I.--------- l lllo•:J cried> to G.o.d. 21. I. c. ot the I bleeding ofthe dc:.d corpsbefore the. murthercr. 2 r. 2.h f BoaP.crs, ;67. z. d. vermes comr:,ric. 568.r.o Bodie fo!lO\·\'CS the di(:·C'lficion of the mindc.:. 55. 1. c. we ;nufi wodl1ippc God widl0nrbodics, 1 ~o. I.d Boldndrc: 'NhJt m~kcs vs trucly bold. I 50.J .c JlookcsofRccord with God. 51 5. z.d. book oflifc wh:tr it is. 3~6.1.c.whethcr a man may he b}.t;ttcd ouc of it. JJ6.I.d . •. BrowniGs blaini:d for their [,·paration. 389. I.C Buccr ch:mgcd his n:tmc. 48 I .r .b Burdens on the foulc: 5.things. 201.2.rl BuyingofChrifl. 363 .2.b c CAincs way hath fcue-11 ficps. 548.2. o, lt is the broad way ot the world. 549.1.• Calling: Gods dling delcribeJ ond handlcd.6r ,1 .a. our duties in regard .thereof.63. 2,0. 64.1 .b. 105 .2.d. col– ling gcner>ll. 48 2. 2. c. Speciall d– ling han·dled in ·fundric poinrs. 48 3. 1.b.~4.r.a. how to walkc worthy ofit.484-1.d.Whethcr effeEtuall cal– lillg be vniucrfall. JO].I .d. 483 .z.a. whether a man may rcfufe the grace ofeffcCluall calling. 345. :..b. Three dbtcs whcreromen arc callcd.6J,r. c. To cxtraordmaric callin~s God oiuesextraordinaric gifts, 173. r. b. 3'74.1 .c.and confirmation cxtraordi– narie.4+I. 1 .a. herein !coke for tCp– £:ltiOns. 3·72• I .d. how to walke in our particular callings.263... 2.d. 418. I. d. 51~. I. d. Trangrcffcrs againll Godsealling. 6J.2.b Care: Gods care oucr his fcruants.3 2.2.. .a, diflrufl.full elre for worldly things prohibitecl. 386. 2. b. t'v\'O rdlr:'lints vnto·our care. 653. r .c Catcchifine ncccfi'aric to bee learned. . Zif.!.C, · Ccnfurc: Rigour therein mufl be auoid– dcd, 587,.., I. a. Spirituall ccnfin·cs .' which befi:arcfull. 587.z.a ~ Ccremoniall Lawcs bindc in their equitie. ' I 7.2.C CcnC'ntic_offaluation, fe-e Sa!Hation :1nd ··Faith. · ' I!·. challenge oF·fight thould not bee to- , ken, . J! 545·J."' Chance confuted. · 5 r6.1.b ) 1 Charme ddcr.ibed. 6 10. r. c. too frc1 qucnt.634·j_c.condc:nm<"rl. 6r6. r. . d. 6~o.2.c. Charmc:s one c(Scripturc moil vile. 6~ i. I .c. Charmc-rc; ccnfitp I rcd.4~7. r'.d, c_xcufes for fee!, in~ ro 1 them rcmcoucd. 6~4.:.a 1'.~-------- ---- 7he Table. Children <'Ire Gods ia1mcdiatc gifts.88. 2. b. Their dude in rebard vf thctr forc-f:ahcrs religion. 96. 2. b. Chil– .drC'ns <!utics fonnes and dJughtcrs. 695. I. c.. Children of bdl giftes fl10uld bee giucn to God. 17. 2. d. 69f.I.b, children may iuftly bee pu– nif11ed vvith rheir f:nhcrs.• 53 r.t .c. Children of God among the wkkcd. 137·2.b. God remembers them in nccdfnic. . 53 I .z.b Chrift, the Con ofrhc Fathcr:how. 309. I. C. nucGod. 2JO. t-:.._<.~ 288.1.b. 349.2. c. 592. 2. a. God ofhimfclfc. 2j3.z.c. 321.1:b. His Eremitic. 23).t.e, 24~Lx.c. Power. 233.z.d. 249. 2. a. 3'5· x.d. 59o.o.b. how great it is in the Church. 3 )9· I. d. ho ..v he giucs it to men. p. 5.2.b. v– fes of his po\-\'Cr. 2 34· 1 .a. z~t9.z.b. 591. 2. d. A concluGon touching ChriOs fpeciall power, 590, 2. d. Chrifis wifcdome in eight points. 593· 1. b. his fierie eyes. 248. 2. d. ChriHsrruth. 338. I.e. Holines.337. z.c. 37J.I.c. vfcs ofir. 338. I. a. de– niers of his God-head. 383. 1. b. Chrifl,God :111d man in one pcrfon. z8 3. I .c. :l perfeCt and foie S<lli.IOIIr. 594· t.a.b. His of!iccs,497·'·b· Ta– ken "'''Y by P>pdls.497.2.b. King– Jy: zo8.z.a. Propheticall; and duties thereof. 2I9. z.d. Pridlhood; the principall aCtions thereof. 