Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

Fis~- i· c~;:r~- /;;(hr.ifl~_n.'OeconO}_ni~~-~ -----·-- - i-- 'I i q~ whirhi>a l',>!c_u•t!S W9rke,!\]''11'by the MtI~ mirth aud mmic-maki~g, d 1 crc bcc.;atet had Il [ f;pronouncil!g ,tJl.. e,paniCs s4uactcd tObe I t1lat llOt.hJn~ be don_e.~which is ditll011ell,proI lll.~tpnd;.v\fc \1 0fllp:,t[1,< i' hoje c~ngreg~ciDq, phanc or qf tll rcpor~, Philip>(f, 8. lt'!imfot~ter cotlJ.nlCnJc.dl t~CI!l ;~ad ~t,hc1~ ~~t. y.n~ Gop I thmgs ~re~l{fJ(11J) p~ ; 1 ofgoodr_ep!if..tfl'bJvk vn I ,.by1 tolcn:.•1c p,r.3y~: ... :-,.; J \ .:.•t--.t . -i , ~ •• j rb~[ttl-!ljtf'f~~cqnd);oi1'T~B~:IC?Y in. ~h.qll9s.JHix. ·.. .1 h1_t tOlcmf!eJ~g§bfi~·onen.l,s!{;r.oq~HJcd vp- •1 , .:d ~~~.~~9df:l13tf~. \~i;,l.1 ~l.1J:~c.?rt ~f.Q.q~lif>~·jdi \ .q.n tJl,Cp,r.alh !c)rl" God,hnnfcJfp ,tr-~oh:nuvg 1 ' QIJ.f.~\\~l~h\ 1 .f,:iJt$:hle.r!.\ii:!\P,lclonuJg1 ~t\llecre 1 -~'UJ'Q Eu.•·!! t'!.t1A.I!Y , il\<Gcd cl>e\n,-(itymg,/n- , n'i'Jno(fe, J;e;!eb,,; ,r,h.i,tdly, Jb~, 11 b~pcrC1ea[e tmd nmft1plu·, Gen. 2. h_~ .• 1a~~'-11 : 7t• fp,; 1 fg,rp1cd_ i!l.amodcra~c anR.W.b.c:r .vfhof.thc crea.. th.!lt. v.,h~h (J~ulj(\\~~ gam:, ~h~ 1~1111Hc;~ }lan- , ,t\!r~s,,\, lthg!J,t ngt ~uv;i1 t'Hdfc, ·n.~.slv..\Cl-.iClldc : Jl,i~g \J\,~)S, i<\<JII'\'J!Jl91·~ pra_yq)\) l't1ly ,b> gug:)) that 3t f\;e ~!e:~tfcalt of'f:'lilaji;H~ojl;,>t' ap> 1 .~"Rif.i:l1H1~Q!~!l.J e.:{t(-JYF~~H ~~ ~h\rfeabl~ to thg pol.otc~~~~.t~l~ Kmg H_\mfcLfc, th»r,th.cyjl<"u/d , g~! of t:lc Ap~IHc ,J1ut' becl I e4,·in~e,or~~r,'J;.,}and ncw.c migh\sor1l.}>CJJ.\-ano:o ~'1t4f€1;».~1y_tpJ,d.JIJ-0_rJlo> r.Cqr-.Jt},. 4:0...1 .•._,. chcr to drmkc more then he thought conub~i.; ,~,N";y lll_'fhthH,'!S't!?'' I' tP.i?<;.~PPF~oued apd _ ~'"• Eltc·ft-' • S.,And ,wh_cr~,wedqil!g<3rdl:pt yfl;~ ;n.a~<,~~\lf:\\h..,>pp','-rc•.bs. trclc.feafon!,. : i\ __ cpnm,y.r_o:lhefe dir~cli~ns,they.are,l\otfe3fls ~.,!11'!f"~~~;~Hlfl•~·nu\>l_,~.e-o,Cl~'{<fo "·" ~ft~~ I, ceicbrate4-.~tHo God ,b~.t vnt_o th'1. El:C.uill; ~.(l}~t-3-JPJl~~·~.'l~~>hj!;ns.q>~l~>P..«, "h"-'~n . ":'htch.a)'(Q may:bef.a\d ofalothfr ~!lip~~<<>< by:'i1\~~f~l)~ff9!p. tl~s~mnraps:1f:9r·.th.~~q!1-: ; ungs. ;, ., .. 1 \ '\ \ • .