1 or Houjeholdgouernmeht. CHAi>.i7/ 69~-=/ 1 --- ~ "\h1ch hch3c! learned ot h1sfarhcrDamd, ;~nd A rhi:-:gsbmhnew~ttd~/j~--.-, _-. ~-~ ---~ g1tlcnfuratulctoallmanc•soff:llmhes P•ou. , 1 V. Tok~cpcord_ci',nndtorxcrnfc d1fnI' 1 4 r. Here 0 cl:nfd,cn the mjlm{fton of a Fa~ plinc in his holllC,and th:nin rhisnllnncr. j ther, 1 mdgnu e.<tre role tr,w v,;de•ft·u~dmg----.. 1n cafe ofoffence; '.\'hcrl a ~:apirall crilllc Is I 1 Fo1 IR'M my Farhcu fonne, de.!tiC twdrenderm CO!lJmitrcd, which ind~rn.•rh publike ccnfmc:; Jthe fght of my mother,when hee ttllt._(ht muttnd he is not to pmiifl_l i_r himfcl~c, hut to b~ing rh~ .1 faidvnto mee, Leuhine hc:l'rt holdfajf mpvords. offender ,to rhc nmll Magd1ra_r:-; ro mformc I The ~ompanic ofthe Dilciplcs ..vcrc rhC houfcof his ~aulr, that he may h:!u.'chis defcrt:lt \.\·aS hold of C.:hriff, and hcc hitnfclfe did ~dn1ini~ a courlc eflablifhcd by the Iudiciallla\v, ..d~ich . Her all p:ucs of the (r.ruicc of God with them God g:1uc vmo Mofos for his dirc<'-ti6 in caufcS Iand :1mong rhern, Luk. 2 2.1 5, To this purpn(c criminal! am..,ng the Jfi-aclircs; Dr11r. 2 t. t 8. :r!~.r;;."~ j1tAHf,Hftine faith, 71;r.t t~u maftcrof thef~tmilie, r g. 20. lf.rmy .man bn~h a(omtt that is Jl~ib:._ 6nc:. I dorhafrer a{o>'t aad in h>J meafirrc pcformc r/, 6o>'nc,aaddifo./;edtent, whtch ll't/1 1101 hark$n.·vndutie of a Churchman, o;~ !l!Poppc u>ithm his to the voioe of hJs Farher, noY. rlu voice of hii houfo. A.. ~ "· • mother, ar~d they h.uu chajlened him; 1hcn fha!l I I. To bring his f:unilie eo the Church or Ihis Fttthcr and hiJ mother _tak_e him, and_bring Congregation on the Sabbath day, to looke B 1 hsm out, v.nto the Elderrofthe clti~, ttnd vr.rd. . that they doe rcligiouOy there bch;aue them~ I thegates of the plau wbrrehudwcllerb,and{ha!l [clues, :md afcer lhc pubhke_excrcifcs ended, & (aJ vnto the Eldcr.r of·his Citie; This ottrpnr.e rhe Congregation is difiniflcd,to take account ts ftttbborne, anddfobrdimr, rmd !Jee ;vili not obey of that which they hauc heard, that they may ourddmonitiiJn: heisariottr ,. and a drrmf:...ard. 1 • profit in knowledge and obedience, ACl:. 1 o. Againc,Deut. 13. 6. If th; brother thefonnt ofJ 24. The da1_ after,_ they emud into C<fjitrM; thy moth~r,orthi~;e~wne fmu, or rl;y dAJtgfjur;~l JVow Corneltm watted for them, and had called or the wife that hctb m thy hofome, or thj' togetiJer his bJn[men and[peciall friends. veri. 33. freind which is M thinet-wnefot~lc, cntife thee foNow therefore (faith Cornelim to Peter) are we cretfy, fay in._(!;, Let VJ goe and feme lJ/her Godi ttllhereprefontheforeGod, to here (l/lthmgs that (which thou haft uot ~owne, tbott, I foy, nor 11re commatmded thee of God. lob. 1. 5· And thy Flltbcrs) thoufhalt 1JOtconfontvnto bim_; ·noiwhen the dayu of their hmu:pteting weregone ahe:t~·e him,neirherjJJa/1 thine c;e pittie thrm,mn: hoHt,, lob font tmd (anffijied thrm, and rofe vp (bm mcrcie, norkf~pe him[ecru. Z3ch. J 3. 