I I _______ _________ ........_.....__,_ __ . ~-...._, or Houjeh(f/d gouernment. --- - - -- ---- --- . i - - - bJ!t aWifc,buinK(tjfjle.r, tU wc!las-rh~ refr of rhc i\ ; this in the co~rle of Oth<"r CJ'T3tu;cs~ The c:mh j Ap(jjller, 1. Cor.9.5 .Thus Saralr'Wcn't wirh A- · 'i d<~ourilllcth th.:!t which it br!ng1·rh forth. The ! , hr~hAm into E~'pt, Gen. 1 2. ·I 'r..· and out of !..fru:~ which the nee bearcc\(.ls'fcd by'tht: i':trspc ! · Egypt,Gcn. r)., . .:~nd to (id~trto foiov.rnt rhcrr:, ) 1 that comes frorn the root cbcrcof. 'fea anHl-'n'gft : Gen. 2 o.1 .2.:; .Thus the "'·iues o"fltMob depaT- f ~'thcbruit bc:tfls,euen rhofc tbarb'c mo!l f~il_~gc Ited with him.frO their father D«!nm.C~n.31.17 I ) ~5 theTlgres, do,c $iue rucl\;e :xn~o die· ~o~_i:.Q I 'i Conu at tc to thcfe duw:s, :\re rhc (iuncs of ' 1 ones whtch t~lty onng fo{t~. · 1 ·:. • 1 . WIUC';,: To bc 'proud~ robe vnw1lhng to bcarc : /:; Yitc in cafC.bf wantofliC'iih'h ,or abilf~V,'ot / the 3Uthontic ofth'"ctr husbands; to co1dc 3\ld 1 :anY bther iuA: iiiJI'lcdi;llcnr; ·a~c 1Tiot'hc'r m~J i1i ! ! braule wn!1 'mrcrndfC", to fot f1kc thCJr houfcs, 1 cq~1ltic bc·fOrhor?c, and rH-! Child; Comh'lh:~.~ J &c. Prou. zJ. 1 )• A CQnttntl.·tlt d.-opplng m rh~ , 1""·mo a nurfc. Ana fo we read th~t 'R~bek.!h rPie 1 ! J,ty ofttt.in~. mtda aont~Jtt{)UJ t~oman ttre t~!rk§, 1 . ·<tw9hccr of ~rtbHd,and·::zfc~~~~;:rd ~he \'.f.~tvbf I ver. riS. .lite that hi~tl.k her, htdeth'thc wmde; ! /famz)lad :l.t:urfe~G~n,2·4·5.~~~·>n·o· .re n3m.c ,,r~~ 1 . and/beeu tU theoy!em l,u ngbt h:ti~d, tht!t ~/te- ,1 ~Jebor~h. G:n-) ~ ·~8. Atl~t:pf.j~r~~h'l dau~lrt~r rttb.,: {c!fe. Exod. 4· 26. The;: Zipporabflttd,O / to a ~afC! of ne'(~{hnc, corhil&uCa' ·.~'11of'ei'tobJ bf()odie htuband; be<:!tufccfthe Circllmcifro~. It nurfcd of 311 H'ebrCW 'f\'Olhati-tVJiio,hJ i1lC roW~ was the fault of the Leuites Concubine, Iudg. B hot to bchls·mother,hut3 (fta:P.g;er: &.h'df~l ~ . 19:z..whoplrrJed the wbor~, and went tfWff)'from . I was allowc~ by G_od,~x6<1:1~.J! 1 ~j ·;·:: .C ::.~!/:: ·' · ··~ him vntOher Farhel'i JJou[e to Bethlem Iudah, ~tnd I The fc~otid duuc ot-thc;-·llarcnt JS,tOqJtoulide . thereco~tinucd·the Jft:~tc-t~f f{Juremontbc.r,-lt \\'aS l for his child fiie~cc,drinkcr,'::l\lH-t1eftl1lilg; ~nt I , the fi,mc of £2!!_e'ene P"_ajhti, whov~(tif~tocome ~auiour Chr·i"~-~~.~th,'th3t P~:~nts'et~~n :~i·t1i~ 1[ at th8 King1 word, ruhu:hheehadgtum ,;z charge ' hgh.t of nature,.thoagh r_h.cy ·b~ tt~~ll. "''Ill no_r- , 1 to ~he Etmu~hu : thC'I'e[ore th~ Ki~gwtH 'Vt'iieem.. ! i:Je~11c or wici1hold neccfiari.c fo~de ,f~omth~ci¥ 1 ,gne, imd huwrath f:.i'!d!e~ ~n htm, ~1l.. I. tz. J children: Matt~1·7:9, to. uJ_~:rF_man~tJ/IYe,JD 1 . j Latl\y,to be acau(c·ot gndc to their kmdred; . mong JCII, that if hufon tUf:_htm·6r,cad, WriT[i!f) \ I T~ms the proud wiues ofEJan,~hc daughtersof 1 b~m n Honc,or t(h.ea~kJ ajip,, willgfdchim afc'61:; ! the Hittitcs,werc a.griefc ofmmd to lfitttc and I pto~? And Pmd fatth, lfthet !Jen..ny-thatprotlii:leth J i Rcbek_a/,, Gcn.26.~5· & 27.46. notfor.!JUorrme,6lndnamc!J for' fh?mof his hlilfJ ! 1 1 •. CHA-T>:-XI! I-.--.