Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

) 146 1 C!Yln5xf'oji1z'orr4Chrifls 1 ~~;;~b.6. \ --- ?otn~dfar· our fi.nn~s-_v.n~ p4nifht~-e-~t; :whi~h A·- dcath~;iflon. This forgiucndfc Hczekiah \ --- \ ~~as lt~'e!c a fccot:dd·~bt. Eucn as·a~l1;l1n that~ C!-xprdfed wb.en he faid toGod, .t J"horthaft n41 ,· c! If2.38.J7. ts b~ound ~n an obltg.auon to :moth-~t, through a// oHr jimtt~> b~hind~ thJ lti:tck!: and Mtdtah, \ dctaulr::~:l.t performing :he condition thel'cof~i·s. faying;r:·.H~NPiiJfuhdue oHrtii1iq:~itin, and c.'ljt e :Mic:~ 7.,~. bound to pay both the.principal and the fotfciall our(tmru-iH.,to the buttomt'of rhe JCa. So r.hat ~ ture.: the punifhmcnttOf fin!lc which is eternal! our requdt to God is this,•that wl; , dear.b, bCcing thac,foufciu.irc whcrCtow.e{bnd :pnnu blinde v; 1mtopuniflimenr, rhe Lord wqHid \bounJ before Go.J,for<"-'irofobodi_cnbe.which 1h,ph.<fod for,_hk Sonnufdz.!; Fee!y to rhmt all I is as it l-\fCrc ~c prhn:fpall. ·-' ~i~-~~ -d: ;(/urfinr.n, amintlttr to impm~ t~em?mtoV.J ,,av4 ~en.i~on of Thc.:c.onfide&ati.On,.of this:re-fui~bb.nce.for· to be fulf:T'.t:onrmr'ed wirlitiJe [njfo1ingo{ Chr.i.ft, ;~~~~~j;t whicFnGnne is call·ed adcbc, ferue_·nodire€tvs t!Mr tErpunijJmumof oHr ffr.11.r!J/;~ni11er !P.irlvp-:- ~~fi~ation. _in fomcl points of. uligio'n: as lirfi\~~on.f~1tcs. l O/t!Vf. , ,., )t\· o. ·-~1• , • · I their ?p.inion, whohpiJ that oU!','Ohc:tlc iufiifi- ' . Q!!fft. But of what Runes doe wc hc1·e aske catinnconliHs irrcbc rcmiffion of.ffn·ncs,. and' ' p·acdon? Avf. Both of tinnes paHand prefC.nt>: that.)lhcfame i' wl>o<rght ·,by the fiocdding of :fi,, howfo.,uctthcchild o£Goct Hath hi.ditincs Chrills blooda1'0llr7.for weowe ro God~~ d~u·~ B ;pafi fully plt:dorted at·onc-c On Gods pan ,·;pon bJc:debt, firll obc,dki1tc, and fof.JtftUittlier- , Qis- true rt'.pcntancc; yet he is not abk'foto of we·!land bound to punifhn'lcnl :"rlicfe two ' rccciue pardon as God giues u, but muH'redcbts arc dift(:rcnc and thllintl:. 0nc f1bm an o~ ~ciuc it by linlc ~nd littlc" and as itA\o\·~rc drop thrr,;:and they ll)Uil both be paid,and Gods iuby droppe: 'this wc m'y fo•'i-ADauid,,\ifto hod fiicefatisfictl-cither by our fduc~or' Gy_ a furcthe pardop ofhis Gnnc ptqnounced by'f";ld\b"" ue.,~fforc we can be accepted as.r~&htC'ous v~-· the Prophctj& yet after tha.f~Cpcnncd the"5t. to life.: Now we our felut·s candliCharge ne1-t P (al.whcrcm hebcggcs rnerne •md forgiuencs ther ;.thereMre {3hri!l: our furetie: muft doe tnofr carnefily for that finnc \'llhich G;d'hld I r •.s.,.,.. l 1 •l· both : and (o hc.b:U~_; : .forou~ fC'c011d.dcbt of ~lrcadie pardone<:i, aiming no doubt at amore finna whereby "\'C !Hrncl bound ~o~punithmcm, full and confortable affuranccof Cods pardon Chrill: .dif:chargc.d .. by·llis death :and paffion, 10 his owne h~art : for eh is caufcalfo jn._hiSold I wherein·ht-·n.zade JJ.iJ..fiml~. a focrifta fOr Jim;(: age he praiesfo1 the pard01rofrhc finncs ofhis .:nd,our debt of obedience in' perfect loue to · youth, Pfal. as. 7· Againe, here we pray for Go,d.aod m:Ul, healfo:p-aiqto GoJ in fulfilling> 1he pardon of finnes prefeut, both that rhey ~ XeH~1.S+ the la.