Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

. ----·-- -----'- ----~------ - --··--- :=-;iJ.oujefJdgoue;rleJhent. . ~flAil·9· 1587 i - --- - .---, ---~- w:tr_ds,.a:nRi-hc,r,whic~. afu:rward vpo.n noJJcca.., ; A a~ libcl'tic m~y nlarri~ ant;r~h. s;r.;~1ow tht ~ck~~ I · ft~')n rqig·l~t be c."! .. '.... . . . I UlO~ r:n~t: f~rf:l~cn_, IS <lihbel'tlc;b-:caqlc he l~ ~.(cey~hcy may bc-,~~knt c:ich f~'?PftOth~r 1n 1 not 1n iub!~C}Jon 1n tllch thJn.~s; thcrc:fo;c1 hc~ • f")91ca1f~_; firll vpC?}l;•nllltu~ll vp\l(~nt for a nuy marnc aJ~ochcr._ I Io G.~a h2~h .<·al~cd ~~ I 51.\~h, fo" t~ .. ~pcrf~li"P]ii)g of lc_mc;; ~wJi~lCSsthat vpcOp~~cc/anh Paul,anP -t~IS pea~~- C31:li-)Gt•be IS rcqUif;tc fo r chc foqJily} Prou. 1·}il~!for~m!ne :kcpr~ Jt d1Jtbc;iccuwg part!~ fo1,iakcn_c~nnpt , hr.flb,H~4 ~ 'fO'-Ifl ho~~! ~ee_Ug,on_,(a-prf[ .comain~ vnlcf\e he m~r.!Je.·.oAm&nf vpo~~ the 1 Ary~brndn . I /!r tJt;fPl.Oinr;d l~fl?c W.s;J:P.tiL ~~OfV'!·rtg:~fin(. Se:- ~placc:.f~at~, _7/'~t! 1/JArr~age ,:_.oJ~.n~ot /'-1Jd .fi_:m.r,.J •.co, •J.•S· 1 condly, t1lc !i~<su;\~(~ncc ~~ al!qW~4., ~~"~c~~ ~hJch 11fop~rfit~(jfr~m_zhcwo}j'JJ~p nr.d J:~~tot,ofl l Jot,n;;~ &~~jt'3!?,4 .. \~',i89\!C, aff::Jres .~!thcr '.n the ' -~'lf'~;·,turdthe,rr~Jvr;etr u r.o{inr,e mrhepttrtu·r~llf Ch~1i~ or Co.nlmqi)·ll-·~l~l) .~,r~ ipJ"h.apcJ;. ~~.rp;. 'l.f.'jorf4kJn/UJ1fiD~ifc~Hfo, to•/Jet mdrrie4 Iol!'fP-t r i. 9· ro. Bur VriahjJ.~_pt ~tt the,dq9ff oj;r~h~ tber: ~mlrh~1Jflbtle1Her d.eparting, /fnnerJJi~Ptl; ·1 Kt~!l f,11ar•, .f ;t/J;,qlfAu /frHanfl ofchi; Lora, flgair-fl: God., and aga;nft.lht·Law of w•d!cc/;f; 4"d ~ef!!, 'lOt downe to hi; houft.,:: N:: 'H···Th!n /Jt'c;mfe hee dtnr~J to t'"emai}le ·in that ej/atf, m f/ria6 anfwer,e4 po;tr-ti~: The Ark!, 1and f[rtull, ~c.g4rf._ ofrt/ygif(p. TJurt{oJ't. keetreak.fnheco· 1 ~tnd·f9d;t~d:Pttlin leJ!fi.., a.t~d 111-1 L~C:.t{JoA~an4 B iu~nnt of m~trrt.:gi. andrh~pther- iJ..nt;J, bour.din , . , 1 ttlf ~~.ef{!IJPnfJ. o£mJ ,~orAa6id~ in t.k~.<?P.'A"! jltldj !l t}tu_ cafo to k!fft totlthWitk ·JJ.iY;J;. L.~tn6.trd~ the · Lib.4 dili.3'· jhaUf·t~ep:go~ int~,'!lJfoyfo ra tate,,mddrin~e, &j Maller ofd!c.Jet;Hencc.s, faH"h.; That tht be.Jee. liewithmJ wifo? 61 I:~J.Iife,J an4~J !-~~li[1 ofm; Hjng parri~ in;thf1 ea~; is nor/JJJ-trd ,to.fol/uJ'f1~Ju fople._ l ,rri/lnor 1 dqr tf'i~_;4~1.1g. _.,. 11 ,')!!: ., · '~~'!fte!nuer wht'l heed_cpart,eth, but whilehe·/i~l . HcJl...'Sarifcth a '{ll:Sf1i_ou : "tJhat-lf ;,;fter m~• .!'!..11 mttrri!fl§o!J:er_; .AuguJlins: affirn~c'~;Jhat Lih.i~ fide confutm~larc,th,::;e g,row vpoi),Om~ oftht eum rhe wife wh,chrs to/nt·dtoherhHIIum4·ur/(l'W,; & t~pcr.C.• 6• parti"cS a ccilitagiom difeaiet~at catifi_ot be CU"· 1 foilfocietie, if.f!;ee Jl!i/l not 116ide_with her Chrircd ,put i,.ro 10thfotn 1 !lJ:1\}hc DtVFt 'Yh9lo parjJiatJ +u.o•~d, heca~foh.« ;sA·Cbriftian, '''"l 6, tic cap~of·cndure cQh~~ipdpn a;t 3Hl- ~j', forJftk.!n m:.J ~6ft, wilhQHt ftmu. And it .is tin.11 e .Anf. Boththeplirjag~it fclfe, ;iq<j, th~ du, _b,ner that·lP< ~ou~nant /hould bcdiffo!uhl; tie of dwelling tog~rh~r.:; oUght 1 t9:JC:91,njnue t}la~ m~n pn,J,\\'ife~;m~. maAe e:~ch wirh ,other,~ fir~c and.fure norwi~l1.llanding: yn .f9 .~s the th.en the Cciucria:n~ v.lhi~h man h~uh1mhde partie ~leither may, ~~~r .Ppght in goq4£onfc;i~ v.