Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

136 I ~n Exp.~JitionofCb;ifls. \ M"(tk6. -:~----~--~~~----:--:~~----~~~----~--~--~~~--- ~ _: No\~ ·propc>ly,_ brcid ~rnports thaJ fitllc, A beware ~f Gods cud~ with thin-e ~du;~«lnct· fiance made ofgrainc which is fit and conucni- ·vnlcffc God change thin~ dhtc,reH: comcmcJ ~\t.f@r m!l.ns bodily nouri(hmem, fuch a9 Mclwith th8t t:·hidl is prcfcnr, andbNhankcfull c~iftd\<l; broughrout to Abr.,h>m & his cornfor it: for bme~:i "lilt/rwith thefe•>tff God, pani"o \.vi·nC for their rcfrdhing, Cc~.14:. r.h~, p-eat.rrett[Hrr ~tndtr~blc rhere_rr~jJb, ~tov-. t~~-· a.nd fuch ls meant in.Scri_ptur~ where 1 J· 16. now what .trouble like thc.v\·rath of. }.:;.oppofcd to wine or watcr.Bm more gcnc.ral... G od,;:tnd therefore bc•comcnt wiUl,t~a~ which · is taken for all kindc.offood~ whatfoeu~·rJ God· fend.eth in rhe vfc of 1 ~awfuUFJlt;tpes. wherCbJ litds fcnfcgoauJ Fourthly,. mull we aikc of God eucry l;>i~ 4 miliif .. iJ · ca/tcd·:hr~a'd,. Prov.· 27. "2J. and fhe ofbrc:1cl'. we catc? thcn .:iway wirhal~·.d·tanct l:~;d~ccon. fruir~of tree.r!, ·I~r.~I 1. ·r.9~ snd. alJ·th\ngs that and fortune, a:n_q lct' to acktlOi\-..;l;e~gc paffc to:~n·d fro~ill trafficrkc, Prq7. -3 I. I 4.Now Cods prouidcnce in all things. , ~-~, . in th1s place It :nuA: be taken ma g~nci"Jl fcnfe, · Fifc7o,mu£fGodschildrenaskc oCGod their 5 nOt onely for bread, but for :tll o.thcr ncccffanc daily oed ~nd rccciuc it as a. gift pf nkrcie f~~:J.colt· foodc~ .tnGi fof r:umcnt a:lfo,\\nh hcalth,peac<", fro~ the h:mds of their father? th~n awa1,with hbe;,rnc;and jll ot-her arc mecce :md , B 1~cnt b¥ rn:t.ns works,for ifbrcad be o£m.~rcy, needfullfor-the·goodoutwardeflatc ofman,o( 1hfe eutrlafhng cannot be cf merit en tnans.. fami~v, .orCoiT'mon wealth. · ·. p:ur., ..: . ~ t · ·'fi;~ '<'fo.~. ·r: ij., tha: Chrifl bi<!ns prayfo< Lollly, this petitiOt\ minifimb· vnro vs 3 :oc:;:~!ts. ~read a11d .not for~ilaintics ,... b~rcby.h~ would nqtable gcoundofcOc~~tad~in againA:Uifi~1 fi. tca:cQ vs to bcw-3-tCof·coucroufocfl:e, the cenfUl care, for that which Chrift bids. vs askc 1 rnon filtflc·of our.nar.ure .whcrcbyiwc ;trc dif.,. God ·vndoubredly will giuc, bcnufc i-t fOOrttCm with·our dtare,:tndmurtnurc 't\:ith ihc carding to his '''ill.~ and ~hcreforc dre chi.ld of l(tacHtcs~ if.wc banc no:morc but·Manna: but ' Gorl may affurehimlcltCofchinos iUffi'den.t for. Wf!llnuftft:riuc ~g;tinfi this forruption, and fay' : ·th!s lif' the fobcr vfe ~f!awt~ll mi:ancs~:md ~ith panid; L'ord, in~line ."J).... beart vnto thJ lookc i.f tc~~orall blcffings faile~ for 3 goed1 t~j}itQon!~J, ttmiwot v.nto totutoufo.ej/f, P{al. I 1-9, fupply 111 fpmt~:Ulgraces. _, 3'6.· . ·1o · . Hc'rc a quclhon may be asked, fceino .wee Ofviing .. _ s~cohdfy~· '~c mufl hci·ehr al~o, l_carnr. to aske <:>fGod b.uc ?readoncl}',that is,tbin£-s ~~e... ~:~~:;~~r ~ri:~ fo-- pt~aWW fob.neue and:modcr3u9n !11 dic[,appa.., j for th1s ltfe, whether may we vfc the dd"ht. rdll~tand t~ll .~tl~Ct"things· appertaining ... to tlhis . creatures of God for our delight? 4'!/W,~ .. we: tlfc>;·.v;fing' them-(<> as we may-b;:.thc·~ttcr (o~ C ,- may v(e the outward blcffings of GocLt'o~pu~; our calllngs,and the fcruicc olGod;and fo bet- · honcll dclight,Eceltf. j.t], Behofdrphd/ih 4",. 