\V.tor vs; whereup-on ivi'Scr.ue, e that -th( may be 36lualJy forgiucn ;. and aJfo rhatt·our I r<ghwHfiu!fe of the furp i• fllljilled in.chem which C beans and confciences may be fetled. in the; no( •fter thejl~(h, !mt after thefpirit. Bot aifurance thereof. . ' · (fay they) the Scripture cuery whorcJafcribcs· The vfot.Firit,by this petition,we arc·taught W.tnr~ to be '>UrJ" 'holc redemption and iufiification to to bcwayle our carnall fecuritic; for naturally ~:~:;!,i~·in 6hMIH ·blood-fheddjng, and to liisdcath and we goe on from day to day, in follow,ing the fi""'· paffi.on.• An{. Chrilts blood-lhcdding mull be pleafurcs and profits of this world, and ncuer canlid(' tWQ \vaics : fi.l'ft,a~ a p·ar't ofhis paf. thinkc ofour d~bt to God by finnc,til chc cuill fion'whcreby wearc difcharged from punifhday of death or diflreifc approach_vmo vs; like :-:fccondly, as a pan of his obedience; to dcfpCratc bankrupts that neucr regard their whcrcihhe tclhficd fingular loue both toGod debr,till rhc fcrgcam be vpon their backe.;fhis his father,and vnro mankind:for in fuffcring he is that 6nnc which Chrifi foretold fl1ould raign obCied, ,and in obeying he fuffcred: now bein the latter daics, Matt}\. 24.3 g, and I app·cal~ caufe his blood~fh(:dding is a part of both, totheconfcicnccinthcvicwofall dlaresand therefore is our whole redemption afcribcd conditions, w.hether ir be not fo : for though thereunto, not excluding, but including his a.. iuiquitic do·e abound, yet no man faith, What Cluall obedience thctein,it being a part therof. h4uc I done! Icr.~. 6. yea 1 rhis is rhc _fin'ne of Secondly, debt fn this place betokening tnany profdfors,for rbc nature ofman IS prone finne a·s it binds·vmo pullilhment, fhewcth D to incroach v.pon G~~s fauour. But Y.:e mu~ j ·, th:tc finne andtpunifhmont-,go'alwaic·s kn~~ ,that this fcc~rme tannot lland wuh ~h1s 1 ~o1~:r:&.~: together: :md t!H:refotc thePopifh doCtrine is pctwon, for. here we arc r~ught ~o call to Plthd 1 f:tlfc :incbcrfoniouS' which partcth them aftm- • our finncs,cucry day praymgfor thepardon of , dcr, by1making fotlf~finncs vcniall, not deferthem. ' uinglth.e pumfhtpCnt ofdcJth 1 which ls the waSccondly,hcre we_fee whercort ~vc m~fi:ciy 1 o.urrdtln gcs offinnc•.• · ' ~ ·, '· . -and fett~e our hcarrs tn _all cfbtcs, 10 affirChon, : difirufi. For~iuenc:~ Forglue-rn l Thi~ forgiuc.neffe~ h~re asked is temptatiOn~ and_.dcath_nfe:lf~.; namcly.o? t~c f!rrb~ntJc:.. a free and full'tlifchar.gQ fr-om finne a11.d the pumcere merne of God m Chn!l, by fatth,mhrs nifhmcm thcrcof~wiihbuf'31lY !~tisfaClion on blood ~or rhC'pardon o: firmcs: ~oo,k~to buVp<yt.;"and thisGbd doth, when he Is conthe praters of all the Santts of Cod 111 Sct'IRtcnt fiir Chrifis ("lkc, l'lot to impute finne vnto tures, ~nd we {hall findc. dla.t th~y made thts vs; \.;,L't tto accoun['it as not conitnitted, ~nd thcirrockc,&ankoroffiay.~n.~lldtflreffe.Pan. thc .punfll1mcnt tlicrtofas not due'Vlfto Vs;be9· t8. J 9. 0 Lord;h:.:!rto and 6t-hoid,-~-JJot inf! ~. dl1 :1.n.d h-7dy contented .v. .rit:h t~e al~- . for our ow~~ ''i?htt'~s:focj]t- , ~~~~_for thy gr(At ten~ [ fid:Ylncm fat1faCl10n made bv Ohtt!t m hts der mcrctu ; J~fer.renot,fit th7 tlWnc Jak!, Oh .,.. . - ------· -·-~-·-· ----- - ----- . "1 i I