·~th God. J)h~pcopleofltrael becing in aflH~ cncc>to de(lrc coniuqCH~n \'dthotllc:;r,;whcrby. Chon, wde .con!haine.d to brt'akc the fo"l:mer he,or fhc t\lay,bting infct:fiOvpon .th~mfc:lues, made wi:h flrange Women ,~thlt they· mighi cOnfequentlybun their ch_ildrcn,and fQdanger , keep~ the lattcc, I I,•I·9· · .)IH·"'::l! the Common-wea!t!l~ " • 1 • , , J :c It ts aUcadged, th;lt the vnbelteuing paniC r But if either ofthe f1:u:ties h~u.e 1\Qt .the gift t;nay h3pply rcpenr, and then tomake aditfolu... o~Con!inencie, nor c_ll)OOt abllaine;1~h~y mull tion is invai'ne,.But I fay, that it is a$likeJ.y th:~.t fuefor i.~ vntoGod i~ carndl prayer, \o\'hO \\•iJl he will ncuerrcpem, & therefore there i's cau(c giuc it'vnto them. I :.I ,,. , tliac the knot lhould be diffoluerl. For !~Fre God hath ~allcd aman orwotnan Again<, it is lawfull (fay fomc) to m>ko :t to conti,ucnck,,whc:rc they qe, necc£farily hindiuorcc out ol the c:~fe of AC!ultcrie.- .Anfl The · drcd from the vfc ofthe 0 rdiniiflc .a~d lawfull belccuing partic which is forfakcn, is nor rho remcd\co~the contraCt.. . ;. caufc of the <huorce, but JS a p2tienc ofthe.frJ The con~rarie to.Co~abitation is Defenion~ paradon, wrongfully made by the ¥nbdc:eu.ti. D.cfcrtion is,whenpn,~of the mar;~cd folks, And Chrift where hee mt'ntioneth the C3fe J:Ji vp~n a .wilfull, an<\ pb!linate mind<, of, their Adulmie,Mauh.I9.fpeaketh of an cquall ma- . ownc_head,dc-partelh from the othc,r, without riagc, whereas PA"Hifpeakes ofan equall, : :. a iu(\, :l)ldnccdfarjecay(~. . .. ·• ll. Cafe. What ifthere fall0ut adefmiolf To;uching thispoint,thorcbefundricC?fcs l;>gtweentwommied folkes, which :ire both ~xpounded. • , ..:•~i· ·, . bcJc.eucrs~· .. I. C-fe, Suppolethatan husband,w~ich i• D An[ ... Thefaultiepcrfon, who is thecaufe an vnbcleeuer,or an heretik in the foundation, ofthis dcfertion, i5 to be forced bv courfe of of his 9wn accord,vpon dctdlation.qftrucre.. Ciuill, :md Eccleliaflicall ccnfurc, t~ pcrforme llgion,quitc fOdlkes thcJbcJecuing wife, ::md his, or her dutie.Vpon which procecdin•i,ifhc denies any more to dwell whhhcr; whrt is to remaincobfiinatc andpcrucrfe in wil;thgother be done? . muH in padence,and earndl rrayer vnro God, An f. All good mcancs mull be firll vfed to waitc thctime,vmil his mindc m•y bechanged bri1.1g t~e infeClcd panic to rcpcmat)cc; and and he made to relent by rhe order of the Mawhen n,onc will fuccccd,but rhc cafe rcm~incth gitlrare. Buc ifrbcone ofchem, by iuft occ~lidcfpcrace,thcn mariage is .diiTolucd on his parr, on of fcarc, be compelled to depart from the :1nd the bclcc~ling \<\·ifC is free to m:.-rr~c anoo'hcr: and ,cannot rcturne againe \\"ithout apther. So flith the Apol1le, t.Cor.g.7. r5.~frhe parent danger of life; in rhis cafe they arc: not tmbe!aui"._r p~rrie dtpa-rr, /er himdcp<trr: abrDP.ound tOI'eturn;but thedelinquent p:trtic is tO rher or a (i/hr is mt in {rtbieFliM in Jirch tiJingJ: remaine folitarie,till they be in{huC1cd& made but God hft:IJ called~~~ vnto pe~tce, In. \\'hicb to doe their duties: :- ·•nd in the ntt'anc i ""ords obfcnlC a twofold l'ca(on: J.HcthatiS j while, the panic innocemmufl be rcfolt 1 cd :__ - ·-·--- ·- S [[[ f that ---.-'