Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

or Houjeho!d:gouermnent~ CnAP.I4, , 1 69~ ; ___ __. :---- ~- . -.------- ' This duric is now :t.daicscarclcOy ncg:cC1cd A:.. thcr i11 I.Jw, Alflhttt rh~:J ml"~, I willdoe. ; of Parents; :l!)d the: fruit thereof is <bngcrous. Job. 1. 5. And when rhednia;frh:fr b.u:q:tethJ!j r l ~or hence it comes to p:~{fc; that cbcir children : Jve;·egoneabo.<tt, lobfont and{:mUijirdthm:~ ' ofccmirncs do either commit ·.·Yho1edomc, or T his obedience nmfl Jl) CA.\' it fcltC in tWO t 1 vndcrtakc wicked 'lnd vngodly mari:igcs. things. j ln the choice ofJ husb:tnd or wife, the P.tFirlt in the choycc ofa lawful calling,-.\ her1 rents ought eo hauc :l gre-ater n.:fpcCl VtHo ?icin the child is robe ordered and appointed at ! tic and w1fcdomc, then vnto ~c~tnic and rithe dif(reridn ofchc p::trcnc. 1 Ichcs,or :my o!hcr outward b!cfllngs.Y et vvhcr I t Secondly 'in mariagc. For i_nthac, the parent I they all concurrc. the panic{~) qu.1iificd is the is the principall agcnc and dlli,ofcrofthe child. 1 more thankfully to be cmcrt:tincd, Vpon chc(c t Now a:rhough Ius amhority be noc 10 grcac,as (grounds the Pridl or Prince of Mtdi:m, g:mc ! rhat rhc child is to be forced and compelled hy i I . his daughter Zit'poraiJ ro Mo[es, and M()fos ahim; yet rhe rcucrem and dtitiful rt'!f)ca which 1 greed ro rake her, Ex:od. z.19• .Amfm of Egrpt the chiJJ ought to be:u~ towards him,ought tO j dclirm·edvs from th~ .Philijlims, andalfo drcwc be a!hong indul"Cillcllr, not to dilTenr, orre- 1 I vnvarer enough, and l"Mtacdtfg fhup~--;---and B nouncc his aduicc, withoUt great :md \\"aightie ! Nlofos 4_~re~d to dm·!l with the man, _who .f:1uc cau(c.Yea rhc child nmH endcauour by :~11 ma- I vnto Mf![~f Z ipporahhU dau~hrer, lofu, J 5.16. I ner of dutifull carriage to oucrcomc, or ar leaA ( Then Caleb [aid, !-lee that fmireth KirUuh-feI to mitig:uc his parents fcncricv in th3t behalft.- 1 1 phet, ~tlldtak,ph it> euenrohimJVi/ll git~c Achfob No•N for the daughter; Th.. e>: mufl yccld o...: l i mydrlughtc/ to wife. Yea it is a finne to marrie ' bcdicncc to their all DomcHic::lll la..t i oncly for. beautic, \"\'itbout confideration ofthe , boun;, that they may be skilti.1JI in hou010ld ! better things.Thusrh~ old world ftunv.d 1 whcn 1 affair€s. T hus did che feuen d:mghter·s of rhC ,, the fomus o[ Godfinv rhe drlugiHe'Y"I o/ men tbtlt 1 Pricfl ofMidi:m,accufiom themJClues to draw theylvae {(lire, and toof.:! them wiiJU ~fall tiJat l water. , ancl fill t]lc tronghes ro watcnhehfa- 1\ thqlik!d. Gen. 6. 2. and Samfon, who only vpI thm ilmpe,Exod.:. r6.Thus Re6e/:.:<hwas fcen on the fight of[he woman in Timnah, of the to come out ofhcrfachcn boufe, with her pitdaughc:rs ofche PhiliCHms,wichour further ineher vpon her l11ouldcr,:~nd to go do\\'Oe ""'irh quirie, defired that Jhe might begiuen him for ' it to the \o\"CII eo fill ic, :md gi;<£e drii1kftohcrfahis wife,ludg, r 4• 2. rh:r.( Chame/J,Gcn.'!4.1 6. 1?