t+z. I rU1nExpojition ofChrifls --- j to his ncighbour_..bc two things: the lo{\~:md A whence mcrcifUU men m:ty gathc-r-a!T_n_r;~of . d:unmagc whereby man is hindered i11 bodic, p:ndon "'·ith God, from that inclination to eO.. goQ.d~, or name; a~td :111 offence :.gainft God, paflion and rcadincffc,v\ hieh they find in their by a praCbic of iniu!hcc again!l his law. Now 0\..,'11 hearts, ro forgiuc others th3t wroug th(; Ma!lb,6.\ v. t1, -\ as a ucfiJa\fc is a !h:nm:lgc VI~to inan, fo m1y a for ChriH tcachcth them to rcatOn thus; Jfwe· ~n:m forgiuc it: but as it is a tinne againH (jod be thofc to whome thou hall promifcd pardon (m the tranfgrdlion of the lliOr:tlll:i.w, fo God \\'hen they askc it,then Lord pardon vs:but we \ond)' p:1rJons it:as when a m:1n h-ath his goods r:.rc fuch, for we fccle our hearts inclined to Lilollcn, that d:m1ma~c don<: to him a m:tnmay mercic: therefore Lord -pardon vs:So that this j n:n1it; but the breach of the eight comm:.~ndcrcat(m f..:: rue; to moouc vs topray to God for I mcnt therein,God oncly can forgiuc. pardon \l'ith confidence and affurancc :yea,furH:owf,r.~·e 1 If. Q:!.eJf. How farrc is a luan bound tV th::r,thcyindudeaprofcffiontoGod of new ,;_::,~~~:uli!G forgiuc others that trc~):l.f1C againH him. An[. obedience in atnendmcm of life; for vndcr one 0 i There is a.thrcef-?.!d forgiuenclfe; of reumge,of ] dutic ofmercy tOwards our nctghbour,is com– p:mq,m:cnt, ~nd · of ilkigcmcnt. Forgiumej[e of I preheodcd the whole praCl:ifc of rcpcm:tnce, reuengt, is·v.•hcn a man i.S not dcfirous of reand the performance of our vow made in b:.1p- , uenge from an inward grudge,but f6rbeares to B rifinc. I I render like t(n like to thotC that wrong him: f/{e1. I. M~rl<c here, that asking pardon of . 1 Rcn•ifJi.on & ... M:d:.1r. this is prinripally lH:rc meant; for v-:c mufl J 11!- God and tcHimonic of rcpcnt:mcc goctogcrcpcnu.lcc w.:io for~iue ortr brethren, in rdj>cCt of rethcr:'he that rccciues the onc,mufl cxprdlC chc b 6 togcii'<~'·.: ucngc; fiJr vcng~.mce U mine, faith rhe Lord, othcr:for ""here God giucs pardon, there alfo ,,, and fwillupay·, Rom. u •• 19. FIJrgiucnelfcofpuhe giucs grtlcc to repent, and mcrcie IS not Hijl;mcnt, is the remining of that punil11mem graunrcd,but on condition ofrepcnrancc.Alt. I which ;1.i1othcr mans wrong-doing iu!Hy de1, 37·3 8. when the !ewes that were pricked in 1 fcrues:rhis is not a~waics to be graunred, cfpeconfcicncc at Peters fcrmon, asked what to doe I cially in the ca!C ufoft'cm:c, which may tend eo to Jindc mercie; Pcrer faid, .Amendyotrr litteJ, the publikc hurt: for then were chc Haec ofma- &c. And therefore \•hen he percciucd wanr of 1 b ..1 gifhacic vn!J,_,,.full, whofc office it is to punilb repentance in Simon Magm, he rclshim,b Thou v,1~. ·'·'l· I offences. Thefo"l'gil!cneffe ofiudqcmmt,is the reartyet in thegall of biuernejfo, and in tbe6ondof mitti.og of th:tt ccn(urc whi~ an cuill dccdc itziquitie, rhollgh hcc h:~d formerly baptized for bc:cuo;g lawfully c:~Iled thereunto, we may we mull: come to God, when we pray forthC I , cloth wlUy Jefcruc; ncaher IS tlu:; here meant, him,\VherebY we fee,F1rH,with wh<lt affeCtion f( cdy cc:n(ure that whtch ts Clt!ll done. pardon of our fitmes: namely, \\1th humble & ,. w.,wv.ci'JIIu!l: Ill. J2..!!!.fl:. Whether mufl wee forgiuc ,C contrite: hearts, hauing a true purpofe'not to !i;K:~;[:~c I ~hofc th3t wrong vs, if theyv.tll not confdfc finne wittingly, and wtllingly, but to obey I W•wv.