Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

.. ________._..,-;. ... -·-=--~· I or Houfeholdgouernement. CHAi'·ll· 6!Jl : i -- fo®thtluChurch. This chcriihingisthe per– forming ofany duties, that tend to the prcfcr– uing of the Jiucs one of another. Wherefore they are free!¥ to communicate their goods, their counfcll, their labours each to other; for rhc good ofrhemfclucs and tl~cirs, . The third way is, by an holy kind of rcioycing~nd folacing thernfclucs each with other, in a mutuall declaration of the hgnes and to– kens of loue and kindnclfe, Prou.5.18.Retoice withthtlvifeof th];outh: vcrf. 19. Lit herb'"' :he /qui~1g Hind, andplea(ant wildgoatt: let her bre.ft!j4wfie thee At Alltimn, <nd d,/ighUn her lout cRntmua!ly. Can. 1. 1. Le: himkjffemee with th' kJJT" ofhis mo,.;/,, for t':J/fUC i4 6errer then wine.·,. 2.6, 8. So After hu had 6eene there a /o11g time, Abimelcch Ki•g•f the Phtliftims,/oo– lzedorttJttd windowe, and foe ,ht[awe lfaackJPor– ti»g>PithRcbckah hu·wife: Then Abimelek ca/.– led Ifaa~4nd[aid; La<,fheu ofafuretie th; wife. Efa.6z. 7•.Asa;oungman "''!rritth avirgine ,fo Pllfll thyfonnts m<irriethee ; 411d ill a Bridegr,ome i<gf,tdof tl>< Bride, fofoal/ rhJ God reio;ct ouer thee. This rcioycing and delighr is more pcnnir– ted to the man, thc:n to the womim; & to them both, more in their young yeares, then in their old age. t, . CHAP. XI. Ofthe HUihand. MArried folkes are· either Husband or Wife. . The husband is he which hath authority ouer the wife ; hereupon in Scripture he is called the guideof heryourh, Prou.z. 1 7· and they twain< bccingbuc one fidh, bee is alfo the head ouer hiswif'· . The duties ofthe husbond rewards the wife, 2re thcfc: , A her cH.ate a~ his own·:, and proniding m:tintc· nancc for her,both for his !itC rimc_;:md as much as he may,for time to come after his dc:ath.Eph. 5.18. So ought mm toloue tbeirrPiHC!) anhcir' onme bodies:he that loHeth hi5 mfe lot1tth himFife; vc:r. 29, For no maneuer7n hat:dhU (Jivnrfkjh, l111t nourijheth it,&c.Exod. 2 I .l o.Ifht rakfb-im another wife, brjbAInot dimini{b herfood, hmrdi~ , mmt,andretompence of. hervirgi11it ie, Ruth.~~ 9· Vnto whomhefoid, whourt thou? whichJaide; 1 I Am Ruth rhinehandm:lidc, JPread thcre{.9reJh€ i wing ofrhygarment oHcr thine hai1dmnid ;for tkJu art thckjnfmAn, · • .·.~-: .' I I. To honour his wife: I.P.ct•. 3· 7· Giding honour to rhewomr:w. · '.: ,to;.::,· B ThiS i10nour {hnds in three things.; Finft,oin making account of her as his cai11p.anioh, 'ar vokc-fcllow. For this eaule, the woman when fhc wa.s created,was not taken out of the:m::ms head 1 becaufc llicc \\'as not made to rule ouor him; nor out ofhis fcctc, becaufc God did hot make her fubicCl to .him as a feruant; but out ofhis fide, ro rhe end that man lhould toke bet as l1h matc.Sccondly,in a ~·if':.