I I ·-----·------ -----· 7he Table. I E 9~· 1.:1~ d1~c there is a lilcciall faith. I \Die in f.1ith, and how.95 .2.;.d. of god. 1. ly perlons that die rauiug. 1 3' . r .:-~ I Diligencc'inholy duties required, 147. 1 1. b 1 Diidplinc ncc~ffa;ic in 3 Church. 3t 3· 1 ·z.c.3t4.2.:l., DlfcomenmfCnt. '6o8; 2. c. whcrdn it fl1cv~'cs it felt~. ibid. Di(order in the w6rld;v. hchcc it comes I o.z.b.our ·tfc made thcrC'uC ;b;d.d. EAtc , \\'hat 'it 6gnifics in Scripture. 5S?. ::.d. 1t A:anJs in c< rccmie and 28z.r.c ~ffi1raOcc. 4· 2.b. obi~t1ions againtt i:.ddlcationinthcfaith, how attained. n 3nfwcr~d, 49_9:1.:1, 5 s 4 . t.a. the:: 577· J.c whole obtel.t of bith.J9.J.b.86. 2.c. ElcC.t; thdr number certcn. 336. 2. a. ho'w\1 faith is kno~,o,·n to b~ found. 2 6. their f'b.tc vnchangeablc. 4~b.2.a z.d. 44-I.a. &.z.c. 64.1 .c. 2 ,d. 72 , 1 , Election tV\'ofold. 285. i. b. it is the a. ?7·2,3, Th~ praCl.iiC and powdof ground ofcffeauall calling.483.1 .b. fiuth ·44·z.d.u breakes thwugh im.. how f<Jrrc we may iudgc of :mother pediments. 71. 2.d. 87, r. a. oucr1 2. 2.c mans clcClion.3o8. z.a. vnchangcacomes nature. I t6. I.e. h·lindtHlot Di'!lctltions · 1ill Schoolcs of learning, blcnts of EleCtion no caufe oftibcrGods hand. 75 .i.a. 853.z. a. ic t'nodcwhence. ..r.~t 39~.1.b ticinfinne. .... 336.z.d rates !hong affc8tons. 136. 2 .d. it DHlrcfl'b: comf~ns to the godly in di~ Vniucrfa\J ElcCl:iiJn confuted. ro8.t .d. conformes bc!ceucrs one to another. firctfc. 4.6 .. r._d. 59· z.c. lll.Id!. 125.t.c. 494.2.a. p6,z.c 7.6.z.b.clcaucsfafl: to thcpromifc, 559·'·<· S9j.2.C. Elias his prophelic of the code of the 97.1.d.makesGod vifible. , 49 •>.d. j)i{\rult rcmain!tlp in Gods children. world. 468. z.d. difculfcd. 41i9.1 .a. 1t takes "'"Y the f<are ofdeadly ere- . z87.1~a "' Ende of chc \o\'orld: fee World. au~res.. I 59· t. a, ic brings topaife Diuin!l.ticm Ora'&'olicall dercrihed. 617. England: Gods bountie to it. 42o.z.d. thtngs tmpoffiblc in naturc.r61 .:.b. ' t.a:.Sixc t"rical'\s thcrcoffhcwed.6I7· 476. l.a:finnes ofEngl:md, 42o.z..c. arrncs a man with all patience. I8 9 • I.b.c. how Sarans dinin:ttions differ 513. r.c z.d. r8J.I.b, it makes a man excel .. · J fro~~ GtH.h.·6'rS.x. b. Diuination by Enemies :how to be conlfortcd againll lcnt.I9-f·I .d. charit:Jblc. 466.r .b. it ''t~uc cr~atures:tS t S. l .C. by counterthem. 9. I. a. how to oppoJe our oncly makes accept~ble. I 96.t.d. it · fcitmtane~;6'i6. r.b...Nithout means. fc::Iucs againlt them. 267.2;a, how to brings all Gods bleflings. r8 3 , 1, c. _62.8:2.a. Sundrie fupcrflitioas 11gnes oucrconle fpiritunll cncrrlies.28 t .I .a wantoffanh fl1cwed.t, 6. 2. a, r 50, .- ·Ot diuitl;UOn;·: · 61 9.2.c Errours; fundrie \-vaics di!Hnguithed. 1. b. I96.2..c. motiucs to gcr faith. Di't;inc ,pror.en!es .afcribed to 3 thing 585. I .J. firlt, in orinion ond iudg197· z.b. t8l. I .d.I93·2.b,f96.r .d. .. fourc wayc~:~ 403.1 .d 111ent, ibid. fccondly)in pratl:ife. ;86. z.or. I ,d. wcakC"faith accepted if it OiuH1.0hs,in the Church ll1ould not 1.:1 be true. 86.x.a, rg5 .z..c. I6].l.a. 'ciulc" cOntctTtp~ of t·cligio~1· 2. 79· E!latc fpirithal toGod-watd ro whom con1fort to the wcakc in faith. r68. z.d ·... ' · it is knowne. J08.t'.d I.d. faith and loue compared. 