Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

,\ The ?~:i_nl e,<f --_-- -· :- -- -·- - - \VOrl~. ...-- ·------~---_ _:'W~~- - . •' R -.... ...--:-- ' ·~:i~~~c:-altfCrcnc'C bctwccnc di- ~ ofn{faultingv1:arrr. 176.t.a. how eo off. 6I 7.~. : 1 -. , \llllC and 6:9.1.:1 make warrc. 163. 1. c, how to oucr- \<\'hether the '.Vitchs of our tnnc bee: . Tree ofiifc. 28 2. 1. b. how to become come in v.rarrc. 1 Sr. 2,d filch as Mofcs_law condCmncd. 6 4 o. i trees of righrcourncs, 559· 2. c VV'atchfu!ncfiC of aChrifiian. 3~o.t.c r.b.liow to d~fcoucra Witch. 6~ 2 , Tribllbtion i(>yncch\'ith gracc.28 3.2.d, i. rules of ir. 53 5.1.:1 I. ~.Prcfumpt!Olls of aV\' itch. 6: 4 . 1 ! ITrinitic m the Go.:lhcjd.49:; .1. d. piu- 1 VVickcd hauc bloodic Olinds towards I .c.lnfilfiiciemproofes. 643· 1.d. ot' J ralidcof pcrfons 01c\.\'Cd, 4S9·'-·a the: godly. 1 87'.2.:1.195· z. d. they ca!ling into the water. 643· r, b & d 1 T ..oubks mu!l be, Jnd why. 474.2.J · r~apc benefit by them.r 58. 1 they True proofes.643·z.:t,d.punilhmcnt I TrUth lief'cribcd. 354-1-.d. how to hold l haue outward blcffing~ fron1 God. ofa\Virch: dcath.639· r.c.65.o. z. d ~ '1 it fafl. ;o :1o2..b.Gods ore to ccrtific 5;. 2. d. they bldfc thcmfclucs in why. 639. 2.b.65'I.I,a.b.obicdions 1 his Chmchofhistrmh. '243·r.c thc\rcHate.z8s.t.d.thcy cannot in. anfwercd. . 651.z.c Tryall of gr:1cc in rhc godly. 4 ~ · :..b tlurc Godsprclcn~c.448.l. Wimes:a faithfull \\·imes to God. 22.1, \ 348.1.d.:hcy mutt be cxpccted.,S]. they iudge ofthe world. p z.z.c r. d z. d. hov\• to tlZ~nd in ficric trialls. Wife: duties ofthe 'v\·ifc. 692, 2. b. the Womcn,partakers offauing graces.84. I 50.2,a· wiucs finncs.69~, I, '3, duti~ of the 2. a. they may not publikcly. V wife in rhe familie. 700.1 ,C,\-\'hcthcr 3 I 3. z.d.nor baprifc. 314.I. b.wheVAiour&manhood :~ !Jifr of grace. fuc may giuc almcs without the huf. thcr a woman may goucrncakingIof9·'l.c. a fruit oft3ith.t8r.2.3 bands confcnc 7oo.2.b. dome. . 314.1.c Vbiquitati<.<· confuted. 8z.1.a Will ofGod twofold 298.1.b.Godac- wondcrooftwofons. 6o9.r.d. True Vifibilitie no true markeofthe church. ccpcs the will for the dccdc,1 I I.z.a. Wonders: fee Miracles lying wot1308.2.c mans will by nature hath not power dcrs done bySatan. 6Io. 1. c. two1ViGonsdiabolicall twofold. 397. I .d to rcceiuc gracc.5z8. I, a. it cannot fold: Illufio'm.6t J, I . b."rcall works. 1Vivification dcfnibed. 486.1.b rc:fufc ctfettuall grace. 591. 2.. a.will 6tz·. I .a. working ofwonders dnot \ Vnbclcfeis is mixed with faith. I )7.2.c fantlificd.48·6.z.c. will created and commend a man to God. · 61;.1.0 it is a grieuous ftnne. 222.1-.d. 52~. regenerate compared.5z7. 2. d. fee Word: words of thcmfclues h:1ue no \ 2 ,a.figncsand fruit'i whereby to dif-1 ,, r Frcewill. venue in them.63I. I. :1. how Word ccrnc it. 524. :. c. it nmH be ltriucn WifcJomc:'.\'hcnce get [IUtwifcdomc. is taken inScripture. 385. J.c...,~hetagainft 158. I to repent ofit. 593. l. d. in flands the force of Gods " ;ord. 524.2-.b.Satanwould llfing vs to the .\Vitchcraft dcfcribed. 6o7.2. b. inucn~ 631. 1 .c.hOw its.made a charm.llj 3• .l pracflfc of it. 3Sz.z.b tcd by the deuill. ;&;d.c. pr>tlifedby I is Chrifts fword, 2 5 r~z.H •.tEc j Vncleanndfc threefold. 588.z.d.whar his hclpc. 6og. I .c. yet limited herebell weapon againfi Satan. 3·84.'1• d· I . ceremonial.I vnclcanndfe figured. jn.6t4. 