6.98 CHAP.t6. Of[hrijlianOeconomie, : ;j;,J G,d. So wosrhe thcclc, Exod. 22.1.I[he A fwcr, Thor feruitudopr~cccdcrh not of.;;.~.;;~, 1---; lfl had 1~o~- ~hlrdre;_•tthh_ to 1 maf:s reJI:amtou, then he but harh hts ongu 1 al from the laws ofn::aions I I 10tlla ve vu 1/)r u r Jefi. A5:1111e thofc chat and is acdn{cquent ofthe f.11I F 11 b' J I ' · · b h' d . · · • or a mrn y I :Jrc_~u~rcom: m_warrc may e cl capt!uc, nature: arc equally and indifferently free, none , aueln ts !a_wtull.tor the conqvcter to kill them, more or ldfe thenotheu. I I ~t_ld, rhcrdorc_t?ma~c thcmi1aues: and if bee.. • r, ! l j1ng t!lkcn, theybc-bucd from death, they owe I · · , · J all rhat rhey luue·to them by whom rhoy are Q CHAP. X.V 1 I. t i faued. . . I 'f the .11after of theFtzmi- ' 1' · 11. The bwe of God gaue liberric to any ,. dm h h l h d . . . ~~~, orgoo atJef 1 e fJHfo. man t ar .,,·ot~l , to mak.e fale of hll'nfclfc to a- · · ~ not_hcr. Leuu. 25. 45· Of rh~ ,·hi/d.-m oftiH: THusmuchtouchingthcdiucrs and fcuc~ l flrangers rh.lf are[oiormtcrs amtmg you, of rhcm rall combinations or couples belonoino ,. jhallycebtq, aHd of their families rhat are with to the llatc Oeconomicall. Fromwhich d~c a~ .7ou, which rhry begat it1 )'OfiY lm:d, th~fo foal! be rife twd perfons ofa mixc or compounded nayour poffl'jfiou. Dcut. I 5. I 2, If thy brother· an ture & condition,commonly c::lled the Good~ J llcbn:me [c!l himfolf~ to rhee, or an Hebrewejfo, B , m:m,and.rheGoo'dwifeofthe houfc. I and foruc tbu f're yeares, cum in the {cum1h The ~~oodm:t1J ~~ themafl~rof tlufamilie,is a , yeare rhottjhalt let himgoe fru from rhe~: and perfon, in whomc rcftcth the priuate and proI 1ver. 17. Thou Jhalr rakj an aulc, and pierce-his per goucrnmemof thr- whole hou0: 10 Id. and Icare through againft thedoore, a11dhecfoal/ be th; ~1ec comes not to it by election, as it fallcth out foruant fo~' eua. m other fiaces , but by the ordin:mcc of God I 'I I I. The tll~ll th:tt is rJn[omcd from his e· fetled cucn in the order of nature. The bus~ ncml.e. is bound to fct·uc as a{hue in liewe of 1 I b~nd indcede natuully bcarei tule oucr the thankcfulncffe. I \-Vtfc; parents ouer their children, mafters oucr I V.Thc examples ofrhc godly in the Scrip- . their lcruants:but tlm perfon who by ·the protures. Abrahamhad fcru:mts v1:hpm he bought 1 mdcnce of God,hath theplace of an husband) for filuer. Gen. 17. tz.EueryttJanchi!dofcight afather,amaficr mhtshoufe, thefarncalfoby dttye.s old amung you f'Mll he circumcifod i" yoHr the light ofnJturt, hath the princ1pahue and gmeratitms, a.1Jl'ellhee that is hornein thinehoHfo foucratgnue rhcrm,andhe ts Paurf~tm1!tas, the M hee th.tt is 6oHght rrith money of ahy flranger, fJthcr andcluefc he:ad of the famdic: to bun l whichilnotofthyfeede.Gcn. 24-3')· ·TheLtwd ! therefore the true right and pown ouer all bath bl•fl'd mJ maff.r· Ab,aham wonderfHI'J , matters domdlicall,of right appemineth.The -·-~for he hathgilfen htm/bi~peaJfd huues, and C ' duties ofthe: maller of the familic, are fpedalJy {ilt.terandg;old,and mcn~{ertl:fnts) '!"J maid~[n-.. 