----~-- - --·- -- 'The :table. i of a Chrifliall, ;o r.1.c ml!llll, ;;nJ how. ibiJ.b.c.To wJJ()\1"1 2.d l Life cucrla!Hng prooucd tO be:. l3,l.C. he i>hidd<.·n :m.nna. )07.1 .b Mcm~crs ofCh ,iHofthrcC rons:! f l ; I how God bnngs eo it.48:.z.c.how Mari:.gc dd'cribC'J. 67o.:.J. 684.1.b, z.a iCcn by t3.ith.z.z.d. giucn by Chri!L honoured of GoJ.84.r.a. 671 .t.b. Mcmtk;rs of eh~ Chun·h, fee Chttr,k l =-57·"·b. why calied a. reward. If6. T he comparing ofit_with linglc life. Mc:morie f~ntlihnl486. 2.a:htw ..· to re~ l .b, z..b, wherein it fiandcth. :::.81. 6fr . t .b.c, tOwre endjofma!rtagc. member Gods v\·ord. 214.i.~ 1.c,why fo little fmtght fOr. 353·I.b 671 ,z.a, all fons.ofmcn tTI:ty r.larry. Mercic of G od w·wo:~rds his crc:ni.lrc!1 Light : cucrv Chrilti:ltl ihould bee :1 97 J. z.t. p;~hs ofmariagc. 67 z:t .d. 1 twofold. 4~8.2.c. tO'.\'ards !.inners_. light. 24f.I.e.562.1.b. Modu"s 1 perfons mari:lgcablc. 67).1.d, De- , I66, _r.d. 3J7.1.d.. •To belceutrs& thereto. l"Jt·!.d.&c g~ces ofkiudrcd hindct·ing man~gc. I ?9· r.b. · ' :-1· Limbus patrum confuted. 24. t 1a I. All within thC right hnc, 674.I.b. , Mcnt by wo1 kcs con(U~<i. 445. i.3. , Line: a line in kimc::d: 67-;~ 2, c. The li.Thc lccond degree ?fchc c.oll~t:- ~ 489. 1. ~· 584. I. d. merit r~guircs · right line. ibid. Collatcrall line. 674· rail line. 6z.f.t.a. Manageot couhn three th mgs.146.1.c. whether hea:: j J.~ gerroans not prohibited, 6]5· 2. b. ucndnbcmcdted. :::90ot,d . 33j•! Logickeapprooued. 259.2.c ye! not conucmem. 6]';.·-:.,.c, De- _l:b . . I Louc of ChriH to the creature two• grecs of affinitie letting nurriagc. J>.1a:ha:l v ..:ho he.e was,. 54 t. 2. b. his , fold. 364. 2. ~. Chn!ls loue hath 67]. u. 677. 2, d, whether a m3n llrifc with .Saton about Mofts body• I three degree~. ::?.'lf.I.b. Iouc ofgod m~-aY marric his wiucs filler after his , 540.o2.a .. J the ground ofour rcdcmption,.l14• wiues death. 677.t ..b. Prohibitions Mindc f.1nttified. . 4SO:t.c 1 t.d. The prop-crtic of louc. 58.2..c. ofmari:age by Mofes.678. t .a. whc- MiniOcric ofthe word an high Calling. 1 Signc:s ofit.J67.t.d, ~69. :.c. wee tbcr they bind vs, ibid. c. ofmari~ge 251. I .c. 4:; 9. r. b. It is ct,·o. foidA ~ muCtprcfcrueitJandhow. "73•t.a. aftcrdiuorce.69o. z.c.mari.:gc with 50 2,2,c, It is a l:i~our. 263. r.C.j b. how and foi what wee ought to One vnhwfully diuorccd, is no ma!.. Gods goodndfc to vs thtrcin. i5.1.. j be(low ourloue. 7.1.c riagc. 679.2,3. ofmari:~gc vdth inw 'l.d<. 4 38,1 .b. 45 r .r.c, none muit : Lout to God and man dcfcribcd. 490. fidcls. 679. 2.b. what ifone become vndcr"takc it vnfcnt.459.1.-!1. 461 .1~! l.b.louetoGod.49.0-l.b. s8o.r.c 311 infidel! afrcrmari11ge. 6~o. r ,3, of c. 51 5·213. Whom God (Cnds. 459 ~ I ltis not by nature. 58o. 1. a. meaparitic of age. 68o. 1 ,c. ofparitic: in I .c. 462. J. .c. It is one. key of. the 1 fure oflouc: Icgall.58o.z.d. euangecllatc, i6td. 2. a. of marriage \\litli kihgdomc of heaucil. 340.1.c.God I licall. s8t. 1.3. wherein it fiandcth, one ofill report.686.z.c. Ofmarri- \o\'Orketh with it. :· 4 j 6. i .3 ' "s8 r.z.d.how to prcferuc Gods Iouc age without confcm ofparcms.684 Mintllcrs are vndcr CiuiiJ lurifdiCHen I in vs. s8r. :.a I.C. 696.I.c. The MinHlcr!i atr'iotl 537· 2.d. tO whom their ordinati.on I Loucto man dcfcribed, po.t.c. 490. in blclling the mari3gc.68;.z.d.dubdongs. F~·' ·'· they !hould bee z.d. kinds ofic. +9J. t. b. propcrtie tics ofmarried pcrfons. 