4 9o; Ooetrinc of faith of fpociall \'re. 51 l• Euills ofthree fons, 494.2.e x.d.faith, hope, and loue compared. : :.b;mqO:.holy.s 78.t.d. It is a folidaExamination: ,_,·hcther bceing exami. S9".1 .:1. Satan fcckcs the ruinc ofour tion. s76.1~c. how.s77·1 .b. howc it ncd we 11-1ay cohccalc:: our meaning, .faith~ 38I.l.c ·is contc1;nned !n the world. 534-2.3. and how. 115 .z.d Fatth put for fidclitie. 354.1.d. forrhc how it nni:fl blin"ainralncd. 5r4· z.c, Examples inScripture bow they direCt doChiuc of the Gofpcl. 29 5 • 1 .a. doCtrines offaith diflinguilhed.492. vs. z8.2.b.c. 131.2.d. 20o.z.d.p 5· 492;1.c. t.c. 576. 2. 'd. fundamcn'thll dox.h.Exampltsofgrcatoncs~rcvcry Faithfulnes to God-ward wl1crcio it clrine~: 49z: !.d. doc\rincs of iufl forcible. 77.I.J. l'J '·'·' confills. z89.2.d conftqucn·cc are as S~ripcure. r9). 1 • Excommunication handled. ;4~1 : x. b. F:1ith mingled with doubting : Sec ··a~T.iiall o(ct~arincs; 243-t~c. 39z. 503.1 .a. it is Gods ordinance. ~ 588. Doubting. r•c•hoW"to iudgc bc'twccnc true do1.a. the code of it. 588. r.a. abufed Fall: rcmcdic for them that falJ. Z]j.~. llrineandfal!'e; '297'·2.b. z8 z.z.d. byPapilts. s88.t.b.itisafcarCfull a. offall!ngfromgrace. 2 n . 2.dJee ·We muA: content .our fclucs with A·- ccnfitre in his right vfc. ··s87:2.a grace, Rcmcdici'againfi f~llingfrom pollolikc d·?~dne. · p~. '1.. c.' bowc Exoreifi11rs Papi!lieall , arc Magicall. God.· 579..1,a, degrees offallioga. doCtt~r:e·_muQ be dclmc.rCd 111 :~ m1xt · 633.z.c. 65o.2..C ·' •:i;; : w~y. 52J.l~'· w.hy the clctl: c:~nnot congregatiort. - 3 2. t. l.a Experience of the c~ufes of things de'L . fa~ Iaway.. 33 J.z.a ·oouhring iStiiiugicd with'faith .Ss.r .c. fcribed. ' 65].>-e Famt!y defcnbcd. 669. t.o. Religious ~ ;l57·"·c· 49j.r .c~ it is uot ofthe naEx.tre:~mc:s arc Satans marks, \\·hcrtohe famil1cs cotmncndcd.67o.2.a,mcmture offaitfl. 4~ z._c. comfort to them wo\1Id bring men. ·· 39"1•1 .b bcrs of families difHnguilhcd. 670. that ddubt. 85·•.d F 2.d· bre3mts ofthrceforts. 6l3o !. b. DiFAith threefold. :1.2.C.2.]I. 1.c. HiFan'lilic of loucir::cligious. soz:r.b ' uine. ihid. N:itUrall. ibid. d. Diaboli~ · fiorica!l.2;1 .a.Miraculous.2.1 .a. Families vngodiy arc S:aans throne. call. 6 24 : f. c. difference' betweenc whether a] that bcleeue maydo alike 295,2,a.companics ofAthcifis.67o· diuinedreamt"sand di:lbolical1.6z4. Jlr:mgcworks. ~59.2.b 2.b ... 2.d. Diuination bydrcamei. 623. 'luflifiyng Faith.z.I .b.what it comains, Fanncs ofGod three. i'-5 ,t.d. hlsf:m~ 2 , a ·, 271.2.d.488.t.a.q97·2.d. how faith ning rimes. 425.I.a Dreamers omong vs. 534 .1.c. 6 '4-'·•· jullifieth. I8.>.b. s8. r.d. and'· c. it Fans ofchrcc forts. 377· 2,d. !cm-fall, j how awakened. 5 34-2-.c isfimplyncccffarictdfaln:ttiono :::-:6. dift.ll{fed. :;78.1. c. how long~ I Drunkcnnc!fc: pretences for it :wlwez.b. it is fupcrn<~turall. 38. 2.d. hov\' man may faJl and liut.t77·z.d. F:~Os red. 457. r .a God workes it.I]l. t .b.d. how it is in a family fomctime necelfarie,67o. Dwellingathon1eC"or.lmended.7o.:>.•c. wrought m the w:mt of ordiqaric r.d I ofcen change of dwelling ceniUrcd. mc~nes,l6].t.c. how to cncreafe in F:ahcrs of the olde TcJlament were fairh. 99·' .a~c. how to liuc by faith. Godswimc!fcs. zot.x.c. they were I 7I.I.e -----·---------------------------"ucly