"-"-- ._!::...-- _.:_:,._,_:..:.:.:: i / or Horifeholdgouernement. I .- -----~~---- CHAP. to. c,n~•.Prnp<llui(li;Oifi. "· cdfolf?.J,.cndofd~u6~n:.;. A ' ricd fo\kes t'~-"d "'•ayes, FirPl, by.gi;,:!ng rhem . Holu:ce. \\'arrant, that they may lawful!j' do this :1~lion; THe Commu.'nion of man and wife; is that Uccal1JC v.-h:nfoeucr is not dotic offaith(;.Vhich dmic, wbe'rcby they do muttJaliy and'wH~ fairh mutl be grounded on God~ ""ortl)is :1 fin• . Jingly communicate, both their pcrfons, and Secondly 1 by prdCtibing the right and holy I l 'I goods each to othcr,for t·hcir mutual helpc, nema11i1cr of doing the fame. ~ J ! l allitic and comfOrt, Eph.5. :8. So ought mm to The holy manner Jl:.nds in rhefc particul:us. 1 AmD•o1.1ib. 1 ! loucthcirwiJJUanhciruwrubodiu: hnh~Jt lolleth Firft, th<I.t 1t b~e d6'ne i1i iiioclcrarion, For •1. .: l'hiJ<,for' i J h:i wif~,loHnb himfilf~. . cucn in wcdlockc C>fccflC in hifh is no better , ~~~~c~1~:.-· \ I Thi~ dutic contitlcthprincipally in the perthen plainc a:dulteric before God...Tbis is. ~hC : "Iulian.!,)• 1 • . fonnancc of fpc:ciall bcncuolcncc one to ano· iudgemcnt dfchc auncicnc Church,thac ;ntcn~-l j 1 1ther,:md chat not ofcourtc!ic,but ofdue _debt, pcrance, that is, immoderate de~1·c euc·n 'bc.l i ,. 1 .Cor?·3· L~t th~hmb~o~nd·g~u~v1J/othewift dt1e tvvcc-nc ma"!l and wife arc foroic:uion. I I 1hmeuo!ma, and lik,..nvl{~ ,tlfcJ the wife vntt) the Secondly, that ic l:fe vfed in aholy :lb~inCcc; 1 : hmhand. Abflincnce from this fecrct.focictic, mu.(} be I' Due bencuolencc mu!l: be 01ewe·d \Vith :l finvfed in twd c~tCs. , gular and entire <1ffcCl:ion oae towards ano- B Firfi,whlle the "''omen is in her ~owrcs.te.: I 1 thcr ;·3lld that three waycs principaliy. 1 nit. t 8.19· ThdHftJr.lt not !'Oetb a wom~>w to-unto~ Firll:, by the right a!ld lawful vfe oftheir bo.. Htr lur)hnme·, m long a&'jhcc i6 fHt ap~trt for her ~ dies,or ofthe marriage bed, whid1 is indeed an dife4fe. Atid it is made one ofthe properties ofj . , e!fcntiatt dude ofmarriage. 3good manl n_ot eo lie wit~:?- t~lCtlfhuoU.s wo- ~ 1 The nmiage bed Ggnificth th>t folitory•nd man, Ezek.t8"6. fecrec focictie which is betwcene man an~wife Secondly in che time of a (Olcmnc f.1fl, \\'hen I 1 ·alone. fomc gricuous nlamicy is itTimincnt.Thcn "they 1 And it is a thing in it owne n:i!ure indiffearc to giuc thcmfclues (by mmu~lll confc?ut) to 1 rent j neither goodnor bad: and to Pafl!numfalling_and prayer J I 0 Cor.?.. 5. Defra~d nofoie I' brcth it among indifferent things, I. Cor.7.27, another, exceptit bewith ton{eiitfor a·time,, ~that .Art thfiUhoui1dvntoawife? feck5 not tohe!oofod! Jdll m4J.. (iiUJOUr{eltth tofaftin$andprajd ;:anti · IIIYt thou loafed from 4 wife ? feek! Hot A wife. againc cdm~ together ,ithat Satan_-umpt_yoH'n'Ot for I Wherefore the Church of Rome errerh two ;our incontinenc;e.?.,5ajn.H ,.., t ':TheiJ Vtia,h'fin· contraric waycs. Firft., in that it maketh mu. fwer~dDaHid J rrh~ Arky,_and lfraet, and~(Hilah, i "riage to bee aSacrament, and fo cuc~y :.tCtion drPelt in tents; ~ndm; f:ord I<oabjand rhcforrMnrl