.I The '!'able. word, 569. t .a H1 t\'\'O refpctls. :84. '1. a. whether d. ics ioyncd with the vfc ofmram. 3. man mayfcekc to be rich. 102. 45·I.d. 2]!.'!.C, pC'llitcnc pcrfom '·b. Rich n;tcns duties. 248. 2. c. arc Uound to bel;-cueLhcir own falR!chcs t'cuc.u:d from rcligion,:lre the uation. • l2z. 1 .a trcafur~s offinnc. 142. I. ~ how to Salutations 'of two forts. zJ6, 2 ,1 Repentance defnibcd. >74•t.d.JOI.2. a.5o4.>.b.practlfeofit. 274·•· b. 317.2.a. JI9. 2.d. 505. t.d. where– ofwc mull repent.J66. 2.d.412.2.d motiues to repem.r66, :z..b.179· z.c. 1J0, 2,d.J02,2,0,C,J OJ.2.3,d, J42• 1. d.395. 1. e.why fo much vrged. 301, z. b. prcfem repentance vrgcd. 316, z, d. of rcnuh1g repentance, 175 .z.b.benefirs ofrepentance.319· z.c.Repema~cewanting. 412. ~. b, 505 .J. a. whethera man can repent ''':hen he will. z/5'7·1· b. i I].l.C,it is oft fained vn<}erthc crone. 524·•· a. Romith dotlrine of rep,cnrance dif– cutfcd,z74·2•d. theyarc cncm!esto repentance, 505.r.b cnio¥ rtchcs andhonour. I4i• t.b Samfon: whether hcc killed Riglmoufnes:fcuerall kinds ofic hand1]4-t.b le<) dilhna!y:vucreated.J4.I.c.creaSamuel ; whether he appeared to Saul Repetitions in the minifieric n.eCdr.full. szz.J.a l.l.epon:whar it is to be well reponed of with God. 5.2,a Reprobati.onprooued. 516.1.;1. how reprobates arc faid to be redeemed, pt.t.a l.l.cproch .for religion ordinarie,J4.2.b. how to be an~matcd againtl ir.34·2• b. ,)l• t, a. it is more worth'thcn all worldly wealth·. <+4·' .d. how 'to l)c of this it~dgemcnt. I 4'5.'2.d Rcfolution in religion required .6~. z.b Rc!l:oring offenders .: the mannd .ofir. s86.z.b. when terrible meanes nmA: be vfed. 588.1.d RcfurrctfionJa.~omfort to the godly. 2JO.:.c. the ground of tt, 258. I· b. we mull labour to be alfured of rc– furrctlion to life. 1B9. 1. a.how >t– t3ined, idid.!l Rcuclation dcfcribcd.:oS.J .b.Reuela. tions vndcr the O.o!j1cl, ~ 8,t.a. how God lhcweth them. :oS. 1. b•. how they differ from Diabolic;lil. zo8. I. d. 2j4· 2,b, whcrhcr thcrcuelation ofS.lohn be Cauonicall Scriptu,·c, 2.07. t .a. Qod rcucalcs fc.crcts tohis children. 127.1.d Reueogc mull be referred to God, 544· •. b Rcucrcncc: howw gee true :rcuercncc. 347-I.d Rcward:how goP rew~rdcth the~l th:u_ fecke him. ~2. z.a. t\.\'0 cau\es pf Gods r~<.N:Jrd. 33·1·'· why life eucr– lafling is called a re "'''nrd. 146. I. b. hpw God rewards his encrpics. 35· I .J. whether :J m~n may doe good works in regard of rn,·:~rd~ 3~6~ r.b Rhecoricke approoucd ·93· I .b.lawfull ro aPreacher, and hew.:. 9 ~.I .d.2.b~ Script\Jre is lhc fou,w::.inc of true Hhrtorickr, 93.2.d f\.hcub;;r~) purgcth cholkr. . 6~7.2.c I ftichc.~_!_'p'iri~uall.J60.~-'-~~~.,:h in God tcd. ibi4,d. kgall, 54· 1, a ciuill ibid. by meanes of the WiLl:h of Endor. 4. inward or inhercnc.55.I. b. whe626, I .d thcrit can iullific. ibid. euangcli<'ll. Sanctification dcfcribcd.484- 2 .a.parrs. 55.2. b. imputed rig,htcoufncs,is our of 1t, 485. z.d. whence wee haue it. iullificatiou.;6.r.J>. why calkd the .485. J.c. how gottcn.487.1.c. 'its righteouli1e{fe offaith. 5S.t.b.how it not pcrfetl iu this life, 103.2.a. 4 s 5 . is to be fought. 439· I. b. what it is z .c. how it differs .from iuftification. to workc righteoufnctfc. I 76. I. c. ...-454. 