Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

-----.-- ~- .-~ - --~- ~ l _ _ _ Qr HoUjehold gouemment. ---:-:-f.H~~~i~~ ~ 69?_1 m.•ke rim m/er oucrmucb; enter inro rhy m.if/ers A the m~llcr hoth authorme to conime nnd cor: I j 1 1 1 ,,,_Manh.z;. 2 r. 1 re~ h~m,prol!ulcdtha_t ~n the cxc~lltton ~~l~~of ,_/ 1 · Here thrct' c:4ueats arc to bee obfcrncd. I. , , rclp~ct be had vnro IHs ;gc, ao_{_i r..c c_or_t~Cr.on / 1 Th:u the wage" be proportionable rorhc "':ork. ' ! be v(cd will} modci~tjon, :1s it }:le \.\•ere h1s fo n, • I r. That it be p:1id in due rime, without d,::fcr· A bon~l-Ccruan~, 1s a (cruanr bought for mp1ring. So the M::l{1cr ofthe Yitlc-y:nd, n•hcn ct!c11 n~y, ~nd IS com!nonly c:11l~d a Dauc. To~c!Vn_g IWM Com~ called !liS fcrUatits wocthcr to gui~ rh1s 1ort,:aquctlwn 15 mooucd,\\'htrthcr ::t C.HIthem tbei; hire, Minli. ;o. S; 11 I. Th~t ~he H!an may wit~ fafc confcicncc-, hauc and vfc a fcrUam'b~ hot dcfraud~d of 3hy part oFhi~ Juc. man as his flaue. . . For this is il crying ~11 . Dc 1.1t.14. 1 .5:• Thoufhalt Anf The power ~ndngft ~fl.l:lUlng b_or'dgfue him hU hire for his day, 11 7irher f];n/lrhe men, 10 _thofe counmcs "':here_ te JS cHabldi:~.d SUnnt'f.Ot' downe vpon lf-----leff lice Cr'ie aga.inft by po0.u."c l:awcs,ro:l~ {bnd v:nh .good 'onlc_lthee 'lmtdtbe Lord and it bee jinne i)nto rhu, rnte, 1f lt be vied wnh modcraqon, ~ovhcrcm hm. 5 .4· Behold, fht' hire of t/;e laVoure<s whicb I thcfe ~Cuen. t:;ficdt~,be obfcruecl. . halle reaped your fi./d~s, JV_litch il f:.!pr ~ttc~c bJ . I. fhat t1;c ~m!l~r haue n~t ouer!lis fc_rnant fraude, Cri.:th, and tfu CriU of them whztf1 /JaHt' the power Oa life and death . 1 f9~ th_JS t:lkcs 3reaped are Mtercdikt'ti the ettres oftheLordof B w:tythe li1V:'full po_wer ,of the M~g1fhatc, to hofts. ' ,. ·· ' whom o~tcly the Lord hath (oU1mided the Thirdly, if the fcruantin time ofhis feruic~ fword of iull:icc. . . . . be fickc the matlersca(emuH be by all rbc:mes I I. That there be not hbrwe gr:mtcd hnn~ polli.ble'ro procurehis rccduerie. Equitic muft ~o vfe !~is fcru3nt ~this O\\'llC \\'ill and plcafi1rc 1 be rhc rule in thcfc cafes.; and maA:crs are to 111 al thmg~;~or this was not granted by the law, I do to their femanrs rhar whith z! M1 and equal/; _of to. Ius owne people: E>:od. z_t.z6.1fa Col. 4 • r, Now the feruant hapllyfallcs fickt 'PM[mrre./mfe~uant or./n~ matd m tke ')"~ a•d I byand in his fcruicc, and his healthycclds not harb~erifhed_tt ,luj!J~/l/~rhtmgoef~ec_for hu; cy~:.. onlyprofit ro his maficr,but incouragement~l~ Al[o ifh~[mtte9Ht huforuanrsor hJ? mtttdt tooth, fo to himfelfe. The good Cemurion in cafe of 1 hefoa!llethim goeoutfree for hu rooth. his feruams ficknes, woke the bell courfe t.o I .! I 1. T~at th~ p~t;Ycr be ~or e~1large~ t~.the. hauc him rcfiorcd,Matth.S.6. command1ng of thmgs aga1.nHpietyor mll1ce, for in thefe cafes amao tnUJl rlthcr obey God then man,ACt4. t 