Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

-- -----::-::::=--:------ -~..:;.· . Matth,6. ·t jig . . . . .. -·" - a Ioh.B·H· dagc' ·~forh~~ that Cf)mmitt~thji~n~·vU,rhtf~·- 1 A j h~ue m:~dep,r.<;>fc(fi?n of relig_ioh, agaitJ~ .,' Nttnt of jimu: · :mdwh~r.e !inne r.atgnct? ,.r~cre ;to dto lu~s o£ th~1.r former J~norancc; 0.:~t the: dcuill hath tlominio.u. And hcth:c 1t comes lhould gncuc·o.ur foulcs J arid cal!fe; vs Jo·pray,: I th~t we rebell fo much a•1ainlt the_kiogdomc rJJ_J kJ.ngtUmr com~. Do. \VC pcrcciuc t-he lur;k<:, l of God and rcfu(c t.o ttgopc to ih~ kcptrr-of f.?r·Pt,)pc, ot any iuO:rumcnt of Satan; cidn.!rQr his word. lmieedc this bondage is wcakncd.i11 1ub!ilty o_r ty.rannk,.tp hinder ~h~ Go_~pcl pt·eAGod$ children, wholly freed from c9.ed,}vhtch~t~~heJccpter ~fS,:hnlls limgJoJn,' ic in this·life :as.Pimb compJaint-dedaies,Rom. ~nd thf:: ar~l~~·(.,f Gpd, whc(cby he pulloS' IJ\C~ ) 7• r f. The Lrlw~.~~ {pirtitua/i, IJHt I. ~.c.trna_fl, fr01p t.hC kingd~mc; of dar~enc-{fc? 0 th(~l Wf I fold v11dn- fnnt, I hc .n:aturall ma\ll:S d~ad m Lhouldmourne!Ordo we lecth~ W2nt ofGods linnc aitd fedcs it noc; we therefore mufll:l.- prdinanccinpJ"{'aching, f.1qat'nt:nts, and dilci.- j bour ;o fcdc in our felua this fpirin:.aU bonplinc;which iCruJ:l:for the furthc1:, dfGhri·fl-5'., d3gc vndcr lino~, o.nd v·:ht! \\'~feel~ iqwc mufi ~ing_dome;· ~r the ~o_r<ls pco-ph~ ccmmmcd tQ 1 bcwailc it, and1o Jhcw fomc·hfc at grace to be tgnorant Of Jdl~MJntHcrs; to fcan,dalou.s (COl· in vs. This Paul did< Rom. 7· 'i· 0 wr.tch"i chors, cithnforlifc or dochin<? In oil theft ' man rh11~! am, whofhalldeliH~r,muJjom rhr bo- B 1 ~c hauc cauiC of IDO\Jrt.ling,; ;~.nd they fl1ou.ld l di<of thw d.atb ! Looke::is the pntooer feele• lltrrc vp our he;mHowevmo the Lord, 1k:f ·!lis bolts and fmers,fo fenfibly lhould •re fccle /:..mgdomaome. ,· . ~ the chainc of finne ·, arc • 2. P'fo. Grar~Jto lud!Ji1·~d. . .. kept in bond:~gc; 3nd till wG: f.ccle it·;~and be~ . ~.Aswe rnuH mournefor the .wants and hiQ,. -.,,·ailc it,thc ki1~gdomc of ChriH doth,,notcomc dcranccs ofChri!h kingdcm,io \\C mull here&. .vnto vs : we mull therefore cucry day;c::ry vnto byJearnc to haue our h(;arts ,~~,·irh fpit Chri!t our Lord;that he wouldt1l.<w himfclfc rit~•U d~fircsafccr all hclpesond fu,heranc.cs to be our Redcctncr,·by breaking the fetters of Vl)to Gods, both in Ourfc!ucs a:1.d finne, ,,·herewith our fouk's arc keptif!, bon9thcrs: as Pi rH, for the preaching of t>h~ Go.: dage, and giuing vs rl)~r free fpir~t,rwhi~hmay fp,el, an~ all ~'thcr ?iuit\c or~Jnanc(;'-s,.whcrcbr r. fully ereCt his bldfcd kmgdom(; m out"hcans; Gods 1s ereCted and ma1 m~incd.: for wh<Ye thejfririt u ,rh,., u libn·tie,z. Cor+ I 7· O\lr hearts delire to God mufi bee, thatth'efe Bcwaile tfie Secondly, we mufi- bcwallC thc..finncs of all may be fct vp and continued ; w_hcrc they are !~~j~ oftl1 c the world iu the tranfgrcffion of Gods bw.c:J \yanting,aod that.God may bldfe rhcm;y\·herc whereby God i• dilhonourcd, and his king" 1bey arc vouc)1fafeJ. Secondly ; ihar God dome hindered ,and the kingdome ofdarkencs }Vould cnliglnc.n't)le eies ofour rnind•,that:tre furthered :.z.Pet.