---------· - ·--··· 69Z. CHAP.l4· 0 f [hrijlian Oeconomie, ! The la 1 NC or the firfl borne of a m:ms chil· !A I 1 drcn, tllat he fhould hauc a greater ponion of --------- · ·- I •c.dc:Nup– tijs.L,vldu3, &L.in,COII' iunetionc. Eeudere~ ~·wi.&diuor. fr&.dc f1•on. r.hhuslbfq; c-n fcnfll p:H{;dis. his tinhers goods, then any of the rdl of his CHAP· 1 5• 'I brcthrcn,is perpctu::~ll,:md jdmits ofno cxccpQl r: h . n A tjl tion,bur oncly in th~ caft· of r~ocorious wicktdj t C ~Y.L a CT• ncffe. Dcur. 21, 17. l-lt!Jha!!ttck._now!edg,thc fonr.eof thehated fo ,. the firft borne, and 1,1He him NExtvnto parents and children, whereby I tldoub!e por1irmof all that hreharh, f(Jr hu iJ the the familtc is incrcafed, is a iC:cond fort of Jir:ff of hi.;jfrer.._'[,rh, and to him 6elongeth theri ... ~ht couples, which are helpcs thereunto. And they · of tbe firfl burnt, This was the Jawci yet we are mafiers and ~fcru:mts. I rcadc: that Rrmben Jolt this prerog:niuc, by reaThe maller is a member in the famity,which ! fon of h1s incd"t, and Iud.rh t!le fourth fOnne ha1h power and bcarcth ru:e ouer the fcruam. of /,rttcob, had the dignitic ot the fidl borne, And his dmy lbnds principally in three things. Gen. 49· 8. Thou ludab, th; !11cth)·en /hallpraife Fidl, to make :1 good choice of his fcruams; thu---- riJ] FathcrJ fomuJ jlHtll6owedorPne vnto \\'hieh is thendone, when he inquircth firllafthee. ter fuch as fearc God, and be \ovilling to ferue InthcChurch of the olde Tdlament. the B him, Pa11/makcs thciCruiceand fc3re ofGod priuilcdg~ of rhc firH borne <.-v·as thrcefuld;thc \ I the maine ground of true obedience in fC'rfirll ofg<ou"=rnn:cnt :md royaltie, the fccond of uams,Ephcf. 6. 5·~·].Co.lof. 3· zz. It vvas the Pricllhooc.l, the third of rhe double portion. rule of Dattids chotce, Pta!. 'Iot. 6. Hee that \ And it is probable•thar this was for the moll t lVtt!k..;thinaperfe& W+!Jl he~ /hall fime mee. AI part \._,ctcmoniall, :1nd ·was ucompliih.cd and i hrahamJ ch1efe feruant ofhis houfe, W3S3 man determined in ChriH,\o<.·ho was the fm.t.:.'t;eofthe I th-ac feared God, ~s appearcth in that he made inut/ihle God,and thefiry16ome ofeHery creature, confcicnce ofhis oath, Gen.2i. 2. ~·and prayColof. r .1 5. ; cd alfo for fuccdfe in rhc bufindfc whcrcabouc Here tv\·oqucflions :~rc pr0pounded. 1 bee was{Cnr. Gen. 14. 1.1. 0 LordG~d of m.7 Q;fcff. I. 'vVherl1Cl' is it b v' fllil fot· the fonne ! Mafler Ahrttham, I bcfoech thee fend'mee good to make avow belonging either to religion, or Jfrude thU d.1J,andjhewe merctc to my Mttfter Ato ciuill ronucdacion, \\'ithout the confcnr of hraham. CornrlimofC.r{ttrta the Capt3inofthe the parent> I Itali:mbJnrl ,ha<l a fould1er rh:n daily Jttendcd An{11 • A vowc fo made is of no force to on him,whofeared God, and feru:.ncs-:~.lfo bcfi.de bind the cluld, but hy the Lnwc ofn2ture and !h1m,to whom he m~de kno\o\·ne the heauenly cernruon cquitie,is to