9· , _ . CHAP. 16, C l lV•. Tlpt fll3ll<"(doenottakelibcrti< to tn:ike fcp~ration o,f · oofetheir fcru~nts that b~:: 11' h [ilaiicd,thC one tfom the othcr,orofthofe that OJ t eSerullnt. be parents from their chi.ldri';conficlerlng ,b,, God himfclfc hath made ihcfe focictics, and TdeScruam, is apcrfon in the f:!mily fubioyiitd fcch perfons together; aild thcrcf~re icC'tvnto his maficr. , man maY 11bt fcparatc them. . The dutieola fcruam is, faithfully and diliV. Thanhe tnallers do nottakclibcnie to gentlyeo demcanc himfelfc in the atf:1ire-s t>f.his put oucr their fcruatlts to vngodly and Vnbe~ J maflcr, :tod to doe fcruicc vnto him aS ~nco lccuingmaA:crs.for thaijs an vnkin4 af!d cru~!!.f Chrift,though he be froward and ha,rd-hancd. libcrtie, ::md may be an <tpp:uanc dcc~Cion (O Titus.:.. g. Let befohie£1 torhei'l'l 11Mtnakethe feruant fal away f(oril rCligion, & re ... !I fteN, and.pleafe them rh tdl thmgr, not an{we1 tnj( nour1ce the trUe God. . · agame. Ephcl: (>. )· Serumro, bee obedtn:t to V I. That they docilot bind thcmco p,cr ..pc:- 'I them that ar~ your majlers accordtng ro the tuall flaueric, and n~uer m01kc them frcc.ExoJ: Jlefh, with [:are a11d tremhli:1g, in{e of 2 I. 5, But if rhf:f"Hent fay thm, I iou~ my~a~ l JOttr he4ru, tU"i.mto Cbrift., Colo. i· "2.!. Thus fUr, 1nJ wifeeil' my children, I willnotgoom'free. l laae~b [orucd Laban. Gen. 31. ~8. Thi,stwen- 1 n L ·. V I I. Th:lt rhc fcruitucle be not procu~~.d ! tit' )'Mres haue l beencWith thee.; thine err~J and 1.., \ and,ret::~olned by force; for it i~ a more grku9:11i 'i t~y goatcl httu~mt cafl tf?eirjong; & the rammu I crime tO rpoilcamnn ofhis libcnic,thcn of his I oftbeJlockfhaue I ;-;ot CA_ten, &c. ·riches. · . 1 ,, • , ,. 1 Contrarrwife, the ict~Hlnt murl takt;: hccde Now that the fame po·wer Hmitedwi:h t]lcfe : that he Uoe not hii mafl:cr.s buGoes negligcmly c'::mtiotis, is lntvful & warr:mtablc in confl'i£=<;e, [ or for fan'! ion Cakc:t, ~r ;'&it,h C'yc~feru fcc: a_s a it:appcars by thC'[c reafons. , ! man.pleafcr~dpt in c;~.Je Qffc-bnke or comroleI. Gp~ h:nh ordained ~nd ::~llowcd it.• cuc:rl \ mCnt,heaofwcr pot againc; laHly, th:u he be by w:~rram of his ownc l:lw :The po!lcritic of j tru(hc and withhold his h;mdsfi·om piC·lting,& Cham 1,\•as nu·i~d by 1Voah, and cor:dcnmcd td . his heart fi·om dccciuing his maHcr. fl aucric, Gen, 9. 25 . ../b;d bee [aid, Cm:fcd,~e I Seru:'lnts arc of t\·\'O fons; either fFCC; or Cl:utm, a fcruanroffcrv.tmt.s{hall hce 6etohi.s bre~ , boncl-fenmms. . thren. ,So were the Gibeonitcs by lo[bua;IoC9. : A frec~fcruant i.~ hc,whom his maAer hlreth 2 ~. Now tber(fore -rcc are cm{i>d. ;:mti tbt'YC' f/;afl for wages to doe him fcruice. To himbelongs nbne ,of)Otlbefi·~f fi'cm hchgbond~me;;,andim•·- I the iufi payment ofhis h~re,& in C3fc ofofft!ce, I er.s.of wood, andt:lrmrersof ~Tdtrr, for r/:;c ho#ft -- -~-- ----- . -T-<~-:-===-=."{ ____ t