Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

iM-tttb.6. ~ Sermon in the ~oune. if7 6 7 .. !uillco~ prchcnrlccb a.Ut~ufpi.. n~nall cnc· n~;e~ heart, that trucly mcancth whar(ocucr the I A I flcfh t and finne ; an£! therefore with th:tt C+ ) tongue vttcrcrh, or the members or the bodic uill one the Dcuill) !lll!lC/ rhe world; :md i dochpuCl:ifc. The fccond pan is,tt1frccorrighthe flc01 muH be vndcrHoou.. ~.ndccdc th<.· De- 1 uor~Jnejfo,whc(l a manlcarls his life fo vnblamcuill is thou m~inc and princip:tll cuill, and great ably and vprightly, that he can trucly fay with tempter :1g:unfl: we-pray chi:Jly : but the Apofllc Paul, I (nowe ttrJthii1g 6; m7[e'fe, yet '.VC al(opr3.y aga.1nll fi.nnc)the Hd1J,:tnd ~h<! Corinth.4 4· Indccdc the bell Chri!lian hath world, bccau(c they arc Sar:ms :lgenu; and lllhis faults and falls , but yet he mull: not liuc in fl:rumcnts in tcnlpt:mon ag:ti11ft vs•. \Vc pr_:t}' knowne finnes; for then he cannot fay, I ~oH' not to be dcliucrcd fi·om Sarans pttlcncc, for ; nothing6r my{elft. The third) is tbc prtparatimJ that is not poffiblc, ...v.hilc we _line in .t~1is v~ileof the Gofoe/lpf p~.:lce, \-\'herewith the feet mufi oftc:ues,whcr the d~ud ts ::_~r_mcc,\... ltl1. an Jllbe fhoJ. By GufPe!of p~4cc, is meant the glad finite muldmde ot ;.\·td<cd lpmts, all wluch betidings of falu:uion by Chrift rcucalcd 111 the fiir themfdues to get adv:mc:~.gc againll God.) GofJlcl, ..,,•hich promi!Cth par4on of{inne,and child; neither is his prcfence fo dangerous, JifC cucrblling by Chrifl; and commaundc:th B thogh it were viliblc.But here \\'C hauc a gr.cavs by way of[hankefulncffc,to deny our fclucs, · t_er m:tttct in hand which we pray againlt,~ucn to take vp our crotfe and to followc Chrifl: Sad-. 1lc1ghts and policies which he excrafeth now when we findc our affeCtions thus cl ea- :~.gainfl Gods children for their ruinc and dcuing vmo Chnfl,chough it be thorou_gh ttibuftruC"tion: they indeed arc many 1 hut here I wiil lation, then haue we put vpon our tcctc this propound fixe moll (bngcrous policies of Safpiriqlall furniture. The founh is thefhcild of tan, which we are to w::.cch againH. . f4ith, by which a man laics hold on the mcrcie I. Pu!icte, \Vhcn men hauc many good S:tt~~< P:(\;1 ofGod in Chriit for his faluation, and vnder it things in them, as knoVI ledge in the myHcrr ~~~d:~~~~~:t !hrouds hirnfelfe •fpinfi the fieric darts of Saoffaluation, bcfidc other mor:~ll venues; astC~ 1 drctl. tan. The fifth, is hop~, by which \'\'C \Nait for pcrancc, iuflice, &c. then the dcuiH l:lbou:rs that faluacion which we apprehend by faith. that concupifcence m:ty J1ill raigne in [heir The fixr, is the wordof GPd, which wee mutt -hearts, by their lying and liuing in fome·onc make a rule and fquarc to all our thoughn, finne or other, whercto thCy arcnacuraHy inwords, :md deedcs, feeking to fubduc thereby dined. Caine no doubt was brought vp in tbc : ail contraric modons that would take place in knowledge and fcruice ofGod,as vvcl :.1s .Abt-1; 1 ' our hearts. The la!l: isp_raytr, when: by we befor he offered facrifice vmo God ( thougtr.not