be: made voidc. For it is3 . vifion which he fav. .ACt. I o. 7• ruled cafe, tha.c he which is not his owne man, 1 C 1 s~condly, To cnioync them Jabour,~nd nac that is to (ay,:n his O\\'neHbcrtic,but vnder the eo require more of them, then their flrength I power ofanothcr,cannot bind himlclf't-.Again, 1 "'-'ill bearc. The m::~A: er i5 to rule oucr the ferthe a.uthoritie: ofthe pucm by the law ofGod uam ih ittflice. And th<"n is his commande-mcnt is grcat;For it allo·wcth the f:ahcr to make void vniufl,V\hrn it wil nOI fbnd with the courfe of the vow of the childpertaining to Gods wor.. nature, with the :~bilitic ofhis feruam, or with thip; Num. ~o.6, : the word ofG od. Therefore hce is ro require ~ft. I 1. Whether is the confent ofthe palabour at their h:tnds proportionable to their rents to be required in the fecond marriages of flrength, and yeeld th~cm fometimcs inrrrrnillitbcirchildrcn. on and rcfl. Lcuit. 25. 46. Oueryo#r brttbrrm Anfw. t. Ofancient times,both_by" Ciuill the chiliren 'of !JYael, 7ee fl;~t/1 not rule oiter one lawes, and alfo by Imperiall con{htmions, it Another wit!J crucltie. J. Pet.;. 8. Be 'pit~fu/1, u~ was prouidcd that no widowcs, though mJdc cotl'l"tcom, onehMrewith another. And for the free bv their former madagcs,f11ould make any furrhcran<c of buGndT'e, it is conuenient that contr~Ct ag3me, \<."ithout tht" good will of:heir the m~l1cr be oftcntimes prefcnt w1th rhe fcrparC"nts. z. Confcm in tbis catC, though it be D u:tntsin rhcir works.Prou. 17.2~.Bediligent to not abfolutely necrj[arie, yet it is robe: thought lz.nowe theftau ofthy j/ocl:.!, and tak.; heede to fit a1:d conuenient, bccoufe chtldrcn in fome rethy heart:b.Thc good fnauon OHerfoeth thewales gards exempted from p:~rl'nrs :mr!lOritic, doe ofher h011jhold, Pro.3 r .1. 7.A man oflibyabeeowe notwithlhnding rhc duLie ot honour vning ssked,.., hat ir was that might make a horfe to them, by Gods cxprcffc commmandcmcm, fac,he a.nfwercd ,7bema./fcrs eye. Exod. :zo. 1 z.& cot;fequemlyoughr ro rcfl.ific, Thirdly, T o rccompcnce the diligence ::md the fame ,by being :>Hired and aduiCed by them paines ofhis fcruam, and thar dnec waies. in feme fort, cucn :u the ::~ftcr-bc:Howing of FirCt, by giuing him his due ofme~te <1nd thcmfducs. Her,cc it i-;, th2t • later Diuincs drinkc for th<' prefcnt.Thc good mattonxiueth hauc holden vpon good t;round:; = Th:u the crhe po1·tion toher hou{ho!d,tmdthe ordinlme toh(T fpoufats of widowcs, who ha~e fom: rnordimaidt, Prou,~ J . 15 .. . . . . berde, then the chtld fidl marncd, bc:mg made Srcondly, by paywg \urn h1s hH'C 1n the end without their parcnu know1ed~e, cannot but .of his fcruict·, The!vt6ourer t1 worthy. ofhz:s ~·1·.1 i 1 1currc iull rcpr~hcnfi0n, ho·::focucr they may I gu,Luk. .1 o. 7· rvelldon~ goodjemant a17dfaztl~- fhnd in force wnhom it. full; tiJOT/. haft bee11e Jlllthfu/1 m !tttle, I rr•1ll - - -----m- al:$ Arili.Occo– nom.7·