1ortd!hereby•ndnot made ~orfc. . · _ June %ood, rhat ir n eome(J, to eareA»J,iJ.>in~ .,,\~Thirdl1, this , m1.1ft -r_each· vs contcmati:oh ~tn4 tp tt!/r.! pl~af~~re in 411, ~is lnbu~ ,;,~ere#~ Con!nrawith\ that place and ·fhtc of Hfe, :md m~~- man trauell~th vnderthefun'!e: yet chrlce cau_c-. fore ofwealth wl\icl>God giues vdor we mull at' mn(l-be 'cmembrcd,lc(l \)'C abufe ouflib~r; tio~t. ~slk breaq•ollciy 1 that is, things nci:elfaric, and ti~ \n this ~cligh\; I. \V< mull fee God lo,gi~e ·thCrtforc•(f <?Jorl gtltcs v.s thi'ngs nccdfari~\\~e vs not orj.ciy·things nccclfarie, but for d:light:· rni1Aobc.tireicwith €Ontcnt-:, an:cl our conup.t I our dc_light aqdplcafure \YC mufl fo mo... minQe.fnUfitno1! bt;bu~what God dcr~tc. our.affcC\i9ns,that they be not take? Vp. bcf\GWC$\"Jlon 011> fober vfe·o(.lawfull melnes with thcfc earthly thin,gs, ror bcrc,by,; w'ithh1 Out 'calling!.:~nat.mtlilme iudge to bee dr.a':"lte or hindfrcd fr~m ~Nn~~ lleaucnly a~~d our porti<>n :'1'. Tnn. 6. 8. lfmeihauefood and fFWlu41l: ,IIJ. J)•ir pnlWF3lt 10, ~nv!T be m raiment-, let Vs therewitb·be con{eJJt. 0 ;fhis· fpirituall foode, cucn inChrill crucil!fd,,nd.j.n PbiJ+•,. PitHIJ pr:1Cl:ifc,:/ C:m h~ttbafed, &..I {art 11.horJnd; out· ti'uc communion with hi111 in his Boft!C,inO <N<rJ where inailthingJ I am inforuEied both to blood,::a\1 ':'~r delight 1huf\ floop~ w thil~and itt ftdl.and>rohthtm,f,Tie, to abPifnd and r.haue D., O)>t Qf,Ghnfbvec mul\;.<O)J,nt pothmg tqy. a Numb.u. wanr:The .a lfraeltru in the wil:di:rnes.\\'~·lie.not ous. · '"'" ,: J.J.. • , • l'·ll• cort~cnt with Manna, but wou)dnccdshaue ll. Poi~l· Whacbr,eap:: d.<ily6~e~••:T."P;o Acfh·to c3.ce, and God gaue tbem ,theu ddire, 1 word in t'hc qriginall fignifi.c~lJ .In:eadput r~PI!! ;.,~,...,• .btrt.whilethe jlefowd<intheirmourhi:,.hi.w;ath . fobftanw :day by day: rp;>t_JS, fuch.qr;~~,~~ fo/JJ."'f•n them: therefore let vs ju(laftcr noi ' f~rucs to prrferuc,health :and lifdromqay tP more th<n God ·giues· vpon our fober vfe_of day; thJS ·~g~r.ealls brea;l or fo.od<,&pntfJnif.I'J -Iav.lfullmcancs,lcaflinfcckingmore.,we~r:a.w fqrhi1p,P.rov.3o~8. . :.. ~·.:· ,, . f.J;G : .Godl t.tufc vpcm vs. But at as, fe~ a~ '?ntef1t .Tb{v~•.l11·tV1~ ~ccond_po:ntwe lcarne.t~vo " '!t\1 their cflatcphc yeoman wtll .bl;-hk~ the. ·thtngs. Fuf\,tpat 1qs lawful! t~ askc tc!l'p.Pr:Ul gentleman ,in attire an,d diet; an.4 ·t\-le, gemle-' !>lcfli_ngs at the hands 9f,Gpa, for l!>"ol! -9}lr :man'like•thc noblCm:m;& hcnc.C c.o,ncs vfuri'c,l mcrnfull Fathcr~and b1d~ vs fo to d,o~.; .. t-'"P.j£P Wem:1y prayforlll· ponllblcC· fipe_s. ()p-pr..effion,~iniu!Hcc, and much, vngod~indfc; fc~ucth_ to..con~rmc the .foqncr npoGt~C?JtP.r I he.n"(Cit f1:on~cs that·Gods iudge".ni~tnf ip dep,nh dps·arucl~. S~co.nd!y_,•.n~~? A rr~odewc .js.itl<ircafcd vpGtT the poore,bt;<:nUfClJ!~.Il~fTI;Jke; mod-cr~tC ~as'11? prcfcn!C ·<?'lll! .bodtly llf'etltTd earc fortf· '[n·o co:nfcicncc ofche me:tncs,fo ~hey m3y bc~e-· .haalth,m.t\\~d.i_hgcnr vfc ofalll:twfull m~an,c:~; fa~~~ting' _____ j_~tc_:;n_~hcmfclucs, and gq ~loft: but for wj1at. w~ prrY ~::.:::::;; __ =---=-·'