22o.I. c. A mediatour t\-\(o waycs. )20,1,3, How pure horn finne as rn:m. 337.2. b.495 .r.c.Chrill as man,is not cuery \l\'hcrc.496, z. c. His f:.1fling \A:ls mi– raculous. J77. z. c. why hecfafl.cd founic daics. 378. r. :.1, How he was tcmptcd'by S2tan.376.I,b.e.whcrc– f0rc. 376. 2. c. how hcc differs from men in ren1ptation.376.I. b.d. how Chrifl doth merit.I46.1,c.d. Chrifls rij:!htcoufndfe. 5) ,2.c C.hriHi::miric, a rncc. -:05. z. ::1, Duties thercfrom,i/;;d.b. Awancfarc, 35 r. z.b. Chrilti:m his excellent cOatc.59·2.a,hjs · priuiled;c. 156.r .a. dignitic.zt 2.1. b. 225 .z.c.3 2 5. z.d. his life cxcrr:pli- . licd.78. r.q.his dtui:ctowards thee– ncmJcs ofChriltskingrlom.:zz7.1.b. his condition in rcg3rd of cormpti– on. zo4.2.d Church defcribcd.5o4.1 .01.Sisc proper– tie!~ of the church. 5o; .r .a. ex.ccllcn– .cy ofir. 2.-H :z.d. our dutic:; thence. 246.x.a. Church harh bccncfrom the beginning. r6. 1. d. whether it were before Scripture. J 6. z. b. It c:mnot pe-ri!h. <482. r. c. 501. 2.d. Her large power and iurifi:li£tion. 31 ~. z.h. 50~.r.a.Her po\V<'f in cenfurcs. 2:6f. 2. n. How it differs from the power of the Ma"iflrntc . 50 , ., b. 516. r. b. Head ~f rhc Chu11 ~i1 : ~8 2. I . b. \o\'hcther the Church bee n~dge_of Scripture. 394 . I. d. Here~ !bm~tton Ottgh\to be regarded. ~ )O. z.c. 1-Io~\.'' the Cnureh ofrhe old and newe 1 c~:Hncnr d~IJ'cr. 97 .l.c. 165 • 2. !1, ~· Church of the ncwe Tclh– mc?t 1n abetter fbtc.r98.r .a.fllcw– ed tn fiuc things.i6id,c, Chrifiscon– fhnc care of ir. zo8. 2 . 6. 256 .r.b. C:hurcb Catholikc. 2 r6.z. b.lt isin– UJ~blc.48z.z.b. 504, r. :t, members of1c, 482. I 1 ,a, 504. I. b. how to be– cam~ true men,bers of it. 342 , I, c. Motiues therero. 35)· I.d, Church mil~rant defcribed. 48r. 1 .d.the !late of 11 on carrh. 37&. 2• b. 407 •>.d. 475·r.c,muchvndcrthccroffc T 41 I.b.J8'*}.2.d. 235-I.c.much~~ou~ bled vvith t~C~\'icked. 2 6 7 . J,:t, PS· I. c,our duuc In rcbard ofthe Chur– ches troubl~s;. r 86. I. cL 215 . 1 • d. Go~s care o. ms Chorch in trouble. 1)4.2.d. 237-I.b. Particular Cbur– chcs.zi 6, r .b.mixt companics.r6.r. c. I I&. 2.b, They may pcn0 1 . 4 g,; 1 , d. why c:dlcd golden candleOickcs. ~4+ l.a,b.Thcy haue the fpirit ofdi– fcnnmg.26). r.d. thcycandifccrn of·ca uue Church. 26 5 • 2 • c. of true Scripture. i6idem,d, Their dutic in maintaining true religion. 324 , r. b. Notes of a Church examined, 4 g 1 , :.b. A true note. 5'4·" b. 573 . 2 . b, 577· I. a. her daungcr decavin" in loue, 277. r. d. when a CIHt~ch:obecomcs no Church. 28).z.d. Church ofEngland • true Church. 2 6 5 . 2 , '· : &6.1.o. J29.2.e.J89.I.a. p 4 .r.c. yec blan~cd for decay in louc. z6 9 • 1 • c, for wat ofzcalc againfi fin. z6 9 , 2 • b. for lukcwarmcncs.; 57.I .b.where our Church was before LmhCrs <laycs,294·I,(', Churche-s and chap– pcls nomore holy then other places. 2 ~ 6.:.c.353·2.a · C~ti~cns dmi.c. 79 .:.d Cn11ll honcll:Jc :111d vprightncs not fufficirnt to faluation, r 5.z.LJ,c Clo~des; why they fall not becing hea· UIC, 557•t,b Cloud ofv.-imcffes, 2oo.z.b Cockmicc kills not by bare C.ght.6JZ. t.c Coh:1bitation ofmarried perfons. 686. 1.C Come toGod: "\'h:n it is; 29. r .d. How r:od comes.ro a people, 2J6.z.n.pcr– Jwafion of Chti!ls comming to vs profitable. 350.1.1 I Comedies of the hcathc;:n not Jawfulll tobc:lCtcdhyChrifti3ns. ;~:~·bj _ _____ eo~-:_~, ,