Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

Hnwfure funhthing1 ne,eiTaric mavbelaiJ vp~ vinExpofttion ofChrif!s which ne c:mnot cxcrcifc rhc duties of his cal- A for they tbatlJ10Uidhe ric:h ur ithUHnd(as the word ling wherein God hath placed him; as bookcs fi~nifict·h) fall into t~mptationandjtutres. Q.f:s./f. to a ltudent, too!cs to a rrades-n1an, &c. Now If V\'C may not pray for aboundance, what nmH here :lrifcth the gueHion: How much of thcfc · d_or, 1~God gtuc abundance? Anf.lf God ' things arc to be counted nccdfarie,and fo may bicOc v:; w!dvabund:mcc, vpori our moderate be prouidcd for,and laid vp? .An f. The opinion labour and care in our lav.full c:~llinos ..,.fc mufi and iudgcmcm of the coucrous man nmH bee ~·ccciue it thankcfully 1 and as·good fk~ar<Js l:ly no rule in this cafe :for his corrupt heart is vnH vp .to bee beflowed on good vfcs, cicher in faciablc, Hkc the fca which canhot be filled, & our fantilicS, Qr in the Church and common- &Prou.3o.16 li~ the d fire, rbat 11cutrfoith,it is enough. Now. weahh, as God in his prouidcncc fl1all Offer vs bccauiC of the diucditic: of mens dhtcs, bv· iuH occafion. · reafon of their difference in prope.rties & cOtl- ·NO\.\' tbis bceing euidcnt, rh:1t we muitOndirions, there can be no cenain rul'c fct down; ly feckc for things IH:ccffary,and no more;thcn for th:tt .... vhich IS enough for one, will1tot fufwe muA: alllcarnc to bcv ..'arc of carking care, fice·:mothcr; and therefore the iudgcmcnt and and be contented with things ncccl11rit , when pratlife ofthe godly •t.ifc, who kno~;\' how to B God giucs them. And to mbouc vs hereunto, vfe the creatures as blcflings of Gods prouiconfider the rca(ons follov\'ing:FirH,it is Gods clencc, muft bee our rule to iuclgc what is necommandc111cnt, that we fhould be comemcd ccffaric : other ruics \\ e h;~.uc not in the word, wirh things nen:(f.:tr~c, I .Tim.6.8. and there-· but what they iudge nccdcful accor(ling to the fore we mufl mah· confdcncc of obedience in \\'9rd, that mull be ellcemcd ntcdfaric, ~nd the praC!1fe of. con_tcnta.tion. Secondly, they accordingly prouided. Y'cc further this nl2y that arc grecd1c after 01bnnd~nee, hauc"many here be aJJcd,rhac things muHhot be deemed temptations to bad dealing, ~nd fo can hardly neceffa.ric, oncly in rcgnrd ofthe prcfcnt vf~:, kccpc a good confcicnce: rhry fall into {nareJ but a\!0 with rcfpcCl: to the time to come, (as the f Apo!Hc fa1rh)'and mtom~nyfoolifh a 11 d whcrdn they n~aybc nccdcfu!J. Example. A IJoJfome iuftr, whtchdrownt 1 •11Un ;n p'er-tlmoV& trades-m:m hauing, nothing ·bt'!il:ks his trade dejfru[fton. Tlurdly, m tJme of perfecuuon to liuc vpon, may prouide f0r things neceffaric ('"' tllch oft accompa111cs thc-Go(pd)the t1chr:1 while his Hrcngth co'nti'iHJcth; tu ~l)aimainc I a man IS, the more d~ngcr he is. in to forfake himfclfc in oldage, \\'hen th~ro1Igh.dccay of r.hc uurh; for the heart of man is natuially fo !hcngth or fight he is,not able t!