-- I bold;IJ<dmieeh thefaith, and i; ivor[c th:n aii lnjl: I ' Of t p -ddi.I.Tun,r.s. · ·'"' ' ttJC arent, ; Thathird duti~isiwhc,;God'gi'u;th ablliti~ Hitherto h:nh bccne treated of the firfi I an~ mc;mes,td Jay·v,P fom: 'tlHng fdftllE ruru}~C Couj)le, ~·hereof the family confilh:th, 1 mllllt~nanCc ofthe chifdo2:~or. t..f. 14.--:..:_::f~ namely, of maned folkes. Now follow theo. C t thechtfdren ought not to lay vpfJ~' t~.fath~rl,Gm thcr; and they arc of two forts;either fuch as ! I the fa:IJCrl for the chi/dretJ.Pl·o,t9.r4./lol!.[e an,d· whereby the familyis inereafcd;and multiplied; 1 ~·icbuar·e the i'hl~eritanbe ofth~f.zth'erJ;_- · :;\~~t·' or fuclias arc hclpes thereunto. 'The founh is, to obfcrue both the indirt3tfJ ThOfcwhCreby the family is inhrgcd,are al- , Oil 1 and the natUral gifts ofboQy-aOd mind;Ha~ fo oftwo forts; Parent's and Children. ! arc In the cbild, & accordingly tb beftovvlit hi Pa:ems arc they whichhauc power :md au- 1 fomc honc!l- calling and-courfe of life. Prot~O.: thoric'icoucrchildren. ! 1 r. Acbi!dUk.._fMwnchy!JisaCJio;u, whetheY.hU The duties ofparents arc efpecially two;Onc , >•or/:.! be p11re mid 0 right, In th"e" ECcJ.cfia!HHIJ to bring vprheit chddren; The other tobeHow ' hifioric, writtcn'by RttjfiJJt:..s, itli's rccordcd.~h~t R_uffin.ti:ccl. thcm,wl~en they'hil~IC broug~lt t~1Ctll vr. . I -:11e.\'ttnder Bifhop of Al~.\'~111~;::, .r~·~'' 3 r.,r#dff~ hlfi.l.t.C.Jofo TouchmgEducauon or bnngmg vp ofchtl- ! 1\l aplacenearc tO the fea, acomp:t"ntc of·chil- r dren, the p3rcnts care muA: be, bcHh that they _ I dren playing £ogcthcr, and in thc~_ir pl3y im'iral may tiue,& alfo that thcym3y liucwe.ll.Ep.6.4. ! • ting himfelfe ·i~1 fum.lrie MHiilleHan:~CHo'hs~ Touching the preferu'3tion of the life of rhc ~ And whenhe had a ,.vhHc '"iewcd·rhCm lfc:')?~i'.:. . child,thcrc arc many dut.icsrequired ofthe Pa- : / cciucd rhat tlicyex:unincd a'i1d b·apdfed On?an- ! rcms, lpe'cially fourc: P1tfi, the mothc~ is her D Ither, accordmg tb the foiCfnne orJcr: vfcd ill ! fclfe to giuc the infant fuckc,and co '''r~p it vp .J · t-he Congrc:garion:which thlng~· wh'cri heC •h::~d : in (\\'adling clothes. Paul comnlcnds ~t for a : I made fomc of his Clergie ac{]u:lr11e~d \\!ith211, 1! I not~ ofagood wife, to· nurfcher~Ol"Pr.ecbildrcr., ~taken ordc-'r that rhechildren fhouldbC'fcnc ·! J, Tun. 5.to. Thus~art!.h s~ue tuckc to lfaac, I for' 3!ld brought before him, he dctn:lndcd•Of' Gen. 2 I. 7· ArmanurfcdSamuel, r. Sam. 1.~2. i thcm,wh~u f~\crt they vfcd,:md fn what'mahn\C"r· Dal!id in likelihood was nnrkd by his mo1 they pbye<i mic "''iih aoothc+.r. Thc t'hillJ"ten :ft ther, Pf:ll. 2 2. 9. Tbou garuft mu h~pe cutn at fir!t, for fCarc~ denied whit they h3d t.loile.,·y'et m)' mothcrrbrett{h And our S:miour ChriH \-\':.lS vpon fu1thef examination they confctfed}'rR:ic ::~lfo nurfed by A.faYit his mnther, luk. t t. th<'y had made Atbanijiu./( 1,.\•ho:Iftc:n"'~fdbc2'7· and (wadled, Luk. 2. 7· Now the re:dOn C:lmc Bifhop ?fthc'pbcc) their Bf01ov,'& thdc I hereof is plainc. Godh3th ginen mil!~e to \~'o- J he: inllruCl:cd,& ~:~pti(cd fundric ofthcir·con''!.. men tlmbearc childrcn,,nd bath fo appoimcd I p:mie. He furthcr·::~.skcd boc-h. Atbar.afU 5 him. thatno meat 1s more ll3ttlr:tll to the child, then ftlfe, and thofc wh1ch "''::'re faid to haue beCne the mothers milkc. And nature ir fdfc tc;~chcth l_ baptifcd, what quellions hcc asked them, a.nd . Ttt t 1 _ _ ____ \:}:~----·-