Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

Serin'bn in t~e 8l4oilrltP: ;- _. _ ~ . . . _,J ifj p-rotnifd'bf mcrcic in)eh' marlc th~rein,thC' A ·t1lcfc peuuons ror the cc>mfort:\bJe comrncn- I Gofpcl c'~mmandeth ci11:iic pcnitCrli ·p~rfon ffding of o\1r fc4Je's to God th:tt night! 1. ';~~ t I th::tt bcrfc'UCth ; to ~pp!V: the. famC"j>Yothifcs 1 ·,cr,cating Go~'i?: b_lt!fc ovr. ~cq _v_nto v;, H~~\ pmictilal'Jr.·tohfmfclft;'ahd ihis 'part \'fi' ch;y ncrcby wee ma) be fi~:tcrt" glonfic God. >. i Jlcilt o!f ;·~~o fo dcpriu10c child-of God: ofall' [Tlm we may reO' and ilecifc 1:.fcly as his (r\1~ 1 l Matt/,.6: ~ I true comfort. { .. l ' . ~,. . .' ,fubic61s, Vndc'rilis graciduS'r~g,imi·ml 3· fh~t I I Pr:ayerin l I I. ·"Phis 't'cfiifi.t·:ui'an 'Ofourf.1ith ioyncd to; we may ddchis ~~·itl as f.vcll in rc'(t ~3 ill I.aP_P~i?~'l ~;,~;;,';~ .onr rc<juc.·lts,Om~cs. tltJt :iHprayer oq~fi!'t~ be· in the night ddd'f~cterly,as in \h~ day apH ~~~~.,! , 1 nade""i'"t~ l 1 Ri1o·wnC ·r0p.~itc, for c1s"tRt .af~cnt of men. 4· f ff:tt.hc wduld bleB~ pur rc:H apJ J l atld affi.;,'t1Cc Ofthe hc~n cadnqt ~C1g~i~1''togc-! flc~pc, th:n i.f may c6mfordbl)'cfcruc forth,!. !I 1 thcr. Q(J, The worJ here \'fed 1s an Fiebr.twt 1 , prCtCruationof our liucs.5.T~at h~ v•o.uld,t(;>tj , 1 1 word' ·;whiCh waS Yt'lknO\.vne to - the·Gieckc I giue the finncs ofche dly p:t~!;th~(o no.·G~lr~T~ : Chtn:hcS~:'now if orit\~/Otd of filafli2Vfc in . ~~rrour' nor. fca.rc lllCCte \\'ItH ~s rb: thcm:J1L7 l pr:1yer, n1fi'y be in an ,fnkhOwne.tOn_guC, why nt~hl: fol!owldg.· 6. That he \;i,:ouldkccpe y~ ~~J tnay not'in:lny' and ro iwholc prarcr. A>ifiv. ! Mnclt frohl ,u dnhcfulllulls,from '!ih•.'iclicif I Though 'this \{ord :ArJen be ht:bh·w; Yet by 1 B motiOns and fugseHions citl•cr' \V~kihg11~i I ,.fcitbCcalnc as faml!~ardndwclll(ilbwne in ' flccping. _. . •r·t~ · · ~- - <'·fir~J l . ·;· 1 the Greelfc Qihurch, aJTd fo in other Ch.4rchcs; · ~1 1~- wbm we, ~ntn[rlfo an! ~ttlg.l;ru _m.1t~ :~~::i~~~~1 as ahy )¥_ord oftheir o\oln dialect; as niany La- ' rw or h~tjint.l of'ourcallmgt, w,tc tnay fidy ap- ~ ~~r~:r(',, . tine \\·OrJis (as nijJpritti ; an.d ~ther u:arincs of plic t'hcfc pccitiJhs in prayerto Cod (or abili~ la,..v) by._COm!JlOil v'fc~~t:'c~mC falt111i::trtln~ wd! tic and g'ood fu2ke{fc! for whatfocuci knowflel\n.Our Englifhidrff;uc. ~ ' · 1 \\"C take in habl::t,·\:vc rtwft dodt'ilft}lcJnainc &{ 1 t. ·1n"J'iu-vfo-'OfrliE'L$-t/Jprajer.' 00 ' _ i ihc Lord , 1. wa nmllpray tha.dn ~-his wh<)lE1 · The p!incipall'vlc 6Ppbyer is, cd'l:topatbpfinefle our hcatrs 1nay be i~i' linccreiy, ~~ · tci-nc and d~rcClion j,vhcrcby the Cbnrch of ' fcCk~ the <lrlub.hcC'mcllcof God;; ftlbrk.l.Tli~[ God;a.1fd-eucrie 11iCI1'lbhofit, may frame their ' t"hc Lord would ~ouchfafe tO g\1i.dt <!bd,p)~ piaiers to-God on any'OCCa!ion. And ,b~caufc t.icrncvs in dci}H~-['f1c work~_5,•h:uf4Cucr it b'S) many through ignorari~t:)f3ilc _iii thi~)oint, 3· Th~_t in ddt~S.~f it .l ~~~~~-~y .~nlke con.f?i1_ therefore -I will Hand (omewhat to·ihewc,haw CAcc to d.oc the ~'Jit ot God ~~d. ~o ob~;· h1,rn i the Lda'fi)>rayer mu!l bcn1~de lp:!ttCrnc to our from the bc~!qning_ t?. the ende ofit. 4· That- ~;k~'\~oeL. prayet~JPort·his end \~?etnufl-apply the fcucr::lt . 