and vfcd, and J\1fficicnt time be giuen for the rdlorlngofthc diJCafcd, 1,otheir tOrmcr good clhte,and for the accompliilimcnt ot the mari– agc iawfillly bcgun,as before. CHAP. VIII. Of ~arriage. I MAdage is rhat,\.\·hercby the coniunCtion fOrmerly begun in the comraCt, is fo– lemnly manifcHcd, and brought to pcrfcGHon. Mariage is con!Ummatc by three forts of atli– ons; one oft\Je parents ofrhc Bride and Bride.. groome,thc other ofthe Minifler in publik,thc third ofthe porions coupled together. The aCEon ofthe Parems isvpon the Mari3gc-day,ro bring the Bride, and dcliuer her to the Bridc~groomc, that they two may become: aCtually man ~nd \\"ifC,:md pcrfonne each too- •dwr :tll mauin1oniall duties. I _f!nd where the marriage is cotnpletc,in any other manner, fo as the Partllt! vpon fouode , iudgc:mcnt and ddibcration, fl1all dcnie their ·ful and free confcpt,either in p:preffe words,or I by conniucnccal}d fil~ncc,and th<lt vpon iufl &_ la:wfull CZ!<fc; there, thouph in the ciuill courts ofmen, it may Hand, :md the children bowc thereinbe legitimate before !ncn,yct the 1ruth is, befot.c God it is ofno forcc,but amecre·nul~t Secondly, by p~rems confcnr, I vnder!la!!d 1 1 tha~ W~!Ch they glUe, ~ot r:1fbly, vnaduiiedly, 1 or foohfuly,but out ot good and V\· if(: con!i(.~e~ 1 ration, and vpo·n tn1c and tOund iudocmcnt <.1fl the bufinc:!fc in hand;For othcn.,·ifc: ~s much as jn thcn1licth, they make thcmarrilgc void and \· of none effeCt. And they are then thouoht to' carric a right iudgcmem of the thhJg, 0 whcn they be able to yecld aiufl caufCofycclding,or denying their confcnt. For cxaJnplc, if a f:uh'cr denies to bc!lo ..vhis daught-er luliil vponSm,. promm, bc:caufc he knowcs him to be an Arrian,a Pclagian, or ofany other fore ofHcrctiks; hcc withholdcth his confent vpon 'a good' ground, and he doth rhat which he doth, of! B iudgemem. • · J Yet further Iodde, thotwhcrethe parents '1 doe diffcm, and can yeeld no probable caufe l thereof;the mariagc confummacewithout their confcm, ought to beconfirmed and ratified by the authoritie ofthe Magiflr:ue, who is Par~· p~trri<t. And this fcemcs ro be the moH cquaH courfe, both fof the auoiding of grc:~rcr fcan– dalls, and for the prc:ucnting of "''tong, that may otherwifc bedone in fome panicularcaf~, as to a woman that is deflourcd and rcieClcd. Thirdly, confemof parents is either cxpr_ef– fcd,6r implied;.Expreffed, when it is giuen by word : Implied, when it is yceldcd by filence, For it fiandcrh with moll cquitic and indjtfe– C rencie, to rhinke that rhofc parents dor giue confcnt, who doe not byword c:xprc:Oy denic the Came. litie. , . , Fourthly, children are either fubicCl: eo the authoritie of their parents in the familic: or at their own Jibenie,and our oftheir p3Ccnu fub– ictlion. Thofe that are at libenie, 3tc tied ne– ccffarily to fubicClio_n in rcfpeCt of marriage; but the other ~ceing flill ofthe familic,and vn– der iuri{di8ion, :1rc bound to be order.ed bv th~ir p:1rencs in the bc_flowing of themfelucs." ... And bccau(c this doChine,touching confcor <>£ pncnts in t_hc_(e Cafes, is of great vfc, and su~ilc::b much to the fupporting and maintai~ ,ning offamiliesj I wil firfi open the truth ther- •qf,"and then proouc it by tcafons. t .Vnder the n~m~ of parents r~re comprchcn– didrFillt, the Father and Mother. Secondly, ~I Tutors :1nd Guanlians,\\'ho hauc the proper D &: charge of wJrds, or other~ vndcr yearS~ I ofdifcrction. Thirdly ,all fuc!l as are kindred of I blOod, who ire in flcad ofp:~rcnts to children, as,the vncle by tb~ fachcts fidc,thc vnde by the mothers fide, and Cuch ilkc. · · l • ~ow..rouching rhc confem orp:ucnts,that is I of father and mother, I hold it rcquifi.te of ne·· ceffitic to m2ti3ne:For thcauthoridc ofparents 1 ~ufinot b.t rclificd,or violatcd.As fol" T lltors, and fuch 3S h:mc the place of p2rcms, their. ,. Dehone· confenc is not required of neceflitie, bnt • _ot 11arc. I hondHc at leall, bccaufc the power and autho– rity ofthe parem,though it be not taken away, yet ic is leOCned,when it is cuhcr transferred to I :no<hcr perfo~, or in pm rcllerh in the child Thi• is briefly the meaning of the qudlion in hand, Now, for proofe of this p~int,l will propound three forts of :1rgumenrs, whereof fomc a1·cc.luwne from the law of God-, fome from the light of nature, and feme from the iudgcment ofthe anci'cnt Church. Forthe fir!! Con.Acording to the law. ofGod mariageis nor onlya ciUill and pol1tik~; butai– fo a i:huin.c and fpirima:ll coniunCtion; the au– thor and ordainer "~:hcrCof,vpon fp.ccial csufc, was godhimfclfe:Thjs.our Sauioui Chrifi wir– ndfcth, when he faith, Thofowhome God barb ' . i~Jnrdtogrth"er, Idnoman foparate, Mauh. 1~.6. 1 That.thcrcforemsri~goSmay be foundlyraufi.j cd and confirmcd,thc authoritie :mdpo\\'Cr o.fJ Godhimfclfc is necdfarily tobe interpofcdo ·I· If 2sked,-Ho.w God that is in heaucn, I fllOuld bring :md ioybe together man and wife vpon the earrh? . . . ..,th:u he d.othlt not unmeasatdyby ll himfcltC, as he brought Euah vmo Adam, but in :.nil by tOme folcmnc and bwfuUn_:_ea~1es. 1' And ..