Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

, , ~nAcluertife.ment to the'IY!ader. < 4 ---r, ~r.:; IT,OtC like to fl~rferwith abundant;c,thElhrue for want of printed bookes. Where– fore 1hope this may fillfice ,to perfwadc thofcthat hauc vnprimed. copies in their bads, ·; r I I I I ~ i f f I to vfe rhem forthetrown.c pnuare benefit: Bm ifany rcfi not fatished bercwirh,l would yet imreare thusmuch of them, that before they put hand to worke forthe prelfe, they would acquaint M. Perkim Executor; with their rcafor.s that moone them thereumo : from whom I doubt nor, but they lhall receiue either fllflicient fatisfachon for their llay, or good'leaue to proccede in their intended cour!C. Which thing I do the rather aduifc becaufe the Executors banc a gencr:rll Inhibition onr of his Maiellics Court of high, Commiffion,prohibitingthe pnblilhing of any of his workes withom their confent. Now the God of all !'race, who is Lord of thcharuefi, lend forth daily fi1eh faithful! workem 1 en,and blcffc thefe and their hbou(S for the bcautie and wealth of Sion.Amcn. Septtm~e~ I. I 6o9· Thine in Chri£1: Iefus. 7homa~ Picrfon. ---------------~------~------------------ ... ~. -- \ ---1 I I___J________________ ~----------------~--·