5. earel; in the morni11g, and o[fired /Ju;·nrojferings, Andwhen anyjhall}'et prophecic,his[11thcr andh}f &c. 2, King. 4· z1· .Andhccfilid,whereforcwilt mother that hegttt him [ball jdyvnto him, Thou' thougoe tobim today! It is ncithtr 11tw moone ·]halt not lirte:for tbortf}ea/:df lies in the nt:tmeof nor Sab6oath. For this vcric caufc the fourth C the Lnrd:andhUfarher,and hU motbe;· tbat beComm3ndem·cnris giucn firfi ofall and pri~1cii g1rte bim,jba/l rhnqJ him throJJgh whn· heproplsepally ro the mafier of the ~1mily, that he nught jicth. fee the Sabbatlrkcpt, and be a principall ·docr If the f•ulr be of an inferiour nature, and in all parts ofGods worfhip thercin.Exod.2o. Jcffer in comparifon; themafterof the familiC.' JO~ ln it thouJhaltnotdoeanywork!, thou nor thy ought to proceed by priuate cenfi1rc vpon the [om1c,nor thJ.daughte;, thy man foruant, north] delinquent panic, fomctimrs by :~dmonicion: maid,nor thycllttell,noatl;yJlr(lngerthat is rrithm. otherwhiles by correCtion, and chaHifemem, l thj ga!et· . _ . . according_ to the qualiric of the ?ffcncc, al'irl 1 Netther IS thts l11s care tted only to the Sabthe condmon and fiate oftbe pcrfon:Leuir. rg. ! barh,but vpon orher daycs belides it 1 he ought r7· Thou[halt plair.e!y_ rtlul~e zll) nric;,hhour, dftd r tocaufcthcmofrhchoufiJOld, as much as in nor[uffe,·himttJjimu.Matth.r8. r5.~I[rh; !Ho- ! himlieth! to rcp3ire to places, \Nhere the \Yord therJimu agf!infl thee, goe a,d tdl him hi1fault ~· of God IS preached. Commendable w2s dH! · benvunehima~dthccnlone: ifhchenrerhecnot praCl:i(c of /vfarie the filler of Martbtt, jn rhis ! tak.!yet with rht~ oneo1· two. Prou. 29. I 7· Cor: I cale,who.when Chritl came toher ~oufe,is f::tid D reEf rhJ fQn)and be willginc theerrj},andwi!lgi11c j to fir at hu fcete andatttend.vnto bu preaching, plenflsru 1.mto rh;Joule. · 1 Luk;·ro. i9· I Whcnadmonitions:lnrl wrrcflions 1Ailf not ,. I I I. To prouidc for his family rncar,drink, prcu:lilc, the panic murt be broug!lt before rhc and clothing, 3nd that they may liuc 3 quiet & Minillers :.nd Gounneurs ofthe Church, that '1 peaceable life, 1. Tim. 5. 8. Prou. 2?· 26. The l they may ccnfure ~im. :Matth. 18. 17. Ifhc-wiil lam!nttrcforthy c!Mthing_, and the goar~s for the not hcarcthcm, tc!l itvnto!he Clmrch, And the J pnceof thq field. v. 27. :And/et the Tiitlk.!oftby Apofllc lmnes gmcth order that 1hc Miniflers gopteshefu.fficicnt forth] foodc>forthefoodofthj i ofrhcChurch fhould come tothofCth:a nre' f.!milj·, and.f.;r rbe fuftenmJce of rhy maides. J . ficke, and pray for thcm,l:lrr.cs 5. T 4· which if Cor. 9. 9· Thou (halt not mt!r.:-zle the momh of they Joc in c~IC of infirmit!~; then 1hcyarc :1lfo tbe o.ve, tbrrr treadeth ottt tiJc corne: doth God tobe fought vmo,in Cll[c of error :~ne! offence 1 1 carefor oxen? eithrr [aitb hee it not a!tngctJur commincd, for rcdrdfc. for our{:lk.._er ?Manh .1 3.5 2. F.t~ciJ Scnbe which But when none of all thefc rr:r:mcs will doe i.r taught vnto the l:..fng:lom of heatmz t~. !tk..f vnto good; ifthe panic be a fc.ruonr. his mall er 1 nay, :mhouflJoldtr, t'::!!. hrmgJ[!!_riJ om ofhJJ t1·cnfttric and m:ght to rcmoouc hm1:Pfal. ! OI. 7• There I T"' 4 -~--=-=-- -. ~.J!'".o L