Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

-------------The -Tab/;. .• . .t.-:~ i ·------·--- ! Comets and blazing (brs whence they ! conili tdtion f'i·ec fro'll innlr:lbli:. dtf~ I tcufurcd . _(J~ ). i.e. rJCO L!~;;J 1 come. 66 ~ . 1 ,3. i ca{Cs. 679. r. 3. V. Fn:cdo·nc tro:n Danger: \\'h:lt lcf(loc 111 t>:<trc::nic dcf.·: f Comforc, groundofall tru~ cott1fort. , fOrmer contrld Or 1 1 lilrrilgo:. 6]9·\ gc. 178·.·2 .~. IHI:;l. r. c.· we(',ili~X~'~)i 52o.z.b.whenGod fends u.2 5 s .z.c ; x.c. T i1rte :lt.:cidcm~!lnl:lrkc;;. 6:;9: thruH our !cliJs lllt<t danger\\ ith.opt , Commat)dcmcnts; how to be cxpoun- ! .z.b. ot"con(el1t incon·raCt. 68 I. I, ·w:lrr;l;~r. ~ 73. :..c. 3i of-1.a. 3~(...f.-~ 1 dcd, 589.2. b. wherein Hands t.hc ! d. oft'orccd confc nr. 6S x.2.:1: erDaniel no M::~g1cJ:ll1, 62-i ::!.t-! . kccpitlg of them, ~8 I, I. d. why roltrs in confcnc. ibid. b. of coni~ m DarkeeeflCpu• for gods );~rad). 5. 29. :1..-a G Od conullltHls things impoffibk-. bct\\'Ccnc ti-anticke p:m ics. 68 ! . I. Daugh~ns durics t~ pa'_~frt(s. 691_·2.!.. z7 5 . t. b. '-\'hat w~: mu it doe, when d. of di!foluin g 3 Com raft made. Dauid : whedH:r he<.:· {~lf F?:ally ft Ppi· God comml nds hard things. 11.9.2. 68z. 1.d. whac is to be done in cafe grace. l :.~•·· •• zJ~.,i -~ ! b. 1 zo. I . b. when t \\ 0 cojnmandcof difca(c. 683. t .a. \'vhat is to bee De:..d : Chri!ls pri uilcdgcs amoo~ tht 1 ! mcnt~ croil'c oneanother, I io. 2. a, doncjn cafeoflong abiCncc. 68 ;.z.. dc:~d. 22?· r.d. 1-:t-:r~t ~vhat.t}J17ltf I : tjS. 1, b. panicnlu con]maundcb. wha~ :~· to bee done in cafe ol C od filffcrs thedcaci ro 'bl:tta}:id~: 1 . menrs take pl:1ce ofgencr:lll. I to_.z. madndlc. · .a 6 2. 7·2.b. w.lH.'thcr thc..d~ad do wa:lk..- i .d. t6s.t.a · Conuerfion of a finncr , wholly from 62].2.a ·/ _ ..:...... ··~ ! Communion of Saintes wherein it G od. 345'· t. d. 5~4· r. d. Three De~rh t wofo!d. l9 ~·} ·?~'fi_ovho \ydtc !J; 'fiands.z 16.1.c. it i$dcCpifcd.140·t. workcs therein. 368. 2.c. fruits of for 11:Hut-::!Jl death; :faC!.:z.a.._c;tn;nfor,Pf [ b. mociues to frequent it. 14o.z.a true cortuetfion. 34-6. 1. c. 34 7· 1 .b ag:1inl-t the feare ofir. zii:1.b. :vj.91 L -~omp:1nic : of keeping companie wich Core his finne. 5' 52. t.b. -puuifhmcm, 2.~. 35~. J .c. wh3c to dO ar rhe poiuf f obltinate (inners. 5'89. r.c with cuill 554· r.c. his followers at this day. ot de~th. 178,1, a. comfort thcr~ip. I men. 1G4.z.c. caucats thercili, z65. nz.x .d. 128oz.d. 259.1.a . ~ I 1 .b CorrcChon; how to bee c:&crcifed. 365. Death in finne proot1etl. 1.50.1.B. ~c~ . Compallion with the a!lliCtcd taught. . 2... grcc~ offpitituall death..' 5' ·.'·'· (e" . 2J5.z.b . Corruption of narure whatirls. 575· <ono death. >.9I.J;c. 4'7· I ,d. hpw 1 . ~omplaincrs. s67. I.e. Contraryvert.b. it isequall in all. 415 . 2,:1, c. · cfc:1pcd. 129i-.2 .'-'• tues. ibid.z.a Degrees ofit.575 .t, it may be bebrour: what dcbrour may ~i$'frpin lj ConcupilcCnceafter Baptifmci,sfin_ne. fi1bducd, 88.I.d his crcditour. 1 65·f td , :103. t. c. it is a·qualitie uot a fub~ Concnant ofGod how to be cA-ccmcd. Decree of God, the fir~ caUfe of all I . fiance. 104. l.C 119.r.d, wheri a tilan is within the thiogs. ~49· 2, d., S.i6.J•'· ,,·hcf}'fr ,~ ~ondcmnation: caufc otit. 566, i. c couen:mt• 446.1 .b ir make Cod the :lUlt;or c;JffiQo '11-9· Confeffion of6nne; how required to a Couctoufndfc rcptdobccl. 