Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

" CHAP.ll. Of (hriflian Oeconomie, --- ---------- '' ---- 1 1anger, Gen. 30, : • .Am I in GodJflead, which fA 1 the man, ish~ndby thel 11 wetothemanwbileheei! hath w;thhoidw from thee,·ui~r of the I liucth. Ephof.4. 24.A' theChu,chu infob,.- ! wombc. A.nd lob rcpro~uc:d l11s \o\'ttc, lob.z.,lo. Elton to Ch~t/l, euen fo let the wiues bee to their 1 Thqt£ lJuaP.fft ld:,..e afoalifb woman. wbat? Snail hmbands m euny thing. Colof,_ 3 • l8. Wiuu : we recciuc good ttl the hand ef Go~, tmdno~ reflr~mityourfolues vnto;ourhmhand 1 ,a 1 itM·com- .1 ce~uc eJU!I? But he m'J.y not chafi.lfc ~er ct.thcr ly tn the Lord, I. Tim, 2, 1 z. I permit not a wo- \Vlth flnpcs, or !lroakcs. Thcrcafon ts platne, man---tovfnrpe authoritieomrtheman. And it j Wiucs :trc their hu5bands mates; and they t'v\'O was alaw'i.cH:ablifhcd by God immediately afbe one flci11, And no manwill hatc>muchldfc tcr the fall, Gcn, 3· r6.Yntothewoman.heJaide I beat his owne ficfh, but nouritheth and cheri- /willgreatly increa[t, &c. and thy d~fire{hallbe; fhcth ir, Erh.5. l9.. Againc, it is the comrnanfobieUtothine hsub"''d,andhefoa'flr 11 !e ouer t,hee. dcment ot God, that man fuould not trefp:1ife Indcedcthe daughter accordincr to the Ciuill againfl thew1fe ofhUyouth, Mll:tc. 2. l 5· Chrylawe, cuen whenlhee is married~,,. in tbipower \" Inpo.ttfi:- ~:.~~"~:1· fiflome faith, It is thegreAteft reproach for A».J ofhet[Ath#',and not ofher·busband.But this is tc paw,•.• man, that canbe, to beate hU r;'ife. PfutarciJ in direCtly01gainft the lav\'CofMofu, and croffcth th~ Jifc:ofCato the Cc~(or, affirmeth, that hce 1 the laweofN:lture,leuit.zl-.12, r 3· Numb• ..,hichfmiwhhu,.,ifo,do:hallone,a<ifh<Jh•uld B 3o.r;. lay violet had.r vpon rMfacud imagn ofthrgodr, Now the duties of the Wife are principally which was counted an high degree of offence two.. .i 1 , • among the Heathen. The firll is to fubmit herfclfe to her husBand It is alleadgcd, husbands ~re commanded fo :1cknowJcdge and reucrcncc him aS her to loue their wiues, as Chrill doth his Church; head in all things. Gen. 20. r6. Lik_rwrfo Abinow Chrill challilcrh his Church with llrokes; melcchfai4 'VntD Sarah, Brholdrhy brork"' that and therefore fo may the husband his wife.A». is, thy husband whom thou colic!! thy bro'ther, As Chrifl: doth entirely louc his Church, fo he u thcvaileof thineeyu to all th11t 11re wirl, thee. may alfo cha(life the fame becaufe he is not onAs ifhe &ould fay, Thy hujbandu thyhead ••d lythe husband,but olfo abfolute Lord and King bath pcwtrourr thu, and thou •ughttfl t•/rurofhis Church; fo is not the husband abfolute rmcehim, For ofaunciem times, the wi(e was ouer the wjfc. · ' coucred with a vailc in the prcfencc ofher hus. But hi:s -a.uthoritic oucr his wife, is'cltcr a band, in token of fuhicCl:i0n vmo him. Thus fortciuill, as isthc authoriticofthe Magiflratc Rr6c~h at the light of lfaac tooke a vayle, ' ouer-his people. A•f.It is tlot fo.For the Magi- C dnd coucrcd f" head therewith. Gene{. 24. 65· ftrate '-athinhis h3nd the power ofthe fword, t.Corinth-.11. 3• Th'e-tna;,Mth~wo~an;head. by which powerhecinfliclcth punifhmcnt in Ephcf.5. l2. Wiunfo6mityom·fl•n vntoyour cafe ofoffence. But the husband can challenge hufb•nd.,"' 'unto thr Lord;for thr h•Jband(\the to himfelfe no {ucb power: yea it is flatly forwiun h..d,ruc M Chriftu rhr h..d ofrhechU,.ch. ' bidden in the ciuilllaw' that he fhould fcourge The rcafon.hcrcofis good.For the wife enioy- ;;:a~or- or {hike his \\•ifc. eth the priuilcOgcs of her husband, and is graNeuertheleffc; if il1e growe to cxttt'mitics, crdbyhis honour and cfiim:uiO amongft men. and bedefperately pcruerfc, fo as there be no His Nobility maketh her poble,thougllorhcrhope of amendc.mcnt : thrn the Magifhzte wife lhc is_bafean~ meane.; as contrariwife,his may be informed; who to prcucnt fcand:l!i,:Hld bafcncs 2nd low dC'grcc caufcth her,thoughlhe to prouidcforpub!ikepeace, bo:h ought and be by birth noble and honourablc,to bee byemay affignevnto her nccdfaric corrcCl'ion,3nd ftate bafc<lndrne:mc. : 1 punlf1'i.~ent according to her dcfcrt. Now the The fecond dutie is,to be obcdicntvnto her husband tlill hath·a wife fo Hubborne and peehusband in all things;that is, wholly to depend ui!h, mufi bearc it', ifitm<~y bee borne, as the vpon him, both in iudgemcnt and Will. For portion ofhis croll'c laid vponhim by god.And look as the Church yeclds obedience to Chrill in this cafe if he bee impatient, he may in fomc D her hcad,and yeeldsher felfeto bte c6mandcd, ·fort be pardoned and pitied,but he is not whogouerned, and direCted by him, fo ought the ly to be cxcufed. woman to the man. SoSarah is faid,to' obry A– !Jraham, and to giuc him the tcarmes ofobcdi...' cnce,Sheeca!ledhimLord,orSir: 2. Pct.3.6. Hence it followe:th, that the woman is not to take Jibcnic ofwandring, and Oraying abroad I from her ownc houfc,.without the n1ans know- , ledgeand confcnt. 2.King.4. 2. 2. Thln fPe cal– /rdto hrr hU4ba.,d and[aid, Smdwithme, I prd} CHAP. XII. Ofthe Wife. THe Wife is the other married per(on,who thee, one eftheyoungmen, aHdor.eof th~ajfo1;.. being fubicettohcr husband, ycddeth oI thcm•n of Clod, and come againr. bediencevnto him. Againc, thrtt fhcc is to followc: her husband Touching the fubiection of the Wife, the when hee flittcth or departcth from place to wOrd of G6d mcntioncth ir in fundrie places. placc,vnldfc he forfake either her or Chrift.To Rom. 7• z. Thewomttn -which U iJJfltbieilion tu this purpofc Paul faith he had power to {eade a. ·-~----~------------------------------------------------------ -----~-=~6~·~