Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

-------,---·- ··- Oft hrijlian Oeconomie, &c. 700 . CHAP.I8. ~----- Jha/1 no drccitfn!L pa{on dwell wichi;J mine houfo i 1A amhoritic, bm alfo in aduife,and counfdl vnto I hec rhat teiluh /,u Jha!l not ~·cmai1~c in m_1 fg·ht. him. l. King. 17. I 7· AJtdafter rhrfe things,th~ loh. 8. 35. The j"cruam abrdnh not inthchou[e fonhe of~hrwoman,whifh rPM R'ife,or"mifircf{eof •hgn~hth for mer. theho11jc, w.uJick!. ~;~~~i~~~~- V. To ginc inr.crt:linmcnr to thofe that arc Her dutie is two-fold. l1rang('rs, and not of the famiiic, if they be Fidl- ro goucrnc rhe houfe, as much 35 conChriHians,and Bclccucr~; butfpcciailyt~tbe I ccrncthhcr,in her place, 1. Tim. 5• 14./ will Mini!lrrs of ri1c Word. ltorn. r2. 1)· Gtuing 1 theufore rJJatthe )'011ger ·women man·ie,andgoJOHr JC!t!C! to h~ifiraliric. Heb, 13. 2, Bee not ucrncthe houfe. And th:n fhedorh tbrcewaics. forgcrfu/lro lo~'!,c/frangas : for hcrcb;'[omehaue I.By cxcrclilng hn felfc in fomcprofirable,cmruei:ted Angf:lls in:o t~eir houfn vnr.w.m~J. ploymems, for the good of her chargc,Prou. Tlus dmic the V\'Om:m of Shuncm andher huf- ~I. I ) Shrt' ftekJth'f4c•ooli,and ftn:r, and laboureth b31HI.pcrfor;llcci vnto the Prophet ElijiJa, ::! • checrefit!/ywiriJ l;er hands, li.By appointingher King. 4· I o. Let vs mak,ghima littlech.-mrber,f maids their\\ orkc, and duerfecing them thcrcpra; thee, lrith wallu, and let vs[et him abed in. Ver f. 15, Shi"c t/firh wht!es it Myet night, there,a;Id tl table, ttndajloole,and ll c~tndldhc/z!, B andgiueth the portion tCI hou!hold, and the that hecmay ttm;em hitiJer, whmbeecommeth 10 ordin~rie to h:r maid!, I I I. By ordering her vs. Thcf"c :1rc chc dudes, children and tcruants in w1feciome; partly by Here if it be dcmanclcd, 'A'hethct· the maflcr .infhuCti on, panly by admonition, whcn ·thcrc ofa familic is alv.•ay, and neccffari!y bound in ts need. Ver( 26. She opmeth hermouthwithwif- ' hi!i OVdlC perfon ro clo all thdC d~ing~? dome, andthe!tlwoft,rt~ceis in ht'r to»glle, vc:r[ I anr.. \'Cr, that l( there be mfl ;lt1d necdfarie 28. Herch,/dren rif(11p, a,dca/Jherblef]ed,&c. caufe,cithcr :n rct'peC1 ofhis owt1c inabilitic,?r Ta. 2. 5. 7 h11t rh~ be difcreeu,ch{/_{1 ,k,tepmgat in rcgarG ofpnblikc imploymcm,vpon alawful home, 6 n. Ad. 18, 26. Pri{crlla m her houfc, calling,whcrcby he is hindcrcd,fo as he c:uHlOt I wtdl Aqurftt,ln!lruClccl ApoUos, m rhatwhcrcm do any of thcmhim(elf,ar f0mc times;1t is IJ\'\'- he was w~ntmg,cxpoundtng vnto hnn the way full for him to liauc, and vfc- a. deputic-.This .our_ ·1 of Godmure pet{eEf&. Gr(gorte 10 an Sauiour Chri!t rcachc:th in cite6:l, '' h15' he faah, O ta•ton made for lH~ father, faith, That hu mowho then is afll:thfu/1[, tmd )t~i{e, nhomc therw.u no1 or.!; an helper,/)111 alfo a teacherormhi& 11'Jdjl(r bath matte rttlc'l ouer hts hot!/hld, to J .flmflel',nndgt~rde 'tmtohu[athC' 111m41le1sofregit~e them tn [ea[on? M~tth, 24- 25. C bgtonandgodlmn. . Thus Ahnthamhad a fie ward ofhis hou[e,EliThe f... conddutic, is, to giue thepordon of ofDlmafcus,Gen,I5 .7..31ld he perfotmcd food vnto her family, or caufe it to be giuen in rile \'\'aighticH ma.ttcrs,thac concerned lhe <.Hadue fcafon. Prou, 3 I. 15. She rifothwl~iles. it H ,blilhmcnt, and continuance ofaFamily,not by yet night, andgiHtrh the porrie~n, or me11te to her himfelfe, but by his Steward, as namely rhc Ihoufto/d, Thus did Rcbckflh iol her hontc, Gen. choice of a wife for his fonnc Ifaac,Gcn. 24.2. 27. 9· Get rhunow tt~thejlock!, and bringmte Thet"efore Abraham Jitiel vnto his eldejl- foruanr three£ twogood kjds ,ofthegMtes,that I may mak.f of hu~houfe, whichh.dthc mlc oucr all that hcc pi.-Jant mratofthemforrhJ father, foch Ill hu had; Pm now thine hand vnder m'Y thigh, &c. lolleth. Thus PharaohKing of Egypt had Iofeph, Gen. ~H. Whether may rl1c goodwife, wirh39· ~· So!ofephfoundfauourinhufght,andferourrhcconfcnrof the goodman, giueandbeuedhim,a~td bee madt himruler of hu houfo, and flow the goods belonging to the familic? put allthat h,ce hadin huhar.dr. .Anf l. There arc fomc rhinp which ore .CHAP. XVIII. Of the 8v1 ij}rejfe ofthe jamilie , or yoodwift of the houft. THe Good~•ifc or Miilrdfc ofthe houfc, is a perfon which rccldeth hclpe and afliil– ancc in gonernmcm to the Mafler of the fami– lic. For he is, as it were, the prince and chicfe ruler; fhc is the atfo,i:l(c, not oncly in office & proper ro!m fclfc, and nor parr of her dowry which ihcc brought vnro her husband. And D thefc £hcc may cl:~imc as her owne, bec:mfe ci~ therthcy were rcfcrucd vpon the march made becwecne thcm,or eHC :~re peculiar vmo her by their rnutuall confem; and of them Chc may lawfully giuc, without her husbands know– ledge. I I. The goods which ore common ro them both, 2re ofanother nature; and thcfe fue may not be!low,without his allowance, eith~r Cl'pr~lfe or 3t lc~fi general ~nd implicire, fpcc 1all}• whcn the giuing ofcl1cn• dothor maygrow in likelihood, to the hindcran,c, andpreiudicc ofrhe flare ofthe family, F I :A( IS. ---------------------- - - --------'-'----' /