75.t .d. dif~ 2 .d. the Caufc ofit;ls in GO a ~I~'nc •., . minifier. 446.1.b fwaliucsfromir. 386.z.b. i 10.2. p6.2.d p 6.z.d..'.J;l)'; execution of Confidcnccafruitcoffaith. 498.z.b. d " ' . .fi16.1.c Congregations: in what rcfpct\: partiCounccll of God oucrrulcs m~mswill. Degree in kinrc,d dcfc;ribCd. 673.1.c cular congrcgatiens arc Churches. 145.x.b Dcn~:dl ofChrlll in d5cds, . s 1 :H.j;a . 3 3l.:.d Counfcllet ofthe Church \\ho. 362.1.< Qcmall_of our /cl~<; jlands .in th 1 cc Conlcicnce fanCHficd.4S6.2.b. properCoumrimans comfort. 79.2.c things. . . 5.0).2.;1 tie of it. s 13, t.a. Comfort to a diCourtsofiufiice nccdfarie. 19; .1.a D(fp~ire: how to iudgc of m_cn in de... {lrelfcd confcicncc. 111. z,b. 412· Crcatourof all things,God. 494.1.b. fpa_nc. 407. !.d. how ~p do in ,tcrpp• z. a. how it is to bee fought and Creatures ha.uc a double vfc. 5 10. 1.b. tatlon to dcfp,airc.4.1 ,a,.~7~~·~,,i 26. wrought. 457· t. c. propcrtie of an we may vfcthCfonwo ends. 54'7·1. Lb:' 58.': ~: I 8o. 1 1 F· Col"f8rts ill confcience. 2-jZ.I,:l c. whenCe it comes that one crearure :~-gamfi dcfpajrc. 9.1! ~.a, ~~7·f-·:J· CoftfemincomraCt:CccContra~. deuoUtcsanothcr. u.t.b. howto J6y.t.b. 407•.1.d ·. ;. Con!lancic in true. l'.digion required. c:on!ldc:rrighdy ofthe creatures that Peuill : v:·h,:n di1s nJ.o:e (lgn'ifi~s. 'Jff. . 205.:.c. z68.z.c. 294-2.2.bow .fer,ue for o.ur vfe. 386. I. a. They I;a h iS ynded'tandins in .!~a,~pll . gottcn and kept. · 20t•.:.e mufl be fantlified. 386. r.d thall;S· 61 o.z.a. 617. >.a. qls ~e)efity Contemners of religion: their eibte. Cro£fcs ordinarie onGods Church and ~u_1d lpccd. ~gS.z.a..P.J~:l·"·.6t 7,•?·d· 295. I. d. comfort to the taithfull children. 141.1.b. and why. ihid. lus po.wer.6to. z.c. hce can ~n.tVFif>r -vndcr contempt. c•.d. lee Church•. ~rounds of pad · to a ~rcaturc and wor~e jn' 1it:· 6t 1.- Conr.encation taught. 75.I .b•.ro2. r.a. cncc vnderthe croUe. 13· z.•a. 78. 1. a, 612. z. a. hee c~n -rc(erpb~c a3S6.z. d. 5'52.z, d, Groundsofit. l.C. 5os.z.c, how to bcarc many · ~ly crcatttrc. 6II,l.3. Vftcra vpyce· · 78. I. a. ~51. t. a. a rule of con~ crotTcs at once. I9j.1.c. They :1rm 3llr language. 612. z.}J. CJrri~ . tcntacion for oucward things. 102. guenotimplctic. I9~.z.a. 244·1 .a. rnan t.!lrot.!ghthcaire, 3.88.t.d,t97•' 2.d Croffing made a kinde of lnnn(:uion. c.I .b:~ ~ower ouer th~ bo.ches-o~thc Continency, not al,..ics obtained by 6.,4. t. a. whether it lmh power a. godly, if G od p<Jmit•. 388. z. 2. praicr. • 672. t.c gain£.! witchcrie. . 65o .z.a He cannm create. 6; 5.2.c. nor turnc ComraCl: matrimoniall handled. 672. Curiofitiean occafiO oflcarning witchthe fubfi:mcc of one creature into :10 t.d. Things rcqnifiteina comr:a6l. c.rafr. 6o912.b othet.6 J 1. 2.d. 6 1 1· r. a. his mali.rj.. 673. I. c• .fiuc figncs dlCutiall eo a CudingJnufl bee auoidcd. T21 . 1, d. ous imitation ofgod. 61 5'· t.d. y.·hy conu::tCt 67~· 1. d. l. DHHnCtion 548.r.a. how.:a creature m ;1y be curdeuil!s arc call~d Angels, 5l6. 2 4 c. offi:x.67l·'·d.ll.di/lance ofblood. fcd·547·'·d.Curfc ofgod threefold . what to doe when wee arc aff.11rlt•:J 67~. z.a. Ill. ab1licy for procreation. 4I 7.1.a by 1hc deuill. 54i·I .:l _whetber chcre 6] 8.2-o-c. Concrael-sof thofe that be D rcmaine in the Cl}urch an ordinaric vndcr age vnbwfull. 678. z. d. IV.a Daies, choife and obferuation of daies power of c~flingput Deui:s.648.-r_!l '-----------------------------------+---.:D~• I