Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

&rmoninihb.;-&ot/tJj~ · !i ti'~ · VoZ4• _. ·~~ Matth,6. he prooucsit thus : Nu-ma11 canferue two ma- ·A i father, but':is H~-i·s a[ord'al!d l!laJ~fc.~»rl<f<nh '! r fters: But•tD {eek$ hcattenlJ and e~rth!y trcaf.!~mt~land_vsfer.utc~,~l~ct!\~n't\tf:l~o.rf.l11:t>Y.~~ : li 1 ,., "'•-~-~ t furull U to ferue tJvo mafters; tow1t , God and hIS \\'tll andp~tafure,con,tf~~lfgY:~; v-. )u~hN: ; .!: .t Jt •t1 1 Mammon: 4nd therefore 'no man canftek! thmJ requir.cth at-~lrtf_hanrl:1~ and if:·\~'e ~r'u~ JtiliijMl. I hoth. The fir(l p>rt of this rcafon is fully fct decde, we:•mlltJotic hih~hillilspewcr of~l& 1 downe,and prooucd in th~_tcxt,by the effeCt of mandmg~th~gh he .O~ioU!dil;r,ffo·~· no't'f?.l.~3t~ ! I fuch fcruice in contr~rie offc:Ctions and bthauivp.on-v.s.. Th~~; JDaitld ~Chcwdh··'llOUtl51y ~:pfa!. / our :for either he}ballhate the one,and !oue theo- ~~ 1.9. ~5. J:a);, thj {eflldnt (gpatlhrm}~·drer~J'OY.i: · thlr &C. The affumpuon and conclufion ·are vnderft;mdint' tiMt I mallt!,'.;w~· thj 1tij!'i1fli11'iPJ. i nec;ffatiiY implied 10 ale lail wo~ds) re .cannot ~~:tin:, ibw~fcrl~e ~ot{ ;· V\C~~~dfi _oledJ.<C~?~ l ftrue God.'and M.tmrMn : whcrctn Chr1il aphtm, and thcl'~b}' ~ct1Jfic9ouf' lot)c :1nQ(.(~(\'h:lt:ls plycs the former argt.l.t11cnt. . mc~nt:by.det~uingvnro ~ is'noEa·b.l}'Cxprs1fiti't~ · The.E.cpojitiof1. No m~n can ferue two mathcparablc ofdrcprod,gall fdnnl:, Lukl-rhr·so.; ftm. This marwdl be doubted of;for cxperi- •\V her~ it is faid ,bf bim_;'thad)3uiJ1;,,ft,•ht h'i,l ence-filewcs,that by·thcir mutuall confent>onC poruon, hecclime rod ciritenof"tbi!§ cifu'!'}'tj_; + faCtor may. fcrue l diu~r~ !'v1ar~hams: ·Mc:rcto :B .t~a.tis,hC i:~fi~ncd~md ga:Lte:h1!~falfe ~dhls-fef' ... 1 fome anfwcr-thus,th3t lt IS tlltFlted,themaficrs Utce:JSo to{) God, tstO refignc ~ttfa1H mull be. of diucrfe:1nd contrarie.qualitics ~ as fclfe vntoGods feruice, irPo._bCdicnd; ta_311 tits when onC·faitb, cc111jttmddoohU·; thC other t~rnmandemc'ms ,.ant)'i'ng a1f-lri4 p~ faith,•doe it.not .- a!1d then no man cail fcruc mffCs: fior (tlfftring himfc-lfct0lbe1 dr:l~·lfibM them b.oth; and thus the wordstcmtainc an any pa1't of~ods wo~d,byv·nl~[~ef'or difo~h holy.n:uth, But yet bcqHfc no claufc iscxprcfdioncc, thoJlgh'llll the world-ihotild'fct nt"''ft fed,implying contrari~tic in the maflcrs;therevs:ThilfD•4idalfo profcfl<tlr 011 himieJI},f("?1 fore ltaNe it, the wor'ds muft bee taken as a 1 ing, aJh~~~e.eleilHedro thy ~efl,/i},b?ie-s 0 Lrffd;'if}: a rr.n9.~t. common ·pr'ouerhe a~cing. the Icwcs. , which _b.J{hilllnot6~1 aonf011ndedw/;ci;,l/i<uer't!fpeff·'i!hl b pf.f, '· Chrifl'laks downdoJ•_the groun<Lof his reato all thj conlmaunderfl<litf.;(!Jll"t~t: co'nYrol'rt'j fon. Now in a is not rcquifitc it when a~manwith'dra\\ 1 cs' hHtlfe~fC..:frbht'<!J:diPJ lbould be alwaics true, but for the tl)Ofi part, By difobeditncc to his cdm1fJant!!'