\. u o\t< ·, 1 , j "'oti:R>H)l'gme,~rty Fl'"ll, as l•llo~d«b l>nh' And l<\_t)luch to4c~jqg.t}u, poin•<ri. 1 : C'/Jlfen,; Rf;nF;P,fi-ll!~ thaf,it\efOJt(<pt, it,m•y agc,in.whj.~h tthisi> to' _Rercmembre;i ( 0 ,,a, 00 • p~ei!r?J!~!t,& !lillP~'>'hfJ't ,'Yi<h 'l~~l<i_•geJtA ~lufi.on;T\-,at,\\'-herc '~'"is gener~liy a·nullitiji 1 qcpq,;\'lfct.~ 1JI!.1M:arn~gc IS qy:J~II\maru: pffue, . ~!l·fl;c~on~n.Cl;, qr ~epPI.arion fq!lowirig yp:on -~,\llln:b aiid _<;:~')lr.QtJ•-:ealth, _lll. h ~as !h'l . i "• thctt l~plfQ;t, mllli{ij)-)n rcg~nl oftbc.-l!bnt Lib.u:.dv:-:· "JU,i\S1i.ff._g{1 :\bC :~fi\]litiue q,_u.rch• . ~e(lu/1~~!~ ; fummati9qof marria,ge,o;:n 1 • 1 ~ , 1 :· ,[ ,, •fpJlil~tngof, lll•rmgcpf-Chpj}tanswtthJ;:~r,t' d ; , , , .;1,,,.~, Of ell\. ,fiians, ackno-.\lcdgcih hitnfcJ(~r_no_t t9bee able, ~- · · · CH, ift.."P ·I X' L·· ,<t fi._~ffic"icmly:w~icfcl~rcth~.happ,i·ne~ ofthd_t .c~n- I .u' , ;_ ~·-t~~ :' ~~, ..,; : ;:"· .. . \~""'\:.\ ~W;.~n'whitiJ.l~· madohJ theChaYc.h, (onflpr:ated .... ~ ~ ') ·o ..· ...' .. .• 1 •oblnloo' f>J,p_r,~;·rs and~·M•'I'"< [tr#ioe 'witneJTed hJ thr I ',\ ·oj,tbe 'autie Of married. . -. 1 ~~:~~·~''',_ :_J~,grtrM,n_tirarifi~4h.9•dhimfdfe. /'lir-phor~U 1 · ·'." • -.-per•_ r; _o'n'- 1 ·_. ' ·Mnu,.Ni,e· . :r.~potteth gf_ OtU::SJI!di.w, who f40_uch ..nll that 1 (" ·· J." ~~nt;~c~1~1• ;Go.4.laott(df! l~tre:r,;a~4 tlu4HI'J ha'ld ()fT,.heJPh;- ; . . . . I ptlli.9·~P!ll· ll/J:H.-hffdg/tlf'!h;m_ awifo.. Ambrofi faith,Th~t "'~!-! ·1 TH~S;.farrchauc wee proceeded. in the do. Vtstl. 'r.J~g~ OJtght ur~;~n{iift6d, pith tlu,"tv..ayle 'ff'here-·. 1 : marriage; ~md nowe we came ro l lw)Jh.fhC"i';ti#}h~Ju"wMt toaoHer,th~ Bride.~tn4 tbe. , !the .dutits,w1nch they whob,emarricd arc t.o 'Br!~~!!'•-""'fin,tp~po/;/Jk$ •~•gJ•§'!fiDn,An~ry,ith. , j per.f<!ome:each to other, , , -· 0 , 'hi.s {;lefling. , , 1,- --. 1 1 Thcfe arc principally two;Cohabitation;and ."J:he third .•ndlafi a_cli_on b_clonging "' th~ Communion·. , . , Oj;COJl)pli01mG)!I J"( ~bJS c!h\<,,Js~ thot of -th" Cohablt:~~ion i>thcir quiet and comforiable I P~!\ieuhemfqlp{l. wher,eby .thc.J>Fide i~ h> ,dc't ' .dwelling togc.her in one P!