"" 688 ICHAI'.9· Of [hrijli~n Ouonomie.,. --- \1 that God h,ath.~allrd h;n>Or hc_uo.finglc life. ,: A . thc"forin<U\'gainc, if the bc!c'ciii'l'fllOui~· r<- l ·-===--- 1 ! Againc, be H-th:tt the one ts refohncly V"f1- ·l 111ainc w~th_ ~he. vnbelc;,cU·cr,_{he tlio'tfld h:~.f.flly l \'villing to dwell Y:ith the'other,&fld-rhcrcupon be Y:g~d fOmctuncs,in·b~fC o( diOgcrV,ron inflies avv'Jy without any fault ofthe i>thcr: ifthC , finnnic, t 1o'-dcnie ChfiJl~:thdh1ak"'c fl 1 iit'.,;r}d(f l thi1lg:iftcr alopg fpat: ebe ftlfficicmlykno"'A'nc 1 bf faith aha good confcicrtcc';whi'cH tn3)'•fnltl0 I Ut·forc-hand, arid all poffi-ble''tn~~mt-s hauc been 'foYt'bc tlotiebfcithcr,:uti'e: andJtlftr(foft re~ 1vf<d,torecbinl~i~gulltifpeH~O;)eabeing ;_ paratidit i~·'td'be made f:.thCr in rhH tOcietii. coiled he doth tio<'pcrfoMII)' ·'appdre'boforl: 11f<n thatihe couiuntlil1fi with'-Cli\i!f.'"lbi>uld thc·hrdg~, to yedd ..a reatOn Of'ith~\fa_Et ;\ a~er l 'iiO[•flah'~ firfne, and condtiuC;"'' .' 'V·!... tmblil(c and !olcmno.dcclaraoian·n1:1dc,•he 1Mri ., :!~is aU~a<lg_ed,thar ifi~isb'e fir,'i~'<'ll'if'c"beL nificr vp011 \uch d'<"fen ion;maypn:tboll't,cc-the · lec~~mg wi[e.f~~1~ktsth'e.-ynPekeuJ10J, RDHtaJ, maprbgc: tO b~ diffoli1cd.~For'h~h~tv·pon ma\. 1 whtch fue'lTY.ly nest d- 0 }.· ••l • .._ ·, • 'Y1 .I( • ~ lioo t!'icth "'"y.friS'mhis matc,'is I&behaldc;> ·,' An f. ·She foifakcsn1liihot'finanf,litit l~allt• h1 the f:tm~ tcarms--with an vnbelt't-uer;who dtl 1 hitti fot a .time.~\~Ag2h~e;' tbe c:fcfc:tLOH'\~ 'not parts vpon dm(btiooofrcligion,& tHe feruicc 1 I nfa<!e'by the p'erfon, "hich ·gtUc'th pl\ll:~!o~thc of God,LTim:s: 8.· . 1 • : ., " '\0' .•.. '· :a' time; bur by him ID)''honf lS th'c ·caJ\~bf·t'lt~ • Howbeitlfthc'pla<cw'hither'hC is fled,~· In: ll<fwro,n)u<'nashcjyn~t 'i'O'lletcrth~~· Rfi~- V~lknowne_, :wd vpot,l h~s.fligh't-~h'~l-c1bc·f6ut\~ 1 . ~aiikc;:WhiC~ feparan!tt~'Hiltlfclf~·,-.tb'\1( ~~-e·)~ fnrne fault m the Plamu:ffc, ·{hce''J'S not io.De 1 Whoaus rlic c:1Ufe ofdie Schifi.nc.-\ \1.\H\ •• -~- • kird ;or icr nt liberty by.the Iudgc·in'th'is· ca'f.-; i · Againc, it i;obictli?d}·{hai he ;;,·h1'ch flte'th thhugl.' Jheprete~·a. want_of'thc· gi~t-of co~i!'- j ' l~au" hl~~~ling;ancJ:'tl'~lnan-in\lll''.l~1!!'~ in n<rk«\ .,, · 1 • • ,_.\. ' · : ..'"' htsca!lmg,~ccordingw· !hcrulcoftlicApo~ ·-,~>B.ilr fi1ppofe hee thad\_e~~Cdn\e .:1"gaine v~~ fi.Je, 1.c~r:7.zo . . ,. ·· .:. '' .~' 1 H:o.l c ~-:>, . ·fj !ookctl for;.,nd icquir-os1~is•fpoufe:thcn in c:ifc • · ·A;/P,·'J<hcr~•i!li'tlo"'ii!JJ~blling1 : "rbe--alenc~ thdotmer.·ceutfc h_arh not bctne·takcn, 'nor rall,ilandfn~ fit th.c wbffi,lfofq'odii;}r:< pa·rii! ibdge.i',cm giuen a{prnil him, the)"may beN;~ cular,Jitlle-calling o'fh1iii1ag~dr Jffindlc life. coticilcd a_nd1;omc tOgether ag~itle. ·Iflit hat~~ Whc·n:~cfe' tWd1ciBii\g'~'~C:tnnot ·ft:i~d tb&e: and•mattcrs be .concluded/ he> i~ not vpon hii ihlir; th~'latier·n'lti!l·gi'ue 'place ·io ihd6ro,c1·; ttturne to be heard., but rathet'1f~Uercly puni! { :uk. r 4.12'6~/f~'?' nfoih,tmit rome~,anHWdt~'n~'f.. !bed. . . . • :c... ' ... , hisfathtr.;'<milmorhd;ilhll"'ifo, •rdihi}dfjn)m~ ' :-!Like·ynro Drfor-tiln 1 is in~ioi~us and fpi• /Jr,thYen;inliJift~ri;jtA')~Hii'IJirlorme·iif_?Jt/fo;htei tefulldcalingof,nau:.iedfolkCs.Gn~wi,th tht: oJ \C Mnnol)j,fm''fDifttpt~:b ·:j ,:t I ~ rr! ·;.;.!:}:1! •. (· ~,;) tlier. ...