-efu~nfs~¥ntt and ordinarily:as Luk-4- '4· No Proplteru acl>y.v.nbclcef~; then ·hccod·olh'~r<'and Mfjll~ cepted in hU owne coHnt~ic: that i~, ordinarily, hit}l, li\d'bedttrh~vii~{l Y\(rt't'dll"ltf;It J'iues~ 1sl3l IFor either 6e p,.u h•te thune1that is? the one C ffia1ncd;with-qp~n •mouth " { profclle Mtrl~<l maflcr commandmg h1m; ctthcr J,f!Jkmgthat :1 2nd dcfpttoof God, but yot~ll'el>a"d pr:>Clife9~ he ihouldbe his ma(\et;or difplbfed with his ~w; bcwr~ie, the.bad offceholl'efr}lt! ~;~;"! commandernems.: .An~ louetheorher';~tha~ is, Prou. r4;i.. - J·Heth.u U 'ic11~or-ee'riiH/~tnili,;'"; the ?thcr matter In whome he taketh delight, ""'l"• dt{ftforh God ;•and:th]:)" that'liue',ti!"'lk and ts well pleafcrl Withh1s connlJanc.l <llncms. !Jreach ofhu commandqmenrJ-h«..ti "himJlet·thTdl -rOrelfehe fhallleancto tbc one, and defp/fo rheoprofe!f~ill word whatthey-will• .rr- • '~ er: ther. Thcfe words "2rC an application of t'hc • Now the confidcratidn iie~:E6ffGrued1iFii-ll\ vre-. 1 • formcr,fhcwing how i,t mayappearc,that afer-. tO difc.ouer.v·mo qs the sroffe?limh1cs aAcJ'n~ . '[,~~ ~j~~-c e t:~.od.iO.J. ~ I uant hate~ one n1after, a.nd loues :111 other; -pcrfiif:ous 1gnorancc ot rhc·t'\torJ<l;'whot'tH:li·~ \ worlt',. namely, hu leaning ttJ tf,e one, declares h1s lou'C "that it a man· rthcarfc the' Lards-rpraytr:J"ilff vnto hi:m: that is,Eis lpplying. ofhimfclt~to re- ·Creed, and tllc~C~ Comm:fnd.c~ilcri'fs}'ii~~S I fpcct hiS maflcrs plca!ure, and to doC1h1s eom- ,t:iod well, lct•hJS hfc be " 'hfit'¥t.w;Jfi'buftiiofot maundcmenr: And hzs dcfjujing the, at her, de1Chrilt rc•cheth V< afDrthci: ihing;' if ,.... V1m dares his hatred I when he bath nO -re.gard!.[O 1bc: Gods .fcnrantS :, '\Ne t1eaUC"'V'ftto'Hhi~ I his comm:lndemems. Yre CAnnot feru& Oodand tboth in the :~.ffc'tl:ions ofG>ur ~C'3rt, and h~s.m: ,, Mamm(JIJ, By -M.rmmonhcc, ~ons ofobedience in our lifc.Tltu did dhrolfft J lucr.e, and g~inc: n~"" he faith no~, Ye ·dnnot r p \~het) ~od·f:Iid.Vnco hfm,. T_hon}I!ia!il?o"t:.tpt;~tr~·j 1fer.ue God & hauc rlchcs, for Alnalums, l..Jcoh, ·kept hunfe~(fc.:f.rcfll\OlUfth6r}l:rt.ft4<\•hl!' hc·faidl,~1 d Gcn.1 2 • 1 : l and /ob,were very rich,and yet ferucd<God fin- 'r.YI6r-~ham-k.i_!lthy{o»il•,he·odd~-t<!J:cdJflln!e'l~.!,\" cerd~: butzecannot. fer~~< God,andfr:;ue ~tches: doe ", tlrough loe Wtll:ct<hc_ ,l_onn~of ·tlibprl'- th:tt ts, gme your fclucs to fceKC: r~ehcs~ , ntnfc, and th~onclyfoli~c 6t''his old:o'gcl =se·-· 2 \ and fe t your hc;:~rts vpon1thcm, ·and lcrut God ~f'tlmdly>, tl~is fhcv,•cth hdw!•Ylth'rifine 3b6\lfi&1 Atheifme ~ alfo. • ~ · 1 ' • ; ~ .r.; ·(•n " 211 places at this day~ f(h:. tei h~?U an/J..JdtfPifc1 · bo:inds. Ion""'· Irr~hc·:~ordsthus cxplancd,weniofobferue : 'Gollu j/A< Atheifmri! now tlity rhat '''ltlf<lr~\1,! 1 fundne1n£huCb6_ns. Ftrft,hcrc Chnfi O,cwcth their hearts froln God and fct thenifClfufs 1 tt)' ; whatit it to feru~ God : a.point much fPokcn o"f:; fctcke th-e thirig:s ofthis' wbtl~neglediffo·oWJ budittlc:know~c, and tcffe ~ractifed. Toforuc ciicnce to G6Hs holy tO~~andetnenfs!}\i~j G.od therefore, 1s ~o loue God,attd ta c!ea~te vntu hcrc.accountc'<.l·ofChrifi,ilefPif8rsm 1 tl h'dt"i\Jft h1m,Eucry or)c \\'lllfay,:h.e·loueth God,_and cGod;,:~nd the m.unbcr oP-{i!dl~fgreat il{eJ~trt uc:~ h:uh.d·onc; but ~c. ware herein ·of.fptritilall ;j)Iacc, I kllO.vv•fiklitne' il'orc~hn:tobe t:l!lctf AI gmlc, for true louc confills not in word and "t-hei.Jf:r btrt hct«"thcy b~t1tct1lit!d~n th~ ~·otM· tong!.l.c, burin dccdt, :~rtd irt truth: artd God 1 ~it Skilieth rrot·, 'tihhcy tcfOiilHht~~riJ1('~ttipf1~ I~~~ be l'oucd, not oucly as he i• a boumifoll t ttile, they arc fio bctt<'< In t'he:f;ghr ot'CI1ti~. _,___...,.:________________ ____ .:;9.. ~z_ ____ ,_"·-~--·---2:J9ndly.._,-"'='• ·~ ,;l?