~- , · ,Hauh+ 1 Sermon in the e5\1ount. 1 3 ' v_:_::_ , _ _ _ _____~-~-~~~.,l _/1 I mendable, and comicnitnt gcflurcs,which arc A hand,to open thcircarc-s,andapply their hearts fl vfcd in chat Church,whcreofwc arc members. w hcarc,lprnc,reccluc, bcleehe,and obey the I' Jfanythallaske, whether we mjy nor preach fame : this i>that Prophet forerolp by Mo[u 1 1 fittinc, as Chrifidid? I anfwC"r: if it vvcrc the whomuft bee heardq ;,., allthing.J rhar liet fba/1 ! qA&.J 1i,iJ cufto~1c: ofour Church, we might la\\'fully do {pMk! t yea, whofotucr will not hearchiJ voice, 1 it; for thcfc gdlurcs be indift'crcnt in themmtJ.ft be cut offfrom .mtong Gods peqpfe: and I [clues-:- but we doe icnot,bcqufc our cufiomc great rcafon , flr if theJvordfpok!n by .. t'btgcl!J is othqwi.fc, And fo ~ve may fay of preaching jlooodjfeadfajf, a"d eucr} ll'ttn[f.relfionrecl'iucd a 1 with the head coucred, whi'h j) the manner viu.ft recordpetJcc of reward; r howJbrtllwcee{c~tpe, rHeb·t1rl· fed by the MiniHcrsof the French Churches; ifweneglcfl: fogrMt f:z/uatiOJJ prrecbcd ~mto vs j but we vfe it not, becauiC we haue no fuch cubJ Chrijf? Secondly, hereby all Gods Miniflers · :a. vre. !!omeinourChurch. arcraughr,by allgodly 'diligenccro fccke w I +Circum.~ Fourthly, here arc noted the partiuwhom fim1il11 thcmfclucs fOr their holy Mi1~flcrie, U~:~~r:,. Chrill taughc,namely his Difciplcs;for though th:u they may bring ferious ;md waightic mathe fpakc in the audience of lhe multitude, yet ter vmo Gods people", an·d dcliucr the fame herein he chicAy intended to inHrnCt- hisditCiwith that conucnicnt boldndlC and auchority, pies:that is, all thofewhom he had conucrred B which bcfccmerh Gods word. Thirdly, in ;,V(,. by his former Mini!!cric,& among rhem prinChri!ls addreffing ofhimfc!fe to fpcak,all pcrcipally the twc:lue ApoiHes, whom hcc had fons mull learne to mak confci~ncc both offi..., ncwely chofcn to become rcachersof orhers. lenee and of fpeach: thiS we rh all doe,if by fiThis circumHance muCl: be well obf~rucd, for lenee we clofe vp our lippcs, till we bane iuft as it helpe.th to cl care Come points in the domatterto fpeake of, rending to the glorie of tlrin foll?wing;fo it fcrucrh notably, to proue dod, or rhe good ofour brerhren:ond becing and iufiifie the Schooles of the Prophets, foprcparcd,vponfitoccafionjand i"n duetimc, wherein fome teach, & others heare and )earn, we may Vttcr our mindc ~ we mufi. remember forthiscnde 1 tofurnith rhemfelues with gifts, that Chri!! left himfclfe an example; that we that afterward they may become good and athould follow his (\eppes : and al(o confider i bleceachcrs in Gods Church: for what is this that of euerJ idle word tbat wee jha/1 fpea!,s, wee '""'·"·l•· hue ro follow the example of C.hrifl, who in muft rer.d~r account vnto God. If this were rhis pla __deliuercrh doetrine and ln!!ruClion knowne and be!ceu<d, there would not be j~ to his tweluc Apofi:es, the hrtter to inable many finncs in words, bycurfing, (,...,caring rhen1ro the faithful! difcharge oftheir holy vaineand idle fpcaking,as there-be. ' MiniA:crie. ) ThusmuchofthcPrcface. Now we come l'he mmer La!Hy, in this Preface is noted Cbrifh man.. C to the matter of this Sermon, hcginnina at the ~~~~~i~s nn-•ffpeakjng,in there words: And hte opm1d thi!d verfe of this Chapter, and fo con~nuing hu mouth andtaught them,[aying: which fomc to the z8.verfe ofthe 7.Chaprcr.And it maybe doe take to fignilie norhin11 clfe, but a full and diuided into r z. heads or places of doClrine: cuidenr kind offpeach;as it theholyGho!! had The fir!! whereof, concernerh true bappine!Je .. Pmonf {aid, hufpak,rwith hu mouth: as we vrc tO fay or blej{tdnejfo.-from the ••verre ofthis Chapter! h>ppindft, in Engli!h,/ ht>ttrdit with mint earts. But this to the 13. whcrcm arc propounded fundty phrafebath afurther meaning, for as Paul witrules diteClingmen to attaine thcrt'i.lnto. The nEfb·'·''· ling the Ephdians, n to praJ ID Godfor him that fcope ofrhem all mu!! be conGdered, which in ad.ortofvttn-anct maybe gi11en him, that hu genera!lisrhis: Our Sauiour Chri!!)lad now migbt open his mouth boldly topuhl;fh the fe· preached two yeares among the people, and <retrofthe Gofpel, dorh there make that opt• thereby had wonnc many to become his Difning of hu mouth, a more fpeciall kind of fpea.. ciplcs; and among the rdl ,his I 2. Apo!!les:to king,,and ofa fatre more waightiema~rer,thcn all whom hee promifcd happindfe and life ehis ordinarycommunication; and as Elihu fayuerlafting, if they would continue in the faith otob. 3J.ao.. ing, o I willoptnmy lippu,ttndwil! anfwrr, doth •D 3nd obedi.enc~ of his word :Nowth~ugh they thereby imporr,rhar his fpcech thould be vpon bcleeued rn lum, yet they !lrll rem)lined in rhe due confideration,andfound knowledge: fo fame fiate for outward things ( and bcCan 1 c the Euangeliil faying, Chrift openedhis moHth, more fubic8 to outward mifciie's then bcfor~· doth thcrebymeanc,thar vponferious mcdtaifo as if they iudged ofhappipf!fe by their pre~ tion vpon fundrypoints of heauenly dotlrine, Cent ounvard e!!are, rhey fight ealily fufpctl hce began to fpeake with liberric & authority, the rrurh ofChri!ls doC\rine, and think he had and to dcliuer vnto them dcepe matter of d~ceiucd them,bccaufe he pro~ifcd them hapwaight and great importance: that this is the pmefi"c, and yet for outward thmgs, their cafe meaning, may appearc by the conclufion of was farrc wo_r.fe, then before they knew him. PCh2P·7-11· this Sermon, where it is faid, P the people wonThis our S,auiour Chrifi conlidcring·, doth dredttt hU dollrine, becttu[e hee tttHght JU one ha.. here goc about to rcmoouc this fal[e conceit uin._r. amhoritie. hut of'their minds; and for this purpofe deli.. 6 DothChriilherc openbismouth,:mdvtter ucreth this doChi.ne Vnto them, in the firil The 'lieu.•. waighdc p0ins of doCtrine in this Sermon? generallhcad of ~11s Scr~on ; that true hlfppi- . I then it {b.nt.lcth :llt Churches and people in nef{e hefore ~od. u euer roynrd, rea couerednM- \· ' -~' --------~~--------~- -----------2ry~~