· and patient bea– ring or covering of her infirmities, as anger, waywardneffe and fuch like, in rcfpcCl: of tbe wcakcndfc of hcrfcxe, t. Per. l· 7· GiHingbo– nollr to the WIJ»Jdn.M vn'ro theweak!r.vej{et,jeiit~g JU<4re heires tngeJhercfthegrace oflife,th~-!-Yottr. pra;tc·s;he nor hirdaed. Thirdly, by fuffctlng hirnf<"lfc fCmedmcs to be admoni!hcd or adtl:i- ~ fed by hcr.It was Gods .c.ommandcmcnt to--A.... I. To loue her as himfclfc: Eph. ~. 33. Let euery one /oue hu wife e~ten"' himfelfc. Gen. '4· 67. Afmrvardlfaacbroughthervntorhe tmt of ·Sarahhu mother; .wdhctookJRebekah and{bee "'"' hu"1Pife ,andhcloHedher ;fo Ifaoc /,ft mour- D ningfo,·his mother. Note how the loue of the husband to the vrifc tnitigatcs forrowe for the death ofrhe mother. Uraham concerningSarahhi-:·wife; Lft il, nol V'l grieHotl! inrh;fight for thecbild,andfor ih)-~rmd. woman: mall that Sarahfoa/1fay vnto thee.: ~Cr6 hervoice; For. in Jfaac f!~4tl1hyfude hee cR!Ltd~ Gen.u.u. ThusEI~nahwas willing ro.fub– {,ribe vnto his wife AHnaa~duicc for her tar.. rying at home till the child ~'!aS'WC'-~ned·oi:·Sam 1. 2 3. AndElbnah her h~,bandfai{iif;nro:hri>;J. what{emuth thee b41:rarr;evn:i!ltiJtJU haft~e~~:. nedhim:on/7 the Lord accomplifb hW word.IHn..e~ u~on the Heathen Philofopher fatd, Th4othc .Mafter ofrhcfa(nily '~·erci[eth (after·~ fort) dpo– wer Tjrarmica{iotle1· hisfcrHimt 1, apolPer RegnU' .oHer his children, hecart[e !(in~l/!,t~f their Commonweteles: bur in reipe£1- ofbU J'i!i{e; 'he e.wrcifttb a p"wi:r .ArijfoiTpt~call, not afrerhU t~wne wttl, hvt agreable ttJ the honour: 411d d~t;hit)e ofthemlo·ridrj}ate; aud con(equcntly, tll3d1'c ought tlol in :nodrrlic to ch~lleng(' tht prjui·– lcdge of prC'fcribing and aducnifing his wife in all matters domcfhcal!, bm in fomc to.leauc h<"r to her owne will and iudgernent. He, is to fllC\'\e this Jouc in two things;FirO, in ptottdiggher from daPgcr,Gen.l..O.I6.And vnto Sl_rahhefoid, 6ehold I Uauegiuen 1 ooo.P,e– ksis of/ilucrvnro rhy brother; beholdhe u rhccou,. ring ofthine eit'l a~ong~ aUthat ~rewith1h, e,Let it he k_nOJ~ne amongjl all, andbe thou injlrHCfed, r. S3m, ~ o. ~. Dauids lW' wiues wrre,snprifoners 1 'flll[o, Ahinoam tJ.e /:;:.ree/ite;and Abigai1 the wife ojNabal theColrmelire :ver. 8. Then Dauid m– kJd oun[ellofrhe Lord,ftying;Sha/1 [follow' ajier thU CQmp~tnie? /ball I oJieYtak!them? Andhean– Jwered him, FoiiiiWe. for thoujhalt Jure!; ou,rrak.; :hem, and ruouer all, Secondly, in regarding Here q~cfiion is tnC'oued, whether the husband may correCt thew ifc? : Anfv. Though the hu>band bee the wiues he::~J,yet it femcth he harh no power nor liber– tiegranted him in this regard. for we rcad-ndt jn the Scriptures, any precept or example to warrant fulh praCHfe ofhis amboricie. He m:~y reproouc and'admonifh her in a word onely, if he fccth hq in fault. For,thus \YC read,that la– cobccnfurcd hisWJfc,bccing im'patienr,cur.~~ Arill,!tlile. lib. a• ---------------------------------------------·------------------------~·~n~g~cr~------