N2.V"•rtoepill ~dEudo..,.. - - --------- 0/[hrijlian Oeconomie, i . . 1--·· '_\'hat anfwcr~ they gaue; & perceiul.ng by their A ipecchcs, th:it th~·y had framed thcmfelucs, tl1~ugh in fpoqing maner,to the Church~proccedings in thok a~l:ions ; vpon conference had wi1hhis Clc,rgie,he dc!crmined,th:tt thole whi~h had 6rfl,bc.cn asked, an<) had giucn an– fwcr fully, accor<l_ing to the forme -vfcd in1that -Church,and ,thereupon b3ptifcd,fhould n'ot be r~h3pti.tCJ. And;(vr .Athan4fus and the ethe-r children,"}hich·had done the p3rt of Miniflers i.n thclr kind, he {~m fOr their parents, & gaue ~hem great charg_c that they lllould be brought ;yp.in karning_and,rehgion, that fo they might ~n.time b,e fit tor t!15 publikc~Minifle1·ie. The Ji~c;courfc we rca9" 1 to haw: bee!) taken by the B H~a,_t,hcn, for h~dgcmenc ofthe inclination and I to~~rdndfe9t their children, The Athenians made a b.w, that.~cfore childrep Wj:rc bcllov''- ed in apy qalli11g, t.h,ey t1Jonld be firll broughr intq a_publike pbcc,-w}lere inHnuncms bcJonf ging 10 allJorts of m des .were laid; and looke tin \.\'hat kind of Jqfirument any ofthem cooke moll ddight,thc chHd.was thought to be moft 6t ~o~ the trade, whcrunto tl-:atlnfirumcnt be.. l_o.n.ged,3nd aftcnurd applied to the fame with goqa iucccilC:. , ~ Now the pa~cnts fidl and principal! care mull be for the Church; that thole oftheir childC'tnCnt of God to the parents of his people, ] Dcu. 6. 7. 7htJH jJJn/r reiJtarJ~ rhtfo wordJ!n'hich1 I comma;;d thu contimMIIJ to rl~ children, 11 ,.,d: fbalttlllk! of them when thou tan-iejl in thehc1t{e, j I ~od vcrf. '20. H_/hen rhy fonne [hallll!k..! thu in I I ttme to c~me, [lzpng, Whar rnem:e thrfeTrflimo. nics, and Ordinances, ttt1d Li4Wt'J, lPhich the Lt;rd our Gudharh commtmded,)Of$? Then rh()u jbalr 1 fay vnto th; fonnu; We'11re Phar~tohs 6o_ndmm i~ Eg;pt, &c. This was obferued by the Jfrae– lircs in the ages filccccding: Pfai.44·1 .We ha11e hMrdwithoHrearu, 0 GDd, our fatherI hAHetold vs the worJ:.!uh~ttthoub,jidone in theinl<~;esin o!detime, Thirdly, the firll inllruC\ion of children in learning and rciigion,muH be {0 ordcrcd,that they may take it with delight. For which pur~ pofe,thcy may be fomctimcs allowed in mode· rate manner to play and folace themfclues in recreations fining for their yearcs. And if they doe a111if(e in either, they ~re to be rdhained by the bridle of difcipline, Fidl,by reproofe in word, and when <hat will not hclpe,by the rod ofcorrection, Zach. 8. 5. Thej/rmes ofrhrc~ty ftM/1 hefull ofhoyesandgirltJ,plqying in thefirms th(reof, Prou. 29. J ~. The rodde andcorreElion giuewiftdome, hut a childefot at lihertie m4k.!s h:lmothcr 4hamul, verf. '7· CorrcEf rh; fonne and het willgitJt theertft, 1111d gmeplcttjiJrts to th] l Jrcn whicH hauc: th.c mofl pregnant wit,and be inducd with tfic beH gifts,bc conf~crated vmo I God,~n~ broughr Yl' in <he fludic of1he fcrip1 tjl,~cs,tq f~tu"C' aftcpward in t·hc Miniflery ofthe: -foule. Hebr.11.9. wehaueh~dthtfAthm •[•Hr C hodiu whtch &f}JTeR vs~ nndwegaue rhemreNtQ>pr_ch. :rhus Anna de~ica<cd ,Samuel her (Qnne vnto God by vowc, r. ')am. J. I I. And IJh(<1ftAVQdavoiV<,andfoid, OLord of Hojlu,if\ 'I tholl'lf'ilt-..._-giuevllto tbitt~ham:imaid 11 manchi!d, ! thmlwillgitu*imvntoth~ Lord alt th~ daiuof 1 1 hi4lif(. And fi)e di_d accmding to her vow, and 'PS Lord bldfedSamudhcdon, who in pro- -cdfe oftime became a grc:uProphet. The next point ofEducat~on ofchildren, is toprouiderhat~hcymay line well and lead a godly life, To1pispurpofc P?rcms mull doe thr~ethings. ,\,1 . firll, they arc to hccorcfulllhanhe child fo foone as mav be, after it is borne, be ac!mittcd into the cru~ Chnrch ofGod b.v B'ptifme, and D h'auc a fit name giucn vmo it' · I Secondly, they arc to endeauour to fowc the feedes of godlindlC and religion in the he:arr of the child,fo foone !sit comes to the vfeof rca(on and vnderllanding; and as ic growei in yearcs, fo care rnufl be had that it growc in knowlcdgcand grace. To this purpolc is rhe vo ...,·cand promifetmadc in Baptilinc, which parents ate bound to call vpon the child to rc1119mbcr, when it comes ro yeeres. It was the gqdly care of Timothin parents, 1. Tim.~. J 4· B11r conti11He thou it~ •tlu tbi»,J? which thouhtlff learned, k.._nowing of whome thou ha/} lt~trned thul'J, verf. 15. And that thou hnfl l:__ttowttethe holy Scriptm·u of,, 'child~, which 4re 11hle fq ma'<;tiJeewifevnts folrMtion, thruH,r,h the faith w~!cbU in ChriJ! lefiu. This was r~~ commanrtnc~. Yet in this point two e:octre:lmes are careful... ly to be auoidcd; That the parent be nqt·cithcr too fcucre,or too indulgCtto the child. For fc.. ueritie Pn11/ giuc~ this rule, Ephe(6.3. Pnrentl proHok! not yottr children tD tmgrr , that is, by too much .auficri 1ie in gouernmem. For lenity, we haue old Eli his example,r. Sam. 2.2J.And he fairJ Vnlo them, WhJ doeJCC fuch things: for of allthU people,!hearecui/l.reports ofyou. Doeno more m; fomus ,&c. So much for Educntion. The fcconci gcnerall dutic of parents, is the bellowing of their children; This beil<?Y!ing is,when thcyknowing their childrC fit forma– riage,noc to hauc gift of contincncie, doe vfc their bc!t indeauour to prouide matches for them in time, or at]cafl,doc aduifc them therc– unro by themfducs or by their fr<inds: r. Cor. 7· 36./janyman think._c it V11CDn1t/; forhi~vjr. gin top4Je thefowerof herage, ••d neede for.– quire------lct thtmbemarr#d. vcrf. ,s. be thar giueth htr to ma1-ringe, dothwell. Ier.16. 6.Ta~t JU wiHet-~·~-a17d t11k,_e wiuufor yostr f~nner, 111:d gi11eyowda11J!.hrers to hm[,a,?d.r,&c. Gen. z8. I. !foaccalled f,tacobandbleffedhim, a.nd cha>ged him a11d foid vnto him, TAk! not a wifeof the ,daughterJofCrnaan; Ari[e,get tbuto Padan .Aram.--andrhenu t11.k.; thu a wife oftheM.~tghters of Lahanrl'} tr.othe:-J hrother. Iudg. 14 '· SamPfon t~tme ami told,~ ht4 falht1' 11ndhUmorher, A1tdfai:l,lh4tJ~fomearPo1J;an in Tmm~h of th( d~tughte1'J oftbe ofth(Phi/i.ftims~now thcrforegiue m~e herto wife.