•ebc· j Cl'lhlf !ltob· u:n.tgainJl ournci!Jll• bo'"' I tht:Jt fault', nor askc vs forgmcndf(!! .An[Wc God in all his commandcmenrs: and the Wlnt tnult forgltle them'frecly)m rcfpcct of reucng. ofchis,ls the caufc oftho.t final c6fon·in pr:tier, Obi!U. ~ut it is faid, If ha repmt, for!.iuchim, v-:hich many finde in thcmfelues: for the proLuk.J7. ;.thcrefore,vnlelTc he re_peat,"''e need mifc of p::trdon is not giuen, where rhc condinot to forgiuc him? .An{. That place is meant tion ofrepentance is mn pcrformcd.Sccondly, of Eccl.diaflicall ccnfurcs,that thofc mufi prothis fhewcs the grofiC -and fe:lrefull cr:-our of cccdc no further af-ter the party cffcnding cloth the blind world,who fing lhis fang "'hilc they repem. liue in finne, to their owne hearts; God tS mer- ..D.rburj Hereby is not meant fuch. as we cifu/1: ·chriflUaSat-fiour: but rhustr.ufiiug~o c;ount dcbrc:rs in the ciuill !late; chat is, fuch as Gods mcrcic they deceiuc themfducS, fonhcy 0\\'C VS money) grainc, &c. but any one tha.t trufl C<? nothing; for rncrcie is not due, \V here dorh vs iniurit·, or wrong: for no mans cfiate is repentance is wanting:n:ty,rhe lord bath,faid, fo lo\\"CJ hue in fomc cfegrec God h:nh giucn cHu Will not be merciful/ to that num that c Deut.t1. one or :noc of thcfefourc things; honour, life, JhaJ/ bltffo himfelfo iti hU heart, fayir.g, I.fhaO ' 1 ' 10 ' -g_:obdS, or good name; anJ he that hinden his D haut ptact thougb I walks afrcr the flubborni1eighbour in :myof rhefc, is a debter before l ntffi- of mh1~ tYWne hcm·t, &c. Let vs therefore God, ¥Jd fo {landeth,till he make rccompcnce fee to this, rhat we praCtifc rcpem:mcc, ,.,hen to the parrie, -and repent tow;~rds God:yca furwe pr~yi'ot~p:udon; and lookc to the purpofc ther, we mUft know that bcfides the c:ndamof our hCart ag::linfl: ilnne, when we-wait for 'maging of our neighbour in thefe things, the j men;ie ro our foulcs. ''v'le may not feuer thole \•cry o+-niffion of prcfcruing and furthering our I things which God h:\th loyncd,but lookc-how nCighbours life, honour, good:;, -and good 1 hcarrilywcdcfiremercic,fo carne{llym fi,,.c name,tnakcs vs.alfo debrers before Cod. I hunger :1fccr grace ro rcptm: ifwe trudy feckc , Thrfc words thus vndcd}ood, mufi be both, we 01:tll hauc both'; but if we In fl ip rc- j cOcciucd ~s :frc01fvn dra\\'n,notfrom the cauli:, pem:tncdn our fdues, wee {hall come fhon of I ·. ,-. orlike example, but .from the fignc and pfcdge I mcrcie with rhe Lord. :'1 "' : • · of Gods for(!"incnenc ;·for God bath tHadc :t 1 I-. Tli'C ioyning of this condition, lmply- 1 1 prmr.iie to f~rgiuc· v:>, ifwee forgiuc our brcing rcpc!:r:mcc, to the pctition,andrh~ .dcpenl rh~~.,:!_l:i_r trcljaifcs, Mark. 1 r. : 5 . From dancc.oftl'on rhcfonn'er,tc~~h~_th_v_s,_c_uc_ry~~~ I , ... ~..:__ _________________