Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

~'~6: , ________________ s_e_rm_ . 'an_ · _· t_n~t_h_~_~_ - _ ~_~o_u_n_t·~~-~----~~~ h E:o:Od.J+ 9f .DJ¥i~l y{'rayi·ng in thtt Lyons dc:nne~·and of A tii r.~pt:t.jir.g by Wi!J crf rewxtrd,rhii·~fom_thir£dur;c , 5 , AltJfol, ~~who is faidtto~rie vn~o the Lord,whC l "~Phich m"l!rlteth: /nu vntoprayo·tben•u ft 1·ep1''}... as he prayed C1Iiclf in carrh. i . . . ing, therefore it doth merir ar Grldh/thd. vi1>t~ , VfC~'l~'; __ ;..,~; ·.,The Y.f~ of this po·iQdpnanifolJ. J 0 ·It ferRC\\·::trd is (tttc [ ~\i\'0 w~~cs, eith_<:r ~Y·~~~"' ! •:: ~:~~-·- ~cth to"3dmonill1 vs that when,we pray, wee 1 ferc, o1· offi·cc g1ft ;mo pronu~c:; no\'\'Ci'$ . mutl'i11 Gogkoc;s._ofhca·tt, bringour iclu-es inpla,cc Oocl will rc~·\·::rd nr;.m fdr hi$ rr:1.rer. 5uet : , 11 ,,.., , 1 lq God.s.!lf.o(~<ice, an.d,h~a'itily.0rid trutly put for his dclert, but of hi; ow,n-di-t; wil! ·;rill ' vp our,rc(lucfi:.s ymo G,ocL;; fo as wee m:1.y:.~pg.ra·cc, bccautb hcc: /1arh pt:cnbi.i~d fo t(rdo~. , prpo,uGJ\•n;:d hirit, bothl.cittr hearts and our 'That this is fo; nla.yrhu&appen~·rdfa,:Be.grgc!· pr;aycrs;f~~ t~er_c is 1\0.thi.flg in b.ur.pTaytrS that n\Olllrl itskr~n :l"!!ni."S of a.l)"m;ujq ;it W'Cr"<.' :alJ-. ' can be bid tfomGod ;..and~rhcrcfr>t·c f:.. vc muH fil.rd to f.,y, rh:1t the bcggcr ~bY ~'i.11.g. did de~ ·l pot CosttQU.t4Ur [clues with the thing don~.lmt rcruc the almcs: atrd fo1bnds.ihe:ct.t(c for thl I labour, rhat b.odmay be wtll picamerit ofour prayc1·s; rbCrrby~"c~t-.eggcrt$)in~.s ~ fed widt,thc manner thereof. - ' at Gods h:1nds, and rhcrcforC't:aii'no"111or{lnuf.~o sc:oo.dly' he~cby '"'Carc tl~lght 'tomake I .rit thcn::by , then the hcp-gcr:,c..m d.o! hi•· conf~JencC, not onely of our do1ng an·d fpcc- B alrhes by asking: n<=y r::nhe.r wee rm.y gatb~ ches, hUt enen ofour vcrfc rhoughrs, '<mdthat hence, that Go.d& re.,\'ar~ing"thfru rh:it pt~y, in fecrCt,p1aces; for rhougr we may' tantcalc Procccdes from hisol\'ne ti-cC" ~a9c alohc·;~or the famcf10mmen ,1'Ct we cannGt cotierthcm prayer properly, is the ,,.ork ofman vnto God/ fromtht'lc'yeS ofGod: Ire is inviliblc, andyer wherein 111:1n giucs t'l.othing vmoJGoJ, :1s the c Hcb 4:•J· call rhJngs ar~nal:rdbefotehim. .i: • Ic,Vcs did in-the facrificessor as iStdonc in·foJnC . Thirdl'jir.this prooueih that no pY3fc.r CUl eth(r fpiritual fanificcs ofthe:new·TreH:un~itt; lav .. ~fulljqb.c made to thci v"it:gin Marie,.or. tOa.o' but•oncly askcth and re.~ciue(b f(J)mt:thing 'frQ f;:~f~ii:nny other Saint clcpant:d ;,lfor he ,alone is to·b·ce· @bd, and the.i~forc caim8t hercbJ •merit an1 called vp.onjn prayer, who feos ·in fccrct: but thll.g at G,o,ds h•r.d•.And by· tlus.may •ll othef God oncly fees in fcc.J.:'et ~ •l.rcichcr t-lfc ,,.ir$_in j51'aces be cxp'oun"3'erl> where reward is profl}i,l Marie~ nqr anv othct1ofi the s~unts can Cl.'c 1h fed to.mans workc; . · · fe-CI·et; :m·d ~h~rcforc praycr·i:S to be rn~(it· to 1 ., 'iallln ndtc the phrafe here vfcd; hefbn!lr,e::. Rhemon rtonc.but ~01God alone, Tbc·Papills !aM\-vcr,• 7!'ard rheeopen!J: th;J.t is, at rhc hfi'd~y: whq1cc: ;,uk.•,s-.fdt. that S3intstdep3rted f.ce. in!(ccret, thougRnot 1 garher, that till the .'-.fay of iudt;ctneut, n.Q' ofthcmfdncs; yet byC'od, and in Gp'(lo: but' fcruantof God !hall ful'ly reapc rhc fruit~ >)>d tlmis_fa)fc:rhe Angel;bcfo" th<ir fall faw-not, ' C benefit ofbis'}>raycrs, Thi.s mufibc well conf.