~ce, for the oe,t.tcr :~el!,fJ :md mode$ ~~~l~ncr, ~f"Ollghc vntp d1c;: pctfor,natitc of-.mmualJI-dmies, 1. Co~.7.: J o: l,l.p_uf~~.n.d home cf.t.hc ~dde-.g'rodmt. lt~i.s th~ not f.lnnth·e.Lord, l;iw ofthij eltar; pu,bhlhed by God himlclf< in, lrt not thi'¥11ifo[<pararehrr[<!frframhmhnfb•nd, Para,cJ!fc, t}l~~}hC!I,ll~IJ, .eucn in J'cfp,eCt ofh.~~ vd{ 1:...BI}Ma theremnant 1 1fo),not;he..LDrJ,ff Qitat.jon,fhoul4lf..aKcfiu.h~rand1J.JP! d· c}eque any krut)Jer hatJeanvr.bduuingWife, and-lhee.hee tp/116.:wifc,,Gci);:,:f'1· · · . ;,, · . . cofitent~odwellwirhhim, fu ,himnot forfolzy her: H,crc quc.fti?J~·is~~n_Q~ucd ., .\:V1h~thcr D verf .. 1·3. Aud.tkel"tfewhichbath~n vr.6elie11ing is ~O· be~ folcnm)zc~_( \\'J~h mrn.h :md fcaflmg. h~tjband,rvhkh ucontmt toJw~Uwtth ber,ln her A~;f"'.· I. It is l~)v-lu.IJ alld'l_ntable to vfe notforfakJ/;im, r. P«.J. 7• Lik.rwifolrttbtmm t"Ca!ling aqd thcfc ~e dwelltogether ,a~!JecOmeth them thAt hAP.ek,ztow- \ t~il}gs indifferent ,aud~ we hauc.example-s thc~rJege, gil!ingJ,onoHr to the woman·a~ tD theReak.,er 1 o(Jtl. the Scr~ptu.r,es.~ l,abm' ma9.c 3: feafl at the ~effe/, tHen Ar rbey which ari heiru tugether ) \~edding of la~:~co6,;md Rachel, and inuitcd a}.l of tlugrAce ()_f life, tharJoHrpraJers6enot inter"" . JclJ~.r.n.en pfthe pl~~e t.o it, Gen. 29. f.Z .. Chrill 1 mpred: • · : :·.. · - ~ l)itt)l<lfc did approoue the refort of people to Thu duuc· mult be kept efpemlly _the firlt the,mariagc:Jt ~ana i11 Gali. lcc,b~~h,by his pre~ I yea~c ofma~i;~gc)Dcuc.z4·S' .wh~nam~nt~rh (e!1C~, ~ndby mac honourable gift offix wat~r:: r-tWJfe,hre/ballnotgoeon warre{aJe,m1t~erjJJal/ pots qf the bell wine, !oh. 2,1, 7· 8. I I. It IS · 6fuhargtdwirhm;yhufn'JTe, bH<(b_RIIhreJYerat ''ly Jawfi.JIJ, bm conucnicm :md fit to be home on.~ytnrc, and reit!Jce wirhhu· ffif,c which done, if rhere be abi!itic; according to the hu harl>t_trl:,:n. And the ground of rb:s comcomnlepdablc curlomc of the p~acc and counnpndcmcn.t no doubt, is, thlt .t~cy might learn r~y ·whcrcin men do dwC'Il;fo as in the vfc tht;·- eo knowe oneanothers condn_1ons, ami thar of,..thcfc C3Htion!i ht obfcmcd. Fhft, th:,.t in , th<'y might workc a fetled affeCtion one to- _j~- -----------,~------------------'-'"_r_ds _ _ _ _