1 fiuc. uantt,and camd.r and;tjfos. .o. I. To beare the chicfc: llroke, and tobe ihe I V. The Apo(lles doe not dital\owe offuch I principal\ agonr, direttt~· and furtherer of the fcruams, but comma~d thcm·becing fcruanr!, wor{hip of God within his familie,Iof. 24.1 5· and called to the prctcffiotl of Chrifliat-tiLie in I andmyhou/holdtPill{trttetbeLord, And thi& he that flate, not tO change, but to abide in their doth ranly by pr<~ying for and wirh his hou- ·cal\ing; r. Cor. 7•: 1. Arnhou rallrd beemg a I lhold,aod panly by in(huCling them in the hoJeru~nt? car~notfor it. ·· -lyScriptures, and in the grounds of religion, . It is allcadged th4t filch feruitudc is again!t 1hat they imty grow in knowledge and rc3pe the ]awe of t}:lture. An[. It is indcedc ag:~inft benefit by the publikc Miniflcrie. lhus God !1hc law of c~'l'ri.re-nhturc,as it \~':lS before the fa!, commanded the men~ oflfr::tcl eo walke in ,heir l bm :ag:lin!t d1C Iawe of conupted nature fincc famiiies. Deur. 6• .7. ThoH jiMit r~ht~trfo rhcm I the fall,it is nor. · · continHAII] f.intoth; childrm, andJhalt u.lkt of 1 But ChriH h:ath purclJa(cd !ibcnie tobdct-- them, when thou tan·ieft in thine houfo,-~--and l uers;Cololf. 3- I t.AnfOncly afpiricual\liber-1 whm thou lid/ dorPnc, ami when rhou rifojl vp. f tic in this life, :tnd a corpora!l-oncly in rhe life D Againc, v. 2.0. l'Fhmth} fonnefhalla!k.! tl;et,·-· ! to come. Fot· though the fcru:-~nt in regard of what mcane theft tejfimo~ie.s, and ordinances ! faith and the inner man be equall to his !1iaflc-r, and/4T9cs, '1'Phich rht Lord our God commAnded 'bcc:lUfc in Ch'fifi lcfus there is neither mallet you? Then j}udt thott[4] vmo th'f foNnt,We were nor feru:mr, bond nor free; yet in regardofthe PharAohs b9ndm~n m Egpr; but the Lard onn.vard man :md ciuil order amongA: men,t~e 6ro~ghr ~s ou: of E§JPt, witb a mightie hand. Thcodor. 1111:1fler is abouc the fcruant, and the fcruam 1s, Th1s 'te!bmOJHC Go g~uc of Ahrahttm before Ot.1t.8. andmull be fubicCt to the mafler.Ncucrthc:ldfc the law v.·as giuen, Gen. 18. rg. For I kpow AI where this ki.nd of ~cruituO.e is ab.olifhcd~__it is 'h~~tham tb~tt 'hee wi~l ~ommmui bi; flmteJ, 4nd nqt to be ao:un rcccmed or mccrtamcd amogfi hu houfbold afterhtm, rh11t rhqk!~pe thewa; of I i Chrillians~fpccialy conf1dcring,it i~ afar mmc -the L11rd. And this houfl1old of. Abr~tham ~·.:as 1 mildc & modcrat courfe to h:me hirC'dferuants. very large,for the holyChoftfa1es long before ,. Eth.uhni1 lfir be faid againe, that the Heathcnl'hilothat he had three hundud and c~r,hrcenc, • that cau)luosiniArifhn.poi.j'. rophcr ho!deth r~ruicudc to be naturall,wherewere horne~nd~rou_ght vpin hU hoHfo, Gen. 14· II b.t. by fomc arc by buth bond, & otheu free. I a·n- '4· Ir was m likelihood the courfe of Salo"!_Jon -···-- . - wh_;_ic_h__c,l._~__.;