Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

_ ril!nExpofi_!ion of Chrifls ~~~~~~~=--- fi'g\it tcading.ltl1d-the fcnfe'?~· ·Scriptur~ is ra-- A , this conlmandement prC(cribc1 3 doubie c'i.rr~r!6.1\e iudg<'d the ·w?rd of Cod, then the cumfpectidn ill giuing Almes: fillt, touching words :md ktttf!i thereof. N~,;w.•·it beemg here thcground :· fccond!y;, touching the dntle of Vnccttaill; \\1h~thtr reading ro·tOllow,(for-eiahncs giuing. The groHiui 1of our Almcs inufl 1thcr ofthem;( a fchtC contfcnicn~ to the not be the_pride ofour hearts: this Chrift"forc1plaG'c;)di'crt'fo~ I W:il-cxdude ncit!lcr,but frotil warnc:. vs of, ifwe lookc it J110uld be ·good & . 1 rhe1 th bbd1'~~pc:itmd·thi-s inftru'Ction• .· ·.·o_f acceptable in the fight 0f God. This is_a..point ,~tn;;~~'":; .o1'iJ'Ilr-¥heJ!giHing·hf Alme} ,-;:Juj}icl ,, anJ:a· ef gtc:tt imporrance,:md ihcr~forc fOYt!leDct~ :Manh:6.·! ~-1 i Abadgro6d ofouralmcs giuill£-.,.. ..:r ~ i.l,.,l ~#tdJf f?rJglit~llrtflufl~·~hich1.(J_~tf?tf(jujres at Ou? tcr <;>b~t;ruing ofit,I wil hercf!lc-A· two_points; , 1 WJ:l'hls·<kt J\l>Otll~ l1w:;v<>ih'pkiincly out of I. what''this pride is:ol'I. why it muW&'.c'•fo : Pfal.1u.9. i cl1e':.pfdlm(.'S):f.::.@orr;.'9FH'ie Ytdh d'iftribH~~d caicfUIJ.1 au6idcd in oUr allncs dccdcs.Byp,·ide, ~~~:~of ' I an-d"fifftn to?eh1fJJre, hiJ~i/t!M~:fhe'Fftm~ii¥ddi I meane·hot outward'pridc·in apparc(,bui rh3t fint\~ur!t 1\1nd' ~lf'Gd!llt1f6n~FCifvn. it mu~ b·~ which iS ihvvltd in the f6ulc, cOtiHing piftly in .f~qf<lt.>« miJl!l'lib:ill'l(·St~W~r<l~".ealir<thc".g-<k>'ll§ the min·d,and partly in the'will and affdHon's, • IM,rftit:h::berpr'Gittft:rh; thcpOOri•~vi'th wl'fotti n:i Pride~[ mjnde, is a corrupt·difpofirion rhctf:of, ~:~;c~r • , 1liu<:th{ha.h·~i!h:> .d:p:.:rftli<re'ofl"ilnd li~ mu£~ B , whereby aman thinkes himfelfe to Be Better, h~ De\lt.Ij.S. : (gi&t<{.l1t.d t'h:ettl br-t;._S~dt ~>-'f»:eJi?lt·Onf'andm~Jit :). and mot'e c~ccllent thcn--iodcedc he-is:·thts·was • 'ifo·J.l'S<.vrilclfcih-oog1DC'hiin:in'flln,~'f<1rt, he plo\es' t~e !inhc of the Pbarif•, who boalted' 1 vn'to ' !the th'Cdi:>,'h~ir.t~>bbcs<thc>pbarej'oy·kcepn\g God of his owne goodndfc, Luk. is., i.; z! l backe that winch lS rhc1r J.ue. And hcnco it came th::tt the Church of LaodiPrOtlifbrrfor In r<g.i-r~~ercp.£..,v~~~~~Jc,aenc: ,fid:_t,.!<t cetPglgried inher fo!fc, faying,-1am ,·jc!J, ttnd .~~~~~~~ore :l ~cknoWlcf!gsi~t_RfOUi'<ih:'IS:P.f"t'!!llll~Cn3nce ~·ncreafid ;n· wealth, '!"d 'fack$ nothing;. when JU or tbc,p,_,oort:,'is n'bt a'\.VorFeoffr-ocdome or li!. :ndeedrj);e,e wa.~ poore, midb!inde, and mtfrra61e, bcrhc; 1eft-'t6'htel'l''s chOi'lc~WOctllcr th<:y"wlll , and nak.f4. This'coni:cit is moft dangerous, el~doc lt or no,but a matter ofJU~tcc,:md rhct1ot ,....., fj>t..cial~y in the point of grace, c:mii.Fig many ~ ~omgof 1t !S uuu{hcc, :againG the lawofCod to dcceiuc their ownc foulcs, by thinking they ncl of natur" \'h!ch r,<;qUilC th~t the poote hauc.~r~cC ~\he~ they rauc ll011C J :md ouer1J~vJd•)le:jl\t;jfltJ1Ulltd ~r 1\'o..rn'l!' 'lthout begweemngthotwhl<htil'ey.haue. Pride in will, is p,;doffi.;IL ~IhP, abrC?ad:2~'Condly, this frtouldmopue vs, an inw~t~ affctlion,~h'"ereby aman is not conmlay!iljil&fon'i6'pom<in'6'<>ft?