2. c. how things are fanCHficO. m.ociuc:s thereto. I77• 1.b. rules S·09.z.c.ourhoufes. 6.17,I,a whercby,ibid.d.wbcthcrtheheathcn Sar>h;faith. , s 1 , 1 .d did it not. · J76. 1.d Sata~; his knov..lcdge of oarrh!ykingRome, whether a true Church. p.t.c dos.J99.>.b. hts c6traditling fpirir, l'9·'·'·J89. t.c. it neuer had preroJ83.t,b, hi• polides for ercC\ing his gatiucaboueothcr Churches. 2.16. ownekmgdomc.193·z.,c. how belt 1. d. it is no;v and bath heendong vanqui!hcd, 4o6.z.b.See Deuill, Sotansthront.29J-I.b. ofourfcpaSchoolcs of the Prophets lhou!d bee r3tingfromit.~53.·"·d~ wem:tynot maintained. · . 433.1.c .admit reconciliation with ~h.cn1.S99. Scratching of the Witch condemned, t .b.c, ·· 6J4;t.b. an iufullicient proofe of a RomifhC!ergic,riglubeafls. 5~5;1.b Wirch, 6-f;.z.b Rope:ofgoing on a rope. J96,J,C Scripture: how knowne to bce.Gods Rule offaith with P>pifls.394· 2. a, the wo.rd. 220. I. e. 237. 2, d. how to JI!JCruie, )94·1.1,-541~·~.a.b knowe true Scripture andrcligioo, S JS.r.d. >J4.1.e. 54r.r.c. 56;.z,e S.Abb3th breikersof l• forts. 140.2. whole Scripture is'Chrills royaltir. d. 2.4'. I·oa. th~ fanCHfic3t'ion ofit 2o9. t.d. whether any of it twofold, HI.I ,c,wbo mull fanC\ifie 462.2.d. popi!h diflinClion it. 24:z.t~c; who ,:hanged the lcwcs mre:4o:z.:z.a. Scripture is b)' Sabbath,>J9·'·'· and why. 240.t.p tion. 49>.1.3. excellencie ofit, .Sacraments nmfl becdcbr:ue.d in faith. z.c. 2. I 3. 2. c. Sufficiencic and 1p.o.d. vfcd rcu ercnrly. lJ4•I.e. feel ion ofit.27.2.d.49>.2.d. lij<it d.oublc end. r6••• d: double obicC\ion hereto anrwered. yfe.t 7.r.b, They ~onfcrrc not gr~rc p8.. 2,a. Ho.z.b. 577-I.b. by the wo.rkc dp~c. sv8,z.d. ~fprciic of.it. '4· t .b. 49>- ••b. paracio11 tllcreto.451. z.':J. opcrl ofScripture. 21 j. J. d. who fend~i·s !houldbe debarred.'556,1 .d rermine of 1he (enfe of Sacramcm~ll'pb·r~f(:s and-the rcafen . zo9, z. b. 220. 2 •. b, they thereof. · ·· ' ·· 1p.1.d. 307. J.a • themfelues, 394-1.3. how they giuc S;lcrificcs were V!Cd for tWO C{)d~. r6.2. 'I . dirctlion. z8. i.e. how it fhould be c. why called g'if<s. :o.>.o.Sacrifi'ce• · read and heard. z'l· z.d. our dutic vndcrthcGofpclt J. ~21.2..c I townrds Scnpture. ~92. z. c. chcy Saints how to behonour-<d, 095. i. b. i ·!hould not bekepr from the people. 405. f ~3. J?'apith·giuc diuinc honour 209.2.d. 'I;. 2.a • to them.""':" ' ~ ' 40-4.2 c ! Searching ofour fclnes necdfatie,p J. 5alpnmn "'·llf~!S :rcpcnt:ln~e ils no·t re- l z.b. 419._1 ,a.it i~ inuch w.icing.4 I ). oit1 1 ed. , "' · '· 52.1.c \ ,. J.b.motiUCStolt. 4'4•1.b.418.r. Sai~P.Ition. onrl~· fr01n Ch\·i.W~YJ(lln the ~··-• c. ·whereby it mufi be m3dc.414 '·' · Church.of-9·2·'· howChrifl !aucth. Scq1riric twofold . .1]2,,.c,Sr.curcpcr~ ~94.2.:1~ what ·nun,bcrnlallbcc fafonsinadangcrouscafe. :o4. 1.b. ucd. J72,1.d'."'2 1 98.2.a. ,., hat cpanner 1 . :n I. r,b · of pcrfons".· ' 5,9'1-· z.P. 595 .-i.b~. the 1 Seeking ofGod: by fo~1rc a~ios.3 ~ .~.~ common -people dccciuc chemtclucs 1 Seif1ol.lc an occafion of learmng\\\ltCb about (:J!nation. 59~-t:c.· Its not in crjlfr. 6o8. :.d our cunodic;57·2.d.ccr!C1Hic of fillScn(Cs Ollt\\':Ircl {hould be wc/or<lcrtd. uadon. 2 20. 2.fl. its no dot'ldnc of I ;98.1.a rc-p:ri.ric.~~s.z.c. 1t is byfaith. 5 9.1. scP:Jr:n·lonis or three rons. 5t+ 7 · • ------ ---- ---- - ------ .srp3