1.b. end ofWitcbcrafr.6o8. 4oz.z. a. how it works in the EleCT. 589.1-d • 1 \ a.b. why.God permits it, 6I 3·•2.d. 25 2. z.b. in l Vndcdlan~ing in God, and man; how ~roundof _witchcraft. 6I4.z.~. natural! men ~flccme of ir.· 23'h· :.c l they differ. I 72.z.b ; kmds of Wttchcraft. 6I6. z. d. Dt3 22. z.c.whatco iudgc of tho(e that Ynfaithful\ to God of l· forts.290. 1.b • uining.617. r.a. Opcmiue.6zg.z.b. fret and rage •gainfi ir. -"5"'~' 1; b. the .V"ngodlines handlcd.517. r.a.565. r_._a. Whether a rrue bclceucr maybe be\>\' itwritten word ris pfofitable to the its cornruon.5 I 7•'-·c.fiue notes ot lt. chcd.j8]. 1.. b. 646. I, a, ofprcucnChurch. 143. z,. c•. cxercife. therein ~6s. r.a ting_Witchcraft: two prcfcruatiues. priuate &p~hltk.3os.1. b; fi:Jhould Vnioo myHical bctwecne Chri!l and vs 646.1.:1Re!tor:Hiues for the cure of not be kept fromGodsipeoplc. 384. declared.'i5·7· I.d. benefits from it. Witchcrafr.6f7·I.d. for whole tokcepc.tbc word fn mind. >s8, r.b tries. 64]. I.d.lor particular pcrfons. .3'3'· z.c. eontetnprlof the.word a Vniucrfalitic no good norcof true reliibid. 2.c gri~uous fin~c. •. .• ·3·84.z.a gion. . 5r.t.d fuperfl:iti?us rcm~dics fcanncd. 648. t. Workcs of God mull he reuCI~eUccd, V niuerfa!l callii>g confuted. 165.z,d Exorctfmc.64S.r.c.The namele[us.. though they !<erne againft; rcafon. n 3·1. a 649-t.b. Reliqucs.6so. I. a. figne ot 240· r.b. go.od'\VO<ks: four<: tlrings ·Vniui:rfall guceconfuted. I 10. I . d. the Croffc. , 650. I . d. Hallowed required therein. 3 I z.."lJ: .d.• their cx280.I;b, z8t. z.c.3J3.La·ll4-r. b things. 65o.2.a t<nt.484. r.d.•gii.z.d:how,lbcy arc V:1kind to God. I oo. 1. a Witchdcfcribcd. 636.2.. d. the thing ne·cci.faric to fallia"tion. · jli,oz.c.moVnregeneratc:all they doe is iinnc. 19. rhat makes a Wirch.637· 1. c. proo~ tiues to abounddngood works.~ 21 . 2 , a~ : ued to be. 637, z. b. obieCliam an2: d~works impetfet:t bow accepted. Vow ofBaptifmc mull be kept. 29 o.z. f..,\·cred. 638. 2. c. W irchts make a z62.z.d,workcr firfi aaCcptcd,:thcn 1 . a. ofchijdrens voWcs. 696.t.b coucnant "';ith the deuill. 614. z.a. "the workc. .J cc . . ,:;1o1..9.I·C ' VV 628.1. b. an cxprclfe couenant.6I5· VVbrld; a dcadiytencmie t6 '.l'el"igion, "l.:l TAics of God 549· r. d. v-:ay of z. b. fccret coucnam.6t6. I.h.obic- .- 3-98.z.C· hbw .~ goucritc!jj:ilJI the YY lifo w.hich: and who wa!k in ir. Clions againfi this couenanr anf\'\·cworlrl.656. I .d his p3hicul:ir lfroke I 6.r. a. J8. '·c. 161. z. c. a way for red. 64o.2.a. kinds ofWuchcs.6J7· in the [ccon<haufcs.6S].l<.a.cti'Oeof ' ChriHi:ms in regard ofoffences. 5&9. 2. b.good and bad.63~L r.a.thc good . the v..orld not known.467.~~c:coil~ , 2 • b . Witch t~c worfcr. 638. r. b. Otcc .1eclurcs thereof. and prophrc'iesdtf- ·Waiteon Gad. I 64. 2.d Otould dio. · . 6p. 2.a cuffcd.469.1 c fignes oftt [et do\\ I!, .,.Walke wli:h God, \<\"hat it is. 2. 5. I .b. \•Vitchcs cannot be t_urned into hares I . ~po. t,d, t~1C rarr:~ C3nllO"t. fl)cv\.' lt. 2 46. 2 .b.motiucs to it. 15.z.a or other cre:ltnrCs. 61 x.z.d :. 472: I ;a•.-47"3'• r .d1n m:ty .nee-be tu- / Wantonndfc. 518. 2. b VVtrching by lioluconfuted. 6 p .. r.a rioufty fought·in(o. 473·z.c. "' hy \ Warrc lawfull for Cliriflian5:. 1 75.2,a l-Jow Witchcsknowwhat is done a fat) 1 God will hauc itvnknowtlc. 463.1.. ! \ - -- --·--, ·--- ----·~pro. !