l ofit 1 robe ofit ownc nature good. Secondly, if my Lorda6iliein th~'ofleJI fie!dt;fhh/1 I rhevgo< r in that they prohibite matiage of ccnainc par... C JntomJnebolifo to i'meand'd.rinkf, an_dlie wi!h#Jj tics, and the rcafon of the prohibition may wife?By thy life, andby rhdifeofthjfo"!e, hr?ilf fecmc to bee this; thJ.t·thcy thmkcchis fccret not doe this thing. Zach.t -::. t -;:~Thlfamilie'Qfthe commino together of man and wife to be filhou[e of..Daaidfo~!t moHme apart , and tlif"rr thin~. This was the femCI!e ofSyficim, that fiJ... wiHtJ apar.r;th~ fam'ily ofththtWfi ofNath~A)arr; thy Pope: ofRome; who determined that mara.ndtheinviilesapw~, Br"c•. ¥ •• ·:J · ·L'{· !:.'ll.;l ria_ge :was the vncleanne!fe ofthe: flcJh 1 and to Next'vmo the"word,fhis"3doi0n mayblfanthat putpofc abufcd the words ofthe ApoiHc, CliHed byproycr, foabklling vpon it. Chi!~ Rom.8.8.affim1ing, t!utthcy which arC ill the dren are \h'" gift ofGod·,and therefore iharHearl ·flc(h, that is, in t.ho fb.te of Matritnonic;cannot folkcs arc no·t onely ro vfc the·mcanc:!s, but .alfo 1 ple.tfeUodSea and·•fter that mariagc was conto pray fortthc obt•ining ofthem : P!al.tt'f.\>{1, dcmnedby them, fome bcgannc'todetc:ll.and · 11cmll/zytbt~Jttba_rrrnwomantodwe/W"irhttfatn;t.; hate wornen, as Ephr4im the Syr"ian, of whome !y, and ro he n,i'o;fxll·mothtir ofchiid.,-~'!·P!"al. I_ i7; Eccltfiafiicall Hories make rnen.tion. And the 3·· Behold,chili,·enarc the inh'e-t"itaHc_61ofth!Lord, cOunccJl ofTrent is ofthe fame iudgmcnt.For Andth~fi'uit-of the r.tomhe his: rewara.' E~?iu1pl€s I ,whcrras it oppofeth mariage and challitie; it forthispurp6fe· arc thcfc·, Gen. 2'5. z r. 'lf3'aC Ip!aii1cly dctcrmincth that in marriage there is D prayedvnro th~-Lo.,-dfor his w,fe, /Jii:auftfh~ TPIU I no chafHtie_ · · !Mrren, 0.._ the-LordwM intrc,tr.edofliim, andRe.: This comming together of man :and Wife j bckah /,Wwtfe·conceirud. r. Sam.t.-26.27. And alrhou!lh it bdndiffcrcnr,yorbythc holy vfage jhce[aid, Oh my /ord,..u thy jOule liu&h, my lord; thereof, it is m•dc aholy and vndtfi!cd aeliOll·; I am the woman that Hoodwith rhee hc-;e;praj1hi 'Heb. 1 ;.·4. Maritt[e1i honourahleamong all, & VJtlo·rhe LqrJ, vcrf. ?. 7.1P.,.~';)'edf~r thU·'Chi!d~. jrb~hedvmkf.!ed. And it is (as all other crca... andthe Lord IMthgir1en meem.J defoe whiclj·l ·&J ·rurcs and ordinonccs ofGod arc)fanchficd by i(sdof him, ' , "• ·~ > the ""ord and prayer, 1.Tirn.4.3· --~Forbidding Now~hc.ftuits \vhich are rea~cd :~nd enl.bf-: !fOm~rric, &c.v.4.~~~AndnfJthing ottght rohe re~ cd by thts~holy vf~gc o~th~c:m~nagc b~:dd,:are fi•fod .'---forit''ytnEiifiedhy the word of Godand three. l. 'fhc haumg of a bleOcd Jc•de, l'Jc'ur; prf9cr. lt which place it is to be obfetucd,ho'\\' , 2.8. t .lfrhpl~tllalt obey rl"llig·endy the Voke of\ the Apo(l!c applicth the p0im ofianc\ification , the Lord thfGad;e;,'-c biejfed{haltbe·th; f:ititeof I 1 dircCllyrom:lrri:-:3C"· - { , thyhodre,andch~foiJleofthygr~onn-d., Wli1dla}..!, :rheword of God giucth direft:ion to marfo i!i ealie~ th_cfoedofGod~~-:ing begotten in_~~\ " . holv