-good1to gmc' ' t~ntcd·with that elt:lt~wherein God hath planto the p'oore,for the poorchaue mtcrefi vnro . ccd him,.but dclircs al(ettcr~ This befell b Ab Gen.). hcm:and forth1s c:mfc we ought to cutoffour C ' dam ariCtEiie, who' fo'u'glu'to bC likCvnto God ~ ~ uf\u1rics mfeafimg, 10 arnrc, in !pons and himfe!fe; and this takcth hold of mo!l men in eal(ltes., tllot .to we m>>r inablell'fo cuery,age. Now from tllefe two proceedcrh iuffic<?m g)U!ng vnto<hc p<>ot<:, fot herethat pr·at1ifo ofpridein mans life, whereby he I '''.'Oifoof :cdmmonly m~n arc drfablcd to doe ~hu: tndeauours to doe whatfocuer' he ea~ for his pnde. ofmfi>cJ'. Th>rdly, tH'IS lhould 'tcacliv's ownc·proifc and glorie. This pride)~ not in 4 t!:lrdmg\6>our PI acts, to f«: rhofe goo~ br~ fome fC•:vperfoos alone, but in cucry manna.. ktcrs well mamt;med and (Qt forward, which turally that comes ofAdam, Chrilt Iefus oncly P,re tproiudcd tOr:. the cdnttc'h~e"nt rclccfc and exccprcd. And where it takes place ~t is fo maihtcnance Of the poot>"C; tOr.ncgleCbng of thong, that it will not bccroffcd: for t:ather them ts tni'ufilcc, and a ktl1d of theft aglm!'l then a rnan will not haue hiS will in rhiS,hcwill vhc. po-c>rc. ' ... ~ " ·: comnlit any finnc. This c:tufcJ. .Ahfolom tO ··: Secondly, obfcrue tlie word tranOated banifh · his father out of his ownc kingdome: ,.Almes : it is very pirhic, fignifyingmtrcie and and Achitophel t.<f hang hirnfelfe, when his Svlvdt,• .. . piti.c; wence ·we lllay lcarne: Firfi,whari[is 1 counfcll was refufcd: andfomePopes(ashiPh.tin<~.and ~~~~~;~~,· ~hat n1akcs our giuing to the poorc to heAl-.. \ Ho6Cs mikes.rncnrion)to b~q~cath rhCi~foulcs f.afc..Tcmp. :..hncs. tpes; it in\ot the thing giucn, but rhC mertfv-t1ti> thedemll for the obraJOmg of thePope– !fu/1.& p-i~Jfult:heart ofthegiuer, b~thc t~i·1:g tie- o· dom.And this is thafinward cori'Uption which finaJl, as was the poore w1dows nute: & Cl>rilt here forbiddes to be the ground of our 'therefore all our almcs muft procecdefronia· Alrncs' dccGs. pitifull he-art. Secondly, it fhcwcth whara onC' If. .Poinr: The rCafons why this inward Why pride chat partfe mull: be that is to be t•decticd, prid-e- riiuil becarefu'lly·atiOided, be thcfe two. ~~~c~~a,· jnotmcly,fuCh.a one as is to be pitied, not our Firft-,:bc~aufc what(oc· ounNard go'od work 1 Ivflic beggers, bur infauts,orphanrs, thC lame, thc ~child 'of.God can doeby grlCC 1 the fame ibJind,wcakc,maimc.d,and aged perfons. may a .. 'J.ickcd ma'n doe rhrough pride; :1s con- ; Thus much for the words: no1..v foUowcth cciue ·a prayer, preach the word, and praCtifc t-he commandcment .it' felfi::,: hude that the 04t\vard duiics of rcpcntancc,oflouc,and ;ou giue not your, A/mubefore men to {)( foene fuch like: for pride is a ~nnc tha.t "''ill counterof them. This commandancn.t tc:n.deth to this fcit ~race,and man cannot dif~crnc it,but God 1 enHe, t'o t!c?ach men how to auoidc the vnlaw~ o.nely'.Se'condly; many other fmnes preu:tilc in 1 full manner of g·iuing for agood thing the wicked, but pride. is the fin thar troublclh ] maybq:lon-c'!nanillmanner, :md .vfuallr1Tieri the children ofGod, and "''htn other finnes 1 offtnd rhis way in their .~o.od Now· dif~ th't-H will pride rcu,iuc, yea it will arife out \ - ..;c_-.---~,.-------=- oL_ Scope.