1 we tnay by faah reHe Vpon Qods,proUidcnce 7 p;aicr ap:ujl'Ctitiorts-•ef this pr3.ycr J both to the fpcciaU I ! for [hcHfuc :rnd'cff~~tuofbur }~·bole ct_1f!cauei.Ir\ ~~~~Ill p:lp t1mcs.Oft_"ayer,ns morningand eu~Jting;aJJd alfo ; , That ndr.c o~otu finncs may .. br~~g a curfc to th:etfr.e"'ci'all occ3flm\S:whcrcupon \vte'pray': C vpon vs in the wdrkk. 6.Tnat no!rhcr Sltan-ncii whichday bereduc~d't6 fifme bf thdC'ihrcc; ~t\y other cnomlc of ourO:iults', moy hind~rJ( to.wic;!r;_'(.'}'c>Pa;ghl!diiifnuwehaue,iqb:ind: •lly temptarion; buqh:tGlid would ddiucr ):s ' >,fome'iifflililionw<>arelh;orlndanJtcrof: 3• fromthcmall.' ' '"' er 1n r~~~rp_o/~ittth. , · ,'.': ..' .. ( " J· I V. 'f'PIJ:n ahytt.JJliElum tiCsY!Iponvi 11nJ-~~rr;: !.tl:'·:\·~rift~.j" rormoir:ing . Now ~o·:t_rpl!c thepcuuons to_ e-a en ofchde \Vc may liCntC' frim~e holy reo'uc-Hs ro God: J 1 n"~1~ Q~. prJicr, feucrally: /~In the_morning:·A fit pr:ticffor that ~~crc~tfng, r. th_at ·wc_maS h:")n_~~~~-~bd, by.p,~~ · tijnc~bc.f~tC: '-'''C fet Vpon'~herdudcs of OtJr C:l!..:: tiC!lCC and obcci1e:J(C' IO ;:h:lt atfhcbon , ana·npf hng, thus fr:itTicd from there pCtitlons : difhonour hlrfi:' z. Th~t G.Od would fhcv,7#SN t. \.VC i!nu_~~ dcfitc th'c,I.6rd tOgiuc •/s grace td ys :h~ po\.vcr, of hi~ ~t:itidl:S t~g'iment if1,Plf'~ kcke ti7c ad-v:mce-rhen't of his g10i-i_e t'lia:t daj affitChon,::md not futlcr S.<itan b'r onr owr.c l'OrfolloV-:lng ,1n t-h~ duties-ef b'U':rd1lin'f; :md in fuption to raigfic in \•s. 3· Th:1t we may· Ob'tY. eucry chi"ng W<!. tak~ in.,1a:nd. z. that he v\•otild God thc'rrirj , as '\"Cl~ as in :inVot1wr 'or ruletii ?~r hcarrs ~y h1sgi·oce, and' guide vs by p<:tce •or "fc. 4- J:ho, ._.,..!'hAY. fee his.pU,i~i hi's \oYord that -who-le daS; :· '. cnaMc vs tO doe r) 1 ~en cc thtrciO :'m~ be ~ar~("nt;i:elj··ing :.l[ovj>b,a his wiHckat d-ay ari~ notoui.ov-mc~; cu'cn ·with , the f.1tnc hand o.t ( lad fo:- 0ill' ddluet~anJ:c. )-· rcad~ncs an<i dcli-g~lt: 4~ fl:rcngrh€nvS to de1 'fhat 'Curtinnc£ may nottnfnC lt into :::.... '.'~~ ; pcnd vpon h~s. prouidcn~:c that d-:Jy, for a'll bur that ·.vc haain5 thcp3;rdonof our 11n1l~s, th~n~~ itecdcfull for this life: 5. that'he '.fould 1n':ty make goo·dyt(.•t;1Cic6f, for our h~l_t;;:ili~tl.; -humblt~V-s !n ollr fclues f6rour finnb, :ind giue dh n-nd rcfOr:hatlon. 6 That we m's)~ notin.thal v-srcp~llt·an·c-e tOnhcm and p'ardon ht Chrifl: O' \\·eakcnd ·b'c a!f.1ultc.d of Saratt <ibouC-Oui Iefus, no l.nd~etncn~ .~~r,~~ vp~n.~s for R-rcngth, bm rlbt C()d ·.\·Oufd' dCli-trct~S·~~~1t tlfcm .. and that our heansn1ay bee cnd111cd tO :1ll temptation<;. ' ··· U i . .... lo'ttc and'tnerdc tO\.\'irds Our brcthrcii ns "''cC · P. buiJc hof~rcof i!C"t<tb.)w~c moy_m6ft.< ~.a.ndefii·c1'lic-tcic witl• Gdd for ouro\.~me foulcs.6. fonablv <.OB-1i"·d our fcluc.s to Cod fOJ)oi.\•- 1 hat Gbrl wmlld fircf"lgthen vs-JgamJt tcn~prng t~,.clc rdifiorts: pr~y~~~fi~~,_that {\:c ~~;3,Y t:1t1on, that nc1t1ltrthc wo1I<1', thcllc-fh, nor g-lonttcCod Jn-ftcke-ncs:!r;d d~att1. ;::::-.; W!;.ll ~s I the dcmll'ptc,u!ldc ~g-:Ju'Hlvs. And of ~ll theft iri life & hd~rli.1~: 'l'h:~t G<;_cr;~d'uld_t:~)i:t}.c~: , '' ~ mufr garner a{ftHatl~c, bC'C:mie al1 foucthe comfort:t~le ~\·.ork & rcu):"ricmof hls Wqtcr i ! l~tgmic,and pov-.·d,& glotiC, bdotrgs to God~ :.1t0fpit·it ln,6(;r Hearts ,' abonc au th~t\,pCc ' i~ I 1, Ar cuming_~tro '-~Lfirly ~~~c =~~==.:~~"~li~'ii~~~u~~,~~~~ r:~~~~ I___ ___!