I .--···--·-"---- ~-- ----·----- \ 69o ,CwAr.xo. Of (hriflian Oeconomie, I j hol)r manntr~ M:the. 2. I 5· An~l.didnot~" mak! ! A . The mau~r be·ltl.g known, the innocent p:aone? }"' had m ea.bundnMceof jpmt: .Andwherette may rcqutrc a <.ltuorcrmcnt, For adultc 1 ic is I j fore Ol:f:? becaufo he for~ght aj((deof God; therefuch a fin ne as doth quite breake off, not oncly fore 1.-:!epeJilHY[clues in;our jpirit,andianom: trethe vfe>but the bond a·nd coucn:mt ofmariagc. : I ! jpt~;% ag.tinft tlu wif!of bU JOtlth. 1I. The prcManh, 19. 9,. I [4) thaefore vmo)'(!11, rhar who. 1 1 tCru:mon ofthe bodic in clc:mndfc,that it may foeHcrjhallpurawa; hi&wife,excrpt it heforwhorbcc a fit Trmplc foa· the holy GhoH to dwell dome, andmarrie m!other, commirretb 11 dHiteric, in, t.J}ltf.4·3·4· 11:JiJ U the wilt of God, cuen &c. And yet the tome bond may be con.tfnucd 1 y,our[4nf!if!c~ti~nlhat c~cry ".neof)oujhot:!d~ow and growe vp againc by the good wil anU con~ . ho'f1 topopcflc hu veffillm hol~ttrflcand.honour, & fent of the panic it~noccnt, and confcqucntly \ not i'i1 (he iufl.ofcat:ct~pifcencc, cuenas the Gentilo they may be rcconcllcd,and dwcl together fiil. l thatkpqw not God. 11 I. The holy efiate of ma... 1. Sam. 25~ 14. Now Saul hadgi«tn Mich.alh 1 1 riage is a.liucly rypc ofChr·Hl and his Church, .d4ughur D:'luids wife, to Ph3lti rhefonn.e of La~ 1 ! and this comnfunion ofmanicd pcrfQns, is alfo Hh, wl;ichwmofGa/Jim. z.~am.;.14. Then Da- l a.figure of the coniunelion that is bctwccne uidfont mcffcng.rrr to Jfl,bo!heth Saulsfonn,fayhim, and the faithful!: Hof.:.. t9.lwi/lmarrie B ing,De/iuermem;wifeMichal, »'hich lman-ied ] l t_ke~VnloJne,foY""ellfr ;)'ett 1141ill m.'1rrte rheevnto for .1 hundredforeskjnr oft}Je Philif!tms.The (ame ! me in rigbteouf1Jt'j{c, i11 iudgcmciJt ,lr.rnercie, and courfc may be taken in like cafes by the jnno-- 1 incompajfiou: I will eNmmm-rie the;vntomee iu cetit, fp~cially vpon the repentance of the f4it.hfulncj[e, and ~hoJ'/ludt fuun:Pe the Lo~~· Eph. .guiltic pcrfon. B.myet cueric man mufi be Ieft 5· 13•.for' the htub4n4.ii thewjun,hcad.; e.uen M tO his owneconfcience, and none is compelled Chrifl z< rhe he.doftluchurch,.u:drhefam• is th~ to take at\o):uer, from whom hemay iulllyhcc Sauiourofhis hodie. · . fcparntc.d, again(l his will. . • . :-: ijcre fom~ qudliqnp :~re to be r~folucd. NoV'(in requiring of a-ditior·cc, therds an : .G_afo,l. VVh(.'th~rmay marriage be diiTolucd cqp~ll right & pewer in borh p3rties ,fo as the ,in.d~~ CJlfc ofbarp:mlctfc? , wpman m.ay rtquire it as. well as the maq; and \!). f.4.'!f. No: 'fox barrcnnc!fc is 211 hidden in'!'. ·he-as wdl a~ {he. The: rcafoil is, bec~'IUiC they !firll)i<i>Jqr.flJe ltJG(l pm, •nd which God hath ' acecqua.!ly b.ound each to other ,and hauealfo 1 1llfli"\}'·Jl0lf'~ curc<l,:~Uf!I1 W~Cl} Jt lcemcd tp bee, ' th~ [f!,mc int~~cfi_in one: auothcrs bod'ie;pOOut... ldcfpqratc,-ils in Sar-ah. ..t\g\lin.~, t11c:Jru_it-of th"t.: ded alwacs, t·hat the man is to maimainc his.fu- 'f"'<?!D\>c is G9!'1~ blcffing;and wholy.dcpcnderl}. pcrioritic,~nd the woman,to obftrue that mov.p,~n..