686.2.c. of humbled ac their emrance. 44-z..r .c; I of"it, jlO.l.a.praCl:ifcof it. 310, 1. defection or forf:;~;king. 68].t.c. eOz.c. 443.t.c. ")49·1· d. they muft 1 b.d.-+9'· t. b. how toprefcruc itin munionofnmiod pcrfons. 689. 1, be holy. 43 t. i. d. 4H· 2.c. 4·49. 2. vs. 5 sr.2.b. motiuesthercto. s8J. a. ofduebencuolcnce. 689.~.b. of ' b. oftcnderconfcicn«. 4 4li 2..d, 1 t.b. how it is multiplied in vs. 49r. barrcnncffc. 69o.1.b 444· z.d. haucficric tongues. 455''•1 r.c. Popill1 opinions oflouc coofu. Maric: the virgin Marie was 3 finnc-r. z.d. \vhcnce, 456. t.b. They muH be 1 ted, . 58o.2.c. s8t.t.b H·2.c. mado a goddeffe with Patcachcts. 5S7· 2. a. Interpreters of Lots: .three forts oflocs: Ciuill. 625 .1. pifls. 493.1.b the couenant. 4) I.1 .a. n egligcnce c.Sporting.615.1.d. Diuining.626, Mariners tr~dc commcnded. 46. z.c in his callins dangerous. 445. t. a. J.3,ofdiuiningbylots. 6z3.2.b MaiTcpriuatc '""a1notin thcprimitiue Theirduric ingenerall. 438. I. d, Luke-warmein·religion : who: ;s6.2. Church. 556.1 .c 44S• z.b. d. ~S9· 2.d. for lludie o( 2. fixe kindc of·Iukewarmc people. Maflcrs offamilies defcribcd. 698.z.a. Scriprurc. t o4. 1.b. 2j 9.t.b. i6o.r 4 3~6. l. c.d. Three figncs of Iuketheir duties to their hou010ld. qo. £. Dutie in preaching. 304. t. d. WOlrmcnc!fc. j 57·1 .a.1.a.b. rcmcdie I .b.689.1.c.Thcy mufi fc1 things in 393· I .c. 430.1 .3, 414·z.b.43 5.1 .a: ofit. 366.z.c ord~rbcfore they die. r 26. z.c. and I :.b. 522,i .a. 569.1.c. 'how tht'y re.- Lufl:euil Lu!l,twofold. 57'· t.b, de how. ibid. Maflm du1ic to his fer- I dcemeand faue from hell. 438. 1. b, grcesofaClualllu!l. S7" t.d. regi1 1131ltS. . · .696,,.a I how they mull bldfc ~heir pco~lc, mem oflufr.57t .z.d.572.1 ,c.where: Meanes offaluat1on mull be vlcd. 170. 1 ! 1 z; .-r .a. thelrauthorttte, 462, z. d. lutl is focbiddco.571 .2.b. holy luH; I .~.4s6.2.d. meancs v(cd mu fl not their prcrogatiuc abouc priw'!te men I ondnaturall.~7t.t.c. howtokecp bctrullcd in. J6j.>.a. 455·1.d. 4J].t.o.ThcybcAngcls. 4>9.1.d. our fclucs th3t lufl: raignc 'not in vs. \\'hy Go(i vfcth weake 111t'anes for <lmics thence. 4)0. I. c-. T_hctr bcfl I 572.t.a. great\.Vorks. r6iJ..I.~l.4H·l,a qualificarions, 557.1.a. howtoocc lynmhropic a difc:afe. 61 I.r.d Meate: (piritu::lll vfe and confide-ration miniHeriall boldnefl~.46o.z.d. they M ofour meat:-. H.2.:J.b mult looketo their company and rcMAgiciansrepref~nt:uions :sre not Medi:aion_of r~ligion bctwct'n vs a~HI cr~:lrions .. 547· r.d. they muft b~e ! . a_ll co~ntcrft'H. 397~z.c ·I the P:tplfis ddcu!fcd and gainef::ud. fatthful wnndft's: and how. z2t. 1. ~ MaglflraCJemamtaincd, 5~6.1.c 599.t,b · · 'l c. 4·?T. z. cL Incouragcmcnrs to \ Magiflntcs lho~J)d_bc J_l-1_t'n ofcourage. Mt'diatour : Chrills rc:~dincs in this offairhfulncffc. 22 8.1,a. 2 5 t .1.d.26o. 1 149.r.b, thmd•gnmc.519·2.c,dulice. '47·'·' z.a. Jz8. 2. 1>. 4lS· z.d·454·'t.'b, ! tie. 540. r.b. how to be obcicd.I 36. Mcdit~tion ir1 Scripture , connncndc(l, they mull lt1ok c fortrm1blc. 217·'2· I 2..b. 54o.x.c to4.2 .c ,.. d. 263.z.c. forcontempt.4 32.2,3. ! Mann:t. ~ o-'1. t. a. Chrifl is: fpiriw:.tl Mcekendfc.an Angelic:lll \'('rtllt'.54' · 1 for temptations. ~71.z.b. why.j]l. 1 I l .d· I