• their owrlcfuturc fall., nor the fall ofma\1, The de,r-ell of all that haue care to call-vpoo eGo;) blctf~d Angch ib hcau~fi..,11know l~ol~noW.thC· vnFainedly: for n'\any times after long and car.; time and day of the lall,iu~gcmcnt :.1y<f'a ;" -<tnd' ~eHpraycr,we fcclc-litlc or !10 comfort, \\' · 11 ·~·\i.( ~ 1. rl\t:"$-aim'sdcpar<cd li~-vi)~NhcAJt'ar{crying, by we may be brou('Tht to diOikc ouJ:.e!huc, QS' d R.e,.,6,9, d hiiW./fniJLord? bcc.~ng tg·norant!~of t~he ltimc thOt~gh GQd had n!rcfpcCt v.nro·vs : but WCCJ et. rhcif~itn, rcd~mpfio.a :'and rhcidfQ)·c .the rrtu!l knoW, th;u Cod doth oftcnlong·dtf.c:·re' S-amtS depa'rred"'icc not uf-fCCr£t, ' :1 to reward his fcruants that pl 1ay"''ntO h'tm: no •· The i£l0hd reafon dra<v(le from Godsprodou)Jt but Zach";;.and E/i..,bcth prated for if• rnifed bou\ltie, is in tl_1cfe. words jlHdl reward fuc in their yongcr age, and yet they \\kre not - --··-·- thee openiJ: •hat io,0131l,rcpay thee for.thy praiheard til they were beth old.e:and D;rHid.f.1ith; .n ·in \h"c- day of iudg<'mcnt, b~forc •We S:ijms his eyes failed for .\.\•aiting on G~od' wbc.o lli:-.e' ... and holy' J\n.gcls, as-v,·&e Jipoundedthc fame Would 3ccomplifh his'promifc.inadc vn~o~·ilrit wo'rdS1 i·n the fourth vcri~.'Thisis a notable rea.. thfs 'wee may alfo fee in tht.:tpc;.t~i<;ms o[~he fon to ind\lcCm~n tb :pr:ay jn a -true' and holy Lords .prayer, for they be -all a·cc.Prcliog to his manner: whcrei~1 we 1nay fee the cndclostmcr- "'lfll, yet the ftill fi·uitiOB of the benefits~ tlict:C cicof God, vouchC1f(:<i tO them that pray:~.- D asl<~d, is rc:fel1Cd.-t0 theappcarit1g of our Lor.d: right: ifany fubieCt put vp :1. filpplic:aion tO his leills ChrHl. I ~ ~ "' !, ' rj corth lyPrince, he tol<cs it fo.r a fpcciallfauour, •,v • 7• .:-. if' !1,. d Whenyeprav, ')1 tf, ifthe Prince vouchf.1fc to-admit him to·his prcI.!.( .fr. ':J I) ! fence: bchohi here the Kmg,fKing~,will not _110 vain_ reiJ 1 ~.tit ions> 118 the he11,:. .· .onclyvouchf.1fe vs accdfe vmo the_thrOne of L . grace, when wq•ut l'p ourft~>plicarions vmo tb~n, (or. thry think,f to 6e him' but ifwe pr•y aright, he dot,hhold him- !';,ard(fi'or·'t''h_."t'r muc l;_''·ab'f.t'J110'. •·. fclfc indebted vmo ''s for the fame,a'nd~pi'omif), >" D. IJ 0 , fcrh one day to l'CV\'<IJ'd \'~ orCely. This fane 1"\Qur Sauiour Ghrill hauing de-nlF <~galdlhy; Agaiufi b:1h. e:-cccedeS'the iou,c ot:l1fCreau.n:cs ·in h'ejurn & p6'"<:rlfie in pr~ycr,dorh here eam'e to the fcc.O.d ~;:ginrrai· 'I cmh, no Prince is lo kii1dc and gratibus- vmo vicc, which hec ·inten,ds to reforme, therein .. I ::,~.·::;;~;.'. his belt fubicd s, ~s t_hc I.ord is to ~'all·th{lt call !Hlmdfhab/i;".:g-,:GOf.-Hing in the O'ut\\':t.rd form.C ; f,·,'l-1 \ ron hnn Ill fpn 1t ~n.d tluth.l • Ot: pr;'lyer. Thd"words co.ritaine·two p::srts' :) ' JJdbrm.,fc tlr1s phcc thcPap!r.S\\OU!tfgathcr, !I 1.:omm;-JtHlcfrtctl[, illld:lJTa-f011thereof; The l~;·;:~,:~C'.~"· , rh·:t pt.:!VCr IS a \' crk th~t me• ·rs at G,0dS lland t!~-,lima;JduJf~:rf~ .whc" 'fee prt~}'v[e no1,:aine repc,.. q. j ctctnall hfe , fm thus thry; 1-Phtrethcrc r,J~cns M rhe •hn.rthcn doe: 'xhere firHwee muft -------·---'"'----~----;----~-=~ L ~~---==--=--=-~~~~''-L----·