\li~l); H~. th<~.fc;forc that in want of chil~ . C d~fiie which bcfecmeth her towards the man. dt;,c;~n,r~iC:t'htll.his wifc;whotnh~~-lath_ rccciucd After rhe diuorcemenrmade, it fllal be Jaw– •>th~.,h.and.o.l!fGod; 61fer~,h, wrong eucr. to _ ·full fort he hartncles panic, not h•uing the gift Qo.~.himfclfc. . ''t"'•\. . .,; · of cominchtic:, vpon leaue obtained of ~the ..,.t.9f1JC.ll. VVhat ifeither ofrhc n_1arricd folk~ Church,:ui.chhc ChriRia:n MagHlratc,to,tmr:ic .C<?Wil1it-forniqtion, prany f\nncof!thc fam~ 1 againe. ~ :.;; !1 , _ ~ ' kj~,grcat~J\thcn/omlcatii'D,~s. Ince(l, So_dq- - Bu•what then fhall bec.ome ot thep~r~)'of- ·•" •• , ri1ie, iying with bcalls~9rJuch lik~. ., .~. fendi11g? G· r: · · . /i :.:"'o1 · ' ,:_ · . A•fo. Adulte~ij:,;ai]d foroica<ion are·mo(l ' .A•f..If vppn tbe haznrd.of.hi• confcicncc, Jif~qun{Js and opan crimes ,,,.\·hi..ch doe breake · ,any lib~ttic.Qf{econd m:rri~ge-":bc to ·b<; graun1 •t.b~V.C>f¥ bond aod couenam of tl"'l.:irriagc,Prou. : red to the panic offc:\d;.og,l~Y the Church., or :v;.J 7·~ ..and thc.r~fQrc \\'he.n·thcy arc.ccrtainclf: ·ciuiHMagillntc, ( .-a,s ;indtlr'dc.l>e:r<: in.E.t1.gl:fnd ~e.o.w'nfby fi.tch p'erfops,thcyarcw"lt.IlO hand t.o there is not) diuerfc rdlr.aims muft:b~e;.oOfcrr b; Yvinkcd.~t:.lbut the- magifh::ttc-'is pr~fcntl.y{'9 i ucc:i.tFaH ,.;No hbcrue 1Sti1o,l3e graunted ·htm,, ; b.Gltlfqnnc<hQfd:H;m.·Howbci.t, .if the inno,c~et;C~ 1 1 for.anattl<\ga1;. (o long as th'c 1 wattcr .remames M~!l~ bc\~i~.r.g tO rccciue the ~du!tc:rCr again, I "iO~Crton,,vh.dther they may.be rcconmt:l!.;fp.c-: · ~~! regard ofhi• rep<nr•nc<; lc;H k,ec fbo.11ld D ciall~ ·while,the-partie inho«:nt.liuc.th in:fiogtc iccihe to f.1t.WU( !\nd mainraine fim.ic, and:to b6 life. SeC'oridl~, it JnuthmidOntly app~ar.C;;:that ~in.;Cclf~ ap~~etirc;.of ''nckannc!fc,]le is to rei "1 hc·h~th ca~n~flly rcperu!q~bi~ o(bisliq~~be.-: p.~~re to -th~.Congr~gation, and declare th~;t fore he can either be re.cemc~ Into th~ <t'hurc.~, >v4t?IP,111:nt~r to the MiniHcr, that he may~v'IJ~ ~fad~i~_ted to afeconii1ll3M~e..ThtrdJy"'t~lS d.H~and rh~ p.ani~s rcpcm~nce, and.ddirc 9( hbewc 1sP~tt:O be gran:ted h~m,cu.her ptd'~n!·- fo~giUc:ncffe. . : 11 \ " , •• • ly,orvnadulfedly;.b.ut~pduucquc..nr;mdJ.. e.u~ , ~· And ifth.c adultrdfc hath concciucd. and i$ ous adrnonitibo , rath.er.·t? giuc himfclfc. tQ , i)~.P·:All~ll, tbc h\l!>b3nd to auoid th$; itbputatimoumr'ng.,3ndlamCnta~on;& H~l tor~ma.iliea- ' on ofhauing an hclrc in ba!brdy,is to make re: lone, then to ddi_rc ag~mc toemo~ the benefit f .la.tjpn t9 the Church·of the repencariccqf the ofrharh· e~d~c:,wlllch he h:a-lulrcadtc fo fhamc- ;d!lltrciTe; or to nc.quaint fomc; ccrtainc·per-. fi1ll}' a ut·c. . ·;·;· -...~-·~ ,·~ · ..., : r ': fons therewith nouo the cnde th~dho {hould ' ' So mu~.hofthe firfh\"'ay..Pf pcrforman<:e of h~ p;t·niJhcd fo; the fa'a,buttbar'ihey;may tak~ , due bc~r4~JCllcc. r: ...... :i ::.·~ .. :·· ~ ~ I I notict qfachild cbnccillecJ iil adultc.r'ie, wham. :. ljhe f~.ond :W~yus,1b)<chet1{hmg (H"l~.a..no.. , :tftcr,-..v:.afd,hc may lawfully put Off, as none of 'thcr: Ephcf. 5_· 29. M. onM~'.1~Ker-~lf.t.td h.u)_~wne I ~~----- ~~is. ' ,u_'.. . : fl:JI,,but=~~t/}~~r.dok~r:/herhtt,~~CI"ifl•'(, __ _,