take our (clues to G·od in all eHates, crauing. with rhe like truth ofheart that A beldid 'j. but" mcrcii:: for the pardon of our fins,3nd fircngth C hcrcwith:lll the dcuil fo wroughr,that thChcu~ of grace to refift temptation, and an happic rible finne ofhatred and malice lhou!J p.oHdfe deliuerance out ofthe middeft of it, And hcc his heart' which brought him tO kill bis uri>> that can rake to himfelft thcfc excdiCt vertues, ther, and fo to dellruCl:ion: fo ludtt:I no doubt and put vpon him this compleat armour of had exccleOt gifts ofvvi!Qome and prouidcncc1 Chrifti:mitit,.is rcadie and fit to mcetc with 3· and therefore among all the Difciplcs bee :n:as nytcmpratiori whatfoeucr; and howfoeuer he made as in.verc the Sre\v:1rd of our Sa11iour 1 may be a!faulted, yet he cannot be oucrcome, Ch1·ilh familie; hee h:~d qucfiionldf-c mnch neither !hall the gates of hell cucr.prcuaile aknowledge; and his carri;1ge \'\as fuch iiLhis galnfl him to hinder his fafuation. profdlion·, that the Difciplcs knewe nor· hce CD .1 J' fi "!I fhould be the craycor, buc cucry one \\'as afriid .DUt ae lUCT VS TOm euzu. ofhimfdfc, when our Sauiour Chrift fai·d., On• Thefe wo~ds containc the fecond part of ~fyoujha!t betrnl mt>,loh. for 31Lt.his) this pedtion, which is added as :m expofition the clruil fo wrought in his hean,t·hat dtc cqn:. of the former: far then we are not lead imo cupiftence of coucroufncffe f110uld J.":Ug1w in tcmpr:ation, when God deJiucrsvs(romit, gi- D him, \\hf(h mooued him to betray his m'a!tcr, ui~g ftrcngth to whhHand,& a good iffue out & fo brought him to perditfO. And this-cou.rfe oflti r Satan holds to'this prcfcm day in the bofomc Tlu mealfing. Some think, that by euillhtr'e ofche Chu·rch of God; he labours by mig ht is nteanr Satan one[J, that euil/oJu,as he is called and maine to hold rhe profdf01s of rel1f1lor: ·in \ Matth. I j.I 3· Buc ~vc ar~ ~o cnlafge i~ funh~r fomc one ilnnc or O[her: :tnd therefotc V\:C'J"t;.~fl 1to comprc.hend all _our fpmtuall .cnctnJCS: for alwaics pray as here wee :ne caufht, that this ·~ tirfl, th1~ utle eui/1 IS not oncly gtuen ro Satan, naturall concupifcencc may he daily mortified bu't to finne alfo, Rom. ll-. 9· 'Let vr aGhor.,.e , and, fo as ir bud not forch jn any l th4twhicbi.ter1ill: 1.Pcr.3. 11. EfcheweeuiU, .branchoffinncraigninginvs. ~ . And to theworld: 1.Ioh.5. 19. Tbc wholewor~d. I I. Poli~it. VVhcn S:nan cannot procure lieth in mill: Gal. ~. 4·· Cbrift gttue himfolfc, !" fomc groflC corruption to raign.c incbc child.of l de/mer -v.rfrom tlwprefcnt roill world. And to God rhen hcc labours to·gn Hm to connl'l:t · : th~jleft:1:' that is~ the corruption ofour nature:, fomc ~ffen'cc ::~~d finne, wh~rc?y the 11:anrr of il ·. fm th'J.t IS rbe~utlltreafor~ of the heart, Matth. God may bee d1fhonourcd, hts profdfionhJjf. 1 ! !- J ?null h:tth again!l vs, is ·by thc_.\vorJd, the children o_ffcnd·e~~T~a!_: .:_vi~~D.:-tuir;.l ' t I 2. ~ ~· Secondly, that aduancagc "'·hich the graced, his·.confcience wounded, and G'1t.~1 ''I ·-----------------------------------------------------------------------~il~l··-------'