=' ...,,•orkc. And C , glued to the\\Orld,that wit.Jl'out.Qe<ls fp~~iall \ fo a man hauing ma1iy chilt!rc~; may~fn the vfe grace, it wil fooncr forfakc, Chrift~thc!.'t worlJof lawfull mcancs prouide fOr then· portions ly wealth: this we m::~y DnnM, \Xho to before hand, that when thdr·age rcquircrh,hc embracerh~ world, forfook! Pmtl, z-. T-im. 4• !o. may therewith difpOfc ofthem in fomc good whereupon ChriH faith, HowhArdf;·b.!niJ riciJ l!ate oflifc. The fecontl fort of worldly goods ma'n <11t<r into rhckjngrbmc ofheaHcn, Antl thus s.Ab~mdice. is .Abiidana, whereby I meane that plcmic and much of the firll praCtifC' of couetoufneffe , ftorc, which lCrucs not oncly for ncccllitic but which is cxccffiuc care an-d labour after worldfor comclinclfc and delight. The third lort is ly goods. . l:Svfedl~iSuperfiuiri~, whereby 1mc<'~n.c fucb abundance, The fccond praClifc'ofcouctodi1dTc which qc. ' as aman ncichcr vfc oftOr the prd'cnt, nor Chrit1here forbids, is when menfoekf ondy or A rule for proniFio11o( w.orldly chinss• in any likelihood 'fhall hauc for the time to principtdlJ for lVQr,fd!y good!, neg!efJing jpirittt.all come. , gr.1ccr in rtgard thereof. Thi.s appcares by the Now thefc grounds thus premifcd, I fct · oppofition of the next vcrfc vnro this, lay. not dQwne this rule touching mans prouifion for vp[or7ourfo!ues earthlyrrettfure.r ,h:tt l.i] vp for worldlywealth, Things nt:cejfaric for mantper7our~Iu:s trc.1fflrenn .hea~m~•.This was EJI:m fo~and <ailing, a man .mayfceizf for .,nd lay vp; prachfe , who fou!d hu 6zrth~;ghr for a meffe of butfora6ound,mr:t·, andforfitpnjluities, no man D pottagt,Hcb.Iz.I6,andthefmneofthcGadaought ta !a6our of /,u carrfui!: hereto Chrift rcns, rhac vpon the l~!fc of their [\i\;ine·defired hath put this barrc, Lay not vp treafuru for Chr;fttogoeout of rhttr cMfts, Luk. 8.37. And yaurfoluer: and Salomon praics as direCtly 3this is the fin ne of our. age., wherein many gainfi fuperfluitic, as againll: poucnie,.Pro.lo. things, nay almo~ c.:ucn~ thmg, ·which 1!\3}' 8. 9 • Gi11emt nor richn ,norpouerttt ( fanh hee) yecld profit or dcl1ght ,ts cared for al?ouc th~ but fetdemeewith foodco»Hmient for met: and he word; or cls how could there be fo much pr.caren.ders this rcafo11 againft abund:wce, lcaft I ching, and fo little profiting, bin that mens be[11.'/.'mdd~nierhec, & fay,who U theLord?Now thoughts& delights are t~ke,1 vp \.Yith cart.hly hence I reafon ehus; lookc ...,,·hn V\'C may askc thing~? but this is a prepo!lerous and difordeofGod, ch:;.t o'ncly mufi we fcekc for, and no red c:1rc, which cucrie o~c muft labour to re.. rnore:but we m::~y only a~kc for things nccclfaforme, as .Chriil c~mmanas, v.; r. rie; for to pr:1y for abund~nc.e wee haue no The third praChfe ofcol1Ctou!i1dfc,hcre for- / ,warrant, ::and therefore we mult onely (eek for bidden, is tnpttr truft ~"~co;Jfld('nce in Jvor!d!y beccffarieJ, and not for abundan'CC. Hereto thi}JgJ r~·e.1[:rNd vp: tills IS the ldo!rurie of the e '· Tim. 6 . the Apoftlcs rule agrccrh ·well, e if rve hauc heart, tOr lookc.\'.JI~t·reon ~man_fets.his heart, s, 9 • foode ,md r.ument , let vs h~rt'wtth /;ee content, that he makes hts God:& thcrdorc lS co~rttmf -----·----=--- ~-~fc Met1h.6. l\10!iiiCHO ~ cont~nuu- , Matk.JO,)J• Thefc~ond praetifeof COLitlll~fll(S