>.?,S.ltif!Lotwxcdhu righmayfee the ;yond~rs ofhis Law, :is Dauiddid; Pr,J..,,,,;, uomfoul~ 111it.~ the vncleane ecmm[atio, of the c mat fo the L<>rds otdinanee may bee blc!fed wic/t.edofhutime. ·r.Jf<ing. 19. bO, wh.m Eli.u vnto vs, Thirdly;thatwe may be wholly fub; ' .• 3 f419e thechildm<of lfratlforfok! Go4uotUn4nt, !echouo Chri!t ;·and that of confciencc ,. not ··' : break! do""'e'-bu, altari; ajdfifty. bti~frophm dnc!y in outward·bchauiour,but in mindc,imd with the [w.ord, then he. .hecam~ zt~ri~J~aioUI bearc, in will,and in all our affeelions; we mu(l fur the Lord of hoft~.j,p[,l, 119• ~~~.i Mine ma~efurethisholydefircbein>Slnd<edj.afid e'fel (foitbDautd) gHfo OUP ,wirh rit~,enofw~te;; therefore mu£t dcnie our fcJues, ~ fuoiet\t our hec4ufotheJ li.;epe not !hJ Larre. v~rfe, q 9• M; f~i~cs wholly vnto God, as a wllling people t<? U4~e bath ·~1«'1 con[; becaHfe _min~enefcruclliJn, and nons but him; and .then \Ve may miu haHt forgotten thJ /..,..e, Mark.3 ..5• Chrift hc.fure.llis kingdomc iS.fO!ile vntovs.FOunh~ morrned.j9r. if,e IJardnefH of the}t'{4r(~.:P{ rhe ly ;. ,w~m.ofi defire· to be di!foluoo , and to be people::3nd Luk, 19·4'•4;.•./><fl'<fttOHtr{ Cbrifi in t.h~ kingdomcof gloiie,foizltis l .•. "~' d f.lem ,for th~t th'} '<!tt'R'enouhed•; ofrbeit.vifi• ,ende, thot we may make an endc of filming;&.:\ ~ •. ' I tauon, NQw l.ooke how th.Ce •":ere af\'elted .b~<pme more o.bedient fubiccb Ynto GhriJl; , w~th the raognm9 finn~s ofthcor tu:nesJo n>ufi \:)· y~a,,wholly ruled by him,thoughJ'or·the go:od1 '"e a.l[b mourne t~r thc(r finn€s th~t. ra1~nc alc{.otherS,:wc mu!l b.e comcmt to lir'le. Fifd}r , vs; as AtheJfinc, al}d proph~n~IlcHc;. ~6. .thM Chri!l wduldNomc in iudgtrnent, when' tempt,of,Gods word, bl~fphenue, Sabbath• ·all·things fho)l bcJ;~bdued vmo.God, ond .ol!' brcakong~ opprellion, cruelttc, and prode. All hiJpbedient fubieC\s fhall bee fully .glmi/icd. go.o~ fu.b1cC\:s. are~rrcuc~bnuch;Jry fee This we may defire in heart, t1Jot;gh \\'C'"mufi forr~1)1C e:n~m1cs d1fplay among rhcm banners lcau'c the timc.roGods good plc3ft!rc, fi-ii waiofvoC\ory1 . how muc_h m<;>r~ then ougi)tth.~ ti~.g fqr it by faith in hi; prom&. Sixtly, thu !>odlyto gtooo,oc," hen they ;vo11ld i'nlarge his fancluary here o!Lea.l'h fed \~lth an,h>gh hand,_w.htch rs as tl(were a ·gttber }li~clcCl,noore ond mor~,and·£ti11 Ucfcud. Oagg~.of,denanoc in the kingdo~e of; and lnaintainc his C)mrch in c! the aod afpccoa\1 eilGt?nd ef S~tans mutnphong oh .\vprld i when th~fc· deHrc$ a.ffect.ourf6ul•• ' the..incr;afc ofhiskingdomc ofdarl,nts?Whtsi ,t!•cu.~<we tiudy fay, Th; li•gdomo<omr: u'j thcdeulllfe~soncthachathhu,cd, t.nfinne,~but :. , -.-,~· ,·1 3• J1f. Dmiru~b-e...·.··... ., .P t'\1 · dl~.looket<;>.wardthq ki.ngdomeofC~rifi,he , • ' .·,pn.'lifod, .L.. , ··' ,. j ngctn ~r~atl~-' ~nd labours by ·;11 mcanes t~ ~ .. W.hattocutrv:c~~kc inipray~Jtl:-~.t ·mu~ WC•\ D.+rl~i 'r~l~; I ~tlrne l11nlba.cKe •.and when yva .cc thofe th~t cndd.uour aftc'r Hl hfe and conuofar 10 n,cls we ·\ tl~cru~ g(>d, - M I kmgdo1nc. '---...!' . , fl. to. i :.;I.