· , Againc, it is meet that p:uems fhould dcale T he fccond ducic ofchc (onncJ is to rccommodcracclywith their children in this c.11C,and pence his father9 louc, and care oucr him; by notvndert:tkc at any hand eo fOrce and compel C relccuinghim in cafe of wam,ifGod ghw abi• thcmcom:~rric this or chat panic. This was ' 1 litic,withfood:~nd raimcnr,andorhcrm·ct. ffa• the iufi commendation of Rebek,.alu p:nents ries. Herein children muHdca}c with their pa.:o who though they werr; Idolaters, ynhad that rents, as the brood of the Scorke is reponed to regard ofequitic, that they firfl called her and doe ·with her j by feeding hnwhen fhc is ol.d;: asked her confent, before they fcnt hcr2w<~.y wherein they do no more but ""'hlt H1e before with Ahrilhams feruanr,to Lemaried tolfaacJ:.., h~th done vmo them. It is Pau/J counfell? that Gen. :z4. 58. Now in cafe the P~rcnts ~1ile in children~nd nephews fl1otlld recompcncc the . their duty in this rc~ard,the fonne or daughter l::indnes of their kindred in the fit!l place, I .j may lawfully declare the lll:lttcr firl1 to their Tim.)·4·3nd therfore to their parcnrs,the hc:ad 1 kinsfolk,and aftcrwJrd(ifneed bc)to the Min: and found:~tion of their kindred. When lofep/ 7 . fiCr ,or M:tgiflrate,and fuc fot rcdrc[e by their I ,vas in prorpcdtic, and hi~ father lat~cob in meancs anddircCHon. ~\'ant, hce fidl gauc him cornC freely; and 3f..l tef\Nardes fcr.t for hint to Egypt, and there l prouided for him; in fo much as the !ext faith D of bin1, that hce nourithcd his f:nh~r and his brethren, and all his f:nhcrs hOufchold with CHAP. 14. Ofthe S,onne. . bread, Eucn IU th~ mother putJ inettte into rh~ I THe Sonnc is he who is in fubic;CHon tohis j cht!des momh, Gcn.47. I~. When ,Vaomithe parents. , llepmorher ofRmhwas ofgrc3t yearcs,:md her J Th£dHtics ofaSonne to be performed t.o his 1 1 flrengrh fpenc,Ruth gathered c<;>rnc in the h:r- ! ,p3rcnts,arc principally rwo. ucfi for rclccfe of thcrn both. Yea \\'hen BMz:.. Firfi,to yceld them obedience, ""·hether they gauc her to catc and drinkc, fl1e rcfcrucd part be his naturall parcms or othcnNifc,as his !lcpof hcrviCtnalls, and brought it home with her father and llcp-morhcr, & that while he litlcth. glcancs, to rcfrdh her mother, Rmh.2. 14.1 8. EpheC 6. I. Childrm ob~y }tJttr parents in the T he ncccfTiuc of the pcrform:mce of thefe Lord; for tbW iJ right. Luk. '2.) t. ·Thm hee went duties is fo great, that if the fonne ncgkCle 1 h 1donwe with them, a;~:d came to ;, and them, and do rh the comraric,by ill vf:toe ofhis I »'aJfJ/;ie[l to them Exod. 18. 19. JVvfos father parenr,cirhc-r in \' ord ord<cdc, hcc is ~vorchic in l::iw fa id vmo him, ]-{c.t!.re 11f}W?J;.Y7.Joicc.l ~-roit/ I ofdeath, enen by Mofcs !awe; Ex::>d . '21 . I~. JiH~ thee cou~tfo!l, mtd God jba/1 bee with rhu. !le rhat fmiteth hi":j.:ttherorhiS mother, fl}(d[ die"\ Rut~·l_5· Antj_Rrl!!!.foidv<Jto NMrr.i her mo. j lhedeatb. '- ·--'----- ·-----~~~.:.2....__-·----·---T~ \.._.