-,,.,.. '· • . · Ill.,Cifo. W~cnthe llb~b?il'dlsprfr.etu•l-' _, :Maliciom kaling is,whe d\~tlling togctli<.'i I ly abfciu,f?om t.h~ w1f<;w1ial ;~ ro'I>c.'do'ri~?'.• theyrcqmrc each ofother tmolltrable condltl~ An[. lf<ht-b~ abfctit 1 clt11Ct bccaufdhc ls J!!' ons: .& when •theonedoth norf€ga,~d nor re: I c:aptiui4i~,()rvpon ri1a1iCt;:Gt'ft'at~,br3liY. fU2h lc~u~ the othet;b~~n~ in danger ~r extrem~ty; li~c ~~~(e~t,h.e wif~ rp~R.fc ... fi \tt. ~X~'ccti'tibn «?f as 1s mcece. for·~h,srls astnuch?S to betray on~ hts retur,ne, ttll £he hat~ HodfC o'flm d·c.ath, eianothers dhtc~nd life to their Vct'cr encmie~. ; thcr 1bY.'fliffieiciu· tefHrri'odic 1 6r by 'a'F.~irant' · Here it maybedemaunded, w~::lt :a bclC'eucr Jikc:lihOo'df. Now i1ft11e:Wint of tcAiin.~riics, lhoulddoe, who is in ccrtainc -and immin:c·nr and conicClurcs i,nthi,s ·~tl)alft; ~fthe pattic·for· daoger,cithcr.oflbtfc of life,or breach ofc'bn~ faken can'ilot ierrenJ¥tJcr·efrilint-, tHat' :11~ ab.. · {cicncc, if they both abide together? , fence was rt1:1~C: vporl.~f{Ctiill nlindcifoh.cll:tuc .An{.. I. This cerrainc danger h'inh his ori~ rhoug~it that it bdlOotifth her to ·r~·r~~ his ginall,.cithcrfi-om one that ISa Jlrang;cr,... Or 1 cbmmii1'g;: againf forth~ f(>icc ~ffourc·featest . frO.oncofthe partics:Iffr6 a flran5-er; then the · others o( fiuc; fome,of'fcauCn. .,,fOtfi~'o'ftchnc hu1band either takes vpon him the defence-Of ytare\; after which"timc,fhcc'is fre~;VrtC:J>mily hisbdeeuingwife, or not;ifh.c ~orp, then !1\e~ I marri.c:.:m9ther man. An~ i(the p:~~ti~~dtFH.ap.! ought to abide with him,Jfnot,lllcmoy depart D ly rctiinie ogainc aft_er-fomc long fpa·C'e·oftime, 'and prouide for her ownc fafctie. I I.Againc~ i~ whowaspro~ably th'mJg~r. to hat~c bC,c~_?e'a?; thehusb:~nd thrctneth hurt,rhe bc:lccuing wtfe the la'tt1 Ct man--age vndcrtakcn v~on n·e.cdfanc may flie in this c:~fc;& it is all onC", as if the v;1~ ignorance: Of fuch _an c~chr', m~}· be .~i~~IUed; belceuin-gman ihou1ddcpart.FOr to depart tro ~nd it fha) not be nnpured to eH her pa;t~e,conone, and driue one awayby threats, arc cqui..: fidering !t feUout not by their faul_t, ?ut oncly ' pollem. . c •.- . by accid~nt. . , . · '"~ . ' ' , ·Neither may th1s feeme fira11gc vnro ~ny1 Now tf the qucfl1o~1 be of wtl~u~I.·~daffe~ that rhc belccucr in fuch cafe is-allowed tO de.. Cted abfcncc,thc fame ts tobcdetermmed con~ pan.Fora husband that is aChri!lian is maried cerning th3r, which h:~rh bin f:iid before tOlltwo waies:FirH with Chri~l,an~ fecon~lywith ching t'nc:'point of D'cf~~ion. 1 • his wife. The former marrJage1smadc: 111 Bap~ dfme., and is amore holy coniunC\ion, then is · the latter. Therefore when thcfc two cannot CHAP. X. nand togcth~r' but one of them muff necdes o> I' h" 0 . f . bcdiffolucd;thc!attcr mu!l tathcr bekfrthe_R _'J - ~- e ommumon 0 marrt~ =~=~===:.:..:..:::::..::.._:::..:.-.::..:=::;:_'-"'--"-'~~-· -- ______!!_ _~